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All American
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Quote :
"I ran the American Tobacco Trail 1/2 yesterday and finished in 1:31:44, perfect 7 minute miles."

Since it was brought up...

I'm looking at working my way up to completing the ATT from the trail head in New Hill to the DBAP. I've used google pedometers and also looked at the ATT map. There's this one section on the map where it says "future" trail and the google pedometer maps also don't include the trail for that section.

It's the section between the Streets at Southpoint down to Massey Chapel Road. It looks like you are just left to wing it through some neighborhood and main street roads.

Any word on how complete the trail is for this section? Is there a fairly obvious route to link the two sections? I'm completely out of shape and would hate to end up getting turned around that far in. Thanks.

8/17/2011 11:30:58 AM

All American
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Quote :
"First is breathing. My lungs seem to be what give out before my legs do at this very very early stage. are there any breathing excersizes to help this? I'm a non-smoker, but i start to weeze very early.

Second is my feet, i feel like each step I take is completely different as far as where I land and pressure spots. Is this just something that goes with new runners or should I look into having my feet paired with shoes by an expert? I was always told that I ran "flat footed" when I played baseball."

Sounds to me like you are going too fast. Slow down and then gradually build to a faster pace over the weeks as you get better fitness.

The other part might also have to do with going too fast, but it wouldn't hurt to go get your gait analyzed and buy some decent shoes.

8/17/2011 12:53:50 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Second is my feet, i feel like each step I take is completely different as far as where I land and pressure spots. Is this just something that goes with new runners or should I look into having my feet paired with shoes by an expert? I was always told that I ran "flat footed" when I played baseball"

A lot of websites have running "drills" where you work on your stride, but at a walking or slower than walking pace. I know it kind of sounds stupid to "practice" running, but I can tell a difference if I take a couple weeks off from running that my stride is off balance and I move a lot more left to right. It usually fixes itself after I get back to running on a regular basis. Did a lot of these type of drills in HS track and it definently made me a much more efficient runner and led to less injuries.

[Edited on August 17, 2011 at 2:23 PM. Reason : .]

8/17/2011 2:19:16 PM

All American
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Switched from a heel strike to mid/frontfoot comfortably. I can hit about a 175 cadence. I can comfortably hit a 7:30 pace for a couple miles, but I'll end up slowing down after that. Unless I'm on a treadmill, it's hard for me to go slow until I get tired.

If anyone's switched to this kind of running before, I have a question on how you land. I figured out I'm running one of two ways. I'm either focusing on landing on my fore/midfoot, but may not be using my heel as much as I should. The other way is focusing on 'pushing off' with the grounded foot, instead of pulling my legs up, so I let my lower leg swing forward instead of lifting my thigh up. The downside of the first one is I think I'm pulling forward rather then pushing off (my coach compared it to front/rear wheel drive), and with the second one I may be landing too hard. Also I'm getting some pretty massive blisters doing both methods, with the second one being worse.

I'm actually having doubts about my vibrams, which is kinda lame.

8/18/2011 3:47:17 PM

All American
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^I've been using my VFFs for a year. Blisters never go away and I was getting pissed about that. I finally got some injini socks and the blisters are completely cleared up. Having your feet sit against sweat and rubber is, I realize, exceptionally stupid.

Can't say much about form. I don't use much heel unless I'm really tired and form is going to shit.

8/18/2011 4:13:22 PM

All American
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I tried the socks yesterday. I got some new blisters right in the middle of my midfoot. Had to stop on a third mile because they just got stupid painful. I tend to get chaffing on my pinky toe / under my big toe, which never seem to bother me.

8/18/2011 4:21:25 PM

The Cricket
All American
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You may want to try something other than the vffs. They are not everyone. The fact that you are getting recurring blisters is not a good sign.

8/20/2011 8:45:35 PM

All American
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I decided to go running through the woods at 4:30 am today.

