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All American
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5/30/2006 1:06:03 PM

All American
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we also don't know if whatever it was that caused the corpses to become reanimated might in some way hinder the activity of fungi and bacteria critical to decomposition

this might cause the corpse to last longer

5/30/2006 1:07:57 PM

All American
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that's just unsubstantiated speculation as we have no evidence to support such a claim.

5/30/2006 2:22:35 PM

All American
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thus the disclaimer "we also don't know"

reading comprehension

5/30/2006 2:27:25 PM

All American
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they also might urinate diet code red mountain dew. we also don't know that.

5/30/2006 3:07:02 PM

All American
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oh man that would be sweet

5/30/2006 3:09:07 PM

All American
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4 real. i'd chain up a zombie in my kitchen and put him in a barrel of ice so it would be cold when it came out.

5/30/2006 3:09:49 PM

All American
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They might be allergic to dogs too. That would be kind of cool.

5/30/2006 3:10:07 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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^ As long as they're allergic to hot speeding lead...

5/30/2006 3:15:05 PM

All American
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in the face!

5/30/2006 3:17:12 PM

All American
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Bring 'em on.

5/30/2006 3:22:44 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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Snewf, as usual, is neglecting several key factors:

1) A zombie does not have to be fully skeletonized for it to be neutralized as a danger. There is a point between full somatic integrity and a barren skeleton where muscle tissue, tendons, etc. will be too far gone to allow the zombie any motion, even of the jaws.

2) Many primary macrobiological factors in decomposition will still be able to play their role. A fly can lay eggs in a dead body regardless of whether or not it's moving.

3) The strain of motion -- particularly of very rapid motion, or motion contrary to rigor mortis, will have a rapid detrimental effect on the bodies of zombies, as they have no means of self-repair. Although this process is not decomposition per se, it has a similar effect and would expedite matters.

As a result of these three considerations, I see no reason to reject the four month period, which is quite close to the 128.5 day figure you offered -- which, as I've pointed out, is for skeletonization, and thus longer than is strictly speaking necessary.

Now, onto your other laughable assertion:

Quote :
"but because of varying rates of decomposition coupled with the staggered infection rate this pandemic could presumably last 50 to 100 years or more

A staggered infection rate as you describe it would be simple to contain and thus not of primary concern to us. You seem to assume that the first day will only see a few zombies. Even assuming the most incompetent handling by the government and medical services, one can rest safe that it would not take long for officials to recognize the disease vector (bites, bodily fluids, etc), the prognosis (certain zombification), and the cure (massive cranial trauma). There would be no massive societal collapse and no need for your doomed, hair-brained flight to the hills, or for my rather better-thought-out fortification.

Therefore, we only need worry ourselves with an outbreak that begins with the sudden and widespread appearance of zombies. In this case, there is no conceivable outcome that result with anything less than the overwhelming majority of the population being zombified within the first month. Urban centers would be completely overrun in a matter of days, and rural areas would take longer, leaving only a few pockets of isolated survivors either fortified or undiscovered.

If most of the population is zombified within the first month, it is then reasonable that the vast majority of all the zombies we will ever see through the duration of the epidemic will also be dead by that time. Another important point, again, is that urban centers would be so close to completely infected as makes no difference in the first wave, so after its disapperance, cities would be cleared of large congregations of zombies (although rural or suburban zombies might continue to trickle into the city at a thoroughly manageable rate for quite some time).

Sure, there will be some latecoming zombies, but they will be so few in number that they will not prevent us, the wisely fortified, from being able to safely leave our protected areas in search of supplies until they are essentially eradicated.

I eagerly await anything you could possibly say in counter to this argument that is more detailed than, "'re just too optimistic." I also await, rather less eagerly, having to shoot you in the head after they get to you on day two of the outbreak because you thought it would be fun to play Mad Max.

6/5/2006 7:08:07 PM

All American
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i had a very complete and intricate dream of a zombie attack last night. I have a feeling that the day we have all been waiting for is near.

in my dream, the infection was spread not just by zombified humans, but also infected dogs. it was NASTY. I was in a group of people and was bitten, and i made one of my comrades put a double barreled shotgun in my mouth and kill me. it was a very vivid dream, and I completely remember the death.

there was no shining light at the end of a tunnel, friends. it was just plain nothingness.

[Edited on June 5, 2006 at 10:00 PM. Reason : ]

6/5/2006 10:00:23 PM

All American
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well isn't that depressing.

I hope no zombies try to eat my brain tommorow.

[Edited on June 5, 2006 at 10:11 PM. Reason : yeah]

6/5/2006 10:11:15 PM

All American
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6/5/2006 10:59:16 PM

Duh, Winning
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Im calling dibs on Dead Reckoning right now

smath can ride with me, as well as an assortment of hot looking girls

6/6/2006 9:26:32 AM

All American
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I have information from reliable sources that tonight zombies will awaken and invade.

And this has nothing to do with the date.

6/6/2006 4:06:16 PM

no u
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this morning i heard a transformer explode in the distance and my dogs were freaking out

having just woken up approximately 3 seconds previously, my first thought was OH SHIT ZOMBIES!

i even looked out the windows and turned on the local news before i'd let the dogs out to take a dump


6/6/2006 4:08:21 PM

New Recruit
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a transformer blew near my house the other day.

Anyways... this is the best and most educational thread ever.

6/6/2006 4:51:28 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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I've had the misfortune to move into what can only be described as Zombie paradise over here on Lineberry. A densely packed residential neighborhood far from any defensible structure, with narrow roads that are already blocked by parked cars? What was I thinking?

Thank God I'm part of a vast network of people who will call and warn me the second there's a sign of a zombie appearing anywhere in the continental US.

