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All American
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[Edited on January 18, 2018 at 10:53 AM. Reason : u]

1/18/2018 10:49:09 AM

50085 Posts
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FWIW, it’s not different if from the Kremlin versus say Qatar... same law applies.

There is just zero evidence, circumstantial or other, the Clinton Foundation used those donations on her campaign.

1/18/2018 10:51:41 AM

26632 Posts
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but, but, but... um... hillary clinton? Yeah, Hillary Clinton!

1/18/2018 11:03:13 AM

All American
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If you think Hillary is guilty AF, there is common ground here. If we could address these issues we could greatly reduce the potential of more Trump/Hillarys:

-The FEC is completely broken, and can't even enforce our current shitty campaign finance laws
-Campaign finance reform in general
-FARA compliance, and similiar laws I'm probably not even familiar with
-Scam charities that the rich seem to use as slush funds
-Cybersecurity, both the public and private realms need to have discussions about this
-Transparency/FOIA compliance, email archiving, etc for public officials
-Weird/Selective leaking, especially by congress people for what usually feels like very partisan reasons

Don't we want the same things?

1/18/2018 7:46:09 PM

All American
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This next GOP/Russian misinformation campaign is gonna be a doozy (Today? On Monday?). My recommendation is to be HIGHLY skeptical of documents released from the House Intelligence Cmte over the next week.

1/19/2018 5:52:30 AM

All American
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I can agree with all of those points you posted.

But campaign finance reform will never happen. The same folks that use all of the loopholes are the ones who would be crafting the laws. Why would they? They benefit from the current laws on the books. Same with term limits. Unless we have a constitutional convention, these things will never change.

1/19/2018 9:16:24 AM

50085 Posts
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They should either unclassify all of it or none of it. But we all know they will selectively leak like always..

[Edited on January 19, 2018 at 9:39 AM. Reason : Although I’d be ok with it sinking the 702 bill]

1/19/2018 9:19:17 AM

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All the NatSec people I follow are saying similar... though most have a degree of vested interest.

[Edited on January 19, 2018 at 9:45 AM. Reason : Also, Russian bots are all in with this, which should give you pause]

1/19/2018 9:43:04 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Although I’d be ok with it sinking the 702 bill]"

Yea except Nunes, Gaetz, and Steve King, basically the guys masterbating on twitter the hardest about this memo, already voted yes on 702 reauthorization, literally days ago.

None of the congress people claiming how damning this have even mentioned 702 reauthorization or policy at all. It's just "zomg Obama wuz corrupt." To me, that's exhibit A that this is probably a nothingburger.

1/19/2018 10:33:32 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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If I'm not mistaken, Nunes sponsored the 702 reauthorization.

1/19/2018 11:16:45 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Twitter says it has now identified a total of 50,258 Russian-linked automated accounts -- and notified 677,775 people exposed to Russian propaganda. "

1/20/2018 8:25:40 AM

26632 Posts
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r/the_donald has posts from people upset about these messages, lol

1/20/2018 12:02:48 PM

All American
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Two concerning bits of news:

We find out Director Wray threatening to resign is the only thing that has kep Andrew McCabe on the job.

Someone included a provision in the CR that allows the whitehouse to appropriate money for intelligence with no oversight from Congress. I give Burr credit here for calling it out on the Senate floor, luckily this CR only lasts a couple weeks?

1/23/2018 6:32:47 AM

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Shouldn’t it be concerning at all that we have major news platforms (FNC and FBC) as a whole calling for extrajudicial purgings of career civil servants?

I mean, why can’t this happen here? Congress has shown they don’t give a fuck what anyone does. I know this seems dramatic but this is going to a very, very bad place.

[Edited on January 23, 2018 at 7:46 AM. Reason : X]

1/23/2018 7:46:10 AM

26632 Posts
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part of the role of the media should be to call out politicians and hold them accountable, so it's fine in general if the media calls for removal of officials this is just a case of those news outlet's being propaganda mouthpieces with no accountability

1/23/2018 10:05:52 AM

All American
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Any thoughts as to how this GOP Memo is going to affect things?

