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Quote :
" You did not answer the question. Answer it here and now before we move any further, and your post becomes a distraction. The question was NOT what you think about a user's point of view on TWW. The question was what exactly would evidence look like here to you?"

Evidence, as I already said, would consider (not deliberately ignore) ALL relevant factors. If all relevant variables are controlled and race is demonstrated to be the variable causing a disparity, there is a strong case for racism. Spoiler alert: The year is 2016, hence the desperation of SJWs to skew and spin things to justify their "outrage" and #IStandWith_____ hashtags.

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" Instead of putting together an argument, just resort to name calling. Anyone who doesn't agree is just really, really, really, really dumb."

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"The same mindset has watered down history classes taught in school, prolonged racism, and resulted in more people like JCE."

The pot calling the kettle racist, much?

Also I wouldn't call your posts an "argument"... labeling parts of a candid race discussion as "racist" is weak even for a SJW. Nobody cares about virtue signaling... these vague comments like" Equality is not feasible until people check their privilege" mean absolutely nothing. You are essentially telling people that for black people in 2016 to be equals people have to "check their privilege"... which I assume means change a facebook profile filter and tweet a hashtag? Or share a HuffingtonPost sob-story of racism?

I hope the unbiased readers see how, in this example, The E Man demonstrates all the problems of the regressive left in a nutshell. He attempts to silence honest discussion about race by labeling things as racist, the goes on the virtue signaling spree that only comes from the unmerited sense of moral authority that a SJW has granted themselves.

It's okay though, he was graceful enough, from his moral high ground, to tell us how to solve the problem (or our problem, since we are all racist). To stop "White privilege" (whatever that is), we just need to "check our privilege" (whatever that means)... then "Equality" can finally happen (whatever that means).

A bunch of vague words that mean nothing, delivered in a condescending method that characterize others as racist and you as the moral authority... you would make a great politician! Or, in the words of others ITT:

Quote :
" That makes you a big pussy, honestly."

5/9/2016 2:33:02 PM

All American
33757 Posts
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JCE2011 is racist, AND stupid.

5/9/2016 2:46:20 PM

5608 Posts
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Did that one hit a little too close to home, moron?

5/9/2016 2:48:34 PM

50084 Posts
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Anecdotally anyone who talks about an honest discussion on race also calls people cucks.

5/9/2016 2:59:25 PM

All American
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Quote :
"^^ what in the holy balls does segregated bathrooms have to do with the tendency Of similar people to live in similar areas?

When you're deliberately obtuse you undermine your argument

people have a tendency to want to use bathrooms with people similar to them as well. It's sociology.

5/9/2016 3:09:21 PM

All American
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All mammals mark their territory with their excretory acts.

5/9/2016 4:05:44 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Quote :
You can call systems racist. You can't call people who point out and accept the racism of systems, racists, just for acknowledging how things are. "

I agree with this and was very careful not to call bridget racist. I called ideas, notions, and systems racist and reiterated the fact that there had to have been racists for a racist system to develop.

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"^^ what in the holy balls does segregated bathrooms have to do with the tendency Of similar people to live in similar areas?

because living areas and almost every aspect of life was also segregated in this country until relatively recently. black people didn't all choose to live in concentrated areas.
Quote :
"Also I wouldn't call your posts an "argument"... labeling parts of a candid race discussion as "racist" is weak even for a SJW. Nobody cares about virtue signaling."

We're in a thread about acknowledging the effects of racism. Yes it is very important to identify certain statements as fundamentally racist in a thread about white privilege.
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"these vague comments like" Equality is not feasible until people check their privilege" mean absolutely nothing"

Its not vague at all. You can't begin to fix something (racism) without acknowledging it as a problem in the first place (checking privilege).

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"You are essentially telling people that for black people in 2016 to be equals people have to "check their privilege"... which I assume means change a facebook profile filter and tweet a hashtag? Or share a HuffingtonPost sob-story of racism?"

No. Perhaps that is all you have been exposed to but just because you don't understand a point of view, you have jumped to the conclusion that it only consists of what you have seen people doing. Hilary said it well in the brooklyn debate
Quote :
"Clinton on racism in America: "I want white people to recognize that there is systemic racism -- it's in employment, it's in housing -(not just in those places)- but it's in the criminal justice system.""

Even if you disagree with the premise that systemic racism is a problem, dont you agree that problems have to be acknowledged before they can be solved?

Quote :
"He attempts to silence honest discussion about race by labeling things as racist,"

I'm sorry if I came off that way but I don't want to silence anything. In fact, I'm asking people to rebutt and explain their positions and avoid namecalling at all costs. We have to unpack everyones feelings in order to come to the negotiating table. Part of the reason racism is still such a huge problem in america is because its widely seen as a taboo topic to even discuss.
Quote :
"To stop "White privilege" (whatever that is), we just need to "check our privilege" (whatever that means)... then "Equality" can finally happen (whatever that means). "

all of these things have clear definitions. Part of white privilege is color blindness and not having to see the world with race in mind. Although this sounds ideal, it also means you overlook racism. White privilege doesn't have anything to do with intentions, so no one should feel threatened or ashamed of it.

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"delivered in a condescending method that characterize others as racist and you as the moral authority"

but i haven't characterized others in this discussion as racist, in fact, I explicitly said they weren't racist.

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"White people who aren't racist attempting to sanitize the past and see today's society independent of any historical context."

this was from me on the last page and directed at people in this thread

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"" That makes you a big pussy, honestly.""

