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All American
33810 Posts
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Quote :
"Trump on Clinton: "If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks." Adds, "Though the second amendment folks, maybe there is...""

Pretty much how coups start... Seems like this is something the secret service would normally investigate...

8/9/2016 3:34:59 PM

50084 Posts
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Guys, both sides are the same. Remember..

8/9/2016 3:45:41 PM

All American
33810 Posts
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Here's a video clip, wish they would have showed more. Can anyone mske out what the crowd was yelling?

8/9/2016 3:58:34 PM

play so hard
60921 Posts
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8/9/2016 4:01:30 PM

All American
9594 Posts
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Never mind, put the Trump oppo research guy on suicide watch. Months of work that will never see the light of day

8/9/2016 4:08:05 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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he'said working for hillary

8/9/2016 5:00:48 PM

All American
39011 Posts
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they have to take the nomination from him at this point

the scary thing is that it'll only make the crazies crazier

8/9/2016 5:22:45 PM

All American
33810 Posts
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^ he's doing a good job of losing on his own.

Even if he is removed as the nominee, he's still going to have a national platform, and be sort of a martyr.

If they let him lose the normal way, he'll probably spout the same things no matter what, take the GOP down with him, and officially be a loser.

8/9/2016 5:54:47 PM

Forgetful Jones
147809 Posts
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Quote :
"Guys, both sides are the same. Remember.."

They are. Hillary just gives canned, talking point answers instead of saying what she actually wants to. Career politicians tend to do that.

Clinton and Trump's obvious difference have nothing to do with the R's and D's being the same.

[Edited on August 9, 2016 at 6:42 PM. Reason : .]

8/9/2016 6:39:07 PM

50084 Posts
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Categorically untrue.

Clinton (and the Democrats) has a whole bunch of issues as well but they are completely different.

8/9/2016 7:09:03 PM

Forgetful Jones
147809 Posts
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So, anytime Trump says something outlandishly dumb that Hillary wouldn't say, that's evidence to you that the Democratic Party and Republican Party are wildly different? Ok..

8/9/2016 7:11:13 PM

All American
33810 Posts
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^ I think it's mostly all the evidence that suggests the 2 parties are very different is what suggests the 2 parties are different. Trump is just the manifestation of this.
Secret service tweeted they are aware of trumps comments.

8/9/2016 7:24:31 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Wonder how wasted they were when they tweeted that

You're probably right, though. The R's and D's are dramatically different. Not just their stances on issues and the voters they try to pander to. But their whole purpose and essence. Whichever party you're registered too is clearly the better party...

[Edited on August 9, 2016 at 8:18 PM. Reason : .]

8/9/2016 8:17:23 PM

All American
9594 Posts
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8/9/2016 8:21:59 PM

All American
8383 Posts
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That Trump, such an outlier

8/9/2016 8:30:29 PM

Forgetful Jones
147809 Posts
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^^Nobody is arguing that their policy positions are different.

8/9/2016 8:44:30 PM

All American
11897 Posts
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Quote :
"They are. Hillary just gives canned, talking point answers instead of saying what she actually wants to. Career politicians tend to do that.

Clinton and Trump's obvious difference have nothing to do with the R's and D's being the same."

Well said. She is a politician. Trump otoh got this far by speaking the truth and saying what a lot of people feel who are sick of Humanitarian PC America. The problem is he has continued to go overboard with some of his off the wall comments.

8/9/2016 8:54:16 PM

All American
42526 Posts
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i know it has been discussed, but this was a good take on trump's "stochastic terrorism"

8/9/2016 9:45:28 PM

All American
39011 Posts
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Quote :
"So, anytime Trump says something outlandishly dumb that Hillary wouldn't say, that's evidence to you that the Democratic Party and Republican Party are wildly different? Ok.."

how did Trump become the Republican nominee for president? Magic?

8/9/2016 10:59:37 PM

Forgetful Jones
147809 Posts
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So if it were Obama vs. Romney in 2012, you'd have a completely different opinion? Dems and Reps were the same, until Trump came along, is that it?

8/9/2016 11:07:44 PM

All American
22941 Posts
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I'm not voting for him, but after the whole thing with the crying baby, and how news outlets completely and shamelessly twisted the truth, I'm not believing another headline about Trump.

This thing with his 2nd Amendment comments? Might be true, might not be true, I don't care. They've all lost their cred, in my eyes.

8/9/2016 11:14:26 PM

play so hard
60921 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm not believing another headline about Trump."

You should have never believed any fucking headline about anything.

Quote :
"This thing with his 2nd Amendment comments? Might be true, might not be true, I don't care. They've all lost their cred, in my eyes."

Except his comments were recorded by video, and you can watch said video and draw your own conclusions. All things are not about the media.

