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All American
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^ It's a *serial* dude. I was confused at first too, but I don't expect them to make everything clear by the end of each episode. I have enough faith in the writers to believe that they will clarify her motivation in good time.

Impatient viewers != bad writers.

PS* 31!

PPS* I also don't think the characters should have to spell out their motivations in dialogue everytime they do something. Real people don't do that. So why should she? I would rather let her motivation be *gradually* revealed by her actions.

[Edited on February 13, 2012 at 9:12 AM. Reason : ``]

2/13/2012 9:04:20 AM

All American
3021 Posts
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Just b/c Lori "found out" about Shane still isn't a viable motivation to go after Rick, IMO. Rick and Glenn weren't going to go shopping and have a guys' day out, they were going to find Herschel and come right back. How is her driving to meet him going to expedite that process? Even if she did get to Rick and they still hadn't found Herschel, they would've kept looking for him b/c his daughter needs him.

Let's not forget that she left her son there. If she was truly that worried about Shane, then she wouldn't have left her little boy there alone. No matter how you slice it or try to justify it, it's effing stupid, it defies logic, and it's frustrating as hell to watch.

[Edited on February 13, 2012 at 9:15 AM. Reason : .]

2/13/2012 9:13:50 AM

no u
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Quote :
"i think they've firmly established that Lori is a panicky idiot over quite a few episodes"

2/13/2012 9:16:38 AM

All American
2585 Posts
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I'm curious why Rick held the gun pointed at the fat guys head even after shooting him 2-3 times. Did he think he was gonna pop back up as a walker or something?

2/13/2012 9:20:57 AM

All American
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What I found funny was the fact that Lori literally crashed 10 seconds out of camp. Yet I'm sure next week Shane will be looking for her forever. They could've easily just cut away, then cut back so it appeared that she actually had traveled some distance.

2/13/2012 9:43:51 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Just b/c Lori "found out" about Shane still isn't a viable motivation to go after Rick, IMO. Rick and Glenn weren't going to go shopping and have a guys' day out, they were going to find Herschel and come right back. How is her driving to meet him going to expedite that process? Even if she did get to Rick and they still hadn't found Herschel, they would've kept looking for him b/c his daughter needs him."

Are you sure about that? Glenn couldn't look for Herschel on his own while Rick took care of business at the camp? Lord knows Glenn went on runs by himself before. I don't see how it is so obvious he couldn't do it again if Rick had to head back.

Quote :
"Let's not forget that she left her son there. If she was truly that worried about Shane, then she wouldn't have left her little boy there alone. "

Let's be clear what we are talking about here. Dale told her that he thought Shane killed Otis. He didn't say Shane was hearing voices and smearing shit on walls. So why should she leap to the conclusion "Shane is obviously going to kill my little boy if I leave him alone here"?

We don't even know how much she actually believes Dale. I could totally see her believing Dale enough to want to have Rick back sooner because she simultaneously now trusts Shane even less AND so Rick could weigh in on whether he think Shane is capable of sacrificing a stranger WITHOUT believing Shane will go on a Jason Voorhees-style killing spree. Call me crazy.

Anyway, looking back, I think Lori's reaction to Dale's rumor is totally human even if her driving isn't (it looks like she must have pressed the accelerator after she hit the zombie for her car to flip like that).

2/13/2012 9:44:00 AM

no u
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i mean she is a woman driver so

2/13/2012 9:46:31 AM

Starting Lineup
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Ok guys, lets calm down here, some of you are forgetting key parts of the episode.

After Lori talked to Dale, she talked to Daryl and told him to go find them. He said F that go find them yourself and Im not doing shit anymore. Thats why she left out on her own.

The reason Rick held the gun there after shooting him 2-3 for the headshot that you see after the camera pans out. This could be tied to the secret the CDC guy told him before heading out.

2/13/2012 9:51:43 AM

All American
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Quote :
"After Lori talked to Dale, she talked to Daryl and told him to go find them. He said F that go find them yourself and Im not doing shit anymore. Thats why she left out on her own."

Yah, that's true.

