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All American
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Quote :
"The Declaration of Independence makes clear that our rights are given to us by our Creator. Rights are NOT granted by the government. The government only exists to secure those rights. Every human being has inherent rights (that cannot be taken away by any man-made government). Among those rights is freedom of speech."

Those statements, I have to say, I agree with. However, the Declaration of Independence is opinion, not law. Furthermore, it (and the Constitution, which, yes, is law) are products of the United States and do not apply to Canada or Germany. German law is not the same as US law or Canadian law and vice versa. Much as I'd love for all people in the world to be united as one big happy family and all share the same wonderfully perfect rights, it's not necessarily true.

So if German law says that what he did is not considered free speech by their definition of the term, then yes, he has broken German law. No amount of quoting the Declaration of Independence or Constitution is going to change that.

3/3/2005 10:59:55 PM

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Yeah, and I guess Galileo and the "heretics" who were murdered in the Inquisition were technically "criminals" too. Zundel is a modern-day "heretic" for holding un-popular views that are "against the law." But Zundel may be telling the truth, and the "laws" may in fact be unjust laws.

Instead of being labeled a "heretic" he is falsely called a "Nazi" and a "white supremecist." These labels are intended to villify Zundel before he is even tried in court and shoot down his arguments before questioning whether or not they are true. Ultimately, these labels are used to silence any serious debate on the issue. Zundel is not a "Nazi." He is merely questioned the official story on the Holocaust, and is now being persecuted for that belief.

[Edited on March 3, 2005 at 11:16 PM. Reason : 1]

3/3/2005 11:07:44 PM

All American
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I think this thread needs a quote tag inside an image tag

3/3/2005 11:19:03 PM

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Ernst Zundel - The Man, His Deeds, His Writings

3/5/2005 12:22:59 PM

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Jewish Rabbi: Belief in Jesus is "anti-Semitism"

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"CHRISTIANS have to make a choice - "either retain their present belief system and be antisemitic or form a partnership with the Jewish people."

This is the view of Bar-Ilan University's Rabbi Dr. Pinchas Hayman, who is active in Jewish-Christian dialogue and in encouraging modern Christianity to return to its Jewish roots by observing the Seven Noahide Laws.

"As long as Christians keep Jesus as God, they will be antisemitic because that belief must lead them to believe that those who reject Jesus reject God," he told the Australian Jewish News.

"That's how the process of satanising the Jews began. That belief is the root cause of 1500 years of the Christian idolatrous antisemitism which led to the Holocaust." "

So, will belief in Jesus be made "hate speech" or a "hate crime" in the future?

3/5/2005 1:05:40 PM

All American
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[Edited on March 5, 2005 at 1:16 PM. Reason : ]

3/5/2005 1:16:05 PM

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French professor suspended for doubting Holocaust

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"A French university said Friday it decided to suspend a professor for five years after he made remarks that cast doubt on the Holocaust.

Bruno Gollnisch, who is also a top official in the far-right National Front party of Jean-Marie Le Pen, questioned whether the Nazis used gas chambers in the Holocaust and suggested that the number of Jews killed during World War II might have been exaggerated.

His comments, made at a news conference in October, sparked uproar among Jewish and anti-racism groups.

Gollnisch, who teaches law and Japanese at Jean Moulin University, also known as Lyon III, said he was the victim of a "witch hunt" and blamed the university for succumbing to outside pressure. "

another article:

Notice how the supporters of the official story on the "Holocaust" label anyone who questions any part of the official story a Holocaust "denier" or "doubter." This labelling is intended to misrepresent the position of those questioning particular aspects of the Holocaust story. It is more accurate to say that those questioning the official Holocaust story are "Holocaust revisionists."

Most "Holocaust revisionists" are NOT arguing that NO Jews died in concentration camps during WWII. They are arguing that the numbers of Jews killed has been greatly exaggerated and that certain stories surrounding what is known as the "Holocaust" are false--such as the stories of making lamp shades out of Jew's skin or making soap out of Jews. These stories are absurd and were wartime propaganda. Most "Holocaust revisionists" also argue that the stories of "gas chambers" have turned out to be false as well. Overall, most Holocaust revisionists acknowledge that many Jews died in the Nazi concentration camps, but they argue that the camps were labor camps, not death camps. They also note that many non-Jews died in the German camps. They argue that the Nazis did have a policy to expel the Jews from Germany (as has been done NUMEROUS times by almost all Eurpean nations in the history of Europe, by the way), but that they did NOT have an official plan to "exterminate the Jews."

