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All American
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thats pretty much not the issue

8/16/2005 11:07:17 AM

Sup, B
52723 Posts
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is it not? Because the only other thing dubya could have done is the same thing that EVERY PRESIDENT BEFORE HIM HAS FAILED AT. namely, to get the military to stop planning for and fighting the last war.

8/16/2005 11:20:19 AM

All American
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8/16/2005 8:39:23 PM

26647 Posts
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Bush is the one that's soiled our country's reputation.

8/16/2005 9:25:27 PM

Sup, B
52723 Posts
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thats right. but its clinton who soiled the blue dress...

8/16/2005 9:29:16 PM

26647 Posts
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...and Bush has the blood of 10s of thousands of innocents on his hands...

8/16/2005 9:30:41 PM

All American
14033 Posts
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...and Clinton has the blood of thousands of American citizens on his hands...

8/17/2005 8:48:33 AM

26647 Posts
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...and Bush has the blood of thousands of American citizens on his hands...

8/17/2005 9:03:35 AM

All American
12317 Posts
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And I have the blood of thousands of American citizens on my hands...

Or would, if I worked at a blood bank.

8/17/2005 10:14:09 AM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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...and Abe Lincoln has the blood of thousands of American citizens on his hands...

8/17/2005 11:00:56 AM

All American
5895 Posts
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Quote :
"I feel the same way when Bush voters refuse to enlist into the Army or Marines."

You're right. I told my 68 year old grandfather to get his old ass over there and fight.

More than half of Bush voters aren't in any shape to go to war. It's why he made up this thing a while back and call it the god damn military.

If there is ever a draft, I will be the first to enlist. But until there's a draft, I think the brave men and women who call the military their calling/career/tuition ticket can handle it.

8/17/2005 1:54:39 PM

All American
22925 Posts
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i never really paid much attention to pryd before

but now that i realize he's a left wing liberal toolbag, i'll just have to ignore him from now on

8/17/2005 9:07:26 PM

All American
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To expiate the pain of losing her firstborn son in the Iraq war, Cindy Sheehan decided to cheer herself up by engaging in Stalinist agitprop outside President Bush's Crawford ranch. It's the strangest method of grieving I've seen since Paul Wellstone's funeral. Someone needs to teach these liberals how to mourn.

Call me old-fashioned, but a grief-stricken war mother shouldn't have her own full-time PR flack. After your third profile on "Entertainment Tonight," you're no longer a grieving mom; you're a C-list celebrity trolling for a book deal or a reality show.

We're sorry about Ms. Sheehan's son, but the entire nation was attacked on 9/11. This isn't about her personal loss. America has been under relentless attack from Islamic terrorists for 20 years, culminating in a devastating attack on U.S. soil on 9/11. It's not going to stop unless we fight back, annihilate Muslim fanatics, destroy their bases, eliminate their sponsors and end all their hope. A lot more mothers will be grieving if our military policy is: No one gets hurt!

Fortunately, the Constitution vests authority to make foreign policy with the president of the United States, not with this week's sad story. But liberals think that since they have been able to produce a grieving mother, the commander in chief should step aside and let Cindy Sheehan make foreign policy for the nation. As Maureen Dowd said, it's "inhumane" for Bush not "to understand that the moral authority of parents who bury children killed in Iraq is absolute."

I'm not sure what "moral authority" is supposed to mean in that sentence, but if it has anything to do with Cindy Sheehan dictating America's foreign policy, then no, it is not "absolute." It's not even conditional, provisional, fleeting, theoretical or ephemeral.

The logical, intellectual and ethical shortcomings of such a statement are staggering. If one dead son means no one can win an argument with you, how about two dead sons? What if the person arguing with you is a mother who also lost a son in Iraq and she's pro-war? Do we decide the winner with a coin toss? Or do we see if there's a woman out there who lost two children in Iraq and see what she thinks about the war?

Dowd's "absolute" moral authority column demonstrates, once again, what can happen when liberals start tossing around terms they don't understand like "absolute" and "moral." It seems that the inspiration for Dowd's column was also absolute. On the rocks.

