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Quote :
"So yeah, nudie time"

who knows the location of these nudes?

10/11/2012 4:11:18 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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some good pics can be found here:

But who has the REALLY good ones?

10/11/2012 4:11:59 PM

All American
93277 Posts
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wait... BubbleBobble is an actual person? I thought the name was just posting using a script or something.

10/11/2012 4:12:11 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
34079 Posts
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Anyone who uses TWW not as a mindless diversion but as their main and often only form of social interaction really needs to look in the fucking mirror.

10/11/2012 4:12:41 PM

11149 Posts
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I, too, was annoyed about the 5 people facebook showed me that would miss me. Trying to guilt me in to staying on their site. bastards. I was only deactivating because their site kept crashing on my phone and on the computer. It's doing better now, so i reactivated.

BubbleBobble seems to be out of character today. Sharing personal information with TWW is a rarity with him. Can't say I blame him considering how you turn everything he says against him. Thanks for sharing BubbleBobble, I appreciate your story.

10/11/2012 4:14:14 PM

35774 Posts
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i don't know how i feel about this :3 smilie

10/11/2012 4:16:46 PM

63151 Posts
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jbrick83 dijo:
"Yo, sin embargo, olvidarse de lo NCSUgirl. ¿No lo lleve a Wilmington y conseguir una habitación de hotel pensando que ibas a por lo menos hacer con ella o tomar el pecho a través de la ropa?"

ok, bueno voy a morder - pero sólo porque la gente me dio un montón de mierda por que siento que no deberían tener

Lo hice en coche a visitarla, donde finalmente aprendí después de que el hecho de que ella no particularmente quieres que conducir por allí en el primer lugar (mi recuerdo es que ella no estaba al 100% en contra de ella, pero ella era probablemente como 70% en contra). sin embargo, ella no expresaba ese sentimiento para mí en absoluto antes de ir allí. Estoy bastante seguro de que me trajo la idea, y no lo hizo en absoluto decir que sería una mala cosa - si lo hacía, ella no lo dijo directamente, y si ella tenía demasiado miedo de decirlo y dijo vago cosas para tratar de impedirme hacerlo, ella no hizo un trabajo muy bueno de eso en absoluto. Estoy seguro de que ella dijo que antes de que a ella le gustaría encontrarse conmigo, pero habría sido agradable para que me dijera que esa situación no era ideal para ella de antemano, antes de perder el gas, el dinero, el tiempo y estrés emocional

No voy a entrar en detalles acerca de las relaciones enorme (no física, pero los en línea) que hemos tenido, excepto para decir que sé que realmente me gustó - quizás no en retrospectiva lo suficiente para querer siempre salir conmigo (y en parte porque Se ve que me juzgó en mis looks cuando nos encontramos, ya que la gente mira diferente en persona que espera la mayoría de veces) - No voy a tratar de cuantificar eso tampoco, y no puedo decir que es la verdad absoluta, pero soy yo alrededor del 95% seguro de que ese era el caso

pero sí, que prácticamente charló sin cesar durante ese periodo de tiempo (2008 creo), y hablamos mucho por teléfono - al igual que más de lo que he hablado con nadie. y no me gusta el teléfono, así que mirando hacia atrás, todo el tiempo perdido en que me molesta

y no, no me esperaba para echar un polvo o tocar sus tetas o lo que sea. Yo sólo quería un lugar para quedarse, y ella no ofrecen eso (lo cual está bien - no me esperaba que ofrecer que la situación en que se encontraba, y además de que no se había reunido por lo que es perfectamente razonable). claramente que habría estado bien, pero no es la persona más suave del mundo, no he venido a esperar a hacer eso - especialmente en una situación que parece percibirse como vagos, cuando en realidad no estaba destinado a ser de esa manera . Yo no quería ser abandonados en las calles de Wilmington, por lo que un motel parecía una alternativa lógica a eso, o conduciendo de vuelta a 2,5 horas en un día, cuando me gusta mucho viajar por carretera en su mayor parte

