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All American
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Ok, I need some better shirts or something, because joggling is making me sweat a lot more and my nipples are getting really irritated.

8/1/2013 8:52:23 PM

All American
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Yeah, I get chafing there as well when I wear shirts (even tech shirts) with screen printing over the chest. If I am gonna run longer, I have a couple shirts that are my go-tos. I have also done bandaids if/when it gets really bad.

8/2/2013 7:12:01 AM

All American
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Yeah I was gonna say tape them.

I cant run in underwear for similar reasons.

8/2/2013 9:03:54 AM

All American
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^^Your go-to shirts, are they a particular brand? I just bought running shirts from target and apparently they're shit.

[Edited on August 2, 2013 at 10:13 AM. Reason : .]

8/2/2013 10:13:08 AM


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I have never had that problem, but I keep my girls locked down in my sports bra

8/2/2013 10:17:26 AM

All American
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My favorites are Nike tech shirts. Very soft and light without any printing except a swoosh on the shoulder and a logo on the back.

8/2/2013 10:22:07 AM

All American
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Joggling training continues unabated. 3 balls, 3 miles, too fucking hot at lunch today.

I got some Body Glide and it works well it seems.

8/8/2013 1:37:56 PM


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i love body glide! I use it everywhere, especially in my socks!

I've really gotten into spin for crosstraining. When I hit the hills during my long run my quads don't even cry out like they used to and I feel more powerful.

8/8/2013 2:11:17 PM

All American
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Pulled off a 20:06 5k! All it cost me to get there all my long run endurance. I can't run 6 miles straight now.. but I'm training for a 10k next, so all my runs will build back up to the 7-10s.

For hills I've started doing deadlifts once a week and kettlebell squat presses. My coach said a couple months of that will murder hills.. they are killing me now I'm starting super light on the deadlifts.. never done a bar weight before.

I guess I should try to use my quads more on hills but I'm trying to focus on my hip extension driving me and letting the quad action happen naturally.

8/8/2013 4:28:47 PM

All American
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I did my first long run today. 5 miles. I feel good, but a thought occurred to me. I've read that most injuries occur by trying to go too far too quickly. I've also read that you should try to do long runs 2/month.

Don't these ideas contradict each other? I did try to slow up my pace a lot on the long run so I guess that's the idea so you're not going your normal run pace.

Anyway, it feels good to be off the C25K app and getting some miles (and throws) under my belt.

8/10/2013 12:58:48 PM

All American
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Too fuckin' hot to run lately.

Let me know when it's under 80 degrees and 50% humidity.

8/11/2013 4:55:37 PM

All American
10165 Posts
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a little blog-post/query about running form...

So I'm a big guy (6'2", about 230) and I'm bigger now than I've ever been before. And lately I've found that I tear through shoes WAY too fast (like, < 100 miles.) Also, I can't run quietly...whenever I run it's "whap! whap! whap!" along the street (no matter how I try to trot softly or suppress the sound.) I've done tons of running in my life, and it's only recently (since I picked up running again this summer, after like a 5 year break) that I've had these issues with heavy steps and rapid shoe deterioration.

So I wonder if anyone has any insight into these problems? I love to run, but it's getting to where I have to buy new shoes every 60 days (which is ridiculous) and also to where my feet ache after every run.

Foot details: my feet are long and very flat. Also, my ankle have a funny and highly original defect: they only move up and down, not left and right. This disability prevents me from ollieing on a skateboard, incidentally, but that's the only serious inconvenience I've ever suffered from it.

8/11/2013 5:28:24 PM

All American
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Run 1 hr 6 days week..missed 1 day last week...made up 30 mins
Weak sauce using weather as excuse!

8/11/2013 7:30:56 PM

All American
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^^ May need to see a coach or something to assess run form. Without knowing how you run my best guess is your feet are hitting the ground too far ahead of you or your cadence is really low. Think of running "tall" and keeping your strides small.

Youtubed this. If you want to go insane get a cadence app on your phone. It took me months to get my cadence that high and I'm still off.

^^^^ Very nice.

Usually it's 'too much too soon', like increasing distance too fast or some other things. Training plans I've tried are 3 long runs, then a recovery week with a shorter distance to recover. Generally do shorter runs the weekend before a race.

Running slower on long runs is fine. You can do faster runs on weekdays. And slow down on hotter or humid days.

