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All American
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Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Nerds

5/27/2005 1:01:33 PM

Tom Joad
72767 Posts
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5/27/2005 1:04:25 PM

All American
22435 Posts
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I know right.

5/27/2005 1:10:56 PM

All American
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udorawala's scathing wit has me in tears

5/27/2005 1:23:33 PM

no u
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i just saw it today

i liked how the Doku/Anakin fight scene with Palpy watching on paralleled the Vader/Luke fight scene with the emperor watching on

also, was grevious the same creature that rode that speeder bike with the lance and fought obi-wan in clone wars?

5/27/2005 5:48:18 PM

All American
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It is my opinion that cloning troopers is to expensive, and because of the accelerated growth rate they die to quickly to be viable for the money.

[Edited on May 27, 2005 at 6:13 PM. Reason : ghj]

5/27/2005 5:53:38 PM

Tom Joad
72767 Posts
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i think so

5/27/2005 5:55:34 PM

All American
11175 Posts
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No, that was Durge, a bounty hunter.

Although now looking at it, I can see how one would get confused.

5/27/2005 5:57:27 PM

Tom Joad
72767 Posts
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it's been a while since i've seen it

wasn't that in clone wars pt.1?

that would explain it

5/27/2005 5:59:06 PM

All American
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I'm pretty sure that Grievous was only in Clone Wars part 2

he never fought Obi-Wan, but he layed the smack down on a bunch of other Jedi

5/27/2005 6:04:31 PM

no u
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i thought it might have been dirge because at the end of that episode where obi-wan expoldes out of him, it shows a piece of him move or something

i figured they just scraped up what was left and shoved him in a new robot body

i guess grevious was just some random guy that got chopped up and shoved in that body?

[Edited on May 27, 2005 at 6:13 PM. Reason : yeah]

5/27/2005 6:12:38 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i liked how the Doku/Anakin fight scene with Palpy watching on paralleled the Vader/Luke fight scene with the emperor watching on"

all the movies parallel each other in many ways

1st movie of each trilogy
skywalker meets a jedi knight
skywalker destroys main space station thingy

2nd movie
obi-wan and luke go on hiatus alone
asteroid field
introduction of the fetts
hands cut off by sith lord

3rd movie
fight with palpatine present
"turn to the dark side and join me so we can rule the universe together" speech

[Edited on May 27, 2005 at 9:45 PM. Reason : asdf]

5/27/2005 9:31:19 PM

All American
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does anyone remember that chick that was in the pod race scene for like 1/8th of a second

she was supposed to be some "pivotal character" in the prequels

i like how that worked out...

wtf was her name...

i remember when they put out some kind of release about her
i think maybe "Tara" or something...

5/27/2005 9:34:31 PM

All American
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Aurra Sing.

Seems like one of my kids at school had a book about what happened to Boba Fett shortly after Jango was killed. In it, Jango left instructions that Boba was to seek out Aurra Sing, and she looked after him for a while until she took him to Jabba the Hutt.

5/27/2005 9:38:04 PM

All American
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i think she even got a cover on some pre-release magazine

Quote :
"Seems like one of my kids at school had a book about what happened to Boba Fett "

ahahaha "one of my kids at school"

dude, we're all nerds here
you ain't got to lie

[Edited on May 27, 2005 at 9:44 PM. Reason : ]

5/27/2005 9:43:28 PM

All American
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LOL. No, seriously, I teach 4th-7th grade. My lab is right beside the library, and I have to say that we have a surprising number of Star Wars books for a religiously-affiliated school. Over the last couple of months, the 4th graders have thoroughly enjoyed showing me what they've checked out.

5/27/2005 10:30:45 PM

All American
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I read that book.

5/27/2005 10:32:25 PM

All American
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yes, but you're a cute girl with a jeep
you can do whatever you want

^^your story checks out

5/27/2005 10:41:25 PM

All American
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Quote :
"all the movies parallel each other in many ways"




5/28/2005 12:07:29 AM

no u
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i know they do, but that scene was like exactly the same

i'd like to see them side-by-side

5/28/2005 12:58:41 AM

All American
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I know that the Palpatine discussion was a couple pages back, but here's some script if you wanted to see what they actually said:

Quote :
"PALPATINE: (continuing) Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis "the wise"?


PALPATINE: I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life ... He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.

ANAKIN: He could actually save people from death?

PALPATINE: The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.

ANAKIN: What happened to him?

PALPATINE: He became so powerful . . . the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. (smiles) Plagueis never saw it coming. It's ironic he could save others from death, but not himself.

ANAKIN: Is it possible to learn this power?

PALPATINE: Not from a Jedi."