No me podría importar menos si nada de esto vuelva a ella, sólo para que conste. y supongo que no es lo suficientemente importante como para que, pero lo que sea. No tengo absolutamente nada que perder al compartir parte de esta información, y no he compartido ninguna información que es tan penetrante o por debajo del cinturón que va a hacer su mirada en absoluto peor (y no lo haré, porque no tengo ese tipo de persona, y los secretos están a salvo conmigo)

Me doy cuenta de que puedo parecer un idiota para decir esto, pero la gente más o menos me dio una mierda incesante acerca de la situación, sin escuchar realmente a mi lado de ella en absoluto. incluso ncsugirl misma me dio una mierda porque al parecer pensaba que la situación era gracioso o algo .. idk. Ojalá hubiera tomado el camino y no la llamó puta en TWW - Probablemente merecía un poco de la mierda que me dio (no todos), pero sin duda no merece la mierda que tengo de TWWers azar que didn ' entiendo la situación - No creo que ella es una perra por el camino, y realmente creo que es sobre todo una buena persona, y yo le deseamos lo mejor con las cosas

Voy a morder mi labio de ir más lejos, ya que ya he escrito una novela, pero basta con decir que soy lo suficientemente seguras como para afirmar que le gustaba mi en algún nivel, y que básicamente tienen pruebas de suelta que: 3

recogerlo aparte si quieres, criticarla o tl, dr lo

todo está bien conmigo. los que odian a los que aquí tienen más o menos me adormece hasta el punto de no dar una cogida sobre casi todas sus opiniones acerca de mi vida personal de todos modos. a menos que seas un usuario que me gusta mucho - entonces su crítica constructiva no es un problema

en realidad sólo estoy tratando de proporcionar un poco de mini-entretenimiento para el día, y espero que haya disfrutado de este puesto, y ahora son un poco iluminado. disculpas por los errores tipográficos potenciales - Yo no tengo ganas de corrección de pruebas

10/11/2012 4:23:08 PM

114228 Posts
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o u

Quote :
"i don't know how i feel about this :3 smilie"


Quote :
"BubbleBobble seems to be out of character today. Sharing personal information with TWW is a rarity with him. Can't say I blame him considering how you turn everything he says against him. Thanks for sharing BubbleBobble, I appreciate your story."

kinda forgot how much I lub you, bmel <3

here's a hug

(we need that face on here)

10/11/2012 4:26:02 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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that spanish shit kept blowing up my Chrome

10/11/2012 4:28:46 PM

11149 Posts
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10/11/2012 4:31:30 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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10/11/2012 4:33:26 PM

All American
93277 Posts
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Quote :
""I, however, forget what NCSUgirl. Did not take you to Wilmington and get a hotel room thinking they were going to at least make her or breastfeed through the clothes?" ok , well I'll bite - but only because people gave me a lot of shit that I feel that I should have I did drive to visit, where I finally learned after the fact that she did not particularly want to drive around in the first place (my recollection is that it was not 100% against it, but she was probably like 70% against). however, she did not express that sentiment to me at all before going there. I'm pretty sure I brought the idea, and did not at all say that would be a bad thing - if she did, she did not say it directly, and if she was too afraid to speak and said vague things to try to stop me from doing She did a very good job of that at all. I'm sure she said that before she would like to meet me, but it would have been nice to tell me that this situation was not ideal for it in advance, before wasting gas, money, time and emotional stress I will not go into details about the relations huge (not physical, but online) we've had, except to say that I really liked - perhaps in hindsight not enough to want to ever date me (and partly because You see I judged on my looks when we, as people look different in person than expected in most cases) - I will not try to quantify that either, and I can not say that is the absolute truth, but I'm about 95% sure that that was the case but, practically talked incessantly during that time period (2008 I think), and we talked a lot on the phone - like most of what I've talked to anyone. and I hate the phone, so looking back, all the lost time that bothers me and no, I did not expect to get laid or touch her ??boobs or whatever. I just wanted a place to stay, and she did not offer it (which is fine - I did not expect to offer than the situation he was in, and also that he had not met so it is perfectly reasonable). clearly it would have been nice, but not the smoothest person in the world, I have come to expect to do that - especially in a situation that seems to be perceived as lazy, when in fact it was not meant to be that way. I did not want to be abandoned on the streets of Wilmington, so a motel seemed a logical alternative to it, or driving back to 2.5 hours in a day, when I love to travel by road for the most part I could care less if any of this back to it, just for the record. and I guess that is not important enough for that, but whatever. I have absolutely nothing to lose by sharing some of this information, and I have not shared any information that is so pervasive or below the belt that will make her look somehow worse (and I will not, because I have that kind of person , and secrets are safe with me) I realize that I can look like an idiot for saying this, but people pretty much gave me endless shit about the situation, not really listening to my side of it at all. ncsugirl even gave a shit myself because apparently thought the situation was funny or something .. idk. I wish I had taken the road and called her a bitch in TWW - probably deserved some of the shit I did (not all), but definitely not worth the shit I have of random TWWers didn 'understand the situation - I do not think she is a bitch by the way, and I really think it is mostly a good person, and I wish him well with the things I'm going to bite my lip to go further, as I have already written a novel, but suffice to say I am confident enough to say that he liked me on some level, and you basically have loose tests: 3 pick apart if you want, criticize or tl, dr it 's all right with me. haters on here have pretty much numbed me to the point of not giving a fuck about almost all your opinions about my personal life anyway. unless you're a user that I really like - then your constructive criticism is not a problem I'm really just trying to provide a little mini-entertainment for the day, and I hope you enjoyed this post, and now are a little illuminated. apologies for any typographical potential - I have no desire to proofreading"
translated back to english