8/11/2013 8:51:33 PM

All American
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thanks. I have a long stride and land on my heels, so that probably explains a lot.

the problem is, I've tried landing on the balls of my feet (or other parts) and that makes my feet and ankles sore (though it might increase the longevity of my shoes.) maybe I should get a coach or something, as you suggest.

8/12/2013 12:55:55 AM

All American
8599 Posts
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Id suggest working down some of the weight and focusing on form by either slowing down or doing intervals. Dont neglect cross training and strength training with at least body weight exercises.

8/12/2013 11:13:14 AM

All American
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Hang back on mileage if changing forms. I've hurt myself pretty bad transitioning, feeling perfectly fine running the same mileage, then spraining my foot.

I think feet should be sore when starting a smaller stride. You are landing differently and using your plantar and some other muscles a bit more. There's a lot of tiny muscles in the feet that are atrophied from just wearing shoes all the time.

I got all kinds of plantar issues from being stubborn about minimalist shoes and doing crazy distances.

One thing I found for foot strength: (I just run slow in Vibrams once a week)

In terms of strike, I've been trying this for a couple months.

The drills are good practice. When running try not to do everything, spend a few minutes working on a couple pieces of your form at a time, then run how you want for a few minutes. I've found it impossible to focus on my entire form for long, but I could look at bits and pieces and break apart my long run into a bunch of drills.

8/12/2013 11:30:20 AM


21814 Posts
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I want to see some before and after shots of these shoes. How torn up are they? are you sure you need new shoes so often? what brand/where are you buying them?

8/12/2013 11:59:22 AM

All American
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And my knee is hurt.

So I ran the 5 miles on Saturday and I felt pretty good but later that day it felt odd. "Tweaked" was probably the best way to describe it. Like certain steps hurt a little on the outside back. Felt pretty normal by Tuesday.

I took Sunday off as normal, didn't do str training on Monday like normal and pushed yesterday's run to today. Get going, feels fine. About 1/4 mile in it starts hurting in the same outside back spot and gets progressively worse with each step. I stop at 1/2 mile and just walk back.

It's not that bad, I just want to err on the side of caution and not screw it up worse. Freezing an ice pack now and probably won't try running again until next week.

[Edited on August 14, 2013 at 12:40 PM. Reason : .]

8/14/2013 12:39:12 PM

All American
6156 Posts
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anyone going to try these?

8/15/2013 2:57:00 AM

All American
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^^ The location you are describing is generally the site of IT band pain. I have had it on and off for years--generally when I ramp up training significantly or push too hard too fast.

Have had a lot of luck getting rid of it with some rest and the stretches on this page

Take it for what it's worth. That may not be the type of pain you are having at all.

8/15/2013 9:47:46 AM

All American
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woot, was able to joggle yesterday 3.2 miles with no drops and no knee pain today. Thanks for the info!

8/28/2013 12:07:17 PM

21952 Posts
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While we're on the subject of shoes... any recommendations? I've put enough miles on my New Balance W750s that it's time for a new shoe. The NBs were bought as plain old athletic shoes before I started running. I like my NBs because they're lightweight, flexible, and accommodate my wide foot. But I'm jogging 4-5k several times a week and think I need a better shoe. I've heard a lot about Brooks.

And YES! to working that IT band. The foam roller work hurts so good. I had trouble when I first started training with my left leg and it was all IT band tightness. Those stretches and the foam roller really help.

[Edited on September 1, 2013 at 10:42 PM. Reason : hurts so good]

9/1/2013 10:34:22 PM

mainly potato
13090 Posts
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My brother runs cross country and swears by his Brooks.

9/1/2013 10:38:34 PM

All American
10504 Posts
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Hey is there anywhere in the brier creek area (or broader) with a 400 meter track that can be used by the public?

I've went to high schools and such to run there, but it feels weird and its probably illegal.

9/3/2013 7:59:40 PM

All American
9257 Posts
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Saucony has wide toe box. I use Kinvara, I don't know about the other ones.

9/3/2013 9:23:47 PM

171 Posts
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Quote :
"My brother runs cross country and swears by his Brooks."

I second wearing Brooks... I usually get the Adrenaline Trail shoe and since my laces like to come untied while I'm running (and I get annoyed when I have to stop to tie them) I also get the bungee lock shoe laces.

And I'm getting bummed out that my running time is continually increasing as I get further along in my pregnancy. :-( I rolled my ankle a few weeks ago and that doesn't help either. My neighbor and I are running a race next Friday night. Good thing I started doing fun runs rather than racing for competition... After little one is here, my neighbor and I are going to start training for longer and more terrain-type races.

