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All American
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on my old powerbook emptying the trash would close the window but wouldn't always update the icon in the dock to show that it was empty. i'd have to re-open the window to see that everything was in fact deleted. i haven't noticed it on my new mac book pro yet

1/14/2009 6:28:22 PM

The Stubby
7784 Posts
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what'd you do to your powerbook?

1/14/2009 8:55:17 PM

All American
22728 Posts
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gave it to a friend

1/14/2009 9:58:40 PM

All American
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looks like Sun's free Virtual Box is an entry-level competitor with Fusion and parallels

1/27/2009 7:49:59 PM

All American
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heh, virtualbox has been out for a while

it's not yet even nearly as mature as parallels/fusion, but hey, it's free

1/27/2009 9:05:02 PM

All American
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is there a way to reduce the sensitivity of the touchpad? i like the tap to touch, but sometimes when my hand even gets close to the touchpad (without touching it) it will register a click.

1/27/2009 9:41:25 PM

All American
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^^ the ars review says the recent VB 2.1 version is the first, in their opinion, that's usable, or at least a decent competitor to the others

1/27/2009 10:26:18 PM

All American
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Quote :
"yeah, if they release a new product within 14 days of your purchase, you can go trade it in for free.

it's up to the store manager if it's past 14 days, but they've done it up to two months out for me."

so the cut off for the ilife upgrade was january 6. mother fucker, they got me by 3 days.

1/28/2009 6:52:15 PM

All American
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if it's that close, you can usually talk the manager into doing it anyway

1/28/2009 6:53:18 PM

32613 Posts
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Quote :
"but sometimes when my hand even gets close to the touchpad (without touching it) it will register a click."

i used to do that shit all the time when i was typing.. i guess i quit doing it now bc i don't notice anymore but yea.. i'm interested in this too anyways

1/28/2009 6:56:36 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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No one posted anything about this year's MacHeist Bundle, and now it's over and I don't even know what I missed.

4/15/2009 12:16:50 AM

All American
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well, you probably missed one or two programs that you may use once or twice then forget about them, a couple programs you've already bought, and lots of programs you don't give a shit about.

4/15/2009 12:21:54 AM

All American
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it was fucking underwhelming thats why nobody posted about it

World of Goo was the only interesting thing and I already have it via Steam

4/15/2009 12:28:23 AM

12280 Posts
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yeah, i saw the macheist and wasnt impressed

4/15/2009 12:51:23 AM

All American
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if you did the missions, you ended up with like $8 off... $31 for all of that stuff wasn't bad at all.

granted, i'll hardly ever use most of it... but one of my old friends is part of the directorate, so i'd feel guilty if i didn't buy it

4/15/2009 12:54:04 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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They had some good stuff last year.

4/17/2009 11:56:19 PM

The Stubby
7784 Posts
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Espresso FTW
i like little snapper too

4/18/2009 2:53:39 AM

Thots and Prayers
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Anybody running Windows 7 on virtualbox?

gonna give it a shot sometime soon.

5/11/2009 2:08:18 PM

El Nachó
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Haven't tried Virtualbox, but I've got it on a fusion VM on my macbook. Seems to work just fine from what I can tell.

5/11/2009 2:12:28 PM

All American
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with vmware fusion, once you're done with ti can you completely get rid of it along with the windows partition?

5/11/2009 4:45:04 PM

All American
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yeh you just delete the virtual machine. there is no windows partition if you're using VMware.. the virtual windows partition is inside the virtual machine file. a virtual machine file is like 5-6gigs or so. At least mine anyway.

5/11/2009 5:08:30 PM

El Nachó
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There is no windows partition with virtual machines. That's why it's virtual. Each VM is it's own separate file containing all the info that Fusion needs to run whatever OS you installed to that virtual machine.

^Yeah, what he said. My Win 7 VM ended up being just shy of 20GB, btw. And that's without pre-allotting HDD space for the VM.

5/11/2009 5:11:10 PM

All American
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that seems excessively large....
My Win7 Fusion virtual machine is 8.5GB. The WinXP Pro VM that I use regularly is <6GB.

I have Auto Protect disabled for both of them because it unnecessarily eats up a ton of space - more than you would expect for what is supposed to be an incremental backup.

5/11/2009 5:26:59 PM

All American
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Leopard 10.5.7 up in hizzle.

5/13/2009 12:50:37 PM

6218 Posts
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I updated last night and got the freeze.

Had to shut down but looks like it worked.

5/13/2009 1:35:21 PM

All American
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ok, so I'm new to the mac. Which is the better photo editor/manager? iPhoto or Picasa 3 for mac??

5/13/2009 1:37:10 PM

All American
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iPhoto. its much better integrated into iLife and the Mac in general. Do you have iLife '08 or '09? iPhoto 09 has some nice improvements like face recognition. iMovie '09 is also much improved.

5/13/2009 2:05:13 PM

All American
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while Picasa3 has some nice additional features, and iPhoto is sorely lacking in some features (like some more basic image editing), I think iPhoto is still the way to go, especially iPhoto '09, unless you have some specific need for what Picasa does. It's the easiest to use and unless you have special needs, it can handle pretty much all of your basic digital picture needs. Plus it has cool features like Faces and Places, and it integrates very nicely with all the other iLife applications.