I must be the biggest vagina ever, but between worrying about snakes, weird duck noises, and surprise buttsecks, I was ready to shit my pants the whole time.

8/21/2011 10:02:44 PM

All American
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Yeah I want to at least alternate between some running shoes and vffs

Blisters have been fine this weekend actually. My new problem is my left leg gets sore, then goes numb around 3miles. Been pushing off more then lifting; maybe I'm exaggerating the motion. Walk it off for a couple minutes and I'm fine again, but holy shit it's always something.

8/22/2011 10:15:02 AM

All American
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I have used the Nike+ gps app on my Iphone for a year or so and have loved it. However, they have updated it and now for some reason my phone doesn't use the GPS data anymore and appears to be way off. Does anyone else have this problem? Does anyone have another app that they like for logging runs on the Iphone?

8/23/2011 1:15:09 PM

Duke is puke
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Anyone have an event coming up soon? I have a triathlon this weekend and then the Blue Ridge Relay in a couple weeks. It's an awesome race and I defintiely recommend it if you ever get the chance.

I also just snagged these socks to wear while running at night. I really just like them because they're bright, but I'll pretend that it'll help cars see me:

8/25/2011 12:52:31 PM


21814 Posts
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^^I really like RunKeeper,

Send me a PM if you'd like to see my profile and maps it has created of my routes

8/25/2011 12:58:29 PM

All American
1945 Posts
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Been having a slight pain in my left knee after runs and soccer games lately... Not anything that will stop me from running but just kind of slight nagging pain. Any idea what this may be? remedy? Kind of sucks that the MCM is only about 2 months away and this is coming up

[Edited on August 28, 2011 at 6:24 PM. Reason : ^^ Those are pretty sweet.]

8/28/2011 6:23:43 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Do you need new shoes?

Do you wear the correct shoes for your pronation?

8/28/2011 7:37:33 PM

All American
608 Posts
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IT bands tight? I had slight knee pain hitting 8+ miles that turned into extreme knee pain on my half. Could be how you run too - never hurts to have someone take a look.

8/29/2011 5:11:14 AM

All American
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^^ Yeah I don't have a pronation problem (One time I bought shoes that corrected for pronation by mistake and those really hurt). Been running in these shoes for a while, but not too long. Plus this happens during soccer games.

^ That may be it... Haha I probably should have somebody look at it, but I don't have a doctor up here yet, and haven't been to a doctor in 4 or 5 years. I realized today that the "next day" pain is only when I change elevations (ie going up and down stairs). Is there a remedy for IT bands, other than to take a break? It's not bad enough for me to stop right now and I really want to run the MCM, but I don't want to make a slight problem worse.

8/29/2011 5:27:19 PM

All American
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There's a bunch of stretches for ITs, though some spots are really hard to stretch. Back when I was a little more money splashy I got a sports massage every once in awhile to get them out.

I did these for awhile

I'm not sure about the elevation thing. Take it easy when you run and don't try to run through pain; and if your knee gets sore maybe stop a little early. I'm still not 100% on what sores I feel are fatigue or something else.

8/30/2011 4:01:56 PM

Duke is puke
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Had an awesome time at the Blue Ridge Relay (fifth year in a row). A couple pictures...

9/11/2011 10:49:59 PM

All American
1506 Posts
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I'm running in my second 5K Friday night. Midnight Madness 5K in Winston Salem. Anyone running?

9/12/2011 7:50:44 PM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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just did my first run with the Tir Na Nog run group this afternoon

good times

9/12/2011 9:21:45 PM

Sup, B
52740 Posts
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i fucking hate running
but I still do it

9/12/2011 10:47:13 PM

All American
6115 Posts
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Big Boss has a run group as well. I think its on Tuesdays.

9/12/2011 10:56:45 PM

All American
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Big Boss' is on Tuesday at 7. I really like their 4mile trail, and most of the people do the 3/5 (which uses the same path). Really flat and scenic

Fullsteam is on Wednesday at 6. Not a huge fan of running on roads but the 3m has some greenway.