Is this just you guys intentionally trying to provoke a response that you can label as "SJW"? Its just way too ironic that you would go out of your way to invoke your male privelege in defense of your white privilege. Should have just gone for the trifecta and just said "The concept of white privilege is sooo gay and only pussies beleive in it. "

[Edited on May 9, 2016 at 5:36 PM. Reason : k]

[Edited on May 9, 2016 at 5:38 PM. Reason : das way sis]

5/9/2016 5:34:57 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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I don't think we necessarily disagree on much. Of course, I think it's a little silly you'd accuse me (?) of trying to sanitize history and judge people's communities. I guess it's a thing that some people are quietly paranoid about...that somebody's glancing in our homes, judging us without understanding us.

Regardless, people don't have the time to prove themselves to you, and there's nothing about your tone or approach that makes anyone want to meet you at this non-existent table of negotiation.

I dunno...I think I'd rather be at the table with folks who already checked their privilege without having to talk about it or request it from others. Your table's kinda lame and depressing.

5/9/2016 6:29:33 PM

All American
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I'm totally against the whole "check your privilege" thing. Yeah, shit happened, we're here, it's 2016, you may not have directly contributed to how we got here, so I don't blame you. The only issue I have with it is where people are like "I don't understand the big deal...why are black people so stupid and poor? They had all of the same breaks as me, so why can't they end up successful like white people?" You can't just expect a PURPOSEFULLY disadvantaged group of people to catch up in a single generation or two when they were held back for numerous generations. Give them some time to catch up you impatient fuckes!

[Edited on May 10, 2016 at 5:16 PM. Reason : ]

5/10/2016 5:16:21 PM

All American
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nothing gets a thread going like 10+ quotes in a single post

5/10/2016 5:19:13 PM

The E Man
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Quote :
Regardless, people don't have the time to prove themselves to you, and there's nothing about your tone or approach that makes anyone want to meet you at this non-existent table of negotiation."

checking privilege isn't supposed to be convenient or comfortable even. Its definitely real. You are in here suggesting "white" be removed from "white privilege" so people don't have to acknowledge the blatant history of white supremacist racism.

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"I dunno...I think I'd rather be at the table with folks who already checked their privilege without having to talk about it or request it from others. Your table's kinda lame and depressing."

Thats kind of the point. Checking a privelege means you have come out of your comfort zone and might have to acknowledge some pretty depressing truths. by hiding from the despressing truth and only do what is within your previous comfort zone, you are refusing to check your privilege.

This " pretend its not there and maybe it will go away" attitude is one of great privilege.

5/11/2016 10:42:46 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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I never suggested that "white" should be removed the phrase, "white privilege." But I did say that there are some folks who wholly overlook the majority aspect when examining certain disparities.

And I think a lot of us acknowledge some depressing truths if not confront them in some way on a daily basis.

Again, people don't have time to prove to you that they have fully "checked their privilege," and you're in no position to presume that one way or another. You also cannot presume that people who avoid your table must be unwilling to leave their comfort zones or unable to confront the truth.

I'd like you to consider that you approach the world differently--perhaps, uh, very differently--than others. Your expectations of folks might be unrealistic and foolhardy.

5/11/2016 11:45:24 PM

All American
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Congress has been doing a good job recently trying to scale back overpolicing and roll back sentencing mins for crack/cocaine.

but it's "interesting" how after news and studies come out showing drug issues with whites and opioids, a bunch of new bills get considered to focus on treatment, rather than policing or criminalization.

5/12/2016 1:44:46 AM

All American
14984 Posts
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Well, it is considerable in scale. Plus you have some high profile documentaries like Prescription Thugs that got a lot of attention and probably moved the needle a bit.

Also, when there's only one group in the whole country with a decrease in life expectancy and you can largely pinpoint the cause you have to address it.

I mean, I get what you're saying, but the opioid problem is bigger than crack ever was. It's pretty hard to ignore, plus you can't just start locking up middle class white people.

5/12/2016 2:03:26 AM

balls deep
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Also, I can't help but think once society realized smoking weed wasn't something that only dangerous minorities in the ghetto do; but also something done by Biff and Ashleigh in Surburbantown, USA.....then we started seeing a shift towards decriminalization.

5/12/2016 7:15:37 AM

All American
10670 Posts
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i still want to know why an amendment was REQUIRED to ban alcohol but not drugs

5/12/2016 9:09:09 AM

All American
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If you're black and want to use AirBNB, make sure to conceal your skin color.

5/12/2016 1:12:16 PM

All American
1356 Posts
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Conventions of the pheonetic alphabet ITT

[Edited on May 12, 2016 at 1:19 PM. Reason : ]

5/12/2016 1:19:26 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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^^^^^^It's so obviously linked to race, and I'm pretty vindictive and bitter about it.

It seems ethical to change sentencing laws and shift our emphasis to rehabilitation. But I'm very angry that it took a bunch of white, middle class losers to make it happen. Society is suddenly becoming so compassionate for some asshole who got all the advantages but still managed to drain his folks' savings on pills/heroin.

Of course, I'm comfortable accepting this condition as a medical issue, but man oh man, these are some of the least sympathetic people ever.

Also, given how many times we've endured various epidemics of this kind (and still not learned our lesson), I'm actually a bit hesitant to lighten up.