10/11/2012 4:41:00 PM


15145 Posts
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pilgrimshoes sagte:
"Ich aber vergessen, was NCSUgirl. Haben Sie nicht zu Wilmington und bekommen ein Hotelzimmer denken, sie wurden zumindest machen sie oder stillen durch die Kleidung hin?"

ok, also ich beiße - aber nur, weil die Leute gaben mir eine Menge Scheiße, weil ich sie sollten nicht das Gefühl

Ich habe Laufwerk zu besuchen, wo ich gelernt habe schließlich nach der Tatsache, dass sie nicht besonders möchten, dort zu fahren in den ersten Platz (meiner Erinnerung ist, dass es nicht 100% dagegen, aber es war wohl zu 70% dagegen). Allerdings hat sie nicht ausdrücken, dieses Gefühl für mich überhaupt, bevor Sie es. Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass ich brachte die Idee und tat überhaupt nicht sagen, dass wäre eine schlechte Sache sein - wenn sie es tat, sie sagte es nicht direkt, und wenn sie hatte zu viel Angst zu sprechen und sagte vage Dinge zu versuchen zu stoppen mich daran tat sie einen sehr guten Job, dass überhaupt. Ich bin sicher, sie sagte, dass vor, sie würde mich gerne treffen, aber es wäre schön gewesen, um mir zu sagen, dass diese Situation nicht ideal war für sie im Voraus, vor verschwenden Gas, Geld, Zeit und emotionaler Stress

Ich will nicht ins Detail über die Beziehungen riesig (nicht physisch, sondern online) hatten wir gehen, außer zu sagen, dass ich wirklich mochte - vielleicht im Nachhinein nicht genug zu wollen, immer aktuell mich (und teilweise, weil Sie sehen, ich am beurteilt mein Aussehen, wenn wir, wie die Leute in Person, als in den meisten Fällen erwartet) anders aussehen - ich werde nicht versuchen, dass entweder zu quantifizieren, und ich kann nicht sagen, dass es die absolute Wahrheit, aber ich bin mir zu 95% sicher, dass das war das Fall

aber praktisch sprach unaufhörlich während dieser Zeit (2008 glaube ich), und wir sprachen viel über das Telefon - wie die meisten, was ich jedem gesprochen. und ich hasse das Telefon, so rückblickend, all die verlorene Zeit, die mich stört

und nein, ich habe nicht erwartet, flachgelegt zu oder berühren ihre Brüste oder was auch immer. Ich wollte nur einen Platz zu bleiben, und sie wollte nicht anbieten (das ist in Ordnung - ich hatte nicht erwartet, als die Situation in der er war, andererseits aber auch, dass er nicht erfüllt, so ist durchaus sinnvoll ist). klar wäre es schön gewesen, aber nicht die glatte Person in der Welt, ich bin gekommen, zu erwarten, das zu tun - vor allem in einer Situation, die als faul angesehen werden, wenn in der Tat es nicht gemeint war, so zu sein scheint. Ich wollte nicht auf den Straßen von Wilmington aufgegeben werden, so ein Motel schien eine logische Alternative zu, oder die Fahrt zurück nach 2,5 Stunden an einem Tag, als ich auf der Straße zum größten Teil reisen lieben

