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 Message Boards » » "Abort Every Black Baby in this Country, and your Page 1 2 [3] 4, Prev Next  
All American
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Quote :
"false impression that blacks commit more crimes"

Is this really false? I don't think blacks are any more prone to crime because of their genes, but I can't deny the black murder rate in the USA, for example, during certain periods of time, being higher than the US average. See

10/1/2005 1:16:14 AM

All American
968 Posts
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^^actually blacks represent 12-13% not 20-30% which just makes it even more true.

Oh and in the last year here are the stats for admittance into state prisons from NC.

Quote :

[Edited on October 1, 2005 at 1:36 AM. Reason : ]

10/1/2005 1:33:44 AM

All American
3591 Posts
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too lazy to read the rest of the thread, but aware of the issue and-

if you switch the word "black" with "white", crime will go down by a whole lot more.

10/1/2005 1:36:15 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Whites comit 56% of the crime, but make up the overwhelming majority. Blacks commit 39% but make up 20-30% of the population. Do you see where Im going with this?"

Blacks making up 39% of the of the prison population does not mean blacks commited 39% of crimes.

Quote :
"By race, 70.7 percent of arrestees in 2002 were white, 26.9 percent were black, and the remainder were of other races. Whites accounted for 65.5 percent of the individuals arrested for Index crimes. The offense for which whites were arrested most often was driving under the influence. The offense for which blacks were arrested most often was drug abuse violations. (See Table 43.)"

10/1/2005 1:48:22 AM

All American
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about fucking time someone realized that there is a huge disparity in our legal system.

naturally though, this won't shut up the people that think black people cause more crime than whites.

10/1/2005 2:07:45 AM

All American
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For the record, white-non-hispanic (gov.'s term, not mine) are about 70% of the pop., where white is about 80% of the pop..

Also, the hispanic population is about equal to the black population.

Native Americans, the other race white-Americans oppressed for a while, are also over-represented in the prison system. Asians are underrepresented.

[Edited on October 1, 2005 at 2:16 AM. Reason : 2]

10/1/2005 2:13:37 AM

Sup, B
52724 Posts
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Quote :
"Perhaps you didn't read the thread properly. A said it, jwb-something implied it, and trikk supported him."

too bad jwb didn't imply shit. nice try, yet again, at a strawman. but thx for playing NAME THAT SCARECROW! tell him what he's won, johnny!

Quote :
"He then goes on to say, out of the blue, that "ABORTION" could also be used to help "SOLVE" the "PROBLEM" of crime, by aborting all black babies."

I agree, it came out of the blue. But, I already addressed that...
Quote :
"Too bad he wasn't trying to make a point about abortion and crime. He was trying to show that USING ABORTION TO SOLVE A PROBLEM OTHER THAN A PREGNANCY IS STUPID!!! its not surpsing that you couldn't see that, though."

not surprised you didn't read that...

Quote :
"You're an idiot (or conservative) if you didn't see his comment as racist."

ad hominem. thank you.

Quote :
"Why pick on black babies? Is there anything particular about blacks, that would make killing their babies special?"

ummm, maybe because blacks have a higher crime rate? you know, THE THING HE FUCKING IMPLIED BY SAYING THAT KILLING BLACKS WOULD LOWER THE [B][I][U]CRIME RATE[/I][/B][/U], something you still haven't gotten through your thick fucking skull.

Quote :
"No, except that blacks are a minority in the prison population, as with the real population"

and yet in a much larger proportion in prison than they are in real life... hmmm... what does that imply? maybe a higher crime rate among blacks? *GASP* Gee, isn't what everyone else has been saying? Naaaaaaaa. couldn't be that!

Quote :
"The only reason he would have picked on blacks to prove his point is that he is under the false impression that blacks commit more crimes (ignorance caused by racism), or he is just viciously racist."

false dilemma much?

Quote :
"Either way, it was a racist thing to say."

only, its not.

Quote :
"The fact that few Conservatives are stepping up and calling this guy out for a racist, just shows how racist they are."

or, it could show that they don't think the guy is racist for saying something that wasn't racist. crazy idea, I know...

Quote :
"The cornerstone of Bush's reelection campaign, and of his presidency has been misrepresentation and spin."

like to stray to a different "point" when you are getting pwnt so thoroughly? Its OK, I understand.