[Edited on May 12, 2016 at 5:17 PM. Reason : ]

5/12/2016 5:13:54 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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On Airbnb:

Quote :
"The results “are remarkably persistent,” the researchers wrote, with whites discriminating against blacks, blacks discriminating against blacks, and both male and female users displaying bias."

We should qualify it to say "people with 'black'-sounding names," but still, that's kinda hilarious. Lakisha and Rasheed really can't catch a break.

5/12/2016 5:24:00 PM

All American
11311 Posts
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Quote :
"It's so obviously linked to race"

5/12/2016 5:29:06 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Quote :
"Again, people don't have time to prove to you that they have fully "checked their privilege," and you're in no position to presume that one way or another. You also cannot presume that people who avoid your table must be unwilling to leave their comfort zones or unable to confront the truth."

I'm talking about specific statements. Yes, I can take a statement and say you have not checked your privilege in making that statement. In no way does it mean I am talking about your entire life, I am obviously only talking about what you are saying and only evaluating the statements, not you as a person. Of course because thats all I have to go by.

You seem to be unwilling to leave your comfort zone IN THIS THREAD, you continue to talk about majority privilege to avoid something becoming "sad and depressing"

Quote :
"I'd like you to consider that you approach the world differently--perhaps, uh, very differently--than others. Your expectations of folks might be unrealistic and foolhardy."

Of course, you are 100% correct on this which is why white privilege is a real thing and why, along with systemic racism, is still a widespread in this country.

5/12/2016 9:01:17 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
"Stop battling the ghosts of patriarchy past."

Quote :
"No “Oppression Olympics"

Quote :
"Pitch a big tent."

Think this article could easily be adjusted to critique the whole #BLM movement.

5/13/2016 12:16:15 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"Its not vague at all. You can't begin to fix something (racism) without acknowledging it as a problem in the first place (checking privilege). "

You can't begin to fix something without specifically defining what it is. Liberals don't want to mention specifics because:

1 - The year is 2016 and there is a serious supply and demand problem with "bigotry" for all of their false narratives.

2 - If they mention specific cases of bigotry/racism backed up by evidence... nobody disagrees.

The goal is to exaggerate and overstate victimhood to the point where non-SJWs with common sense aren't on board, that way the SJWs can demonize their opponents as "racist bigots".

A statement like "Equality is not feasible until people check their privilege" is complete vague bullshit. Vague, broad-brush, meaningless statements for liberals to virtue signal and pat themselves on the back. It means nothing. Whatever you define as "checking privilege", how does x number of white people checking that affect the 70% unmarried black mothers statistic?
Quote :
" Hilary said it well in the brooklyn debate"

I'm sure HillDog has been pandering for the black vote very well (while under sniper fire). Let's forget the "super predator" label, the "cp time" joke, and the school to prison pipeline... black people are victims that are dependent on big government, right? Vote for HillDog! *Biased Media does the rest*.

Quote :
" Even if you disagree with the premise that systemic racism is a problem, dont you agree that problems have to be acknowledged before they can be solved?"

You aren't asking people to acknowledge "a problem", you're asking them to acknowledge a vague term that they need to use for virtue signaling and political leverage.

Let me use a simple metaphor since you seem to be confused by this... if you go to a doctor and say "I have an illness" the doctor will ask you for specific symptoms. I guess if you are SJW, however, you will stop the doctor and say "it is more important that you acknowledge I am ill, rather than identifying specifically what the problems are. Make sense?

That is why I ask for specifics, and that is why SJWs and liberals HATE specifics. In 2016 there is a serious shortage of actual measurable "oppression" to go around, but there is a huge surplus of bleeding heart SJWs wanting to be outraged.

Quote :
"Is this just you guys intentionally trying to provoke a response that you can label as "SJW"? Its just way too ironic that you would go out of your way to invoke your male privelege in defense of your white privilege. Should have just gone for the trifecta and just said "The concept of white privilege is sooo gay and only pussies beleive in it. ""

I am triggered that you would invoke your cis-gendered privilege to label me as a "male". For your information, bigot, I identify as a pangendered/omnigendered straight pre-op tri-gender male/female. I wish you would stop your "mansplaining" and educate yourself, check your privilege, cis scum. #WeAreNotThis #IStandWithAhmed

[Edited on May 14, 2016 at 2:37 AM. Reason : People that actually talk like this are why America is doomed. Thanks SJWs]

5/14/2016 2:29:51 AM

All American
2253 Posts
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virtue signaling


[Edited on May 14, 2016 at 3:29 AM. Reason : the bot has a new phrase]

5/14/2016 3:27:33 AM

All American
10904 Posts
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the new phrases are to explain the new crazy

but I don't think America is doomed, it might be less logical, more entitled and whiny and then hopefully the SJW's will grow up a little and learn words that have been around for a while like "responsibility"

5/14/2016 10:21:46 AM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Quote :
"A statement like "Equality is not feasible until people check their privilege" is complete vague bullshit. Vague, broad-brush, meaningless statements for liberals to virtue signal and pat themselves on the back. It means nothing. Whatever you define as "checking privilege", how does x number of white people checking that affect the 70% unmarried black mothers statistic?"

It may seem vague to you because you don't understand it yet but Its not vague, its very specific and can/has been broken down and spelled out in very specific ways. Checking your privilege in the context of this example would be acknowledging that your ancestors weren't kept from getting an education because of their race, didn't spend a long time in prison because of racial bias against them, and weren't denied financial advancement because of racial bias against them. All of these things make it difficult to keep a relationship in tact.