Liberals demand that we listen with rapt attention to Sheehan, but she has nothing new to say about the war. At least nothing we haven't heard from Michael Moore since approximately 11 a.m., Sept. 11, 2001. It's a neocon war; we're fighting for Israel; it's a war for oil; Bush lied, kids died; there is no connection between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida. Turn on MSNBC's "Hardball" and you can hear it right now. At this point, Cindy Sheehan is like a touring company of Air America radio: Same old script and it's not even the original cast.

These arguments didn't persuade Hillary Clinton or John McCain to vote against the war. They didn't persuade Democratic primary voters, who unceremoniously dumped anti-war candidate Howard Dean in favor of John Kerry, who voted for the war before he voted against it. They certainly didn't persuade a majority of American voters who re-upped George Bush's tenure as the nation's commander in chief last November.

But now liberals demand that we listen to the same old arguments all over again, not because Sheehan has any new insights, but because she has the ability to repel dissent by citing her grief.

On the bright side, Sheehan shows us what Democrats would say if they thought they were immunized from disagreement. Sheehan has called President Bush "that filth-spewer and warmonger." She says "America has been killing people on this continent since it was started" and "the killing has gone on unabated for over 200 years." She calls the U.S. government a "morally repugnant system" and says, "This country is not worth dying for." I have a feeling every time this gal opens her trap, Michael Moore gets a residuals check.

Evidently, however, there are some things worth killing for. Sheehan recently said she only seemed calm "because if I started hitting something, I wouldn't stop 'til it was dead." It's a wonder Bush won't meet with her.


8/18/2005 7:25:04 AM

26647 Posts
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Posting Coulter again? You should pull your mouth off her dick.

Quote :
We're sorry about Ms. Sheehan's son, but the entire nation was attacked on 9/11. This isn't about her personal loss. America has been under relentless attack from Islamic terrorists for 20 years, culminating in a devastating attack on U.S. soil on 9/11. It's not going to stop unless we fight back, annihilate Muslim fanatics, destroy their bases, eliminate their sponsors and end all their hope. A lot more mothers will be grieving if our military policy is: No one gets hurt!"

You do know that there were no terrorist bases in Iraq, right?

Quote :
"Fortunately, the Constitution vests authority to make foreign policy with the president of the United States, not with this week's sad story. But liberals think that since they have been able to produce a grieving mother, the commander in chief should step aside and let Cindy Sheehan make foreign policy for the nation."

Fortunately, the Constitution vests Cindy Sheehan with the freedom of speech. Cindy is only wanting answers to some questions, she's not setting foreign policy.

8/18/2005 8:06:23 AM

26780 Posts
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Quote :
"If there is ever a draft, I will be the first to enlist."

spoken like a true douche

8/18/2005 8:12:55 AM

All American
6462 Posts
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"Mom" is nothing more then a tool for the left wing media.

8/18/2005 8:31:52 AM

All American
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Just when you thought that Casey Sheehan’s mother couldn’t possibly say anything more stupid…

MATTHEWS: Can I ask you a tough question? A very tough question.


MATTHEWS: All right. If your son had been killed in Afghanistan, would you have a different feeling?

SHEEHAN: I don’t think so, Chris, because I believe that Afghanistan is almost the same thing. We’re fighting terrorism. Or terrorists, we’re saying. But they’re not contained in a country. This is an ideology and not an enemy. And we know that Iraq, Iraq had no terrorism. They were no threat to the United States of America.

MATTHEWS: But Afghanistan was harboring, the Taliban was harboring al-Qaida which is the group that attacked us on 9/11.

SHEEHAN: Well then we should have gone after al-Qaida and maybe not after the country of Afghanistan.

MATTHEWS: But that’s where they were being harbored. That’s where they were headquartered. Shouldn’t we go after their headquarters? Doesn’t that make sense?

SHEEHAN: Well, but there were a lot of innocent people killed in that invasion, too. … But I’m seeing that we’re sending our ground troops in to invade countries where the entire country wasn’t the problem. Especially Iraq. Iraq was no problem. And why do we send in invading armies to march into Afghanistan when we’re looking for a select group of people in that country?

So I believe that our troops should be brought home out of both places where we’re obviously not having any success in Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden is still on the loose and that’s who they told us was responsible for 9/11.

