Quinn All American 16417 Posts user info edit post |
you can only hate a company so much that has gained its investors 20% in the last 3 months on overpriced technology that has been hyped.
they must have the best marketing department in the entire world. 6/25/2007 6:48:53 PM |
Stein All American 19842 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I never said anything i did was illegal. " |
Modded X-Boxes are the height of legality.
That's your roommate doing the illegal shit. You're just benefitting from it.6/25/2007 6:49:47 PM |
Malice Suspended 1337 Posts user info edit post |
Instead of paying 500 bucks for that shit ultimate leet faggot edition of vista
you could have put it in shares of apple and afforded an iPhone AND an apple tv
but no
you wanted a second rate operating system with an alt tab feature that wishes it was as awesome as OS X's hotcorners
6/25/2007 6:52:52 PM |
Malice Suspended 1337 Posts user info edit post |
uh oh I think neodata ran off because he cant make a valid point
6/25/2007 6:54:06 PM |
willyummm Veteran 431 Posts user info edit post |
lol x2 6/25/2007 6:56:34 PM |
Malice Suspended 1337 Posts user info edit post |
I won this thread.
6/25/2007 7:01:31 PM |
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148677 Posts user info edit post |
Apple is inferior 6/25/2007 7:09:36 PM |
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
haha. Sorry malice. You didn't win this thread. I went down to the Penguin (Charlotte) and had a couple pitchers of beer, and talked to some friends. Unlike most people i'm not on tww 24/7.
Still no matter what i said one thing still stands...
The only points you brought up were apple.com sites or things you "googled". You didn't bring up a single technical argument or point. You forgot the reason of this thread. If someone bought an xbox 360 and is using it to play media, they obviously didn't spend the 300-400 on AppleTV.
Therefore your original argument (if you can call it that) is pointless, because you didn't address the thread. My point was simple adressing the playback capabilities of the xbox 360 in relation to codecs/decoders.
I brought up quite a few very legit points from the apple website and asked you to dispute them. You didn't address a single one, and all you could do was site apple.com sources and attempt to glorify apple.
You in no way "won" this thread. Any attempt to do so is just stating how you "won" a thread about a topic you weren't even discussing. I admit i did stray from the point of the thread, but i still was able to put forth a legitment discussion until i got pissed because all you did was act like an apple rep. You literally kept giving me http://www.apple.com/[insert argument point here]. That is no way to back a point, and did not address my argument or anyones objective in this thread. 6/25/2007 8:26:50 PM |
f1001978 Veteran 315 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "at least Apple TV is well made, oh and it has component output and a tosslink (commonly known as fiber optic) output." |
This comment alone is enough to convinced me of Malice's ignorance with the xbox360.6/26/2007 9:40:51 AM |
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
^ Wait wait i got some better ones. Ladies and gentleman check out Mr. Technology (Malice quotes)
Quote : | "watch the guided tour, you can even watch it in HIGH DEFINITION, because apple is all about QUALITY" |
Oh fuck we got HD in da house!!!
and YOUTUBE. " |
Now wireless is new tech??? Oh wait there's TV SHOWS ON THE INTERNET!!!
Quote : | "Dude, if you knew ANYTHING about computers, you'd get a Mac.
They look better, they work better.
For example, did you know that macs arent as prone to viruses?" |
OH NO!!!! Where have we heard this before????
I said: Describe to me the codec support that appletv has...
Malice said:
Quote : | "what are you talking about? You can watch shows and movies and podcasts and listen to all your music, AND look at your pictures
Quote : | "Oh and you will never know more about computers than I do.
I have two computers ok, and an ipod, and friday i'll have an iphone." |
Quote : | "Dude AppleTV WORKS WITH WINDOWS
Your SHIT Windows machine probably got a virus that corrupted the video files.
You should probably reformat or something loser." |
This guy obviously knows alot about video formats and computers!!
Quote : | "I bet vista asks you if you are sure you want to hit the start button, or if you're sure you want to hit the "Post Reply" button on this website, or it asks you if you're sure you want to hit the space bar between words." |
I don't even know.
Quote : | "Windows and macs. Everyone knows macs are better. you get more bang for the buck, they last longer, look cooler, and come with student discounts." |
Yes because Apple is the only computer you can get with a student discount? Of course not.
Quote : | "You have yet to come up with a SINGLE POINT
My point is
you cannot argue this" |
So scared.
Quote : | "AppleTV is the most sophisticated technology introduced into a living room in our time." |
So now it rivals the next gen consoles?
This guy is so wack he doesn't even know it.