[Edited on March 5, 2005 at 1:41 PM. Reason : 1]

3/5/2005 1:34:59 PM

All American
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3/5/2005 2:56:46 PM

All American
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you could have broke it worse than this, I was going to do the quote image thing

3/5/2005 3:02:25 PM

All American
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the fish are funnier

3/5/2005 6:03:02 PM

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Quote :
"Mass call to outlaw Jewish groups

JPost staff and JTA
Apr. 3, 2005

Over 5,000 known public activists and members of the clergy in Russia have sent a petition to the state prosecutor's office in which they demand to outlaw Jewish groups.

In the petition, the signatories use quotes from Kitzur Shulhan Aruch, which they argue prove their claim that Judaism is a fanatic and racist religion that hates gentiles.

Among those who signed the letter, according to Army Radio, are ex-generals, artists and the former world champion in chess.

Israel's Ambassador to Russia, Arkadi Milman, called the new affair severe and said that Israel will contact Russian authorities in an attempt to prosecute those responsible for the petition.

The recent anti-Semitic petition comes two months after about 20 members of the lower Russian parliament house, the State Duma, asked Prosecutor- General Vladimir Ustinov to investigate their claims that Jews are fomenting ethnic hatred and provoking anti-Semitism.

Arguing that Jews were to blame for anti-Semitism, the authors of the letter demanded that Jewish groups be outlawed, based on legislation against extremism and fomenting ethnic discord.

However, in a 306-58 vote that hewed to party lines, the State Duma adopted a declaration saying that the 'clear anti-Semitic intent' of the letter and other appeals for government actions targeting Jews 'prompts indignation and sharp condemnation.'

The stunning calls to ban all Jewish groups comes amid concerns of persistent anti-Semitism that continues to plague Russia.

Jewish leaders have praised President Vladimir Putin's government for encouraging religious tolerance, but rights groups accuse the authorities of failing to adequately prosecute the perpetrators of anti-Semitic and racial violence.

Russia's chief rabbi, Berel Lazar, said the lawmakers were either insane or 'quite sane but limitlessly cynical' and were hoping to win support 'by playing the anti-Semitic card.'

With Putin planning to join events this week commemorating the liberation of Auschwitz by Soviet troops, Russia's Holocaust Foundation head Alla Gerber said it was 'horrible that as we're marking the 60th anniversary of this tragic and great day... we can speak of the danger of fascism in the countries that defeated fascism.'

She said that while the Russian state itself is no longer anti-Semitic, there are 'anti-Semitic campaigns that are led by all sorts of organizations.'

'The economic situation is ripe for this, an enemy is needed, and the enemy is well-known, traditional,' Gerber said.

Echoing anti-Semitic tracts of the Czarist era, the letter's authors accuse Jews of working against the interests of the countries where they live and of monopolizing power worldwide. They say the United States 'has become an instrument for achieving the global aims of Judaism.'

'It is possible to say that the entire democratic world today is under the monetary and political control of international Judaism, which high-profile bankers are openly proud of,' the letter says.

Along with outlawing Jewish organizations, the lawmakers called for the prosecution of 'individuals responsible for providing these groups with state and municipal property, privileges and state financing.'"

Nothing to see here.

ALL those who oppose the Jews must be "Nazis" or "racist, bigotted, Anti-Semites" who oppose the Jews for no good reason at all. The Jews are the 'world's saviors' and wouldn't hurt a fly. There couldn't POSSIBLY be a REASON for this opposition to the Jews. How do I know? Jewish controlled Hollywood, press, and television told me so.

[Edited on April 3, 2005 at 4:12 PM. Reason : 4]

4/3/2005 4:05:20 PM

All American
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its a lot funnier with the fish

4/3/2005 4:08:09 PM

All American
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salisburyboy isnt gonna let the jews silence him with their fish

[Edited on April 3, 2005 at 6:26 PM. Reason : ]

4/3/2005 6:25:45 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"The stunning calls to ban all Jewish groups comes amid concerns of persistent anti-Semitism that continues to plague Russia."