I still think that would be consistent with her trying to get Rick et al back sooner for reasons besides the daughter's condition, though (even though that is all she told Daryl). And maybe Daryl freaking out made her want Rick back even more (first she thinks Shane murdered Otis and now Daryl is giving up on helping the camp, maybe it would be nice to have someone level headed like Rick around about now).

Anyways I am not saying my interpretation is correct (and it is only partly mine as this is based on some of what show writer Glen Mazzara said on Talking Dead's after show). I am just stressing that there could be other shit going beside bad writing and that I think it will all be revealed with time if we are patient.

Besides, won't Rick's first question to Lori be something like "What were you thinking? Why were you coming to get me?" If he does ask her that and she just says something like "Oh, I thought you might have forgotten Hershel's daughter was sick." Then I will concede it was just bad writing on their part.

[Edited on February 13, 2012 at 10:11 AM. Reason : ``]

2/13/2012 10:02:11 AM

427 Posts
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Now that shes had a post apocalyptic abortion it takes some of the pressure off of Rick huh?

2/13/2012 12:07:29 PM

All American
43387 Posts
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The end of that episode with Lori...grrr, what the fuck? How stupid is she? I love how half the season is spent looking for Sophia and yet members of the group apparently don't mind going off willy nilly for the fuck of it. I mean how long had Glenn and Rick been gone? 1-2 hours?

And already Lori decides to go "get them"? And that dumb bitch can't even keep her eyes on the road? And then decides to swerve off the road AFTER hitting the zombie? It was pretty clear that she was still traveling straight after hitting the zombie. Just hit the brakes you dumb bitch.

2/13/2012 12:39:35 PM

All American
9166 Posts
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Lori driving off, by herself, was the most idiotic thing ever. considering what it took to find sophia and those who almost died in the search, you would think they'd be a bit more strict on who goes where and when and for what reason. but no, leave the dumb preggo bitch to take off on her own telling no one.

but hats off to Rick for quick-drawing the guys in the bar; that was a pretty bad-ass scene i thought. finally some real grit that can be identified with. its not all "oh yeah come join us and live happily ever after on the farm."

2/13/2012 1:25:36 PM

All American
6115 Posts
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Quote :
"Are you sure about that? Glenn couldn't look for Herschel on his own while Rick took care of business at the camp? Lord knows Glenn went on runs by himself before. I don't see how it is so obvious he couldn't do it again if Rick had to head back."

Sure he could, doesn't have the balls or the talking skills to bring him back though.

2/13/2012 2:33:59 PM

no u
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plus Hershel doesn't really respect Glenn

2/13/2012 4:02:08 PM

37776 Posts
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Quote :
"i think they've firmly established that Lori is a panicky idiot over quite a few episodes"

2/13/2012 5:09:29 PM

428 Posts
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I think the bar scene was very useful in showing Hershel that he does need rick more than he thought at first.

2/13/2012 5:43:08 PM

All American
579 Posts
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Quote :
"I think the bar scene was very useful in showing Hershel that he does need rick more than he thought at first."

Remember from what was being shown in the scenes up to that in the bar it appeared Hershel was steady drinking glasses of liquor and had been doing so for hours. Not only that but the guy has to be pushing 70-80 years old. If the writers are trying to be realistic and make the story lines believable I doubt Hershel will remember everything or be experiencing things in his normal state of mind/emotions during that scene. Not only that but he was already in shock after watching his relatives in Walker state get their heads blown off by Shane and crew earlier.

The thrown together writing and poor quality story lines are becoming painfully obvious this season vs the first. Even though the show is still incredibly entertaining they are starting to push some fans away with the predictable and monotonous episodes. Apparently, there were around 10.1 million viewers last night watching the mid season premier and AMC needs to be willing to bring in some serious writing talent to boost this show which seems to be stalling out in its 2nd season. /rant

[Edited on February 13, 2012 at 6:34 PM. Reason : ]

2/13/2012 6:25:32 PM

El Nachó
special helper
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Quote :
"I'm curious why Rick held the gun pointed at the fat guys head even after shooting him 2-3 times. Did he think he was gonna pop back up as a walker or something?"