1/23/2018 2:31:11 PM

26632 Posts
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hard to say without knowing what they put in the memo. there have already been things taken out of context used to show that this is a witch hunt, and it hasn't slowed things down, so my guess would be that it riles up the base but ultimately doesn't change a lot

the reporting is that it describes FISA abuse, but that's pretty undermined considering Nunes just sponsored the FISA bill (although they can always just pretend like the new bill fixes things because nothing matters any more and the media is useless, so who knows)

1/23/2018 2:48:55 PM

All American
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I predict MAGA people foaming at the mouth, Lots of people who should know better acting "outraged," and Trump floating firing someone (Wray, McCabe, Sessions, Mueller?) on twitter before doing nothing.

1/23/2018 3:17:03 PM

All American
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Trump has testified under oath before and managed to not purger himself (there’s video of this, he admits most of his wealth is his perceived media brand value, and that he lies all the time).

Difference is this time, the truth is probably criminal and lying is criminal.

GOP has been laying the groundwork though even if mueller finds trump broke the law, they will paint the investigation as tainted and invalid.

Gonna be interesting how this plays out...

1/23/2018 9:14:08 PM

4373 Posts
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He probably gets a mulligan on this Russia shit too.

1/23/2018 10:01:23 PM

All American
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1/23/2018 10:48:36 PM

50085 Posts
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At this point it’s easier to list the ways Trump didn’t obstruct justice than the ways he did.

I haven’t searched much but I’m sure the same people outraged at the [imo inappropriate] meet between Bill and Lynch on the infamous tarmac are equally as outraged at Trump’s inability to stop demanding fealty to senior members of the FBI.

1/24/2018 9:38:18 AM

26632 Posts
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Politco has a good way to keep track of everyone involved:

1/24/2018 10:09:13 AM

26632 Posts
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lol, now they have a senator just making up conspiracies

1/24/2018 1:29:08 PM

50085 Posts
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Like I said in another thread. The entire GOP has basically morphed into Alex Jones. By the end of this Robert Mueller will be Illuminati.

Given the two Comey insertions about HRC coupled with the NY field office leaking false information like a sieve it’s almost hard to believe that any real person would actually believe Democrats weaponized the DOJ and FBI against Trump election.

Is the argument really supposed to be they did all this but Trump is so good he won anyway?

1/24/2018 1:36:09 PM

26632 Posts
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not only that, but they let the clinton investigation go on so long and then re-opened it i guess because they wanted trump to win so they could fake investigate trump?

1/24/2018 1:48:02 PM

197 Posts
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this is all literally just too much now...

[Edited on January 24, 2018 at 2:29 PM. Reason : ..]

1/24/2018 2:27:46 PM

All American
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Didn’t Obama sit on information that the Russians could be trying to influence the election? My memory is fuzzy but I seem to remember that. If they were weaponizing all this to fix the election then why didn’t Obama release that information before the election?

1/24/2018 3:36:06 PM

All American
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He wanted to release the information but only in a bipartisan manner to avoid making it appear that he was trying to influence the election. So he brought it to you know who in the senate for his approval and guess what the patriotic turtle did.

1/24/2018 3:39:39 PM

All American
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So Nunes won't even share THE MEMO!!!! with Republicans on the Senate Intelligence Committee. Pretty much proves the whole thing was just a thinly veiled attempt at gaslighting.

1/24/2018 4:46:44 PM

All American
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^I don't have a better link yet but:

1/24/2018 5:05:14 PM

All American
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Ok, now this is actually kind of a funny troll.

Quote :
"“I’m looking forward to it,” Mr. Trump said of talking to Mr. Mueller, ending months of speculation over whether he would submit to questions from the special counsel, who is also believed to be looking into whether the president sought to thwart the inquiry.

Mr. Trump spoke with reporters in the doorway of his chief of staff’s office, an impromptu news conference before he departed for the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

He also said he would be willing to answer questions under oath, but not until after asking whether Hillary Clinton, his 2016 campaign rival, has spoken under oath to the F.B.I. in the investigation into her use of a private email server while she served as secretary of state. Mrs. Clinton gave a voluntary interview to investigators in July 2016."®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

[Edited on January 24, 2018 at 6:09 PM. Reason : .]