Quote :
"It's ridiculous to try and single out "liberals in the media" for this, the way you are doing."

maybe so, except for the fact that it is the media who is blowing this out of proportion and taking it out of context. you know, like they usually do. Conveniently, you ignored the rest of what I had to say, NAMELY that the democratic party exploits blacks and the media HELPS THEM DO IT.

Quote :
"Whites comit 56% of the crime, but make up the overwhelming majority. Blacks commit 39% but make up 20-30% of the population. Do you see where Im going with this?"

if you don't say "killing all the whites will reduce crime," then no, he doesn't.

Quote :
"For the record, white-non-hispanic (gov.'s term, not mine) are about 70% of the pop., where white is about 80% of the pop.."

Still doesn't change the numbers much...
You have 70:25 white to black crime ratio and 70:10 white to black population ratio. AKA, blacks are still committing more crime per-capita. you know, like we've all been saying.

Quote :
"about fucking time someone realized that there is a huge disparity in our legal system."

I know, it has this CRAZY tendency to put people who do really serious crimes into jail, while trying to actually *GASP* not put people in jail for less serious offenses. Silly me...
Quote :
"naturally though, this won't shut up the people that think black people cause more crime than whites."

Thats funny, I haven't seen anyone in here since A trying to say that blacks commit more crimes than whites. go figure...

10/1/2005 2:18:02 AM

All American
33753 Posts
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Quote :
""He then goes on to say, out of the blue, that "ABORTION" could also be used to help "SOLVE" the "PROBLEM" of crime, by aborting all black babies."

I agree, it came out of the blue. But, I already addressed that..."

If you agree, then I was right, and this statement was wrong:
Quote :
"Quote :
"Too bad he wasn't trying to make a point about abortion and crime. He was trying to show that USING ABORTION TO SOLVE A PROBLEM OTHER THAN A PREGNANCY IS STUPID!!! its not surpsing that you couldn't see that, though."

not surprised you didn't read that..."

You do realize that the stuff I have in all caps in quotes is the exact same thing you wrote, in the order you wrote it, that you said wasn't the case. Also, when I said "out of the blue" i meant bringing the issue of race in to it was "out of the blue", not the mere statement (since the issue of abortion and crime is in the book he mentioned earlier).

Quote :
"ad hominem. thank you."

It's the TWW way.

Quote :
"ummm, maybe because blacks have a higher crime rate? you know, THE THING HE FUCKING IMPLIED BY SAYING THAT KILLING BLACKS WOULD LOWER THE [B][I][U]CRIME RATE[/I][/B][/U], something you still haven't gotten through your thick fucking skull."

I acknowledged that earlier. Also, if he IS using "crime rate" in the specific way you are claiming he used it, it makes his statement even worse, because it shows pre-meditated intent to twist the numbers. There's no valid reason to pluck the blacks-and-crime-rate statistic out unless you are trying to spin the numbers a particular way, against blacks. It's more plainly evident from the reality of the situation (in the numbers) that it would be better to abort white babies, if you are trying to reduce crime. It's more likely that he was using "crime rate" and just plain old "crime" interchangeably, like most people would.

Quote :
""For the record, white-non-hispanic (gov.'s term, not mine) are about 70% of the pop., where white is about 80% of the pop.."

Still doesn't change the numbers much...
You have 70:25 white to black crime ratio and 70:10 white to black population ratio. AKA, blacks are still committing more crime per-capita. you know, like we've all been saying."

I literally meant for that statement to be "for the record". I didn't, and don't, expect that to have any bearing on this discussion. I'm flattered though you spent the time to respond to it. Also for the record, I acknowledged in my very first post in this thread that blacks are over-represented in the prison population (i'm starting to seriously believe you have reading comprehension issues, I was only joking at first).

10/1/2005 2:51:05 AM

26780 Posts
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black people stole my dollar

10/1/2005 9:07:48 AM

All American
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I blame this thread on Bush. EVERYTHING IS HIS FAULT.