I thought that he was contemplating blowing his head off so he wouldn't be able to be turned. But I don't even know if that's possible or not.

2/13/2012 6:51:38 PM

All American
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i may have to rewatch that part, i thought it was just the camera angle..

2/13/2012 7:13:28 PM

1136 Posts
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My god, this was just a horrible episode. The writing has gotten to the point its making me almost not want to watch the show anymore. I'm still sticking with it for now, but if this keeps up much longer its going to absolutely ruin the show. I feel like the entirety of season two could have been condensed into three episodes up until this point. The show is almost getting embarrassing.

Quote :
"The reason Rick held the gun there after shooting him 2-3 for the headshot that you see after the camera pans out. This could be tied to the secret the CDC guy told him before heading out."


2/13/2012 7:39:31 PM

New Recruit
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he's implying that without a head shot the dead may come back to life

I dont think thats the secret but thats what he's implying

2/13/2012 8:29:38 PM

All American
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regarding the headshot, i thought that was already known and had been known since season one.

2/13/2012 8:36:49 PM

All American
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Quote :
"So she isn't panicking and running to get Rick because the girl is STILL in shock. She is panicking and running to get Rick because she SUDDENLY found out a mad man is in charge."

OK, fair enough of a reason for why she wants Rick back. But she has no proof what so ever, and what if Rick gets back.. they're going to confront Shane with no proof and accuse him of murder? Seems out of character for Rick and Lori.

Quote :
"Let's be clear what we are talking about here. Dale told her that he thought Shane killed Otis. He didn't say Shane was hearing voices and smearing shit on walls. So why should she leap to the conclusion "Shane is obviously going to kill my little boy if I leave him alone here"? "

Which is it; Is he a mad man, or not? It's OK for her to leap to the conclusion that Shane is possible mad man and that Rick being back in 30 minutes versus 2 hours will drastically change something..... but the conclusion that her son could be in danger is an unimaginable stretch from there?

She's frightened enough to think she can't handle the situation on her own or with the group and has to have Rick... but her son is going to be able to handle it? I'd argue that if she was truly fearful because of Shane, and knowing that Rick was doing something and coming right back, it's a pretty stupid move to take off looking for the guy who can handle himself and leave your kid in a situation that you're worried could get out of control.

That being said, that's completely OK. I mean, there are stupid people in the world. I expect there to be stupid people in stories. My concern is that her decision making wasn't so much part of her "character" as just a mechanism to create the situation of her on the side of the road. If that's the case, that's shitty writing imo.

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"I am just stressing that there could be other shit going beside bad writing and that I think it will all be revealed with time if we are patient"

There's truth to what you're saying, and there is something to be said for patience in a show and that not everything needs to be clear up front. But I don't think this show has earned that respect of it's audience. And I'd be more willing to go along with that notion if I didn't know everything Lori did and each conversation she had up until that point. For ex., if we saw her talk to someone, but didn't hear it... then she took off, I'd be very patient with that. I we saw her interactions leading up to this decision... it seemed pretty ridiculous to me.

[Edited on February 13, 2012 at 9:04 PM. Reason : .]

2/13/2012 9:01:32 PM

All American
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2/13/2012 10:06:07 PM

All American
26447 Posts
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lol people re defending this piss poor writing

low standards

2/13/2012 10:08:59 PM

1136 Posts
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Quote :
"he's implying that without a head shot the dead may come back to life

I dont think thats the secret but thats what he's implying"

Yeah that's pretty common knowledge at this point. They have shown multiple times the walkers getting shot without dying till they take one to the head. Saw it multiple times even when they were let out of the barn and Herschel mentioned about how he wasn't a believer that the people were actually dead till he saw his wife getting pumped full of bullets to the chest and not dying.

I seriously doubt they would have made such a big deal of what the guy was whispering into Ricks ear if it was just "Hey, here's a secret, you gotta shoot them in the head to kill them"

Hell, I think in pretty much every Zombie movie ever made you gotta destroy their brain to kill them.

