My oldest is 13. If makes me a grandma any time soon, you're going to find me on the news.
5/8/2021 7:26:46 PM
^^ My divorced best friend from high school was close to being an empty nester. He then knocked up a coworker at 38 so he's back on the train. I'm a couple of months away from my first. I'll be 41 by the time it pops. Wife will be 32. We waited 10 years and did the travel and adventure stuff so now we are excited to do Target runs and explore playgrounds. Just learned about baby shark.
5/9/2021 9:01:33 AM
my ex-gf has a daughter that I took care of about 16 years ago. That little girl is now graduating high school and sent me a message yesterday (out of the blue) thanking me for teaching her how to do things like tie her shoes, play tennis, read, and use chopsticks. I was only in the picture for like 2 and a half years, but it was really cool to see she's doing well and remembers all of that stuff I did for her (even though I forgot I did some of those things). It's also kind of weird because I have kids now that are the age she was back then (4 and 6) it's like a do-over or something. Crazy.
5/12/2021 11:19:20 AM
I'm still a huge baby
5/13/2021 11:34:17 AM
They are now 16, 14 and 12. Oldest is rocking the mullet
5/27/2021 8:17:57 PM
I can't say he's not pulling it off.
5/28/2021 9:54:57 PM
5/29/2021 9:26:13 AM
Mine starts highschool in the fall.
7/5/2021 1:16:19 AM
Just cruised past the 6 month mark. He's almost caught up to Baxter in weight.
8/6/2021 8:48:53 AM
my fam. I'm getting old...
9/23/2021 4:40:04 PM
9/26/2021 9:24:13 AM
Pilates balls are life. Somehow little man just looks up at me in awe while bouncing no matter what level melt down he's at.
10/16/2021 11:10:37 PM
I’m not posting pics of my baby on this here website. But. My wife gave birth on Monday to our first (girl). And I’m sure all 8 people that regularly visit this site are very excited to hear about that.[Edited on February 10, 2022 at 3:45 PM. Reason : look at all of us sex havers itt]
2/10/2022 3:44:41 PM
My youngest starts drivers ed this month and my oldest is almost graduated from HS.
2/10/2022 10:37:25 PM
[Edited on March 25, 2022 at 1:17 AM. Reason : -]
3/25/2022 1:13:39 AM
^^^ congrats, bro!
3/26/2022 10:32:42 PM
^^^^welcome to the party. in other news, my kid is more cool than I am[Edited on May 26, 2022 at 8:22 PM. Reason : ]
5/26/2022 8:15:38 PM
Does anybody here do Y-Guides? I went to my first Fall Outing yesterday. Shit was legit.
10/24/2022 4:50:09 PM
[image][/image][Edited on October 29, 2022 at 2:18 AM. Reason : 16th birthday]
10/29/2022 2:14:15 AM
10/29/2022 2:19:22 AM
just had my 2nd daughter this past Sunday, 1st is now about 3½
2/24/2023 8:39:18 PM
2/26/2023 1:55:03 PM
2/27/2023 4:06:04 PM
congrats dweedle[Edited on March 2, 2023 at 10:11 PM. Reason : just got back from disney. here's mine. 6 and 8.]
3/2/2023 10:08:40 PM
Made another one.
1/13/2025 11:24:30 AM
Congrats @roguewarrior!
1/13/2025 3:24:57 PM
Omg am I a n00b I forget how to tag people
1/13/2025 3:25:49 PM
Number 3 this morning. 2h45m start to finish. A bit slower than the last one that was delivered on the way to the hospital in the car.1st 25 hours2nd 90 minutes 3rd 2h45mThe workload already feels insane. Moving from diaper changes to feeding every minute. Hopefully the middle becomes less of an asshole and gets potty trained faster.
1/14/2025 5:25:53 PM
Having 3 goes to zone defense
1/14/2025 5:59:41 PM
congrats roguewarrior and CaelNCSU!!
1/14/2025 7:13:01 PM
must be nice to have someone actually give a shit about you enough to have a relationship and have kids with you I guessI literally have not had a friend since 2009 lolcongratulations you BASTARDS
1/18/2025 5:30:49 PM
1/18/2025 6:12:07 PM
Late to the party, but our first is due in September. It’s a boy! Will revisit this thread with photos once he’s here.
3/21/2025 2:30:18 PM
My youngest just turned 18 this week. Wild you are just having your first now!
3/21/2025 3:44:10 PM
^^ Congrats man.^ Also wild to think about.
3/23/2025 11:18:56 AM
Mine turned 16 earlier this month, but I am a few years older than most of the TWW old school crowd.It's been very hard for me as we lived together for under 7 years: 0 to 4y4m, and then 9y5m to 11y7m. In the other years, we have visited each other a few times for a combined total of ~12 months, 0.5-3 months at a time. Her mother and I are divorced, and they live on another continent.She is about to finish her sophomore year of HS.
3/24/2025 9:02:17 AM