Quote :
"You aren't asking people to acknowledge "a problem", you're asking them to acknowledge a vague term that they need to use for virtue signaling and political leverage."

Its not vague and its needed in order to sympathize with victims of oppression. Remember, white privilege is not he only privilege. Checking your privilege is a specific thing and can happen in a lot of different contexts.

Here are some specific examples of how you can check different privileges

Male Privilege- Acknowledging you can work for a promotion without having to wonder if having a child will ruin your career

Christian privilege- Acknowledging you can live your life without having to figure out how you will celebrate your religious holidays in the middle of a work/school week. Your job will rarely/never ask you to deny your faith or participate in the rituals of another faith

heterosexual privilege- Acknowledging you don't have to wonder if your marriage or significant other will fundamentally change the way your family, job and government view you

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""it is more important that you acknowledge I am ill, rather than identifying specifically what the problems are. Make sense?"

I guess this is why so many people are confused. "Why would we check our privilege instead of acknowledging the actual opression? It seems backwards"

The answer is that these problems exist throughout our culture, can be identified and supported with evidence, but we cannot determine what someone is a victim of without knowing everything about them. What we can do, though, is acknowledge the things that we, as individuals are NOT victims of. These are our so called privileges.

I'm not an expert at explaining this and am sure if you took a class on it taught by phds, you would understand all of the definitions. This is why privilege training is being embraced by schools and companies throughout the modern world.

5/15/2016 12:52:56 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"If people can't control their own emotions, then they have to start trying to control other people's behavior"

5/15/2016 1:30:02 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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Quote :
"You seem to be unwilling to leave your comfort zone IN THIS THREAD, you continue to talk about majority privilege to avoid something becoming "sad and depressing" "

I said your table was lame and depressing. That doesn't mean there's some truth that makes me too uncomfortable or sad to acknowledge. If I'm uncomfortable, it's because you have autism and don't seem to know it. I also don't think you have any black friends or even acquaintances.

You're on about things that most of us have understood for most of our lives. I don't know if you're from North Carolina or not, but we're not really sophisticated enough to dress up our history, and it's never been a secret why some people have more than others. Maybe to you it was a mystery...? Where are you from?

5/15/2016 2:11:09 PM

All American
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If black people choose to live around mostly other black people doesn't it make sense that the neighborhood school would be mostly black. There doesn't appear to be any "No N*groes" allowed sign at the other schools or anything preventing African-Americans from moving into an area where the kids go to a mostly white school (if they believe this gives their children a better education).

I don't see why bussing to force desegregation is necessary.

5/17/2016 11:57:41 AM

The E Man
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Quote :
"If black people choose to live around mostly other black people "

If our entire nation's history of racism didn't exist, then I guess you could see it that way. This "choice" has never existed though and thats where a lot of the poeple in this thread have gone wrong. They are looking at current day circumstances in isolation with complete neglect of the historical events that forced black people into some very specific boxes. Now they see the effects being in those boxes as a correlation with skin color or choices that never actually occurred.

Quote :
" If I'm uncomfortable, it's because you have autism and don't seem to know it. I also don't think you have any black friends or even acquaintances."

Again, you are showing that you are uncomfortable talking about the issues in your constant name-calling and deflection away from the actual topic. The "but i have black friends" argument is a classic example of said deflection techniques. I'm from Southeast Raleigh but my hundreds of black friends doesn't mean that I understand or don't understand privilege. People of all races have some sort of privilege and also have difficulty acknowledging privilege.

5/17/2016 1:50:19 PM

All American
11311 Posts
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there they folks moving to the black side of town again.

Quote :
"The fight to integrate Cleveland’s schools began in 1965, when a group of black parents sued the school district. They won the case four years later, and black students were allowed to enroll in the all-white Cleveland high. But about 1,000 white locals gathered in the streets to protest, and in the half century since little progress has been made."

perhaps the "not welcome" sign is just understood by the locals.

[Edited on May 17, 2016 at 3:13 PM. Reason : ]

5/17/2016 3:10:40 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
" It may seem vague to you because you don't understand it yet but Its not vague, its very specific and can/has been broken down and spelled out in very specific ways. Checking your privilege in the context of this example would be acknowledging that your ancestors weren't kept from getting an education because of their race, didn't spend a long time in prison because of racial bias against them, and weren't denied financial advancement because of racial bias against them. All of these things make it difficult to keep a relationship in tact. "

It is specific now that you actually mentioned specifics. See how that works?

I, JCE2011, acknowledge slavery and racism happened in the past.


Oh wait, that changes nothing. Just like profile picture filters and SJW hashtags, "checking your privilege" as an action and phrase is meaningless and accomplishes nothing.

The only use for telling others to "check their privilege" is for leftist SJWs to silence others, it allows them to virtue signal from their high horse, and place all the blame for any racial disparity on 2016 white people. It's just like the #BLM, and Mizzou Race Hoax demands/protests... when they come to fruition, there is nothing there... a SJW is outraged and demands lip service *gasp*.

Unfortunately for the leftists out there, not everyone lives in their safe space fantasy land... words don't have that much power. They are just words. You can have white people pay lip service aka "check their privilege" 24/7, but that has no effect on actual problems facing poor minorities.