2/13/2012 10:12:47 PM

37776 Posts
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Ricks 3rd shot was to the head. Before he stood over the guy pointing the gun at his head.

2/13/2012 10:19:43 PM

All American
710 Posts
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This ep made me miss Terriers. I was hoping Michael Raymond James would be on the show for a while.

2/13/2012 10:20:08 PM

1136 Posts
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We get a few new exciting characters and we are like "Finally, some new people who are gonna liven up the show and make it interesting." And while we are all excited and think things are gonna change, BAM! They get killed, and back to the boring farm we go with the same people to live in misery.

It made me feel like Chunk during The Goonies. He gets all exciting when he escapes the Fratelli's and gets to the road and the car stops and he things he has escaped to freedom, only to see it's one of the Fratelli's and back to the restaurant he goes.

[Edited on February 13, 2012 at 10:28 PM. Reason : .]

2/13/2012 10:27:15 PM

All American
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Soooo, I have read the comic and you guys might be missing the point about the head shot.


In the comic, anytime anyone dies for any reason(unless head shot), they come back as a walker. This show has not shown the audience that. The audience is only supposed to know that if you get bit you turn into a zombie. In the comic its a huge deal when they figure out that they will all turn into zombies when they die no matter what happens. They are "The Walking Dead"


If the secret is about this fact, maybe thats the significance of him holding the gun at his head the way he did.

[Edited on February 13, 2012 at 10:29 PM. Reason : fsdfsd]

2/13/2012 10:29:14 PM

1136 Posts
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Well that makes more sense.

2/13/2012 10:32:15 PM

All American
11792 Posts
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Quote :
"Which is it; Is he a mad man, or not? It's OK for her to leap to the conclusion that Shane is possible mad man and that Rick being back in 30 minutes versus 2 hours will drastically change something..... but the conclusion that her son could be in danger is an unimaginable stretch from there?"

I don't think it is an unimaginable stretch. I just could see her logically thinking that Carl being on the farm (the safest place they found thus far) is still a better option than driving out with her into Walker territory looking for Rick. EVEN IF she thinks Shane might be dangerous, he might still be safer than dealing Walkers (I think the car crash kinda shows that). Unfortunately, there are few perfect options in the zombie apocalypse.

Now you're right, having Rick back an hour sooner might not make a difference in the scheme of things. But I've been in situations where I've panicked before and I usually do whatever will make me feel less anxious at the time (even if it isn't the smartest thing).

My guess is that is what Lori is doing and I don't think it is exactly out of character. It's like she said at the beginning of the season after Rick lost Sophia, when decisions need to be made the group (and her) turns to Rick. I think it makes sense she would turn to him now.

And she has certainly made rash decisions in a panic before--like taking all those morning after pills and then puking them back up. I think she has even left camp without telling anyone before. Wasn't it the first episode where she left camp to "pick mushrooms" and fuck Shane without telling Dale? Different circumstances, but it still means her leaving without notifying the camp isn't unprecedented. So I don't see her behavior as totally out of bounds.

Quote :
"That being said, that's completely OK. I mean, there are stupid people in the world. I expect there to be stupid people in stories. My concern is that her decision making wasn't so much part of her "character" as just a mechanism to create the situation of her on the side of the road. If that's the case, that's shitty writing imo."

Yah, I know exactly what you mean. I mean, I obviously have a theory about why she did what she did. But I could be way off base. And if I am, and it unfolds like you say, where her behavior is an excuse to move the plot forward, I will VERY disappointed.

2/14/2012 1:06:48 AM

All American
7289 Posts
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Quote :
"This ep made me miss Terriers. I was hoping Michael Raymond James would be on the show for a while."

2/14/2012 1:37:59 AM

17377 Posts
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i just watched the episode last night. what in the world was carol doing in the woods that got her so dirty? that whole thing was weird to me. what was the point of that?

[Edited on February 14, 2012 at 11:10 AM. Reason : t]

2/14/2012 11:05:04 AM

no u
103352 Posts
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wasn't she wailing away at those Cherokee roses?