Ich konnte es nicht egal, wenn einer dieser zurück, um es, nur für das Protokoll. und ich denke, das ist nicht wichtig genug dafür, aber egal. Ich habe absolut nichts zu teilen einige dieser Informationen zu verlieren, und ich habe keine Informationen, die so durchdringend oder unter dem Gürtel, um ihr Aussehen irgendwie schlimmer (und ich werde nicht geteilt wird, weil ich diese Art von Person zu haben, und Geheimnisse sind bei mir sicher)

Ich weiß, dass ich wie ein Idiot zu sagen aussehen, aber die Leute ziemlich gab mir endlose Scheiße über die Situation, nicht wirklich hören auf meine Seite es überhaupt nicht. ncsugirl gab sogar einen Scheiß mich, weil offenbar dachte, die Situation war lustig oder etwas .. idk. Ich wünschte, ich hätte die Straße genommen und nannte sie eine Schlampe in TWW - wahrscheinlich verdient einige der Scheiße habe ich (nicht alle), aber definitiv nicht wert die Scheiße, die ich von zufälligen TWWers didn 'die Situation zu verstehen - ich glaube nicht, dass sie ist eine Hündin durch den Weg, und ich glaube wirklich, es ist vor allem ein guter Mensch, und ich wünsche ihm alles Gute mit den Dingen

Ich beiße mir auf die Lippe, weiter zu gehen, wie ich schon einen Roman geschrieben habe, aber es genügt zu sagen, dass ich selbstbewusst genug zu sagen, dass er mich auf einer gewissen Ebene gefallen bin, und haben Sie grundsätzlich locker Tests: 3

wenn man es auseinander nehmen wollen, kritisieren oder tl, dr I

alles ist in Ordnung mit mir. haters hier haben ziemlich viel mich zu dem Punkt nicht zu geben einen Dreck um fast alle Ihre Meinungen über mein persönliches Leben sowieso betäubt. wenn Sie ein Benutzer, dass Ich mag sind - so konstruktive Kritik ist kein Problem

Ich bin eigentlich nur versuchen, einige Mini-Entertainment für den Tag liefern, und ich hoffe, Sie genießen diesen Posten, und jetzt sind ein wenig erleuchtet. Entschuldigung für eventuelle typografische Potenzial - ich habe keine Lust, Korrekturlesen

10/11/2012 4:42:40 PM

37709 Posts
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look man, the first translation into spanish is hilarious for some reason, but copying it and rolling into German or w/e is just lame

10/11/2012 4:55:14 PM

114228 Posts
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^shots fired

10/11/2012 4:58:13 PM

41752 Posts
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I deactivated my facebook one time when my mother in law was drunk and posting shit on my wall. I did not know how to block her.

10/11/2012 5:00:34 PM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
"^ hubo disparos"

[Edited on October 11, 2012 at 5:01 PM. Reason : come on, google]

10/11/2012 5:00:38 PM

All American
23447 Posts
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this is funny

Quote :
"I am not going to go into vast detail about any relations (not physical, but online ones) that we had except to say that I know she really liked me"

and the following cracked me up for some reason:

Quote :
"I won't attempt to quantify that either"

I really wasn't expecting that explanation either. But, thanks bro.

10/11/2012 5:04:42 PM

114228 Posts
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I am happy I was able to humor you

10/11/2012 5:06:16 PM

balls deep
89740 Posts
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tartsquid is very special to me. She was way too good for you, bro. Way out of your league.

10/11/2012 5:08:19 PM

114228 Posts
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oh well

10/11/2012 5:08:54 PM

All American
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10/11/2012 5:09:30 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
34079 Posts
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Honest question, devoid of context...

BubbleBobble, what is your notch count?