10/1/2005 9:17:51 AM

All American
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I didn't read pp. 2-3, but I assume it's more of the same

The problem isn't with one race, it's with a class of people ... white trash, latino trash, black trash, whatever ... the ones that think society owes them something simply because they are alive and breathing. These are the ones that qualify for free birth control and still get knocked up. These are the ones that might complain because they are too lazy to improve themselves, aren't paying all their bills because they don't feel like it, and are complaining because they don't qualify for welfare (or are bragging because they DO get welfare). This isn't to say crime is exclusively the result of this class of people, because there's obviously screwballs in all classes, but you generally don't see poor people with morals robbing banks.

I don't have a problem with helping a family that's doing their best, but they shouldn't be breeding more babies when they already can't support the ones they have.

I don't see a problem with providing medical assistance to an unwed mother, etc. etc., but she shouldn't be having more babies when she already can't support the one(s) she has.

Overall, people shouldn't have babies they can't afford to support -- ok, so person x has the right to procreate, but since when did it become my responsibility to pay for it and raise it? That baby has the right to a healthy life, and the parent(s) need to realize that their actions directly affect that.

10/1/2005 9:50:06 AM

All American
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^ Spoken like a true Repub. Welcome to the team.

Quote :
"if you don't say "killing all the whites will reduce crime," then no, he doesn't."

Ok let me lay it out for you. Whites are the majority. If we commit ~56% of the crime, then that means we have alot of crime free white people.

Blacks commit ~39% of the crime, and only make up ~13% of the population. This means that blacks are far more likely to commit crimes statistically.

If you killed white children, it would take away most of the "diluting factor", which is the percentage of the population that does not commit crimes. This would lower the white population and increase the black population %age, which would actually make the crime rate increase per capa.

If you killed black children, it would leave most of the "diluting factor", which is the percentage of the population that does not commit crimes. This would increase the white population and decrease the black population %age, which would actually make the crime rate decrease per capa.

[Edited on October 1, 2005 at 10:47 AM. Reason : .]

10/1/2005 10:45:53 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I blame this thread on Bush. EVERYTHING IS HIS FAULT."

had anyone even mentioned bush as a cause for this?

way to drive that wedge you conservative hack, way to drive that wedge

10/1/2005 10:55:14 AM

Prawn Star
All American
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Fact: Blacks are more likely to be convicted of a crime than non-blacks

Fact: Differing abortion rates among races affect the future racial makeup in this country

Hypothesis: Aborting ALL black babies would cause the crime rate to go down in the future

What he's getting at: Abortion decreases crime for future generations because blacks and other groups predisposed to crime are more likely to have one.

Predictable reaction: OMFG RACISM!!!!

10/1/2005 11:03:11 AM

All American
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First Bush - then me.

10/1/2005 11:10:31 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I know, it has this CRAZY tendency to put people who do really serious crimes into jail, while trying to actually *GASP* not put people in jail for less serious offenses. Silly me..."

why don't you just say that black people commit worse crimes than white? because that is exactly what you are implying.

don't pussy foot around your accusations.

10/1/2005 11:26:15 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Blacks making up 39% of the of the prison population does not mean blacks commited 39% of crimes.

Yeah, but at least for murder, it's a big difference and would require a massive conspiracy to rig the numbers. It'd mean either that there were a ton of white people getting murdered by white people that were being left out of the statistics, or that white people were killing a whole bunch of black people and blacks were getting blamed for it. Sounds like a stretch to me...

10/1/2005 11:31:27 AM

Prawn Star
All American
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I won't pussy-foot around. Amongst criminals, black perps are more likely than non-blacks to have been convicted of violent crimes and other felonies that get you locked up for a long time.

This is a fact. If you want to blame the legal system, fine, but it doesn't come close to explaining away the vast disparity in prison populations between blacks and non-blacks.

10/1/2005 11:35:01 AM

All American
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if it is a fact, PROVE IT. give some numbers.

i know that blacks are much more likely to be convicted, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they commit more than whites. what it means is that they are more likely to get convicted. there's a difference.

[Edited on October 1, 2005 at 11:38 AM. Reason : f]

10/1/2005 11:36:28 AM

Prawn Star
All American
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The proof is in the pudding. Or prisons in this case.

Quote :
"i know that blacks are much more likely to be convicted, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they commit more than whites."

plz pull your head out of the sand.