Then again, it isn't about solving any problems, it's about patting yourself on the back and feeling good about yourself, maybe getting some validation from other SJWs in an echo-chamber?

Let's tell poor minorities that success and failure is predetermined by skin color rather than personal choice and responsibility! Sure it won't help the disproportionate % of black highschool dropouts and single mothers, but at least I can demand others pay lip service!

Quote :
" " That makes you a big pussy, honestly.""

I acknowledge my male privilege in which I used female genitalia to make a derogatory remark, I also acknowledge my cis-privilege as perhaps E Man identifies as pangendered, in which case assigning static genders to fluid sexual organs was bigotry on my part. I would also like to acknowledge my Christian privilege, because if I made a hoax bomb and was rude to teachers I would certainly be put in jail but would not face as much adversity as Clock Boy Ahmed, who suffered from Islamaphobia because social media says so.

5/17/2016 3:15:20 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"I, JCE2011, acknowledge slavery and racism happened in the past."

What about in the 5 minutes since you posted that?

Has slavery happened in those 5 minutes? Racism?

5/17/2016 3:21:03 PM

All American
27962 Posts
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^^issues man, you got 'em

[Edited on May 17, 2016 at 3:24 PM. Reason : ]

5/17/2016 3:24:00 PM

All American
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His issue is that he has personal animosity towards black Americans, probably due to some incident in his life, and now thinks racism is a good basis for social policy.

[Edited on May 17, 2016 at 4:08 PM. Reason : ]

5/17/2016 4:08:16 PM

5608 Posts
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I disagree with you, therefore I am a racist.

Didn't see that one coming.

Shouldn't you be perusing the HuffingtonPost, moron? I'm sure there is some victimhood story that you can bravely condemn on social media.

5/17/2016 6:28:09 PM

All American
10904 Posts
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Quote :
"I don't see why bussing to force desegregation is necessary."

Just spend more $$, Bernie says it's free and if it's not then Trump says we can just print more

It doesn't matter what school the kids go to, only the one's who are willing to work and put in effort will get anywhere.

5/17/2016 10:10:09 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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Quote :
"If our entire nation's history of racism didn't exist, then I guess you could see it that way. This "choice" has never existed though and thats where a lot of the poeple in this thread have gone wrong. They are looking at current day circumstances in isolation with complete neglect of the historical events that forced black people into some very specific boxes. Now they see the effects being in those boxes as a correlation with skin color or choices that never actually occurred. "

Black people choose to be around other black people all the time. I mean, nobody forces them to go to HBCUs. They choose it, and it sounds like they have an awesome time not being surrounded by white people.

Quote :
"Again, you are showing that you are uncomfortable talking about the issues in your constant name-calling and deflection away from the actual topic. The "but i have black friends" argument is a classic example of said deflection techniques. I'm from Southeast Raleigh but my hundreds of black friends doesn't mean that I understand or don't understand privilege. People of all races have some sort of privilege and also have difficulty acknowledging privilege."

What is it that I'm uncomfortable about specifically? And when did I say I have black friends? I have one maybe, and we're only close because I'm helpful for those times when she doesn't want her actual friends or family involved in something.

Also, it's not name-calling to point out that you have autism. It's genuinely something I think you should consider before you trust your assumptions about other people. You're repeatedly way, way off base and 100% confident about it.

5/17/2016 10:37:43 PM

The E Man
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Quote :
Oh wait, that changes nothing. Just like profile picture filters and SJW hashtags, "checking your privilege" as an action and phrase is meaningless and accomplishes nothing. "

Of course words don't change anything. Saying you acknowledge a problem doesn't mean you actually acknowledge it. You have to actively acknowledge these privileges before you judge others or when you come to the table to make policy decisions. Thats when it actually changes things.

Its not about blaming 2016 white people at all. Thats the cool thing about looking at it as a privilege and not a disadvantage. There aren't victims if you look at things this way.

Quote :
"Let's tell poor minorities that success and failure is predetermined by skin color rather than personal choice and responsibility! Sure it won't help the disproportionate % of black highschool dropouts and single mothers, but at least I can demand others pay lip service!"

checking privilege is much more than words. it means acknowledging that your privileges allowed you to make good choices and stay in school and allowed you to have two parents (assuming you did)

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" I mean, nobody forces them to go to HBCUs. They choose it, and it sounds like they have an awesome time not being surrounded by white people."

Its as if segregation never happened to you and HUR

Quote :
"What is it that I'm uncomfortable about specifically? "

you said this...
Quote :
"I dunno...I think I'd rather be at the table with folks who already checked their privilege without having to talk about it or request it from others. "

Quote :
"Also, it's not name-calling to point out that you have autism.It's genuinely something I think you should consider before you trust your assumptions about other people. You're repeatedly way, way off base and 100% confident about it."

It is namecalling. Even if I had autism, you are not a medical professional and do not have the data to make such a diagnosis. Its baseless. Lets give you the benefit of the doubt and assume everything i've said was wrong. Being wrong and confident about it is not what autism means (you'd now be autistic by that definition). Your response to someone being wrong is what makes you look uncomfortable.

Quote :
"You are really, really dumb"

This was your first response to my post claiming segregated neighborhoods never could have happened without a lot of people being racist. Name calling is used as an immediate close to communication and shows no desire to engage in nuanced discussion.