Why didn't you highlight that?

Doesn't it seem silly to you that some try to blame their hatred of the jews on jewish created anti-semitism? Its as if to say "I'm not racist at all, but the Jews made me hate them."

BTW, you never explained the Holocaust pictures on page 2. Could this be another attempt to weasel out of having to defend your position?

4/3/2005 6:44:40 PM

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FBI Investigates Jewish Threats Vs CA Children

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"BAKERSFIELD, CA -- A blog published by two angry Jewish girls who have stalked and threatened the children of white activist April Gaese has led to an FBI investigation for Jewish-supremacist hate crimes.

According to a March 30 post on the blog, FBI agents questioned the Bakersfield, California bloggers and told them their actions in stalking Gaede's two young children, who sing folk music under the name "Prussian Blue", approach the level of ethnically-motived crimes.

The two Jewish girls have published anti-white statements and have both threatened to rape and murder the two elementary-school age white girls themselves and incited others to do so.


Jews, even in the mass media, regularly target the children of white activists for harassmen. The Orlando Sentinel's Bob Mahrburg, who threatened the children of National Socialist Movement activist Michael Blevins, is one recent example. It is well-documented that Israeli Jews dominate the criminal industry that trafficks in children and child porn, and several Jewish officials in the Zionist entity, such as the current Jewish diplomat to Australia are convicted child pornograpers and child prostitution organizers. "

[Edited on April 21, 2005 at 10:51 AM. Reason : 2]

4/21/2005 10:49:23 AM

All American
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4/21/2005 10:51:36 AM

Mr. Joshua
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^^ So, salisburyboy, is there some kind of "final solution" for these Jewish types that are trying to destroy our nation and our way of life?

4/21/2005 10:58:27 AM

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Zionists Behind Armenian Genocide Holocaust

4/23/2005 3:22:24 PM

Sup, B
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he's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack

4/23/2005 3:23:14 PM

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Background on the Armenian genocide:

Ninety years on, Armenian massacres are still causing political fallout

Quote :
"On April 24, 1915, the Young Turk regime had 200 prominent Armenians arrested at the start of what Armenians call a programme to eliminate them from the crumbling Ottoman Empire. About 1.5 million Armenians were slaughtered by the Turks, or died of starvation and disease during mass deportations between 1915 and 1918.

Turkey denies responsibility, saying 300,000 Armenians and 500,000 Turks died in inter-ethnic conflict after nationalist Armenians sided with invading Russian troops. But a growing number of Western governments are rejecting the official Turkish line. A European diplomat described it as “baloney”.

On Tuesday Poland joined 15 countries, including France, Canada and Switzerland, that have officially acknowledged the killings as genocide — a move that Turkey denounced as irresponsible.

4/23/2005 3:45:02 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"The specifics of this plan have come out into the open with the publishing of the document known as “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”"

Evidently, you believe that this is a real document. Why don't you do some real research - you know, step away from your conspiracy websites. I'll get you started:

The Protocols and Antisemitic Conspiracism

Quote :
"Most researchers believe the Protocols grew out of propaganda intrigues of the secret police of Czarist Russia in the late 1800's. The main Russian print source for the Protocols first appeared as an appendix in The Big in the Small, and Antichrist as a Near Political Possibility; Notes of an Orthodox Person by Sergei A. Nilus, published in 1905 but republished to wider audiences in 1911 and 1917. Another (but far more obscure) publication is by G. Butmi de Katzman, Enemies of the Human Race, published in 1906."

Quote :
"The Protocols themselves are plagiarized from and inspired by earlier works that allege conspiracies, especially a satiric French work Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu by Maurice Joly published in 1865; and a German novel Biarritz by Hermann Goedsche published in 1868. Equally dubious documents purporting to reveal secret conspiracies have circulated for centuries.

After the Russian revolution, Czarist loyalists emigrated to countries in Europe and to the US, and brought copies of the Protocols claiming they were the plans used by the Judeo-Bolsheviks to seize power. The Protocols became a core source of allegations by Hitler and his allies in the German Nazi movement of a Judeo-Masonic-Bolshevik conspiracy. In early 1920 a private english translation was printed in Britain, and that summer, London's Sunday Post published a series of "eighteen articles expounding the full myth of the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy, with of course due reference to the Protocols." The newspaper's correspondent in Russia, Victor Marsden, had produced a new english translation of the Protocols, that is still sold today.

