Stein All American 19842 Posts user info edit post |
The issue with X game sucks on Y platform has nothing to do with platform, and everything to do with control scheme. 11/15/2006 4:38:49 PM |
cornbread All American 2809 Posts user info edit post |
All I know is about 10 people were already camped out at the University Circuit City in Charlotte. 11/15/2006 5:09:34 PM |
spöokyjon ℵ 18617 Posts user info edit post |
I just saw a frozen up PS3 that was radiating heat like a goddamn space heater. 11/15/2006 5:10:44 PM |
KeB All American 9828 Posts user info edit post |
^haha....when i talked to the guy at EB games about a month ago he said the big problem with the PS3 will be that the processor won't be able to handle the graphics it is trying to put out. Eventually you will get a bottlenecking effect where the load times get longer and longer until it just freezes.
Sony had an extra year and saw all the probs with the 360 figured that they would make sure it would be smoother running. 11/15/2006 6:15:49 PM |
guitarguy All American 8118 Posts user info edit post |
hahaha, sony sucks! if you have a hdtv that only supports 480p/480i/1080i, you wont be able to play games (made in 720p) in hd on the ps3! wow that sucks!
Quote : | "As it turns out, gamers who own older HD sets that feature only 480i, 480p, and 1080i resolution input capabilities will have to settle for the display quality being downsized as the game boots in its 480p mode rather than upscaling the image from its more desirable 720p mode to the TV's 1080i." |
thats how i inferred it...i did a quick read, tell me if i'm wrong? you'll have to play in 480p so sony is trying to make you buy a sony 720p hdtv.
im tired so maybe this doesnt make sense, read the article and you tell me.
microsoft makes every game have to be 720p/1080i compatible so another win for microsoft!11/16/2006 12:07:27 AM |
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
are there any side by side tables of the comparitive specs?
does the ps3 have superior anything? 11/16/2006 12:36:41 AM |
MOODY All American 9700 Posts user info edit post |
the ps3 has far superior crashing abilities and will also serve as a heater for a small room 11/16/2006 12:51:08 AM |
cyrion All American 27139 Posts user info edit post |
bigger hdd, hdmi support, built in wireless, supposedly faster processor/gpu. so a bit better if you get the high end.
[Edited on November 16, 2006 at 12:57 AM. Reason : im still not getting one, especially now cuz my hdd is only 1080i] 11/16/2006 12:57:22 AM |
jdbyrd All American 633 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "the ps3 has far superior crashing abilities and will also serve as a heater for a small room" |
ROFL!!!!11/16/2006 1:32:16 AM |
duro982 All American 3088 Posts user info edit post |
the word is that the system itself doesn't get very hot but that it puts out very hot air.
Quote : | "* After plenty of gameplay the console is cool -- or at worst warm -- to the touch on every surface. In a side by side test with the Xbox 360, the console is comparably virtually silent, and the Blu-ray drive is significantly quieter than the 360's DVD drive. * USB keyboards and mice will be plug-n-play, no fuss at all. Who really wants to browse the web with a PlayStation controller anyway? * Bluetooth mice and keyboards will not work with the system at launch. * Any (A2DP) Bluetooth headset should theoretically work with the system, though Sony will have a recommended hardware list. * The EyeToy is the only USB webcam that will work with the system. The original PS2 EyeToy should still work with the PS3. * There are currently no plans for VGA out on the PlayStation3. * The system will not support more than seven controllers. * There are currently no plans for a cheaper, wired version of the SIXAXIS. * With its media playback software one can have in-game custom soundtracks, as with the Xbox 360, Wii, etc. * Despite rumor, Sony insists the US is still officially targeted for a 400k unit launch; Japan is still set for a mere 80k. Sony execs are actually expecting an upturn in unit production before launch, so those numbers may actually go up. * Some titles have an option to install some amount of game data (in addition to saved data) to the drive. Genji can install 4GB worth of data to decrease load times (quoted to drop from 12-15 seconds down to 3-4); this game data can be removed at any time without affecting your saved games. * The drive can be upgraded, although not on any official basis (read: YMMV, do so at your own risk, you may void warranty, etc.). * You cannot leave voice or picture messages for other users on the PlayStation Network, only text." |
from another site:
Quote : | "I've played PS3 in a home-type environment. It is dead silent and it doesn't run hot to the touch. It does kick out a LOT of heat on the right hand side. The air coming out is as hot as I could possibly imagine is safe. The cooling system is temperature controlled, so the output air will presumably get more voluminous, not hotter as the ambient temperature goes up.