[Edited on May 17, 2016 at 11:20 PM. Reason : v]

5/17/2016 11:19:37 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Do nerdy guys hang out with other nerdy guys, and do fat chicks hang out with other fat chicks because of something systemic? Or did you ever consider the possibility that some people congregate and hang out because they feel more comfortable around people who are similar to them? And it's not limited to liking sci-fi or being chubby, it can also include being the same race, without necessarily being a result of anything other than people relating to other people who are similar to them. You seem to be saying that's not possible without systemic racism.

I mean dude, huffpo, bruh

5/17/2016 11:37:13 PM

All American
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We've covered the "it ain't racism, it's sociology" angle.

White people self segregating didn't help. Also, where are the chubby neighborhoods?

[Edited on May 18, 2016 at 7:54 AM. Reason : ]

5/18/2016 7:52:42 AM

Forgetful Jones
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^probably in the midwest

5/18/2016 9:00:17 AM

All American
11311 Posts
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edit post're so funny!

5/18/2016 1:58:04 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"Saying you acknowledge a problem doesn't mean you actually acknowledge it. You have to actively acknowledge these privileges before you judge others or when you come to the table to make policy decisions. Thats when it actually changes things.

In other words, if people make policy decisions that you disagree with, it's because they don't "acknowledge privileges" aka are "racist" (according to SJWs).

I guess it is easier to make vague criticisms of 2016 policy decisions as "not acknowledging white privilege" than it is to specifically explain what policy you disagree with and why.

I'm sure all the politicians that don't bow to the leftist agendas, probably deny slavery ever happened!!!! If they would just "acknowledge their privilege" we could "move forward", right? Of course, whether or not they truly "acknowledge their privilege" is determined by the self-appointed morale authority of America, the bleeding heart SJW.

The SJW has invented the term "acknowledge your privilege" and constantly changes the definition... the meaning is up for interpretation (but only by the SJW). Also... this constantly changing definition is totally not a meaningless, vague term solely used to attack the character of political opponents, it is VERY SPECIFIC, you wouldn't believe the specifics. It isn't just about understanding your privilege or saying you are privileged, it's about agreeing with whatever the SJWs say... or else you're a racist.

5/19/2016 11:35:33 PM

The E Man
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You can check your privilege, and still come up with a decision that i disagree with. The school holiday debate in New Jersey is a great example. They just came up with a list of 100 acceptable religious holidays to accomodate all religions.
Quote :
"The list, updated annually, includes more than 100 holidays for the 2016-17.

Students celebrating those holidays must present a written excuse signed by a parent or guardian. Schools are required to provide students the opportunity to make up any tests or other assessments that they missed.

Here is the list of religious holidays for 2016-17:

July 2016

July 2 Laylat as-Qadr (Islam)
July 7-9 Eid al Fitr (Islam)
?July 9 Martyrdom of the Bab (Baha'i)
July 19 Asalha Puja Day (Buddhist)
July 19 Guru Purnima (Hindu)

August 2016

Aug. 1 Fast in Honor of the Holy Mother of Lord Jesus (Eastern Orthodox Christian)
Aug. 1 Lammas (Christian and Wicca)
Aug. 6 Transfiguration of the Lord (Eastern Orthodox Christian)
Aug. 7 Naga Panchami (Hindu)
Aug. 14 Tish'a B'Av (Jewish)
Aug. 16 Ulambana/Obon (Buddhist)
Aug. 18 Raksha Bandhan (Hindu)
Aug. 25 Krishna Janmashtami (Hindu)

These N.J. schools spend the most per student
These N.J. schools spend the most per student
Can you guess which towns are at the top and bottom of the list?

September 2016

Sept. 1 Ecclesiastical Year begins (Eastern Orthodox Christian)
Sept. 5 ?Ganesha Chaturthi (Hindu)
Sept. 7 ?His Holiness Sakya Trizin's Birthday (Buddhist)
Sept. 8 Nativity of Mary (Christian)
Sept. 8 Nativity of the Theotokos (Eastern Orthodox Christian)
Sept. 10 ? Hajj Day (Islam)
Sept. 11-14 ? ?Eid al Adha (Islam)
Sept. 14 Onam (Hindu)
Sept. 14 The Elevation of the Holy Cross (Eastern Orthodox Christian)

October 2016

Oct. 1-10 ? Navaratri (Hindu)
Oct. 3 Feast of Trumpets (Church of God, Philadelphia Church of God)
Oct. 3-4 Rosh Hashanah (Jewish)
Oct. 11 Duserra (Hindu)
?Oct. 12 Yom Kippur (Jewish)
Oct. 12 Day of Atonement (Christian, Church of God, Philadelphia Church of God) Oct. 17-23 Sukkot (Jewish)
Oct. 17-23 Feast of Tabernacles (Church of God, Philadelphia Church of God)
Oct. 20 Birth of B'ab (Baha'i) Installation of the Scriptures as Guru Granth (Sikh) ? ?Oct. 24 Last Great Day (Church of God, Philadelphia Church of God)
Oct. 24 Shemini Atzeret (Jewish)
Oct. 25 Simcat Torah (Jewish)
Oct. 30 Diwali (Hindu, Jain and Sikh)
?Oct. 31 Goverdhan Puja (Hindu)

November 2016

Nov. 1 All Saints' Day (Christian) Samhain-Beltane (Wicca)
Nov. 2 All Souls' Day (Christian)
Nov. 12 Birth of Baha'u'llah (Baha'i)
Nov. 14 Guru Nanak Dev Sahib Birthday (Sikh
Nov. 15 Nativity Fast begins (Eastern Orthodox Christian)
Nov. 21 The Presentation of the Theotokos to the Temple (Eastern Orthodox Christian)
Nov. 24 Guru Tegh Bahadur Martyrdom (Sikh)
Nov. 26 Day of Covenant (Baha'i)
Nov. 27 First Sunday of Advent (Christian)
Nov. 28 Ascension of 'Abdu'l Baha (Baha'i)

What these 27 school jobs pay in N.J.
What these 27 school jobs pay in N.J.
Find out the projected average salaries for teachers, principals and other school employees.