HIS WHOLE ARGUMENT STRATEGY: http://www.apple.com/[insert argument point here].
[Edited on June 26, 2007 at 10:23 AM. Reason : .]6/26/2007 9:58:09 AM |
qntmfred retired 40848 Posts user info edit post |
you've fallen for his tomfoolery, my friend. hook, line and sinker, as they say 6/26/2007 10:24:35 AM |
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148677 Posts user info edit post |
or perhaps malice appears to have been brainwashed by those "Hi, I'm a PC...and I'm a Mac" commercials 6/26/2007 10:26:34 AM |
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
^ Yeah i'm seriously considering that.
^^I did fall right into arguing with him.
[Edited on June 26, 2007 at 10:50 AM. Reason : .] 6/26/2007 10:50:24 AM |
Golovko All American 27023 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | " Instead of paying 500 bucks for that shit ultimate leet faggot edition of vista
you could have put it in shares of apple and afforded an iPhone AND an apple tv
but no
you wanted a second rate operating system with an alt tab feature that wishes it was as awesome as OS X's hotcorners" |
if you must know, i use both OS' at home. So don't preach to me how i need to stop using Vista and get on the mac bandwagon. I'm already on it. But i'm also on the Vista bandwagon. But please keep us posted on when I can start streaming all my hd videos, photos, and music to my xbox360 using only Mac OS X.
since the apple TV is so sophisticated, can i hook up my wireless racing wheel and play Forza 2 on it? Or does it just cost as much as an Xbox360 and only stream video and music?
[Edited on June 26, 2007 at 11:27 AM. Reason : fda]6/26/2007 11:26:18 AM |
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
^ According to malice
Quote : | "You have yet to come up with a SINGLE POINT
My point is
you cannot argue this" |
(means he knows jack shit about what it can do in relation to the 360)
If anyone doesn't know here's what the appletv does. You're able to hook it up to a tv and play music/movies/tv shows from itunes. That's about it. No dvr, no games, no on/off switch, and no decoder support other than what you get when you pay for a tv show through itunes. Which means you'll be playing all those itunes tv shows at 320 by 240 outputting through hdmi to an hdtv. Wow it'll look simply horrible. Those itunes tv shows/movies already look horrible on an sdtv at 320 by 240, i can't imagine an HDTV.
[Edited on June 26, 2007 at 11:34 AM. Reason : .]6/26/2007 11:32:32 AM |
Golovko All American 27023 Posts user info edit post |
Apple TV cannot do ANYTHING I need. It cannot play any of my 360 games. It cannot stream any of my HD tv shows unless its something i bought through itunes. It cannot stream my XM Radio from my computer.
^in itunes defense i think they bumped the res. to 640x480. But still...this is not at all what i'm trying to do. The fact that the 360 is a 'all in one' package is reason enough to NOT buy an apple TV and for an extra $200 you can have a hd-dvd player added to the list
[Edited on June 26, 2007 at 11:37 AM. Reason : fda]6/26/2007 11:36:05 AM |
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
^ 640 by 480? I had no idea. The last tv show i bought from itunes was an episode of the office at 320 by 240 and it looked horrible even on an SDTV through the ipod av cables. I'm glad they finally bumped the res up then.
"Only streams iTunes content--leaving it up to you to get your videos into iTunes; current crop of iTunes movies and TV shows look much worse on a big-screen TV; no HD content on iTunes Store; no support for surround sound audio tracks; can't connect to older non-wide-screen TVs; small 40GB hard drive has only 33GB of usable disk space; oversimplified remote can't control other devices; no ability to purchase iTunes Store content directly through Apple TV; no A/V cables included; no Internet radio support." -CNET
[Edited on June 26, 2007 at 11:43 AM. Reason : .] 6/26/2007 11:42:40 AM |
Malice Suspended 1337 Posts user info edit post |
Man I won this thread so soo hard, I apologize to Golovko for taking over and derailing it to make neodata look foolish, but when the opportunity presented itself, I had to do it... details to follow shortly 6/26/2007 1:03:24 PM |
Malice Suspended 1337 Posts user info edit post |
message_topic.aspx?topic=483542&page=1 6/26/2007 1:16:17 PM |
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I call most people faggots, including my gay friends, because they're faggots" |
Quote : | "I have naked pictures of Liz Vicious in my gallery, you've found my secret" |
Malice continues to display his stupidity in the thread he created.
For further information on Malices social life check out http://www.lizvicious.com or log onto TWW and check out all the threads he's "won" in his biography!!
[Edited on June 26, 2007 at 3:55 PM. Reason : .]6/26/2007 3:44:47 PM |