Fleet Foot does one Thursday, but I haven't tried that

Haven't tried the Nog one yet, heard it was super crowded

Some days I loathe running, but I look forward to Big Boss.

[Edited on September 14, 2011 at 1:58 PM. Reason : m]

9/14/2011 1:58:22 PM

All American
1945 Posts
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2 weeks ago which was 2 months away from the MCM, I ended up with a pretty nasty sprained ankle from playing soccer. Ended up being worse than I initially thought and I ended up going to the orthopaedic last Thursday, where he put me in one of those air cast boots. Since Monday I have only been wearing it when I have to walk a long distance and have been gradually been able to put more and more weight on that foot. Still holding out hope that I''ll be able to run this marathon in a month and a half.

9/14/2011 3:26:52 PM

Sup, B
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don't push an ankle, son. sucks much worse when you re-injure it because you didn't take enough time off

9/14/2011 6:03:26 PM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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where does Big Boss leave from?

I've done the Fleet Feet run, once, may go back. Thursdays have been kinda packed for me.

Nog run was good times, lots of ppl, but really casual.

9/16/2011 3:38:11 PM

Sup, B
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i had a real good run last night. the pace was terrible, don't get me wrong, something like 11min/mile, but what was good is that after I got past the "oh, i really wanna stop this sux so bad" part, I felt like I could have gone much further, plodding along at my shitty slow pace. I haven't felt like that in a while, like high school days, lol. my "wall" in HS was about the 1 mile mark, last night it was at about 2miles, so that's encouraging.

oh, and I still hate running

9/16/2011 6:11:08 PM

All American
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Tried out running on the ankle on Tuesday and it went quite well. Some minor discomfort on the back of the ankle/heel, but other than that no issues. Running a little longer this weekend, probably 5-10 miles if possible. It may be stupid to try to come back, but I have been looking forward to this since March, and if I try to come back and fail, oh well atleast I tried. It's not like I don't have all winter to fully recover anyway.

9/22/2011 10:18:16 AM

Duke is puke
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Anyone dealt with something called "Runner's Knee?" I have a pain basically on the front of my knee cap when I extend my leg out while sitting. If you consider fully extended to be 90 degrees, I would say it's about the 45 degree mark where it starts to hurt. No problem when standing up though.

9/22/2011 12:13:39 PM

All American
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Quote :
"where does Big Boss leave from?"

Big Boss leaves from the Brewery and heads to the Raleigh trail, which is about half a mile away. Only have to run that one road before a relatively flat trail. I'm not sure what they're doing next week - it was pretty damn dark on the way back from the 4m. Maybe they'll start earlier.

Quote :
""Runner's Knee?""

The knee thing I had a huge problem with last year. I had pain on the front of my left knee that started and exploded when I did my half. Tried to run through it, which turned out to be stupid, because I limped for the next 4 weeks and couldn't run.

I don't know your running tendencies, but I'm guessing mine came from a combination of running long distance and landing on my heel (while wearing Vibrams unfortunately). Leading up to it, whenever I got a sports massage my masseuse always said my IT bands were really tight, and I think that that caused a lot of stress on my knee, and the distance was too much. It's really hard to figure out these things :/

9/22/2011 1:10:04 PM

23634 Posts
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Anybody have any recommendations for breaking in new running shoes? Are there any tricks or just take em out for short runs?

I took mine out for 4 miles this morning and feet went numb half way through. Which used to happen with my old sneakers til I broke them in so I'm not surprised...

9/24/2011 8:31:27 AM


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Anyone here doing the Outer Banks Marathon/Half Marathon?

I'm going to be doing the 8k the day before.

9/25/2011 1:15:04 AM

All American
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I am! LunaK is! We're running the half.