The Protocols are circulated in the US by antisemitic conspiracists across the political spectrum, and are posted on the Internet. Walter Laqueur reports that the Protocols are still circulated by contemporary antisemitic Russian nationalists.

Antisemitic conspiracism can come in a variety of guises. Some conspiracist groups that claim not to be antisemitic appear to be unaware when they stray over the line. Others claim not to be antisemitic as a cover for their real hatred of Jews so as to not attract widespread public scrutiny. Coded rhetoric is a key feature in this milieu with the term "internationalist bankers" often clearly understood to mean "Jewish bankers.""

Numerous other sources say the same thing. Of course, being the close minded individual that you are, you will write them off as jewish propaganda.

4/25/2005 11:21:48 AM

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Vatican Controlled by Jews, Say Syrian Academics,2933,22803,00.html

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"Sunday, May 06, 2001

DAMASCUS, Syria — A prominent Syrian historian alleges that American and European Zionists prodded the Vatican into absolving Jews of responsibility for the death of Jesus. Another says that under Pope John Paul II, the Roman Catholic Church has fallen under Jewish influence.

Like many Arabs, Syrians sometimes seem obsessed with trying to detect signs of what they believe is a "Jewish lobby" with vast, worldwide influence. U.S. Middle East policies, Western news reporting and deals by multinational companies are favorite objects of their scrutiny."

I know I know. These are "muslim fanatics" who have a "rabid hatred of Jews" and so they "made it all up to smear the Jews." Completely made it up. No factual basis for the claim AT ALL. It's pure fantasy. Yada, yada, yada.

That's what FoxNews and the controlled mainstream media would have you believe. So, anytime someone mentions the Zionist influence in world events, you are associated with these "muslim fanatics" and branded an "extremist" by the mainstream media. That's how it works, you see. They allude to the truth or admit the truth, but associate it with people they can easily label as "extremists." That way, the truth is looked upon as a lie or with suspicion.

Here's the truth, though. These people criticizing the Zionists AREN'T "fanatics." They aren't "extremists" or "whackos." They aren't just making this stuff up. There IS evidence and logic backing up their claims.

[Edited on April 26, 2005 at 2:59 PM. Reason : 3]

4/26/2005 2:49:17 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Right, muslims in the middle east have no problem with the jews. Leave it to them and their unbiased viewpoint to uncover the truth about the Jew conspiracy.

BTW, while the article did address anti-semitism in the area, it never called them "muslim fanatics" or "extremists" or "whackos" or spoke of their "rabid hatred of Jews." Nor did it ever say that they "made it all up to smear the Jews."

I'm really curious as to your views on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, little buddy.

4/26/2005 3:06:13 PM

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Quote :
"Mr. Joshua:

"Right, muslims in the middle east have no problem with the jews. Leave it to them and their unbiased viewpoint to uncover the truth about the Jew conspiracy.""

First of all every human being has biases, about a vast number of subjects. You can't discount someone's opinion because they had a bias on that subject or you would discount nearly every opinion there is.

And why do you think they have a problem with the Jews? And Zionists in particular? WHY IS THAT? How did that this issue originate? Did muslims just one day decide that they should adamantly oppose one race of people in the world for no particular reason, and they put all the names of the races in a hat and drew out the Jews? Is it that arbitrary? Or is there a reason for this opposition? Are there facts and circumstances that have given legitimate cause to this opposition? Have the Zionists done things to make muslims mistrust and oppose them.

Quote :
"I'm really curious as to your views on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, little buddy."

If you had bothered to look, you would see that I covered that in detail on the first page of this thread. So go to page one if you are truly interested (about 2/5 down the page for relevant post).

[Edited on April 26, 2005 at 3:25 PM. Reason : 2]

4/26/2005 3:21:03 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"And why do you think they have a problem with the Jews? And Zionists in particular? WHY IS THAT? How did that this issue originate? Did muslims just one day decide that they should adamantly oppose one race of people in the world for no particular reason, and they put all the names of the races in a hat and drew out the Jews? Is it that arbitrary? Or is there a reason for this opposition? Are there facts and circumstances that have given legitimate cause to this opposition? Have the Zionists done things to make muslims mistrust and oppose them."