8/18/2005 8:44:41 AM

All American
47925 Posts
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she may not be smart, but she does have a point:

Quote :
"Osama bin Laden is still on the loose"

8/18/2005 8:54:30 AM

All American
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8/18/2005 2:08:06 PM

All American
22925 Posts
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i just heard the other day a mother who's son was in iraq, and she was very very pissed off about what this lady is doing. She was talking about how this mother is disrespecting all those who had fought and died over there by saying it was all for nothing.

This mother was proud of what her son was doing, and I'm sure she is speaking for many other mothers around the county. This bitch is losing support fast.

8/18/2005 2:16:32 PM

All American
6462 Posts
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SHe has no support - only from the douche bags on Air America and Pryderi

8/18/2005 2:49:24 PM

All American
22925 Posts
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pryd is a fucking nutjob

8/18/2005 2:54:45 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Well, those grieving mothers who still support the war don't attract as much publicity as a woman camping outside of the president's ranch.

8/18/2005 2:55:17 PM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"pryd is a fucking nutjob"

In your opinion.

In my opinion, you're an ignorant fatass.

8/18/2005 3:36:19 PM

All American
5613 Posts
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^ And yet no matter how hard you try, Bush is still the President who is still setting his own agenda. If you put as much effort into your academics as you do bashing the President you'd be pulling close to a 4.0....

8/18/2005 4:15:35 PM

Tom Joad
72757 Posts
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Quote :
"'Peace Mom' Leaves Camp, Her Mother Ill
Aug 18 6:23 PM US/Eastern

Associated Press Writer


The grieving woman who started an anti-war demonstration near President Bush's ranch nearly two weeks ago left the camp Thursday after learning her mother had had a stroke, but she told supporters the protest would go on.

Cindy Sheehan told reporters she had just received the phone call and was leaving immediately to be with her 74-year-old mother at a Los Angeles hospital.

"I'll be back as soon as possible if it's possible," she said. After hugging some of her supporters, Sheehan and her sister, Deedee Miller, got in a van and left for the Waco airport about 20 miles away.

Sheehan, whose 24-year-old son Casey died in Iraq, said the makeshift campsite off the road leading to Bush's ranch would continue.

The camp has grown to more than 100 people, including many relatives of soldiers killed in Iraq. After Sheehan left, dozens of the demonstrators gathered under a canopy to pray for her mother.

Sheehan, of Vacaville, Calif., had vowed to remain at the camp until Bush met with her or until his monthlong vacation ended.

Her protest inspired candlelight vigils across the country Wednesday night, and she has drawn sympathy for the loss of her son, which says tore apart her marriage as well.

Bush has also said he sympathizes with Sheehan. White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said earlier Thursday that the president said Sheehan had a right to protest but that he did not plan to change his schedule and meet with her. Bush is scheduled to return to Washington on Sept. 3.

Two top Bush administration officials talked to Sheehan the day she started her camp, and she and other families met with Bush shortly after her son's death and before she became a vocal opponent of the war.

Michelle Mulkey, a spokeswoman for Sheehan, said Sheehan hoped to be back in Texas within 24 to 48 hours. Mulkey said Sheehan's mother, Shirley Miller, was in a hospital emergency room and Sheehan didn't yet know how serious her condition was.

Sheehan and the other demonstrators have camped in ditches along the road to Bush's ranch since Aug. 6. After complaints from some neighbors, they planned to start moving the camp site Thursday and Friday to a private one-acre lot owned by Fred Mattlage, who opposes the war and offered his property to give them more room and safety.

FBI whistleblower Coleen Rowley and Sen. Becky Lourey, a Minnesota lawmaker whose son died in Iraq, were expected to join the demonstrators later Thursday. "


8/18/2005 7:16:47 PM

10008 Posts
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rumor has it that she was supposed to be arrested on Thursday

may be a smoke screen to avoid her being arrested

8/18/2005 8:40:43 PM

26647 Posts
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On what grounds? I heard the rumor that she was supposed to be arrested last thursday, but she and her group has gotten permission to move the encampment to a nearby property since that rumor.

[Edited on August 18, 2005 at 8:53 PM. Reason : .]