1/24/2018 6:04:54 PM

26632 Posts
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that's pretty damn funny

1/24/2018 6:42:36 PM

All American
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Particularly considering "under oath" doesn't mean shit unless when you lie under oath they have something to prove you lied. He'll just lie it up like he always does.

1/24/2018 7:28:52 PM

All American
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Or that the criminal penalties for lying under oath and lying to the FBI whether under oath or not are practically identical.

1/24/2018 7:39:38 PM

50085 Posts
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No idea about the source but an interesting read nonetheless and staggering incompetence by people within the Obama admin to not make this public.

[Edited on January 25, 2018 at 4:24 PM. Reason : Also they lost ability in 2017 when their cover was blown and Russia found out ]

1/25/2018 4:17:11 PM

2953 Posts
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I heard a really good point last night. Liberals have spent a lot of time talking about how they don't have faith in intelligence and justice system but all of a sudden in this case are like OMG WE MUST TRUST LAW ENFORCEMENT NO MATTER WHAT THIS COUNTRY'S BACKBONE IS OUR INTELLIGENCE. NEVER QUESTION. Just goes to show they don't actually have the backs of real movements like blacklivesmatter but are happy to take the opportunity to claim them movements when it benefits their cause (more votes).

1/25/2018 10:31:20 PM

All American
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1/25/2018 11:02:57 PM

All American
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What are the chances Trump is so panicky and trigger happy about the mueller investigation, and there's nothing there...?

1/26/2018 12:20:46 AM

All American
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The next Sarah Huskyknees Sanders press conference is going to be lit

[Edited on January 26, 2018 at 6:04 AM. Reason : s]

1/26/2018 5:43:47 AM

All American
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^^ he essentially admitted to OOJ on national television. TWICE.

1/26/2018 1:11:47 PM

50085 Posts
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It’s kind of bizarre he gets benefit of the doubt on these things. I guess its just because no one takes his seriously.

Trump: I grab women by the pussy whether they want it or not. Media: are Trump’s accusers lying?

Trump: I fired Comey because of the Russia investigation. Media: Did Trump want to kill Russia investigation?

1/26/2018 1:25:53 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Some of it may be Trump's incredibly low bar, but I think it's mostly an attempt to rationalize the fact that he's a bumbling idiot.

1/26/2018 1:41:33 PM

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Let me know if the link doesn’t work... weird how a totally innocent guy gets so crazed about everything to do with this.

Is there any non-hacky reason to be fine with Trump/Kelly reaching out to scold DoJ and call the Clinton/Lynch tarmac meet treasonous? I can’t think of one.

[Edited on January 29, 2018 at 3:33 PM. Reason : X]

1/29/2018 3:12:50 PM

All American
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Nixon pulled this exact same shit with the FBI when it was investigating Watergate.

1/29/2018 4:25:52 PM

50085 Posts
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There is definitely a pee tape

1/29/2018 7:55:17 PM

26632 Posts
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Gotta earn that rosfnet money somehow

1/29/2018 8:51:10 PM

All American
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How exactly can they decline to enforce legislation passed by congress and signed by the pres?

I assume the Supreme Court has to step in? What even is the punishment for this?

1/29/2018 9:00:27 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Quote :
"Trump made the remarks in a phone call to McCabe the day he fired FBI Director James Comey that was placed to demand why Comey was allowed to fly on a FBI plane from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C., after being fired.

McCabe told Trump that he hadn’t been asked about the flight but that he would have authorized it if he had.

Trump fell silent before lashing out at McCabe and telling him to ask his wife what it felt like to be a loser, according to NBC.

The FBI head replied, “OK, sir,” before Trump ended the call."

At some point, Trump's defense will become that he's such a big asshole that it's literally impossible for anyone to not be biased against him.

1/29/2018 9:01:37 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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^^ is there anyone with both standing and desire to bring it to the Supreme Court?

1/29/2018 9:05:47 PM

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