[Edited on October 1, 2005 at 11:41 AM. Reason : !]

10/1/2005 11:39:47 AM

All American
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but you haven't proven that blacks commit worse crimes than whites, just that they get convicted.

have you even taken a criminology class?

Edit: Do you even realize that there are so many fucking factors when it comes to conviction regarding race and gender of the offender and the victim.

[Edited on October 1, 2005 at 11:42 AM. Reason : it's elementary, for god's sake.]

10/1/2005 11:40:22 AM

Prawn Star
All American
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Have you ever taken a math class?

2+2 equals 4.

10/1/2005 11:42:49 AM

All American
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goddamn you are stupid/.

10/1/2005 11:43:18 AM

Prawn Star
All American
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The original topic was about crime rates, not about subvert racism that may or may not exist within the judicial system. Which is why I worded my posts accordingly.

10/1/2005 11:55:18 AM

All American
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If you don't think racism is an aspect of the topic at hand, you're fucking retarded.

10/1/2005 11:58:02 AM

Prawn Star
All American
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I'm hearing nothin but a deck full of race cards and ad hominem attacks.


10/1/2005 12:03:10 PM

All American
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I'm still waiting for someone to explain away these figures:

Especially see

If that's all due to a bad legal system, that's a really serious issue and I want to know about it.

10/1/2005 12:06:19 PM

All American
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I think, especially for capital crimes, that it IS largely a product of the legal system. The proportion of convicted 1st degree murderers who go to death row are by and large black and hispanic, disproportionately so. Aside from that, you've got abject poverty, population density, and god knows how many other complex societal issues.

10/1/2005 12:12:20 PM

All American
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Quote :
"either that there were a ton of white people getting murdered by white people that were being left out of the statistics, or that white people were killing a whole bunch of black people and blacks were getting blamed for it."

Okay, so which one is it?

Social factors aren't a product of the legal system, at least not directly. If blacks are more likely to commit murder because they're poor, they're still more likely to commit murder.

10/1/2005 12:15:16 PM

All American
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Maybe it's just that grape soda makes people crazy!

10/1/2005 12:16:24 PM

Prawn Star
All American
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Quote :
"The proportion of convicted 1st degree murderers who go to death row are by and large black and hispanic, disproportionately so. "

I'm not really sure what this has to do with murder rates in this country.

Unless you are trying to portray a pattern of prejudice in the legal which case you need more than just that little tidbit to make a compelling case.

10/1/2005 12:18:46 PM

All American
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Forgive me for not writing a doctoral thesis on the matter for tww.

10/1/2005 12:20:02 PM

All American
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I'm just curious - are the numbers rigged to make whites look less prone to commit murder or blacks look more prone to commit murder?

Maybe thousands of white people are murdered every year and it just gets ignored. That'd kind of refute Kris, huh?

10/1/2005 12:23:20 PM

Prawn Star
All American
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I think he's trying to say that the legal system allows many whites to get lesser sentences and acquittals, where the opposite occurs with blacks.

There may be some validity to that, especially considering that rich whites get better lawyers than poor blacks. But it doesn't come close to explaning the HUGE discrepancy in murder rates that has existed as far back as those records go.

10/1/2005 12:29:57 PM

All American
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With murder we're talking about bodies. Not the easiest type of thing to cover up. A roughly equal number of blacks and whites are murdered each year... unless of course those numbers are fabricated too.

10/1/2005 12:34:41 PM

All American
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Quote :
"considering that rich whites get better lawyers than poor blacks"

again, there are MORE poor whites than poor blacks in this country.

10/1/2005 12:38:33 PM

Prawn Star
All American
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You struggle with proportions. The average white has more money than the average black. It follows that the average white murderer has more money than the average black murderer.

unless you think that every murder is a product of socioeconomic factors.

10/1/2005 12:42:05 PM

All American
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So has anybody pointed out that the quote was taken in context and that in the next breath Bennett said that such an idea would be repugnant?