Evidently you aren't familiar with anything that has occured in the middle east over the past century. Did you even read the article or did you just get a raging hard on when you saw "Controlled by Jews" in the headline?

Quote :
"Arabs' concern — some would call it paranoia — over what the world's Jews are doing is a byproduct of the decades-long Arab-Israeli conflict. "

And yes, I did bother to read your explanation on page one. Surprisingly, it was said that any doubts to the authenticity of the Protocols are (big shocker) Jew propaganda. Can you find some actual academic sources, you know, instead of or

[Edited on April 26, 2005 at 3:41 PM. Reason : stupid zionist keyboard]

4/26/2005 3:41:27 PM

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"Holocaust controversy in Austria"

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"John Gudenus of the far-right Freedom Party called into doubt the evidence for gas chambers when questioned about their existence on Austrian television.

"We should examine this," he said, "and not put up taboos. One should check this physically and scientifically."

He has been widely condemned and has since resigned from his party - though not from parliament.

Austria is currently celebrating the 60th anniversary of its declaration of independence from Nazi Germany in April 1945.

Speaking at an anniversary ceremony, Austrian chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel said Holocaust deniers had no place in a democratic body.

President Heinz Fischer, in remarks broadcast by national television, said that "anybody who has any doubt about the gas chambers should go and visit Mauthausen or Auschwitz."

"There one can see the undeniable, unbearable evidence ... one should be ashamed," he added. "

So, he wants a scientific and physical examination. Should be no problem, right? I mean, if the gas chambers really did exist, then a scientific examination will confirm it. The defenders of the existence of the gas chambers should welcome a scientific inquiry if the gas chambers really did exist. BUT NO. The media and people in high places come out and villify and try to smear this man for requesting a scientific inquiry. Think about that. WHY OPPOSE A SCIENTIFIC EXAMINATION? WHAT ARE THEY HIDING?

“If you want to know where the power lies, then ask whom you cannot criticize”

- Kevin Alfred Strom, Revisionist Historian

[Edited on May 2, 2005 at 12:58 PM. Reason : 1]

5/2/2005 12:57:21 PM

Mr. Joshua
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I'm still waiting for you to provide an academic analysis that proves the authenticity of "the Protocols of the Elders of Zion". I mean one from legitimate sources, not,, or any of your other normal nonsense websites.

One day could you also explain the testimonies of Holocaust survivors, as well as the accounts of soldiers who liberated concentration camps? That seems like a pretty major hole in any effort to villainize the victims of genocide.

5/2/2005 1:04:50 PM

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On the subject of "Holocaust survivors"...Elie Wiesel is one of the most famous "Holocaust survivors". Yet he is continually referred to by Noam Chomsky (a Jew) and others as "a terrible fraud."

"Elie Wiesel vs Encyclopaedia Britannica"

Quote :
"'How had he [Wiesel] survived two of the most notorious killing fields [Auschwitz and Buchenwald] of the century? "I will never know" he says. "I was always weak. I never ate. The slightest wind would turn me over. In Buchenwald they sent 10,000 to their deaths every day. I was always in the last hundred near the gate. They stopped. Why?"

Compare this with Encyclopaedia Britannica (1993), under 'Buchenwald':

"In World War II it held about 20,000 prisoners.. Although there were no gas chambers, hundreds perished monthly through disease, malnutrition, exhaustion, beatings and executions."

Like the stories about Nazis making lamp shades out of the skin of Jews and soap out of human fat, the stories of the gas chambers is PROPAGANDA...war propaganda used to villify and demonize the enemy.

[Edited on May 2, 2005 at 1:25 PM. Reason : 3]

5/2/2005 1:18:28 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Are all Holocaust survivors lying? How can you explain this?

5/2/2005 1:25:50 PM

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Quote :
"Jewish student expelled for anti-Semitic website

May 3 2005
CBC News

TORONTO – One of three students expelled from a private boys' school for posting anti-Semitic comments on a website is himself Jewish, the school's headmaster said Monday.

Three students have been expelled and four more suspended from Royal St. George's College after the website was shut down last week.