2/14/2012 11:18:16 AM

17377 Posts
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oh yeah she was plucking yanking them off their stems. idk, she just seemed a little too dirty for that, but maybe i'm being nitpicky (sp?).

2/14/2012 11:26:47 AM

no u
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yeah, i dunno, i kind of forgot about that scene until you mentioned it

2/14/2012 11:31:24 AM

17377 Posts
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she was kinda scratched up & stuff too. i'm pretty sure i saw a little bit of blood. i think something's up with her.

2/14/2012 11:39:36 AM

All American
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2/14/2012 11:46:57 AM

All American
12511 Posts
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For some reason I get the feeling like there is some mechanism that keeps the farm 'protected.'. And that someone is going to ruin it and then they had to flee the farm. The only alternative is a swarm randomly finds the farm and they flee. Because you know they have to flee at some point.

I keep thinking the farmers faith, those Cherokee roses, the zombies in the barn(smell), the lack of lots of shooting before Rick and everyone showed up, or something else is the reason this farm hasn't been over run yet.

Almost like them taking refuge at the farm has doomed it to fall.

2/14/2012 1:14:06 PM

All American
93277 Posts
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Yeah, hopefully there will be some "night of the living dead"-esque farm house fortification and defense happening.

2/14/2012 2:24:37 PM

1136 Posts
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^^I think you are giving the writers WAY to much credit.

They can barely put together a single episode at this point.

2/14/2012 5:51:04 PM

All American
12212 Posts
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Yeah something with Carol is off . . . not sure if it's just shock of her daughter being gone or if something happened to her while she was off in the woods alone having it out with the Cherokee roses.
Shane's piss poor attempt at "poor me" while . . awkwardly. . washing her hands and I guess checking for bites/injuries, she gives him this "oh fuck off" look. Or maybe it's a dead look. Maybe it's a different mode of transmission as was hinted in Talking Dead.
I SAY YOU SHE DEAD (inside)!

^Not really, the farm's little utopia was pretty much ruined when Rick's people showed up. It wouldn't have lasted forever, not sure what they would have done once the barn was full of walkers they came across or if that one was never removed from the well. But that's just how things are. Truth comes barreling in and takes over blissful ignorance.

[Edited on February 15, 2012 at 9:36 PM. Reason : ScienTIST]

2/15/2012 9:28:34 PM

All American
2869 Posts
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Quote :
"Yeah, hopefully there will be some "night of the living dead"-esque farm house fortification and defense happening."

that would be cool. i love those parts in movies when they fortify their shit, make booby traps and all that.

[Edited on February 15, 2012 at 10:17 PM. Reason : deez nuts]

2/15/2012 10:16:54 PM

All American
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^^Agreed about Carol. The Cherokee Rose was her symbol of hope after Daryl told her the story/myth about it. I interpreted her going nuts on the roses as her abandoning all hope and dying inside after the loss of her little girl.

^Put me on the list of those who would like to see a massive zombie showdown with some new [and gross] ways to kill 'em.

2/16/2012 9:20:18 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Ricks 3rd shot was to the head. Before he stood over the guy pointing the gun at his head."

Just watched it last night. I assumed at first it was because the guy was still moving, as in sliding down to the floor lifelessly, but Rick was just making sure the third shot went in instead of deflecting off of his skull or grooving down the side of his head or something, and he wasn't still alive.

Or maybe he was just pissed-slash-emotional at having to kill actual people, and it was easier to point his gun at that guy than the other dude behind the bar. Like he was reminded that people could still be bad even after everything went to shit. or something.

2/17/2012 8:30:02 AM

All American
6421 Posts
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Was that Rene from True Blood season 1?

Oh god, what if the the Tara from True Blood rumor of playing Michonne is true?!!? This show is doomed!

2/17/2012 8:50:26 AM

All American
7436 Posts
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Yes it was Rene, and yes it was a waste of an actor.

2/17/2012 10:08:31 AM

All American
44225 Posts
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and jason from true blood was on new girl this past week!

true blood's getting all over the other shows

2/17/2012 10:54:24 AM

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2/19/2012 9:26:38 PM

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