10/1/2005 12:44:08 PM

All American
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10/1/2005 12:45:22 PM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"Forgive me for not writing a doctoral thesis on the matter for tww."

well, considering that you are the one proposing that the legal system IS biased, I would assume that the burden of proof is on YOU to show so. And no, pointing out that blacks are on death row more often DOESN'T prove that there is bias in the legal system. Showing a higher percentage of blacks in prison than their makeup in the general population ALSO DOESN'T prove it. But hey, thx for coming on here and making an outrageous claim, not supporting it, and then telling us its true until we show otherwise.

Quote :
"If you agree, then I was right, and this statement was wrong:"

non-sequitur, buddy. If his point was to show that abortion solves nothing but a pregnancy, then any point that he can make that furthers this point is perfectly related. If anything, his point came out of the blue, and since his point involved abortion, he used crime rate to talk about it. but hey, keep up your OMFG REPUBLICANS HATE BLACK PEOPLE spiel. it really sounds good!

Quote :
"You do realize that the stuff I have in all caps in quotes is the exact same thing you wrote,"

You do realize that you are IGNORING EVERYTHING ELSE I SAID, RIGHT?

Quote :
"Also, if he IS using "crime rate" in the specific way you are claiming he used it, it makes his statement even worse"

backpedalling again, I see... Tell me, why should we assume that he is not using "crime rate" to mean "crime rate?" I mean, he said "crime rate" specifically each time he mentioned it. You'd think that if he used both "crime" and "crime rate" that he would be using them interchangably. Instead, you posit that he's a racist and then say that because he's a racist he was using them interchangably, and that because he was using the interchangably, he was being a racist... Logic don't work that way, buddy.

Quote :
"I literally meant for that statement to be "for the record""

thats great. my record came out and still ass-raped your record. get over it.

Quote :
"Ok let me lay it out for you. Whites are the majority. If we commit ~56% of the crime, then that means we have alot of crime free white people.

Blacks commit ~39% of the crime, and only make up ~13% of the population. This means that blacks are far more likely to commit crimes statistically.

If you killed white children, it would take away most of the "diluting factor", which is the percentage of the population that does not commit crimes. This would lower the white population and increase the black population %age, which would actually make the crime rate increase per capa.

If you killed black children, it would leave most of the "diluting factor", which is the percentage of the population that does not commit crimes. This would increase the white population and decrease the black population %age, which would actually make the crime rate decrease per capa."

bigun, will you quit making sense. this is a discussion about race. there is no room for logic in here!

Quote :
"Fact: Differing abortion rates among races affect the future racial makeup in this country

ummmm. that may be a fact, but its irrelevent to the discussion...

Quote :
"why don't you just say that black people commit worse crimes than white?"

too bad that that is pretty much the case. You know, from the standpoint that one source said that whites tend to be arrested for drunk driving, while blacks tend to be arrested for drug-related charges. This might be a crazy thing to say, but drunk driving is decidedly less violent than drug-related charges. but hey, I didn't expect you to be able to draw that connection.

Quote :
"if it is a fact, PROVE IT. give some numbers."

well, how about we look back at the prison population. We must assume that prison is reserved for the more serious crimes. A higher percentage of blacks in prison than in the regular population would go to support the assertion that blacks generally commit more serious crimes than whites. So, what were those prison numbers again?
BTW, before you yell OMFG BIAS IN THE LEGAL SYSTEM... you gotta fucking prove that too.

Quote :
"but you haven't proven that blacks commit worse crimes than whites, just that they get convicted."

well, we must assume that conviction rates are similar until any other there is proof to show otherwise. nice try at shifting the burden of proof from yourself to someone else.

Quote :
"Do you even realize that there are so many fucking factors when it comes to conviction regarding race and gender of the offender and the victim."

you do realize that there have been no legitimate studies that show this, right? In fact, you do realize that more often than not, legitimate studies show the opposite to be true, right?

Quote :
"If you don't think racism is an aspect of the topic at hand, you're fucking retarded."

oh, you are damned right there is racism here, but its not white on black racism.

Quote :
"I'm hearing nothin but a deck full of race cards and ad hominem attacks.

nail... head

Quote :
"So has anybody pointed out that the quote was taken in context and that in the next breath Bennett said that such an idea would be repugnant?"

oh, quit trying to make sense, Wlfpk4Life! It would be crazy to think that he's not a racist, even if his next statement pretty much went on to say that his previous statement was morally repugnant...