8/18/2005 8:52:49 PM

All American
6462 Posts
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I actually agree with Pryderi - she should not be arrested. However - I'm sure the people pulling her puppet strings would love it - CNN would be over that so fast -and you tool liberals would have a martyr.

8/19/2005 7:18:33 AM

All American
11811 Posts
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Why would she have been arrested. I have never been to Texas, but is free speech not allowed there? And if it was a matter of private property then she would have been moved immediately.

8/19/2005 7:52:02 AM

All American
6462 Posts
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Agree. Let her stay. She cracks me up.

8/19/2005 8:57:55 AM

All American
47925 Posts
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^why do you think we keep you around?

8/19/2005 9:01:26 AM

All American
4727 Posts
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I personally think she needs to be committed for high stress and depression, first her son dies in combat, then her marriage fails, now her mother is in poor health. Well she can always shack up with Michael Moore.

8/19/2005 9:30:43 AM

All American
11215 Posts
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she's just pissed because all her friends were hippie protestors back in the day and she wasn't cool enough to do it. now that her son is dead she's using that to become a popular hippie.

8/20/2005 12:12:00 PM

Sup, B
52723 Posts
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Quote :
"Why would she have been arrested. I have never been to Texas, but is free speech not allowed there? And if it was a matter of private property then she would have been moved immediately."

are you really that fucking stupid?

8/21/2005 12:30:15 PM

All American
16575 Posts
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she is a left wing nut with an agenda way before her son died, now she is using his death to fuel the agenda she already had. she has made a number of public outlandish remarks, and should not be taken seriously. she is far past the greiving mom stage.

8/21/2005 12:56:16 PM

All American
46641 Posts
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Quote :
"are you really that fucking stupid?"

no, the question is are you really that fucking stupid.

Quote :
"^ And yet no matter how hard you try, Bush is still the President who is still setting his own agenda. If you put as much effort into your academics as you do bashing the President you'd be pulling close to a 4.0...."

how astute of you to know hsi current GPA. Are you stalking him?

also, no matter how hard you try, freedom of speech still exists in this country. And If recall correctly, while clinton was president, you spent more time bashing him than pryderi does on bush.

[Edited on August 21, 2005 at 4:12 PM. Reason : .]

8/21/2005 4:07:56 PM

All American
4727 Posts
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considering this sight was created in the last year of Clinton's presidency I find that most laughable.

8/21/2005 4:26:57 PM

All American
11175 Posts
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He registered in the last few months of the Clinton presidency too. Although I think I know where smackr is going with this remark.

8/21/2005 6:29:40 PM

All American
6462 Posts
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Quote :
"freedom of speech still exists in this country"

I agree 100% That is why we have the ability to make fun of Pryderi and the rest of the left leaning sheep.

Keep on copy and pasting - just remember - no matter what lies and half truths you post, the white house will be in the "right" hands for years to come.

Why not move to Canada?

8/21/2005 7:39:59 PM

All American
5613 Posts
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nutsmackr -
Quote :
"freedom of speech still exists in this country."

Wow, thanks Captain Obvious. You should have added some other great revelations such as the sky being blue or rocks being hard.

Quote :
"And If recall correctly, while clinton was president, you spent more time bashing him than pryderi does on bush."

That's right, and no matter what I said Clinton was still the President whether I liked it or not. Your recollections are wrong, however, since I didn't join this board until the very end of the Clinton Presidency and there's no way that I was anywhere as close to obsessive as pryderi is.

8/21/2005 9:13:10 PM

super ben
All American
508 Posts
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Quote :
"August 17, 2005

Cindy sealed the deal.

I actually felt myself become a republican today. It was around 10am, when I read the latest update of the Cindy Sheehan saga in I then shot over to read some blogs about it, and perused the comments in some of them, which was nothing but a long series of petty (albeit entertaining) partisan bickering.

Then it happend. The good little democrat in me tied the little noose around his neck and jumped off the stool. He just couldn’t take it anymore.

Take what? The whining. The constant whining by the extreme left about the reasons for war, the incompetence of this administration, and how we’ve all been lied to, and how we should pull out of Iraq immediately, because, *gulp* our soldiers were in danger.