9/4/2013 12:27:29 PM

All American
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What is everyone's stance on running when sick? I think I caught a cold this past weekend and have some congestion/coughing. In the past I've tried to fight through it but I always feel like my runs aren't great and it slows down my healing.

Do you guys usually rest when you have a cold? Go lighter?

9/4/2013 12:29:31 PM

All American
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I am noticeably weaker one or two weeks out from a cold. Long runs especially suffer. I'd probably run but not push it.

9/4/2013 3:04:58 PM


21814 Posts
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I have my next half this Sunday. I had a fantastic long run last weekend of 12.4 miles and I feel confident in saying that I have a good chance of knocking some time off my PR, as long as I just keep pushing myself to stay on pace. I have no injuries and no soreness. bbehe is going to jump in and pace me in for the last mile or two which is where I usually crumple from race fatigue. So good luck to me!

9/11/2013 2:46:12 PM

All American
10165 Posts
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Quote :
"I've went to high schools and such to run there, but it feels weird and its probably illegal."

I run on a high school's 400m track pretty much ever day. I think it's totally cool as long as there's no official sporting event actually taking place while you run. (i.e. I run during football practices, just not football games.)

it's a friggin high school track. if it doesn't say "Not open to the public," fucking utilize it, yo.

9/11/2013 2:58:24 PM

All American
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^^ good luck! Getting amped about doing 5k while throwing 3 objects in the air on Saturday morning myself! And then scrubbing out of a video game tournament that afternoon/evening. Why did they have to be on the same day?

9/11/2013 4:38:58 PM

Bobby Light
All American
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Quote :
"While we're on the subject of shoes... any recommendations? I've put enough miles on my New Balance W750s that it's time for a new shoe. The NBs were bought as plain old athletic shoes before I started running. I like my NBs because they're lightweight, flexible, and accommodate my wide foot. But I'm jogging 4-5k several times a week and think I need a better shoe. I've heard a lot about Brooks."

Do yourself a favor and go to a good running store to get fitted. Just because you have a wide foot doesnt necessarily mean that alll "wider" shoes will be a good match. You need to figure out how much "support" you need for your over/under pronation. Also, get them to analyze your gait to see if you're a heel or a forefoot striker. Based on this, and some other basic measurements (drop, etc.) they should be able to make some suggestions on good shoes. Try on a few different pairs and go with the ones that feel best.

At the very least, you'll know if you need a neutral, support, or motion control type shoe. Then you can go other places and try different shoes if you dont wanna drop the cash at the running shoe store.

9/11/2013 6:03:47 PM

All American
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Well, I've started running. My wife has been running for a year, and has done 5 1/2 marathons, and is training for a full marathon in Nov in Philly. They have a 1/2 marathon the same day, so I'm training for that one. I'm doing a couch to 10k training program, and I'm on day 3.

Luckily, I live at Falls Dam where the Greenway system starts, so great running is literally 500yrds away.

The first few days allowed me to see the weaknesses in my gear. I was using trail shoes that were about 5 years old, regular boxer shorts, and crappy headphones

Went to Target today and bought some compression underwear to prevent chaffing, and some new headphones. Also went to Raleigh Running Outfitters and picked up a pair of New Balance M880's.

They said everything about my gait is normal/neutral. Neutral arch, neutral run, I run mid-foot, and I have no odd pronation to speak of.

I look forward to starting this journey. Does anyone have any tips or words of wisdom?

9/11/2013 6:45:36 PM

Bobby Light
All American
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Dont go too hard too fast. That's the quickest way to an injury.

Build a good solid base, and increase your mileage ~10-15% every few weeks.

Build up a nice base, then start slowly mixing in "speedwork" days if you want to get faster. 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1600m repeats.

Throw in 1 day a week of hill-work if you want to be well-rounded.

Just like good bbq though.....low and slow is the key to success.

[Edited on September 11, 2013 at 7:59 PM. Reason : .]

9/11/2013 7:56:09 PM


21814 Posts
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Quote :
" is training for a full marathon in Nov in Philly. They have a 1/2 marathon the same day, so I'm training for that one."

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey! I'm doing the Philadelphia Half as well! TWW Meet-up!!

9/12/2013 10:45:27 AM

All American
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1) Learn the difference between fatigue pain and "something's actually wrong with me" pain. Don't be stubborn about finishing a particular run if the latter occurs. Walk/run the rest, or stop early.