10/1/2005 2:12:20 PM

All American
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Quote :
"This might be a crazy thing to say, but drunk driving is decidedly less violent than drug-related charges."

That doesn't seem correct to me. Smoking a little weed rarely kills anyone, while drunks behind the wheel commonly cause fatal accidents.

10/1/2005 2:33:09 PM

Sup, B
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notice that I said "related," not "drug charges." Related, as in "theft, murder, gangs, etc..." yeah, smokin weed aint too bad. but going next door and killing your neighbor so you can smoke weed?

10/1/2005 2:35:57 PM

All American
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I guess it really depends what the drug-related charge is, exactly.

But drunk driving often kills people. It isn't really a minor offense.

10/1/2005 2:49:35 PM

Sup, B
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yeah, but when drunk driving kills someone, the charge is usually more than DUI...

10/1/2005 3:27:07 PM

All American
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and when drug-related offenses kill someone, the charge is usually murder.

I don't think a drug-related charge usually means murder

10/1/2005 3:28:31 PM

Sup, B
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yes, but thats why they said "drug-related" as opposed to "murder"

10/1/2005 3:30:36 PM

All American
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drug-related charges could just be using or dealing, both of which are less violent than drunk driving

10/1/2005 3:43:25 PM

Sup, B
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there's not much that is "violent" about drug related charges. and remember, what you just described are drug charges themselves.

10/1/2005 3:49:15 PM

All American
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Quote :
"well, we must assume that conviction rates are similar until any other there is proof to show otherwise. nice try at shifting the burden of proof from yourself to someone else."

well i'd love to see you give evidence that isn't severely flawed. "OMG percentage-wise there are more blacks than whites in prison, and prison is where only cold-blooded murderers go, so naturally, blacks are inherently more violent than whites." this is your argument. you have failed to back it up. it is easily defeated by this:

but oh no! it says "" it must be BIASED!

and this:
Quote :
"Among the State prison inmates in 2000:
-- nearly half were sentenced for a violent crime (49%)
-- a fifth were sentenced for a property crime (20%)
-- about a fifth were sentenced for a drug crime (21%) "

and this:
Quote :
"By itself, the offender's race does not play a clear role in the way cases are handled, but the victim's race does make a difference. Defendants accused of killing white victims are significantly more likely to face the death penalty than cases with non-white victims.
A copy of the executive summary of the report is available at'
Final report:
When the race of the offender and victim are examined together, the study finds: Black offenders who kill blacks are significantly less likely to face the death penalty, while black offenders who kill whites are significantly more likely to face a death sentence than all other racial combinations."

Quote :
"Maryland state's attorneys are significantly more likely to file initially for a death sentence and make it "stick" (not withdraw it prior to trial) when the race of the victim is white. The race of the victim does not matter later in the process ¿ the decision to pursue a death sentence following conviction and the final judgment by judge or jury. Nevertheless, the effects of the state's attorney's initial decisions are passed on to these later stages. By itself, the race of the defendant does not have any clear effect on decisions at any stage.

Maryland state's attorneys are significantly less likely to file initially for a death sentence when the homicide is a black-on-black killing. This effect is not manifest at any of the other three stages of the process. But the initial disparate treatment is not corrected later, and so is passed on to later points in the process.

Maryland state's attorneys are significantly and substantially more likely to file initially for a death sentence when a killing involves a black offender and white victim compared with other homicides. This effect is not manifest at any of the other three stages of the process. But the disparate treatment at the initial stage is not corrected later, and so is passed on to later points in the process.

Baltimore County is significantly more likely to file initially for a death sentence than other Maryland jurisdictions. Later in the process, Anne Arundel and Baltimore Counties are significantly more likely to make it "stick" compared to other jurisdictions. No county-to-county differences are manifest later in the process. Nevertheless, the early differences have effects that persist at all stages."


oh wait, just that they are more likely to be convicted based on race.

now it's your turn to prove that these studies are wrong.

10/1/2005 6:10:23 PM

Prawn Star
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Quote :
"oh wait, just that they are more likely to be convicted based on race."

ummmm, no. It says that they are more likely to face the death penalty if convicted of killing whites. Which is irrelevant.

10/1/2005 6:32:33 PM

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