Quote :
"ANAKIN: I will do whatever you ask.


ANAKIN: Just help me save Padme's life. I can't live without her. I won't let her die. I want the power to stop death.

PALPATINE: To cheat death is a power only one has achieved, but if we work together, I know we can discover the secret.
ANAKIN kneels before PALPATINE.

ANAKIN: I pledge myself to your teachings. To the ways of the Sith.

PALPATINE: Good. Good. The Force is strong with you. A powerful Sith you will become. Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth . . . Vader.

ANAKIN: Thank you. my Master.

PALPATINE: Rise, Darth Vader.

5/28/2005 1:35:37 AM

All American
22025 Posts
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so i watched ANH tonight and the thing where they wipe C3POs memory and not R2's actually fits. R2 remembers obiwan and C3PO says hes never heard of an ObiWan and that R2 is crazy..something along those lines

5/28/2005 3:22:01 AM

All American
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^hah, yeah that is a pretty good lose end tied.

i just saw it tonight. any dialog between anakin and padme is absolute garbage. aside from that it's not so bad.

5/28/2005 3:47:52 AM

All American
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Every time I heard Padme talk, I thought "You know, she does sound like your typical needy pregnant woman". So maybe he actually did have something going for him.

5/28/2005 6:26:21 AM

All American
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I have always had an afinity for the Dark Side and the Empire and I carried this going into the movie when I saw it for the first time yesterday. It was all well and good until they started slaughtering the Jedi. It was at that point that it really hit home the "evil" that had been associated with the Dark Side, but mainly the Emperor since he issued that order. Had he had time to raise and army of dark jedi and then attack the council head on then I would have felt better if they had lost, but to shoot them in that back like that was wrong.

I felt a lot better about the acting of Anakin but good lord who in the hell wrote that script????? The dialogue was crappola. It also makes the Vadar/Obi Wan duel in ANH look like a pencil fight.

5/28/2005 8:16:47 AM

All American
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Something I thought about this morning:

I always thought it was odd that Padme is so far along in her pregnancy yet she still calls it a "baby" (singular). Today we can easily determine if one is having twins with an ultrasound in the earlier months. However, it fits well because Vader doesn't realize until the end of Episode VI that Luke has a twin sister as well.

5/28/2005 9:30:30 AM

All American
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sure they can invent laser blasters, a finite cylinder of contained energy, and hyperspace, but ultrasound?? slow down there partner

5/28/2005 9:52:43 AM

All American
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When the Empire betrayed and killed all the Jedi, I was all like

but when Padme died, I was like, meh

5/28/2005 9:57:35 AM

Zinc Saucier
18945 Posts
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Quote :
"so i watched ANH tonight and the thing where they wipe C3POs memory and not R2's actually fits. R2 remembers obiwan and C3PO says hes never heard of an ObiWan and that R2 is crazy..something along those lines"

I always figured that Leia told R2 that he's the property of Obi-Wan Kenobi and sent him down to Tatooine to give him that message.

5/28/2005 11:31:03 AM

Pi Master
All American
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Finally saw it earlier today. I really liked it. Wasn't perfect, but it wasn't so flawed to keep me from enjoying it.

I've been hearing a lot of people talk about how Anakin's transformation to the dark side was too fast. Have you been watching these movies? It's not like Anakin was the model Jedi who in one second gave way to the dark side. For at least a movie's worth of time, he was teetering on the edge. Palpatine had his ear from the very beginning of his training.

Anyway, Obi Wan is probably my favorite character now of the whole thing.

Quote :
"You were like a brother to me! I loved you!"

And woodfoot made me laugh a lot a couple of times in this thread

[Edited on May 29, 2005 at 12:17 AM. Reason : ]

5/29/2005 12:15:25 AM

All American
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The anakin/padme dialogue is no cheesier then what we say in real life.

It was actually very realistic in its cheese.

Just a tad out of place/missdeveloped though

5/29/2005 12:19:54 AM

All American
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i was glad to see padme die

"she's a politician... they're not to be trusted"

5/29/2005 3:23:43 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I've been hearing a lot of people talk about how Anakin's transformation to the dark side was too fast. Have you been watching these movies? It's not like Anakin was the model Jedi who in one second gave way to the dark side. For at least a movie's worth of time, he was teetering on the edge. Palpatine had his ear from the very beginning of his training."

I agree. Not to mention that the whole "it's not the Jedi way" comment that Anakin says to Mace Windu seems to be misinterpreted. I think that Anakin merely said that to convince Mace to keep Palpatine alive. Remember when Anakin killed Dooku on the bridge of the ship? Anakin thought it wasn't the Jedi way then, but Palpatine comforted him and reassured him that Dooku couldn't be left alive (which is exactly Mace's remark). The whole line that says "if they kill me, you will lose all chance of saving her" is key. That's Anakin's whole motivation in that fight--"He must live! I need him!"