"Everybody is really shaken up and we have to digest this," said Hal Hannaford. "It really becomes very complicated."" made this comment on the article...

Quote :
"It isn't complicated; it's just another hate-crime hoax. "

Remember also that Klebold of the Columbine massacre was Jewish. The Trenchcoat Mafia admired Hitler and the Nazis. Is the picture getting clearer now? Jews create "anti-Semitism" to achieve their goals. Powerful Zionist Jews funded Hitler and the Nazis. They are the ones behind these neo-Nazi type groups. They fund and create these phony groups for political purposes.

[Edited on May 4, 2005 at 2:49 PM. Reason : 5]

5/4/2005 2:43:41 PM

Mr. Joshua
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How do all Jews know to create anti-semitism? Is there a secret newsletter or are they just trained to take over the world from birth?

Despite your usual wild accusations, you have yet to prove that the Third Reich or any modern neo-nazi groups are actually funded by jews.

And you never explained this:

Are all Holocaust survivors lying? Did they all get together circa 1945 and agree on one big lie to tell the world? This seems like a pretty major point of your Jew conspiracy, yet you have never addressed it.

5/4/2005 2:55:40 PM

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Romanian MPs Pass Bill Outlawing Holocaust Revisionism

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"BUCHAREST - The upper house of the Romanian parliament on Thursday adopted a bill that makes denying the Holocaust a crime punishable with between six months to five years in prison.

Lawmakers in the Senate voted overwhelmingly in favour of the bill that was first put to parliament in 2002 but repeatedly delayed as political parties argued about its wording and the length of the prison terms.

It now includes a definition of the Holocaust as "the systematic, state-sanctioned persecution and annihilation of Europe's Jews by Nazi Germany, its allies and collaborators between 1933 and 1945."

The definition was inserted because Romanian politicians have in the past sought to minimise the role of the country, which was an ally of Nazi Germany until changing sides in 1944, in the war-time persecution of Jews.

The former Social-Democrat government sparked outrage in 2003 when it denied that the Holocaust had also been carried out on Romanian soil between 1940 and 1945.

The bill, which still has to be approved by the Chamber of Deputies, also bans racist and xenophobic organisations and symbols, as well as fascist propaganda and an allegiance to "people guilty of crimes against humanity."

The last provision is considered to be aimed at the lingering personality cult around the pro-Nazi war-time premier Ion Antonescu.

He is blamed for the death of 270,000 Romanian Jews during the war but still considered a hero by many for winning back Romanian territory annexed by the Soviet Union in 1940. "

Why the need to censor freedom of speech over this issue? Why make freedom of speech a crime? Think about it. The truth must be suppressed and debate about certain issues must be criminalized in order for the lies to be perpetuated.

5/10/2005 5:29:55 PM

Sup, B
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are you still doing this shit?

5/10/2005 5:33:53 PM

Mr. Joshua
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I keep waiting for answers....

Quote :
"How do all Jews know to create anti-semitism? Is there a secret newsletter or are they just trained to take over the world from birth?

Despite your usual wild accusations, you have yet to prove that the Third Reich or any modern neo-nazi groups are actually funded by jews.

And you never explained this:

Are all Holocaust survivors lying? Did they all get together circa 1945 and agree on one big lie to tell the world? This seems like a pretty major point of your Jew conspiracy, yet you have never addressed it."

5/11/2005 2:15:27 PM

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Another "Holocaust survivor" exposed as a fraud. Man admits he lied for 30 years about his past...

Quote :
"Spanish Nazi victims' chief says was never in camp

11 May 2005
Source: Reuters

MADRID, May 11 (Reuters) - The former head of a Spanish association of Nazi concentration camp victims said on Wednesday he was never actually a prisoner in any camp and had lied for almost 30 years about his past.

Enric Marco, who published a book entitled "Memories of Hell" in 1978 about his experiences, confessed he had invented his account of suffering in Germany's Flossenburg concentration camp.

"Why? It was a way of getting as close as possible to say what I needed to say," Marco told Telecinco television on Wednesday. "I took on the part of other companions who because of age or other reasons could not play this role."

The 84-year-old flew back at the last minute from the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the Mauthausen camp in Austria after a Spanish historian said Marco's name did not figure in Flossenburg's archives.