6/6/2006 5:07:44 PM

All American
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That's why you arm yourself.

With guns.

Lots of guns.

6/6/2006 5:25:27 PM

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I think I've mentioned this already in this thread, but I feel like I have a fairly defensible position from where I live. Third floor of a brick apartment building (real brick, not stick built...the walls are at least 1 foot solid brick) with interior stairwells that are very narrow and easily blocked with furniture/dead zombies/etc. My only problem is that there is no interior room without windows, but the windows warehouse style with heavy bars and lots of little panes. So I still feel good about that.

6/6/2006 5:26:07 PM

All American
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zombies can't climb walls, so you should be ok with windows on a third floor, unless they are easy to get to from the ground

6/6/2006 10:12:39 PM

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What kind of vehicle would be most effective if transport between safe places becomes necessary? I'm going with an armored truck like the kind they move $$$ with. Any other ideas?

7/24/2006 4:24:02 PM

All American
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^Fire engine

It would be fast, big enough to push abandoned cars out of the way, there would be a huge water cannon on top to knock down any zombies, and to top it off there is a ladder on top that would allow you to escape to the second or third floors of a building or even possibly a roof without having to go in through the zombie infested main entrance. If you are taking it on a long trip, there would be lots of water tool, and probably some basic medical supplies.

7/24/2006 4:50:58 PM

All American
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I'm pretty sure the water cannon needs water from a hydrant to work. Not certain though, the trucks might have their own small water tank.

7/24/2006 4:54:04 PM

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I second the fire engine idea, actually. They do carry their own water to a certain extent. Would it be impossible to get gas, however? If there's no electricity then I don't know how the pumps would work.

7/24/2006 5:06:05 PM

Black and Proud
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on a related note. im glad to see this thread didnt die

7/24/2006 5:13:24 PM

no u
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the optimum vehicle for such a situation would be a RhinoRunner

when i win the lottery i'm buying one for just such an occasion

7/24/2006 5:20:21 PM

All American
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being black, this thread does me no good

i'd either

1) die first
2) survive til the end but get killed by the lynch mob thinking ima 'zombie'

7/24/2006 5:20:45 PM

no u
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zombies have a natural affinity for black people

7/24/2006 5:21:52 PM

El Nachó
special helper
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Quote :
"the optimum vehicle for such a situation would be a RhinoRunner

when i win the lottery i'm buying one for just such an occasion"

I call shotgun!

7/24/2006 5:22:43 PM

All American
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that being said

id try to fuck me a zombie girl

technically, that wouldnt be necrophillia

[Edited on July 24, 2006 at 5:29 PM. Reason : .]

7/24/2006 5:29:23 PM

no u
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yes it would be

7/24/2006 5:32:41 PM

All American
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you just a hater

7/24/2006 5:33:56 PM

no u
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i mean i'm not going to stop you

you benny hill-ing about trying to rape a zombie would be a good destraction while i get away


7/24/2006 5:35:51 PM

All American
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Why would you want to fuck a zombie chick? Her coug would be all cold and dry.

7/24/2006 6:03:07 PM

All American
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some guys are into that

7/24/2006 7:05:21 PM

All American
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So, if someone lived in north dakota, they would more than likely have a better chance at surviving?

7/25/2006 12:26:27 AM

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nah you'd just be bored to death out there before the zombies strike..

7/25/2006 8:44:24 AM

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I do think rural areas would stand a better chance at being zombie free. That said, consider what the population after a worldwide zombie invasion would be like. We have to assume that most of the intelligentsia would be killed off not because they weren't smart enough, but because they generally live in cities and are more vulnerable. That leaves us with hillbilly americans, jungle tribes of south america, nomadic mongol herdsmen and some oil workers from the north Russian tundra. Africa would be gone, it's clear already that they are incapable of stopping the spread of disease (unfortunately).

This leaves us with some pretty piss poor stock for rebuilding the human race. How would you deal with this?

7/25/2006 8:54:49 AM

All American
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[Edited on July 25, 2006 at 2:25 PM. Reason : ]

7/25/2006 2:25:02 PM

stuck flex
All American
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7/25/2006 2:41:00 PM

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someone answer my question...I'm bored at work!

7/26/2006 9:44:02 AM

All American
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we're not using the zed word!

7/26/2006 9:54:58 AM

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^^Clearly the only thing for it would be for me to survive, as my good genes would outweigh the bad ones.

(You know, I actually read this WHOLE thread)

I think UT would be a much better choice than Mitch's, or many other places, and this is why:

1) In UT, everyone could have some semblance of their own space, very important to one's sanity while holed up for a long period of time. Mitch's is small, and dark. Even in the day with light. Not good for morale. It's very important that noone decide that living isn't worth it. They'll either kill everyone else (at least try) or compromise the building trying to get out. Assuming they don't just get suicidal and jump out of the window.

2) More possiblity for water storage

3) More potoential for escape, should the barricades be breached. (Suppose one of these fuckers with fire sets a zombie on fire, who burns down the barricade)

For this reason, I also recommend not abandoning any floor higher than absolutely necissary, it's harder to get out the 4 th floor than it is the 3rd.

5) UT is near Sakura Express = plenty of rice.

6) Isn't there parking of some kind under UT? If the garage could be closed, it has potential for vehicle construction, when the time comes to seek more supplies.


7/26/2006 10:11:41 AM

All American
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7/26/2006 10:49:51 AM

All American
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Doesnt UT have a cafeteria on the top floor or something like that? If so, you'd be okay for a little while longer

7/26/2006 11:21:09 AM

380 Posts
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^Wow... check back at the beginning of the thread...

That's one of the original points.

7/26/2006 11:22:24 AM

378 Posts
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^^^ what is that from?

7/26/2006 11:35:55 AM

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