5/29/2005 7:30:11 AM

All American
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whats up with anakin's eyes changing colors? i can understand if the dark side was possessing him and that was a side effect (hey why not, i believe everything else), but why only temporary? you'd think if it was the evil surging through him, they would've been flaming when he was fighting obi wan

5/29/2005 11:28:27 AM

All American
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Because they needed a cool shot for the trailer.


5/29/2005 11:44:07 AM

All American
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I watched this again yesterday and then finished off the original three with Return. I had really forgotton how awesome Luke becomes. It's been a few years since I watched them.

And I may be the only one but was anyone else saddened by Anakin's turning, or was everyone just psyched to have Darth Vader created? I couldn't help but think about how it was him as Vader throughout the original three, and was so happy when he turned on the Emperor to save Luke. I also like having Hayden join the Obi-Wan and Yoda ghosts.

Maybe the temporary eye color change (which seemed to flare up during his darkest emotions - such as when he screamed his hatred at Obi-Wan) was because he still had a minute amount of good in him throughout all of the movies.

5/29/2005 12:39:40 PM

All American
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^yah... like, his eyes changed colors when he was the least human..... otherwise, he does still have that little glimmer of good...... and when he's battling obi wan, he's still remembering all the love he did have for obi wan, i don't think he REALLY wanted to win that fight.... not entirely...... and he also has padme in the back of his mind (since he choked her and she wasn't moving when the fight began)

but maybe that's wishful thinking on my part.

5/29/2005 2:23:28 PM

All American
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Yeah I think Anakin would have done more to Obi-Wan while they were on their little lava transports if he really wanted to harm him, instead of just standing there talking.

5/29/2005 2:31:02 PM

419 Posts
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About how Anakin/Vader brings balance this is what I have in a book:

"Anakin Skywalker died, again fulfilling the ancient Jedi prophecy, restoring balance to the Force by eliminating the greatest evil the galaxy had ever known."

Got it from a book on all the characters from all the movies but Ep. III.

5/29/2005 2:37:29 PM

All American
2293 Posts
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and the academy award for most ADHD movie goes to...

5/29/2005 10:21:05 PM

All American
26584 Posts
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^ if there were all those jedi

and only 2 sith at one time

and anakin left only yoda and obi wan alive

then that's some balance right there

5/30/2005 12:45:49 AM

All American
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You can't really argue all Jedi died at that point or ever.

Not that it really matters.

5/30/2005 12:47:30 AM

All American
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i can and i did

because even if they can talk from beyond the grave

what good does that do for the epIII time being

and also yoda gives the impression that qui gon gin is the first and only jedi to do that

[Edited on May 30, 2005 at 12:57 AM. Reason : .]

5/30/2005 12:48:39 AM

All American
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whoever was talking about being sad for anakin....if you take this movie seriously, it does one turns Anakin/Vader into a tragic hero rather than an evil villain

5/30/2005 7:48:51 AM

All American
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Of the thousand Jedi, you mean to tell me that the 4 scenes of Jedi getting killed represents all of the dying?

Even when Yoda and Obi-Wan talk about how they don't know who'se left alive?

5/30/2005 11:31:12 AM

All American
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according to EU, there's at least one dark jedi out there

5/30/2005 12:02:25 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Of the thousand Jedi, you mean to tell me that the 4 scenes of Jedi getting killed represents all of the dying?

Even when Yoda and Obi-Wan talk about how they don't know who'se left alive?"

It's a shortcut, but it's safe to assume that the Clones tried to kill all the Jedi and if they were unsuccessful, while the Jedi may have been able to escape, I'm sure Vader or the Emperor hunted them down. All Jedi Masters and Knights in the field had Clone Troopers with them, who eventually turned on them. However, at the end of the movie, the only known Jedi are equal to the number of Sith, so Vader has brought balance to the Force.

Vader brings balance; Luke destroys it.

Quote :
"according to EU, there's at least one dark jedi out there"

EU != Canon. I'm a bigger fan of EU, but it's not relevant here.

5/30/2005 1:37:36 PM

All American
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5/30/2005 1:50:41 PM

All American
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I can kind of see Anakin/Vader as a tragic hero. Before I-III I would have considered him more of just an evil villain.

5/30/2005 2:24:50 PM

All American
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Quote :
"EU != Canon. I'm a bigger fan of EU, but it's not relevant here."

It's my understanding that it's canon until contradicted by the movies?

5/30/2005 3:00:25 PM

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