[Edited on August 9, 2016 at 11:21 PM. Reason : you are capable of critical thought...right?]

8/9/2016 11:18:01 PM

All American
8383 Posts
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The news told me that the news twisted Trump's baby comments so now I can't trust the news.

8/9/2016 11:35:06 PM

play so hard
60921 Posts
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^ inorite? What in the fuck? Read what you can, and draw your own conclusions using critical thought. This shit ain't complicated.

In related news, nice to see rjrumfel keep his format the same, despite being called out for it.

Quote :
"lol nearly all your posts about Trump over the last year have been either:

1 - I'm no fan of Trump, but [positive point about Trump]
2 - I'm not voting for Trump, but [positive point about Trump]

You can disclaimer the stupid away."

8/9/2016 11:53:05 PM

Forgetful Jones
147809 Posts
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Well, when the clip on this page of what Trump said doesn't include the line right before it, you can see how that could change the context a bit, since Trump isn't just bringing up the 2nd amendment out of nowhere.

8/10/2016 12:50:38 AM

All American
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If you're on twitter you'd have known instantly he didn't literally kick the baby out. But this analysis is still 100% accurate:
Quote :
"If you can't see why pissing off mothers across this country is a big deal, then you're really missing something here. While you might think it funny, millions of mothers (and fathers) across this country have had to deal with screaming babies in tough situations. It's not like that mother isn't 110% aware that her screaming baby is an annoyance to everyone, She totally knows it, but God bless her, she's such a fan of this guy, that she braves the crowd with her baby wailing away, only to be mocked by the very person she's supporting."

If trump would have just stopped after the first comment (I llove babies), he would have came out on top. But he had to aggrandize himself at the expense of the mother and further call her out by ending with "some people just don't understand". It was sad on multiple levels. Characterizing as kicking the baby out was inaccurate,but characterizing it as rjrumfel did as being mocked is 100% accurate.

Trump was entirely trying to insinuate violence is needed to stop Hillary. His lie here is as transparent as his claim he meant blood coming out of megyn kelleys nose.

However, as a country, we're probably better off to accept the absurdity that trump meant 2nd amendment voters, because doing otherwise might actually encourage some crazy to take him up on this, just like people at his rallies took to heart his call to punch protesters.

8/10/2016 1:06:06 AM

play so hard
60921 Posts
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lol at TT10 trying to defend Trump with the "context" argument.

I'd like to think he's trolling, but who knows.

[Edited on August 10, 2016 at 1:14 AM. Reason : jk he's obviously trolling ]

8/10/2016 1:13:45 AM

All American
2052 Posts
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Regarding context:

Since Trump's statement is subject to the conditional, "If she gets to pick her judges..." it couldn't be referencing 2nd amendment voters. If she's picking judges, we're well past the voting stage.

8/10/2016 1:25:39 AM

All American
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Looks like the message has been received I guess.

8/10/2016 1:47:11 AM

All American
42526 Posts
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His supporters sure think he was talking about armed action against a future government headed by Hillary

Shocking that such people still exist, and in supposedly such large numbers.

8/10/2016 4:29:11 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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I'm curious as to exactly what threat is posed by the Supreme Court with regards to guns. Justices have no ability whatsoever to restrict gun rights. Worst case scenario (from the NRA's point of view) is that they decline to strike down gun control measures passed by legislatures, which of course voters can do something about. Justices have no ability whatsoever to restrict gun rights.

8/10/2016 10:27:21 AM

All American
11252 Posts
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Quote :
"They are. Hillary just gives canned, talking point answers instead of saying what she actually wants to. Career politicians tend to do that...

So, anytime Trump says something outlandishly dumb that Hillary wouldn't say,"

this is fucking stupid. do you think that the only thing preventing hillary for calling for the assassination of trump if he gets elected is that she's been a politician longer? or prevents her from assaulting gold star families? or any of the other shit that trump says?

is this just a really good troll?

[Edited on August 10, 2016 at 10:52 AM. Reason : ,]

8/10/2016 10:28:53 AM

play so hard
60921 Posts
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Dan Rather weighs in