He promptly resigned as the head of Spain's Amical de Mauthausen association."

[Edited on May 15, 2005 at 10:27 AM. Reason : 3]

5/15/2005 10:17:32 AM

Mr. Joshua
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So are you trying to imply that one man lied about being in a concentration camp and thus the entire Holocaust is a lie? People also lied about losing family members on 9/11, does that mean that it never happened?

And if you get a chance:

Quote :
"How do all Jews know to create anti-semitism? Is there a secret newsletter or are they just trained to take over the world from birth?

Despite your usual wild accusations, you have yet to prove that the Third Reich or any modern neo-nazi groups are actually funded by jews.

And you never explained this:

Are all Holocaust survivors lying? Did they all get together circa 1945 and agree on one big lie to tell the world? This seems like a pretty major point of your Jew conspiracy, yet you have never addressed it."

5/15/2005 11:58:47 AM

All American
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WOW i dont think i ever really realized how racist these websites are... i mean i read salisburryboy quoteing these people but i just found a link to a radio brodcast on of the websites... and DAMN... i really hope salisburyboy isnt so racist...

5/15/2005 2:03:24 PM

Mr. Joshua
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From page one:

Quote :
"The charge of “anti-Semitism” is pure propaganda designed to silence critics of the Jewish religion, the actions of Jews, or the actions and policies of the state of Israel....The charge of “anti-Semitism” really means that you are hated by the Jews."

This is how he rationalizes. In his mind he isn't being racist, he's just exposing the real truth.

5/15/2005 2:09:51 PM

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Zionism and the Third Reich

Quote :
"Early in 1935, a passenger ship bound for Haifa in Palestine left the German port of Bremerhaven. Its stern bore the Hebrew letters for its name, "Tel Aviv," while a swastika banner fluttered from the mast. And although the ship was Zionist-owned, its captain was a National Socialist Party member. Many years later a traveler aboard the ship recalled this symbolic combination as a "metaphysical absurdity."1 Absurd or not, this is but one vignette from a little-known chapter of history: The wide-ranging collaboration between Zionism and Hitler's Third Reich."

5/20/2005 2:44:30 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Some questions that you can't and won't answer:

Quote :
"How do all Jews know to create anti-semitism? Is there a secret newsletter or are they just trained to take over the world from birth?

Despite your usual wild accusations, you have yet to prove that the Third Reich or any modern neo-nazi groups are actually funded by jews.

And you never explained this:

Are all Holocaust survivors lying? Did they all get together circa 1945 and agree on one big lie to tell the world? This seems like a pretty major point of your Jew conspiracy, yet you have never addressed it."

5/20/2005 3:01:49 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"'Father' of Malaysia savages Bush and Blair

Mahathir brands US a rogue nation terrorising innocents and stands by claim that Jews 'rule the world by proxy'

May 27, 2005
The Guardian

...Asked whether he regretted his statement that "Jews rule the world by proxy", which caused an international furore in 2003, Mr Mahathir said he took nothing back.

"US politicians are scared stiff of the Jews because anybody who votes against the Jews will lose elections. The Jews in America are supporting the Jews in Israel. Israel and other Jews control the most powerful nation in the world. And that is what I mean [about Jews controlling the world]. I stand by that view.""

6/1/2005 6:45:10 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Your inability to defend your claims really weakens your position.

Once again:

Quote :
"How do all Jews know to create anti-semitism? Is there a secret newsletter or are they just trained to take over the world from birth?

Despite your usual wild accusations, you have yet to prove that the Third Reich or any modern neo-nazi groups are actually funded by jews.

And you never explained this:

Are all Holocaust survivors lying? Did they all get together circa 1945 and agree on one big lie to tell the world? This seems like a pretty major point of your Jew conspiracy, yet you have never addressed it."

6/1/2005 9:38:57 PM

All American
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Quote :
"To begin with, I do not hate the Jewish people or their race."

1) You're a lying sack of shit.

2) Judaism is a RELIGION, not a RACE.

6/5/2005 11:23:46 PM

All American
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salisburyboy's rabid rightwing racist rants could have a shred of credibility if he even had the *slightest* clue as to what hes talking about.

but when he starts off another bullshit thread with this stupid shit:

Quote :
"The Jewish religion is directly traced back to the Pharisees. It’s most “holy” book is the Babylonian Talmud. "

its obvious that hes a product of brother-sister mating.