There are several good iPhoto plugins too, mostly that make uploading to various services much easier. For example, here is a Facebook uploader that is much better than the one built into iPhoto 09

5/13/2009 4:10:14 PM

All American
27701 Posts
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Quote :
"ok, so I'm new to the mac. Which is the better photo editor/manager? iPhoto or Picasa 3 for mac??"

neither. lightroom.

also, holy awesome, batman:

7/26/2009 9:25:26 PM

32613 Posts
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7/26/2009 9:32:58 PM

All American
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oh shit son

let a brotha come by and hold it for a minute, k? just wanna see it before i start getting money together.

7/26/2009 10:08:29 PM

32613 Posts
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when you wanna come by? i'm home after 630 most days.. asleep by 1030 though usually

7/26/2009 10:15:20 PM

All American
10804 Posts
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To answer question earlier in thread:

7/26/2009 10:35:43 PM

40807 Posts
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i've been using win7 in parallels since RC came out with great success

7/26/2009 10:41:39 PM

32613 Posts
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does it play nice with dual monitor setups?

7/26/2009 10:44:28 PM

40807 Posts
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in coherence mode, only if your monitors are the same size. i have my MBP hooked up to a 21" monitor and Windows sees it as one monitor at 3360x900 instead of 1440x900 + 1920x1200. i've seen a few posts online that it works ok in fullscreen mode, but i couldn't get it to work. supposedly it's fixed in Parallels 5.0, which just came out this week.

speaking of has anybody used Parallels 5.0 yet? i had deleted my bootcamp partition and was using a win7 VM in parallels 4.5 on OS X 10.5 but i'm thinking about wiping it and doing win7 in bootcamp + 10.6. supposedly apple is going to come out with a bootcamp update before year end though, so i am torn

[Edited on November 5, 2009 at 11:37 AM. Reason : .]

11/5/2009 11:33:13 AM

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3/8/2010 3:02:03 PM

All American
27023 Posts
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Thanks for the bump.

Apple has dropped the price of their developer program to $99

Quote :
"On Thursday, Apple sharply cut the cost of its Mac Developer Program, dropping the price to just $99 a year. Previously, the only way into the program was by buying Apple Developer Connection Select or Premier memberships ($499 and $3499 respectively). Why the drop in cost? According to Apple, it's in response to the success of the iPhone Developer Program ($99/year to join) and the potential crossover for those apps into the world of the Mac. While not a large factor by any case, I’m sure a renewed look at the Mac's gaming potential didn’t hurt either."

3/8/2010 3:07:39 PM

All American
1391 Posts
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may have already seen this but MacHeist is having their "nanoBundle" for $19.95 w/ 7 apps.

Tales of Monkey Island
Rapid Weaver (currently unavailable but opens at 50k sold bundles. appears to be at 40k-45k or so).

3/8/2010 8:12:15 PM

All American
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i have a macbook running osx 10.4.11

for some reason my computer stopped recognizing my ethernet port which is a prob since i am cheap and connect to the internet at home using ethernet cable + modem

it isn't the modem (well i'm like 95% sure after spending an hour on the phone with the RR people and trying like a thousand different ethernet and catv cables)

i have reset my PRAM and that didn't resolve it. should i reset SMC? from reading a couple of mac tech message boards it seems that other people have had similar issues and the ethernet port was just dunzo. and if that is the case i'd rather just go buy a cheapy router (my airport works fine) than take my comp to the apple store (apple care ran out in jan).

other suggestions i can try? that DONT involve network configurations. those are all fine. i really think its just my ethernet port but i didn't do anything to it. it just randomly stopped working. sigh.

3/8/2010 8:15:09 PM

All American
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Purchased the MacHeist today...this alone was worth it...

Really easy to use, just pop in a DVD, click compress and it will compress it to a mp4 so you can play it in iTunes, Apple Tv, iPod/phone etc...or any media device that plays mp4's

3/9/2010 5:01:00 PM

All American
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Uhh... you sure you have the right app? I've been using ripit for a few months and my options are Rip & Eject. That's the same buttons that they show in their screencaps too. There's definitely NO compression on mine at all which is my only complaint with it.

3/9/2010 6:02:59 PM

4763 Posts
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^yeah man, pretty nifty. did you upgrade yours? it does have "beta" on the "compress" button.

3/9/2010 9:29:05 PM

All American
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^^ what ^ said. you have to upgrade. Its a 'beta' feature but it works great

3/9/2010 9:45:05 PM

All American
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Awesome. Glad you caught that. Your post made me go back and double check it but I never thought to check for an update. Thanks!

3/9/2010 10:38:39 PM

All American
22435 Posts
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Here's the situation.

I need to analyze a 1GB capture file. Don't ask why, just read. Is there anyway to do this in wireshark on Mac or do I have to go hunt down a blade with ungodly amounts of ram.

3/10/2010 6:45:46 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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I've got a macbook pro with a bad hard can i install OSX on a blank drive when I only have Windows computer to prepare any installation media?

1/13/2016 5:27:52 PM

All American
11577 Posts
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You could format an external drive in fat32 or something and boot from that. So you don't have an OSX disk? Even an older one?

1/13/2016 6:02:36 PM

play so hard
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I have no OSX disks. Where could I download the OS from?

Isn't Fat 32 4GB max? That enough space?

1/13/2016 6:42:58 PM

All American
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Apple has a recover USB application that you can download from them. With that you can boot into the disk first aid app, format, and/or reinstall OS X over the internet.

1/13/2016 8:01:35 PM

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