Mild injuries can take you off running for weeks, not to mention PT co-pay costs.

2) It takes 10 or 12 weeks to build your running habit. Try not to miss a day. If you're really tired, do the workout but add in walks when you are really beat. If something aggrevates you though in an injury way, skip the run.

3) Do at least 3 runs a week. Don't go nuts with increasing mileage.

4) After you do your 10k, if you think you'll continue to enjoy (or tolerate) running, see a coach for at least 1 session to analyze your run form. Mine does $60 for an hour session. She tore apart my run form for a couple years.

5) There's useful stuff online, but there's a LOT of things online.

9/12/2013 1:21:10 PM


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I knocked 18 minutes off my best half marathon time yesterday! I credit all the hard work I've been putting into with cross training (spin) and hill workouts. I hauled ass up until mile 11, I started to feel the fatigue(mainly cardio) but I pushed though and having bbehe there to support me helped a lot. I really wanted to take a little walk break during mile 12 but he encouraged me to keep going and I ran up the last hill to the finish line passing folks.

I'm a little bit sore today in my calves but I'm pumped to see how much faster I can get for my next half in November.

9/16/2013 9:43:57 AM

All American
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Congrats! I did my 5k joggle in 30:15. Given that's my first official race nowhere to go but faster!

Edit, upon 2nd reading it sounded like I was disappointed. Hello no. Thirty minutes for 5 kilometers while keeping 3 objects in the air was fucking awesome!

It was hilarious hearing "has he been doing that the whole time? SHIT?" towards the end.

[Edited on September 16, 2013 at 3:25 PM. Reason : .]

9/16/2013 3:21:03 PM

All American
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Rare, overexposed picture of the elusive joggler running in the sunlight.

[Edited on September 16, 2013 at 5:05 PM. Reason : .]

9/16/2013 5:04:31 PM

All American
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Starting week 2 of my training. Ran 2.5 miles Saturday, 2 yesterday, was supposed to run 3 today...but I have a very small cold so I'm not going out today.

New shoes and headphones make all the difference in the world...along with compression shorts.

9/16/2013 5:42:10 PM

All American
8302 Posts
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Quote :
"Don't go nuts with increasing mileage. "


9/16/2013 8:03:22 PM

All American
608 Posts
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Congrats on your races!

And huzzah for the fall season, where I feel way faster haha

9/21/2013 1:52:11 PM


21814 Posts
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If anyone is interested in a Raleigh local 5K, come run the inaugural Run, Walk and Roll with Veterans 5k!

The inaugural Run, Walk and Roll with Veterans 5k, presented by the Student Veterans Association at NC State, will take place at Centennial Campus on Sunday, Nov. 10 at 9 a.m. The race is an opportunity for the community to show their support for veterans who have proudly served their country. The majority of the proceeds will benefit Canine Angels who provide free service dogs for veterans with disabilities.

10/1/2013 9:52:05 AM

All American
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^^ haha, no doubt. I am getting the marathon itch again so I have been throwing a longer run in the last few weekends just to see how my body takes it. Did a 10 miler on Sunday and felt so good especially when I saw my time which was significantly faster than even 6 mile times during the summer.

10/1/2013 10:47:35 AM

All American
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^^hmmm, maybe I'll joggle that too. I haven't really run since a couple weeks ago, I should sign up to get motivated again.

10/1/2013 10:50:43 AM


21814 Posts
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YES DO IT! I'd love to take a picture of the TWW JOGGLER!

10/1/2013 1:27:02 PM

11725 Posts
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anyone doing the Run Raleigh 5k/Half marathon this weekend? I'm volunteering so you get to run by me and my dog

I will wave at you while I sit on my ass

10/5/2013 12:29:49 AM

All American
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Quote :
"YES DO IT! I'd love to take a picture of the TWW JOGGLER!"

I'm in. I haven't ran in 3 weeks, so I better get to it tomorrow. I can't promise to do much better than 30:00 but keeping 3 objects in the air the whole time I don't think that's too bad. I won't have much time to train much better speed.

Did you want to meet somewhere at the event? Only looks like 100 people so you probably will see me warming up with my juggling balls.

10/7/2013 8:16:17 PM

All American
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Ugh, taking 3 weeks off is a bad idea. So is leading with working out (including squats) yesterday.

Ahhh, well, I was glad to get out there and put some miles behind me. Here's to no more extended breaks!

10/10/2013 12:51:44 PM

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