9/25/2011 8:00:41 AM

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9/25/2011 9:30:19 AM

Duke is puke
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Quote :
"Anybody have any recommendations for breaking in new running shoes? Are there any tricks or just take em out for short runs?

I took mine out for 4 miles this morning and feet went numb half way through. Which used to happen with my old sneakers til I broke them in so I'm not surprised..."

Honestly, just wear them around for a week while doing normal stuff like shopping, walking around, etc. I usually try and keep my new shoes to short mileage runs for the first couple weeks to break them in.

9/25/2011 12:41:03 PM


21814 Posts
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awesome! I'll try to be at the finish line to cheer you guys on.... if I recognize ya

oh and make you sure you atleast beat the new marathon time of 2 hours, 3 minutes and 38 seconds...

9/26/2011 1:28:45 PM

All American
1945 Posts
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Giving up on trying to do the MCM this year. Ankle isn't cooperating, and I don't think it can handle 26 miles. Luckily I can defer until next year. Going to see if I can still do the 10K though and run the Tough Mudder in NJ

9/26/2011 3:15:22 PM

23634 Posts
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^i'm doing the MCM 10k

9/26/2011 3:21:18 PM

All American
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Nice! I figured I already had a hotel room in DC, and being the bad American I am, I've never been to D.C. (There was hightened security when I was in 8th grade (spring 01), so we went somewhere else).

Hopefully, I can still sign up for the 10K. And I have to finally convince myself to hit the "defer" button for the MCM.

[Edited on September 26, 2011 at 3:45 PM. Reason : .]

9/26/2011 3:45:04 PM

All American
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MCM is an amazing experience. I ran it in 2006 and found the course to be interesting and energizing. Great crowd support and majestic scenery. Additionally, it's hard not to be inspired by the throngs of servicemen and servicewomen in attendance.

If you ever get the chance to run the full, go for it. That said, the 10k is probably equally inspiring, but with less pain.

Also, no shame in deferring. Just take off enough time to recuperate before you start training for next year's race.

[Edited on September 26, 2011 at 4:16 PM. Reason : d]

9/26/2011 4:15:09 PM

23634 Posts
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registration is still open for the 10k

9/26/2011 4:39:52 PM

All American
1945 Posts
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^ Went ahead and signed up for the 10K, maybe I'll see you up there!

^^Yeah it was just discouraging to do, since I was ready for it about a month ago and have been looking forward to it since I signed up (First Marathon btw). Thinking about running the shamrock marathon in Va Beach next March, since I really don't want to wait an entire year.

9/27/2011 3:27:29 PM

23634 Posts
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well i'll be there but so will our closest 10,000 friends

9/27/2011 3:33:00 PM

All American
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haha true. I try to rock something Wolfpack most of the time though, just so everyone knows.

9/27/2011 3:47:22 PM


21814 Posts
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question: the past two times I've been running I'll come back and take my shoes off and my right sock will be soaking with blood. I can't figure out where I'm bleeding, it doesn't hurt while I'm running. Today I get home from just a 2.45 mile run and the blood had come through the outside of my shoe. I'd post pics but it's kinda gross. I'll wash my toes off and can't find where the blood is coming from. It doesn't bleed why I'm not running either. Has this happened to anyone before?

10/3/2011 7:07:24 PM

All American
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anyone else running the army ten miler on sunday?

10/4/2011 9:04:12 AM

23634 Posts
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^^ i have no idea, but that sounds really bizarre

10/4/2011 9:06:19 AM


21814 Posts
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I think I figured it out, there's now a sore on the inside of one of my toes where the toe next to it rests, I guess there was a lot of friction. But holy moly that was a lot of blood

10/4/2011 9:27:05 AM

All American
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are your shoes too small?

10/4/2011 9:33:31 AM


21814 Posts
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I dont think so, they seem pretty comfy. I've had them for a couple years now, I got them before I started running.If the blood doesn't clean out I guess I'll have to get new shoes

10/4/2011 9:39:30 AM

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