(1) the pharisees did not emerge until the Hasmonean dynasty, circa 180 BCE. long after the entire hebrew bible (aka old testament) was completed.

(2) the babylonian talmud was finalized around the year 550 CE (or, AD for redneck fucks like s-boy). it is hardly the most holy book, as it is purely rabbinic commentary on their actual most holy book, called the Torah, aka Laws of Moses, aka first five books of the Bible, which (except for Deuteronomy) existed over 1000 years previous.

Salisburyboy, may you get hit by a car on a deserted road late at night and lay there several hours before you finally bleed to death.

6/11/2005 2:51:22 AM

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Quote :
"its obvious that hes a product of brother-sister mating."

Quote :
"Salisburyboy, may you get hit by a car on a deserted road late at night and lay there several hours before you finally bleed to death."

Let me point out once again that it is my opponents here who hate me. None of these slanderous lies and insults demonstrate that I hate anyone. They just show how much my opponents hate me. I am merely speaking the truth about the evils of Talmudic Judaism, and for this reason they hate me.

joe_schmoe, you hate me so much that you wish death upon me. Now, how is it morally consistent for you to allege that I'm in the wrong for being "racist" and then turn around and wish death upon me? Is it not wrong for you to wish that I be killed?

[Edited on June 11, 2005 at 12:31 PM. Reason : 4]

6/11/2005 12:24:22 PM

All American
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you are inbred

6/11/2005 12:33:17 PM

Mr. Joshua
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^^ Salisburyboy, this is all that you can do. Instead of addressing the argument that he presents, you focus on the last line of his post and try to call him out for his morals. That's exactly what I would expect a small child to do in the same situation.

Why can't you defend any of the bullshit that spew all over the Soap Box? You can spread your own slanderous lies, but you sure as hell can't explain them when someone points out another huge hole. Maybe you should stay off of the internet until you can come up with some conspiracy theories that you can explain and defend well enough for other people to believe.


Quote :
"How do all Jews know to create anti-semitism? Is there a secret newsletter or are they just trained to take over the world from birth?

Despite your usual wild accusations, you have yet to prove that the Third Reich or any modern neo-nazi groups are actually funded by jews.

And you never explained this:

Are all Holocaust survivors lying? Did they all get together circa 1945 and agree on one big lie to tell the world? This seems like a pretty major point of your Jew conspiracy, yet you have never addressed it."

6/11/2005 12:43:03 PM

All American
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Quote :
"None of these slanderous lies and insults demonstrate that I hate anyone. "


6/11/2005 12:43:58 PM

All American
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Mr. Josh, i frame my comments to Salisbot with insults since that's the only thing he understands.

hes not capable of formulating or defending an argument, all he can do is cut and paste. and cry when people are mean to him, of course. i know better than to expect anything intelligent or original to ever come out of his posts.

but when his anti-semite racist bullshit contains such blatant falsehoods, i have to point them out in case someone else might assume they are accurate.

however, i can never make it more than a few sentences into his deranged rants. his basic premises rest on so many inaccuracies, lies, distortions and fallacies, thats its pointless to even bother reading more than the headline.

hey, whatever happened to steve9194? at least that guy was somewhat amusing in his insanity. salisburyboy is just pathetic.

[Edited on June 11, 2005 at 6:27 PM. Reason : ]

6/11/2005 6:25:35 PM

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Quote :
"Historian: Nazis wanted to deport Jews to Soviet Union

By Reuters

BERLIN - A document found in a Moscow archive suggests the Soviet leadership may have rejected a Nazi German proposal to deport Jews from German-occupied territories to the Soviet Union in 1940.

A Russian historian working in Germany has published an article in the Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper describing a letter that raised the possibility of Germany resettling Jews in Ukraine and Siberia."

Let me point out once again that David Irving, one of the most respected historians in the world, failed to find any order by Hitler or any other German authority to "exterminate the Jews" (even though the Germans are noted for extensive record keeping). This is more evidence proving that the Nazis viewed deportation as the answer to the "Jewish Question."

6/16/2005 3:22:25 PM

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