Guess what folks….they signed up to join the Army, not the boy scouts. Anytime your orientation to a new job involves an automatic weapon, you should be smart enough to figure out there’s danger involved. I actually read some people’s comments about many of the soldiers over there being naive….they weren’t expecting to go to war, so, they should be allowed to go home. Wow.


8/22/2005 11:08:59 AM

All American
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Cindy Sheehan’s son Casey died in Sadr City last year, and that fact is supposed to put her beyond reproach. For as the New York Times’ Maureen Dowd informed us: ‘’The moral authority of parents who bury children killed in Iraq is absolute.”

Really? Well, what about those other parents who’ve buried children killed in Iraq? There are, sadly, hundreds of them: They honor their loved ones’ service to the nation, and so they don’t make the news. There’s one Cindy Sheehan, and she’s on TV ‘round the clock. Because, if you’re as heavily invested as Dowd in the notion that those “killed in Iraq” are “children,” then Sheehan’s status as grieving matriarch is a bonanza.

They’re not children in Iraq; they’re grown-ups who made their own decision to join the military. That seems to be difficult for the left to grasp. Ever since America’s all-adult, all-volunteer army went into Iraq, the anti-war crowd have made a sustained effort to characterize them as “children.” If a 13-year-old wants to have an abortion, that’s her decision and her parents shouldn’t get a look-in. If a 21-year-old wants to drop to the broadloom in Bill Clinton’s Oval Office, she’s a grown woman and free to do what she wants. But, if a 22- or 25- or 37-year-old is serving his country overseas, he’s a wee “child” who isn’t really old enough to know what he’s doing.

read the full article:

8/22/2005 12:07:20 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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I saw her on Bill Maher last night.

For a grieving mother she sure seemed upbeat and she had a bag full of one-liners.

8/27/2005 3:09:12 PM

All American
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She has her SAG card.

8/27/2005 3:12:35 PM

All American
14478 Posts
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Quote :
"For a grieving mother she sure seemed upbeat and she had a bag full of one-liners."

Just when I think somebody cannot be any more stupid, they always find a way to surprise me.

8/27/2005 3:27:58 PM

All American
1191 Posts
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This actually makes me physically ill to think about this lady and what she's doing to the memory of her son.

Quote :
"...So here’s the sainted mother, grieving at her scheduled daily photo op.  With Al Sharpton no less.

What?  How dare I accuse her of manufacturing this moment?  Gee.  I don’t know where I would get such an idea.

[Edited on August 31, 2005 at 4:03 PM. Reason : tag error]

8/31/2005 4:02:52 PM

All American
29309 Posts
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Quote :
"They’re not children in Iraq; they’re grown-ups who made their own decision to join the military. That seems to be difficult for the left to grasp. Ever since America’s all-adult, all-volunteer army went into Iraq, the anti-war crowd have made a sustained effort to characterize them as “children.” If a 13-year-old wants to have an abortion, that’s her decision and her parents shouldn’t get a look-in. If a 21-year-old wants to drop to the broadloom in Bill Clinton’s Oval Office, she’s a grown woman and free to do what she wants. But, if a 22- or 25- or 37-year-old is serving his country overseas, he’s a wee “child” who isn’t really old enough to know what he’s doing."

these are strawmen.

I think the cindy sheehan thing is crazy, yes. I do think she's politicizing the situation. I don't think she doesn't mean it, though. I think she did wat she did, and when the media got into it, she saw an opportunity to use it to the advantage of what she sees as a good cause. to her, ending the war is important. it's obviously an emotional topic for her. yeah, the photo-op with sharpton is kinda classless, I agree with that as well.

Hoewver, prove to me that it's some sort of tactic of "the left" to make it look like those sent into the war are children. What they're saying is that they were lied to to get them to iraq. If you know you're being lied to, you probably won't fight for that lie. It's got nothing to do with making it look like they're children

8/31/2005 4:17:02 PM

All American
11811 Posts
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Quote :
"are you really that fucking stupid?"

I like how you just asked the question without addressing what you found to be "stupid" about it.

So to answer your question, no. It seems like a valid statement to me.

8/31/2005 7:07:18 PM

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