In short, if you don't put the PS3 in an enclosed space, it shouldn't overheat and it shouldn't run any hotter than 360 (maybe cooler!)." |
11/16/2006 2:12:09 AM |
jbtilley All American 12801 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I mean the more people argue strongly for PC gaming the dumber they look." |
The more people argue strongly against PC gaming the dumber they look. Feel free to insert PS3, 360, or Wii in that statement as well.11/16/2006 7:38:32 AM |
spöokyjon ℵ 18617 Posts user info edit post |
^^ That would explain why the PS3 in the small plastic case had crashed at BB. 11/16/2006 9:45:55 AM |
Quinn All American 16417 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "There are currently no plans for VGA out on the PlayStation3." |
Quote : | "the ps3 has far superior crashing abilities and will also serve as a heater for a small room" |
Half the people i know with 360's have had one break and had to send it in / replace it.
[Edited on November 16, 2006 at 10:23 AM. Reason : .]11/16/2006 10:23:03 AM |
MOODY All American 9700 Posts user info edit post |
^i never saw a 360 demo system crash in best buy and my launch is still running strong...i wouldn't say that the 360 is fail-proof, but neither is the ps3 according to early reports 11/16/2006 10:43:05 AM |
SandSanta All American 22435 Posts user info edit post |
Our system is being used by Quinn.
I fully expect electronical/mechanical failure shortly. 11/16/2006 12:47:38 PM |
scm011 All American 2042 Posts user info edit post |
don't know if this has been posted before
halfway down the page there is a comparison between the ps3 and 360 versions of tony hawk
not much difference 11/16/2006 7:35:55 PM |
Quinn All American 16417 Posts user info edit post |
I got it to crash exiting a game in doom last night . 11/16/2006 7:41:05 PM |
qntmfred retired 40848 Posts user info edit post |
btw, you might be able to get a 360 core for $100 next week at
check out and vote for xbox360 for $100 to become deal of the week
[Edited on November 16, 2006 at 7:43 PM. Reason : lilnk] 11/16/2006 7:43:38 PM |
sarijoul All American 14208 Posts user info edit post |
they'll only have 1000 at this price, btw. 11/16/2006 10:23:28 PM |
BlackDog All American 15654 Posts user info edit post |
Havent read this yet, but its basically the topic title and not biased like some sites from what Ive been told. 11/17/2006 2:24:43 AM |
scm011 All American 2042 Posts user info edit post |
good article
but the stuff about the GPU went over my head
anyone care to break it down? 11/17/2006 9:33:52 AM |
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
I just read it
Basically: Cell is better for graphics 360 CPU is better for AI and Physics Both companies have been putting out total BS in regard to what their processors can do Blu-Ray is basically worthless for games, because there isn't enough ram to store that much texture data anyway 360 GPU > PS3 GPU
Then he finishes off saying both are great consoles 11/17/2006 9:34:07 AM |
xvang All American 3468 Posts user info edit post |
Holy Crap ... $10,000 on ebay 11/17/2006 9:38:13 AM |
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
Something tells me he isn't going to see a penny of that
[Edited on November 17, 2006 at 9:52 AM. Reason : tiny] 11/17/2006 9:52:00 AM |
SandSanta All American 22435 Posts user info edit post |
LOL OWNED 11/17/2006 10:30:39 AM |