Quote :
"No trying-to-be objective and fair journalist, no citizen who cares about the country and its future can ignore what Donald Trump said today. When he suggested that "The Second Amendment People" can stop Hillary Clinton he crossed a line with dangerous potential. By any objective analysis, this is a new low and unprecedented in the history of American presidential politics. This is no longer about policy, civility, decency or even temperament. This is a direct threat of violence against a political rival. It is not just against the norms of American politics, it raises a serious question of whether it is against the law. If any other citizen had said this about a Presidential candidate, would the Secret Service be investigating?
Candidate Trump will undoubtably issue an explanation; some of his surrogates are already engaged in trying to gloss it over, but once the words are out there they cannot be taken back. That is what inciting violence means.
To anyone who still pretends this is a normal election of Republican against Democrat, history is watching. And I suspect its verdict will be harsh. Many have tried to do a side-shuffle and issue statements saying they strongly disagree with his rhetoric but still support the candidate. That is becoming woefully insufficient. The rhetoric is the candidate.
This cannot be treated as just another outrageous moment in the campaign. We will see whether major newscasts explain how grave and unprecedented this is and whether the headlines in tomorrow's newspapers do it justice. We will soon know whether anyone who has publicly supported Trump explains how they can continue to do.
We are a democratic republic governed by the rule of law. We are an honest, fair and decent people. In trying to come to terms with today's discouraging development the best I can do is to summon our greatest political poet Abraham Lincoln for perspective:
"We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."
Lincoln used these stirring words to end his First Inaugural Address. It was the eve of the Civil War and sadly his call for sanity, cohesion and peace was met with horrific violence that almost left our precious Union asunder. We cannot let that happen again."

[Edited on August 10, 2016 at 12:29 PM. Reason : ^ yes.]

8/10/2016 12:28:50 PM

26632 Posts
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Remember that time Clinton said Obama might be assassinated and that's why she was still in the race

8/10/2016 12:54:04 PM

All American
10693 Posts
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^wow i forgot about that.

Quote :
"Hillary Clinton today cited the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy during the 1968 presidential campaign to explain why she was remaining in the race despite long odds.

"We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California," Clinton told the editorial board of a South Dakota newspaper. " I don't understand it," Clinton added, alluding to the calls for her to quit.

8/10/2016 1:25:24 PM

50084 Posts
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Not the same thing as what people are saying Trump meant but still bizarre.

Like, even if Obama was killed, why would it matter if she wasn't in the race still?

8/10/2016 1:33:25 PM

All American
22941 Posts
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You're all being pretty ignorant if you think that's what Trump really meant.

How his supporters are taking it however, is the real story. If they're really interpreting what he said as "Go kill Hillary" then yea, there's a big problem.

8/10/2016 1:45:14 PM

50084 Posts
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Huh? Of course that's the point. Nobody thinks Trump wants her assassinated ffs.

8/10/2016 1:53:25 PM

All American
8383 Posts
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I believe he wouldn't give a shit if she were.

8/10/2016 1:57:32 PM

All American
3111 Posts
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I'd say you're pretty ignorant if you think that ALL Trump meant was that people who support the second amendment could vote against Hillary and sway the election

8/10/2016 1:58:36 PM

All American
22941 Posts
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So you're actually saying that a candidate for president is openly calling for a competing candidate's assassination?

Because that's what you're saying.

8/10/2016 2:07:51 PM

All American
3111 Posts
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No I'm saying he's probably openly joking about that as a possibility

Would a terrible joke like that be so off base within his entire body of remarks?

[Edited on August 10, 2016 at 2:11 PM. Reason : a]

8/10/2016 2:10:34 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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Quote :
"I'd say you're pretty ignorant if you think that ALL Trump meant was that people who support the second amendment could vote against Hillary and sway the election"


8/10/2016 2:13:33 PM

All American
28028 Posts
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Quote :
"You're all being pretty ignorant if you think that's what Trump really meant."

Look at the actual quote. What do you think he really meant? I'm not saying he directly said "assassinate her", but he made reference to someone assassinating her as a means of keeping her from appointing judges if she is elected.

8/10/2016 2:15:02 PM

play so hard
60921 Posts
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There's also this theory -

8/10/2016 2:15:33 PM

All American
3111 Posts
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I was actually wondering about his choice of words in that regard too. Like, isn't he claiming to be one of the "Second Amendment people"? And if he is, why is he referencing them like he's not?

8/10/2016 2:18:07 PM

All American
22941 Posts
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Because he's not really pro-gun.

Just like he isn't pro-life

Just like he isn't a conservative.

He's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Saying what he thinks his base wants to hear just to get elected.

8/10/2016 2:55:49 PM

All American
3111 Posts
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Well I think the only 3 people on this board who don't realize that are the ones voting for him

8/10/2016 3:01:44 PM

All American
6788 Posts
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Maybe he meant a second amendment person needs to take Trump out so a different Republican can step in and beat Hillary without offending the Trump supporters in the process.....

8/10/2016 3:17:23 PM

All American
12790 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm not voting for him, but after the whole thing with the crying baby, and how news outlets completely and shamelessly twisted the truth, I'm not believing another headline about Trump."

I must have missed the follow-up. What was the truth behind the crying baby incident and how was it twisted. All I saw was unedited footage of Trump talking. It didn't even have commentary so I don't know how it was portrayed by the media and later spun by Trump.

8/10/2016 3:21:12 PM

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