10/11/2012 5:10:44 PM

balls deep
89740 Posts
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No worries though. I mean.... my g/f is too good for me too. Way too nice to be associated with someone of my caliber.

10/11/2012 5:10:46 PM

114228 Posts
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haha amac <3

don't worry, I made enough of an ass of myself ITT that nobody commented on your beauty

I know you miss me, breh

you don't even have to say it

10/11/2012 5:11:02 PM

114228 Posts
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I don't know or care what that means, slave

10/11/2012 5:11:50 PM

114228 Posts
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ok maybe I care a little bit :3

10/11/2012 5:12:33 PM

balls deep
89740 Posts
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I like how ever since The Bobble 86'd Mulva, he's posting around here with more swagger. He's posting around here all uninhibited and shit.

[Edited on October 11, 2012 at 5:16 PM. Reason : remember that EMCE will still bust ya ass ]

10/11/2012 5:15:36 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
34079 Posts
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remember that EMCE will still bust in ya ass, too

10/11/2012 5:17:09 PM

balls deep
89740 Posts
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Ya goddamn right. Just ask Slave "Greasy-Anus" Famous

10/11/2012 5:18:42 PM

114228 Posts
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lol at both posts

or three haha

o u guys

10/11/2012 5:19:11 PM

All American
2303 Posts
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wait, plz explain bb vs mulva

10/11/2012 5:22:58 PM


15145 Posts
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^^ jajajaja

10/11/2012 5:26:41 PM

114228 Posts
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I can't link you slappy, I am on mah iPad

cliffs is basically that he called me a faggot about 500 times

it gets old after the 50th time or so

10/11/2012 5:28:25 PM

All American
23525 Posts
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Quote :
"are you talking about tartsquid?

we dated for like 2.5 years and had a mutual breakup

not much more worth talking about there, except that I have the cat now :3"

we must know more about Epic Cat! and lol @ amac

I, too, am not sure how I feel about :3

10/11/2012 5:32:51 PM

114228 Posts
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Chowley and Epic Cat are two separate entities, but they are both equally epic


10/11/2012 5:42:23 PM

All American
23525 Posts
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Chowley is synonymous with Epic Cat, as is Happy Cat with NEDM

10/11/2012 5:45:44 PM

15294 Posts
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The 999 line poem with "I couldn't care less" delicately planted in the center is always nice

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

10/11/2012 7:00:31 PM

114228 Posts
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^and it's clear that somebody didn't even bother to read the rest of that line :3

I too make dumb responses such as you, in hopes that I will get a response

well you've succeeded this time

10/11/2012 9:35:13 PM

All American
9196 Posts
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Quote :
"BubbleBobble is an actual person? I thought the name was just posting using a script or something."
When he joined CampusBlender everyone thout he was an alias for me~♥

10/11/2012 9:56:38 PM

All American
8704 Posts
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finally, this thread

10/11/2012 9:56:52 PM

114228 Posts
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I thought it was someone else? or what was your username over there, I forgot

10/11/2012 9:57:23 PM

All American
9196 Posts
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I went by a bunch of aliases, mainly re-emerging under a new pre-registered alias when one of them would get B& (♥ the old Penn State system of infinite e-mail aliases).

Among my more-used ones were JavaLion and Penn (I was once the mod of PartyPennState because I was one of the few users on that subforum), oh and I also used one called CopKiller after this epic song:

10/11/2012 10:04:51 PM

114228 Posts
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it was someone else that people thought I was though, I'm pretty sure

maybe they thought I was multiple people at once

oh well, the point is moot now

just as that situation with ncsugirl is as well, so I have no idea why I posted about it, and must blame it on the fact that I've been partly delirious all day :3

10/11/2012 11:17:58 PM

11583 Posts
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i learned a few things about Bubs in this thread

and i love him more than ever

10/11/2012 11:35:46 PM

All American
6759 Posts
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do they let you use Bubble Bobble as a name on FB?

10/12/2012 8:55:42 PM

114228 Posts
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^yeah I'm /BubbleBobble

when it's active

Quote :
"i learned a few things about Bubs in this thread

and i love him more than ever"

10/13/2012 2:43:23 AM

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