December 2016

Dec. 8 Bodhi Day (Buddhist)
Dec. 8 Immaculate Conception (Christian)
Dec. 14 Mawlid an Nabi (Islam)
Dec. 21 Yule (Wicca and Christian)
Dec. 25 Christmas (Christian)
Dec. 25 The Nativity of Christ (Eastern Orthodox Christian)
Dec. 25- Jan. 1 Hanukkah (Jewish)
Dec. 26 Zarathosht Diso (Zoroastrian)

January 2017

Jan. 1 Gantan-sai (Shinto)
Jan. 1-8 Holy Convocation (Church of God and Saints of Christ)
Jan. 5 Birthday of Guru Gobind Singh Sahib (Sikh)
Jan. 6 Feast of Epiphany (Christian)
Jan. 6 Feast of Theophany (Eastern Orthodox Christian) Nativity of Christ
Jan. 6 (Armenian Orthodox)
Jan. 7 Feast of the Nativity (Eastern Orthodox Christian)
Jan. 13 Maghi (Sikh)
Jan. 14 Makar Sankranti and Pongal (Hindu)
Jan. 15 World Religion Day (Baha'i)
Jan. 28 Chinese/Lunar New Year (Confucian, Daoist, Buddhist)

February 2017

Feb. 1 Vasant Panchami (Hindu)
Feb. 2 Imbolic-Candlemas (Wicca and Christian)
Feb. 2 The Presentation of Our Lord to the Temple (Eastern Orthodox Christian) Feb. 11 Tu B'shvat (Jewish)
Feb. 15 Nirvana Day (Buddhist)
Feb. 25 Maha Shivaratri (Hindu)
Feb. 25-28 Intercalary Days (Baha'i)
Feb. 28 Shrove Tuesday (Christian)

24 new charter schools proposed in N.J.
24 new charter schools proposed in N.J.
The state received 24 applications, including eight in one county.

March 2017

March 1 Ash Wednesday (Christian)
March 12 Purim (Jewish)
March 13 L. Ron Hubbard's Birthday (Church of Scientology)
March 13 Holi (Hindu)
March 13 Hola Mohalla (Sikh)
March 20 Ostara (Wicca)
March 21 Nowruz (Zoroastrian)
March 21 Naw Ruz (Baha'i)
March 25 The Annunciation of the Theotokos (Eastern Orthodox Christian)
March 25 The Annunciation of the Virgin Mary(Christian)
March 27 Clean Monday (Eastern Orthodox Christian)
March 28 Khordad Sal (Zoroastrian)
March 28 Chandramana Yugadi (Hindu)

April 2017

April 1 Lazarus Saturday (Eastern Orthodox Christian)
April 2 Palm Sunday (Eastern Orthodox Christian)
April 5 Ramnavami (Hindu)
April 9 Palm Sunday (Christian)
April 9-17 Passover/Days of Unleavened Bread (Church of God and Saints of Christ)
April 10 Passover (Philadelphia Church of God); Mahavir Jayanti (Jain)
April 11 Lord's Evening Meal (Christian, Jehovah's Witness) Hanuman Jayanti (Hindu)
First Day of Unleavened Bread (Church of God)
April 11-14 Theravadin New Year (Buddhist)
April 11-17 Days of Unleavened Bread (Philadelphia Church of God)
April 11-18 Passover (Jewish)
April 13 Holy Thursday (Christian, Eastern Orthodox Christian)
April 14 Holy Friday (Christian, Eastern Orthodox Christian)
April 16 Easter (Christian, Eastern Orthodox Christian)
April 17 Easter Monday (Christian)
Last Day of Unleavened Bread (Church of God) Bright Monday (Eastern Orthodox Christian)
April 21 First Day of Ridvan (Baha'i)
April 24 Lailat al Miraj (Islam)
April 25 The 11th Panchen Lama's Birthday (Buddhist)
April 29 Ninth Day of Ridvan (Baha'i)

May 2017

May 1 Beltane (Wicca)
May 1 Yom Ha'Azmaut (Jewish)
May 2 Twelfth Day of Ridvan (Baha'i)
May 10 Buddha's Birthday/Buddha Day – Visakha Puja (Buddhist)
May 12 Lailat al Bara'ah (Islam)
May 14 Lag B'Omer (Jewish)
May 23 Declaration of the Bab (Baha'i)
May 25 Ascension of Our Lord (Christian)
May 27 Ramadan (Islam)
May 29 Ascension of Baha'u'llah (Baha'i)
May 31 – June 1 Shavuot (Jewish)

June 2017

June 4 Pentecost (Christian)
June 4 Pentecost (Eastern Orthodox Christian)
June 16 Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Sahib (Sikh)
June 21 Litha (Wicca)
June 29 Fast of the Holy Apostles (Eastern Orthodox Christian) "

Under this plan, no one has to go to school on their important religious holiday

Quote :
"In other words, if people make policy decisions that you disagree with, it's because they don't "acknowledge privileges" aka are "racist" (according to SJWs).

I guess it is easier to make vague criticisms of 2016 policy decisions as "not acknowledging white privilege" than it is to specifically explain what policy you disagree with and why.

I'm sure all the politicians that don't bow to the leftist agendas"

Thats not true. You could disagree with the plan and still have checked your christian privilege.

Here are some examples:

A "liberal SJW" proposes that we close school on an equal number of major muslim and jewish holidays as school is closed for christian holidays" it ends up being excessive and the school adds too many holidays. Just because you disagree with this, doesn't mean you haven't checked your privilege. It would just be impractical.

When a Christian on the board says, "lets just keep the calendar the way it is, because it already works well" they are clearly speaking from a point of christian privilege since the current calendar is designed from a christian perspective and school would never be open on Christmas, easter, or any sunday for that matter. This person needs to check their privilege and re-evaluate.

Here are some comments from the article
Quote :
"Tell me a job outside of education in which you have all these days that you can bring a note in and be excused. PTO is what everyone gets. And that is a preset amount of days determined by the employer and, if not used as sick days, must be approved by management. When these kids get out there in the workforce, they are going to be in for a shock that they don't get two weeks off at Christmas Time."

this person disagrees but has also checked their privilege in the suggested solution because their suggestion also removes christian holidays

Quote :
" Define December 24th through January 1st as winter break."

christian privilege hasn't been checked

Quote :
"Instead of having your tax dollars wasted by the NJ board of education, look how simply PA does it:

"Upon written parental request, and in accordance with the policies of the district’s board of school directors, students may be excused from school for religious holidays observed by bona fide religious groups"

1 sentence covers it all. No studies, no committees, no votes, etc. wonder why PA offers more services for less taxes. here is a good example. "

pennsylvania has a different solution, but has checked their privilege

Quote :
"As an atheist, I would like to know if I take my child out of school to go to a science museum for the day if I could submit a note and have it be excused. "

The point is, even when people check their privileges, solutions aren't crystal clear, but its hard to even come to the table if people sit back from a point of christian privilege and say that the traditional (christian) school calendar works just fine.

[Edited on May 20, 2016 at 8:49 PM. Reason : k]

5/20/2016 8:48:45 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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How did your parents not murder you? They at least split up, right? And your mom eagerly tried to share as much custody as she could?

5/21/2016 9:49:23 AM

5608 Posts
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The steps SJWs go to insist white christian males and Western Civilization are "victimizing" others... it is mind boggling.

Remind me to migrate to Iran and then be outraged that an Islamic country doesn't apologize and accommodate my Christian requests at the expense of the majority.

This regressive leftist method of thinking, that being a poor migrant in a minority grants you "victimhood" powers and entitlements? What a joke. When you choose to migrate to a new nation (usually because yours sucks ass) you go in understanding you are leaving your country, and joining a new one that isn't yours. Spoiler alert: When you CHOOSE to leave your culture and enter a different one, there will be differences. You can either assimilate, or acknowledge you chose to join someone else's culture and deal with it. Calling it "privilege" for a country to have it's own traditions, and acting like you are a victim when you choose to join it from a different culture, is an absolute joke and typical of brain-dead SJWs.

Perhaps immigrants should acknowledge their privilege... that they live in a world where Christians created a civilized society that doesn't suck ass, allowing them the privilege of leaving their uncivilized hell-holes and improving their lives by moving to America?

But hey SJWs, go ahead and call that Xenophobia, right? We should have no borders and let in illiterate, peasant-class immigrants because FEELINGS!!! It sure is easy to be "morale" with other people's money, right? And we should totally change OUR system and society to cater to THEM, right? Because obviously their system/society is so great... oh wait, then why did they leave it to join team USA? #LiberalLogic #FakeVictims

5/22/2016 3:36:30 AM

26632 Posts
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no one is reading that

5/22/2016 1:59:01 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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And there bridget goes again...More name calling. Still no substance. Sad.
Quote :
"The steps SJWs go to insist white christian males and Western Civilization are "victimizing" others... it is mind boggling. "

Its actually about avoiding doing that. Thats why we talk about checking privilege and not just oppression. The privilege discussion is about focusing on positive things and not negative things. "How did your privileges help you?" as opposed to "how did you oppress others?"

Quote :
"Remind me to migrate to Iran and then be outraged that an Islamic country doesn't apologize and accommodate my Christian requests at the expense of the majority. "

Iran is a theocratic state while we are a religionless state with constitutional protection of the rights to freely practice any religion. Big difference.

Quote :
"When you choose to migrate to a new nation (usually because yours sucks ass) you go in understanding you are leaving your country, and joining a new one that isn't yours. Spoiler alert: When you CHOOSE to leave your culture and enter a different one, there will be differences. You can either assimilate, or acknowledge you chose to join someone else's culture and deal with it. Calling it "privilege" for a country to have it's own traditions, and acting like you are a victim when you choose to join it from a different culture, is an absolute joke and typical of brain-dead SJWs."

We're not talking about immigrants. What about all of the natural born us citizens that aren't christians? I gave you an abundance of specifics as you demanded for several pages and now, instead of addressing the specifics that have been laid out, you are ranting about immigration instead.

5/22/2016 7:13:06 PM

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