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Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"the undenyable fact is we are less safe than we were immediately after 9/11 "

thats very deniable

if we are less safe, its because we were on super lockdown alert immediately after 9/11 in which case immediately after 9/11 might be the most heightened security in this country's history

but the fact that we havent had any attacks on domestic soil since then certainly implies that we are at least as safe as right after 9/11 and obviously safer than immediately before 9/11

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"I can't help it that you let yourself be terrorized."

I'm not the one complaining like a woman just because I have to take my shoes off at the airport...and then blaming all that on Bush instead of the 9/11 attackers, who were clearly the #1 reason for all these precautions...increased airport security has ZERO to do with the Iraq War and was pretty much 100% response for the 9/11 must be trolling because this is about the most simple concept ever

terrorists crash planes into buildings --------> increase airport security to prevent further similar attacks

7/18/2007 5:07:20 PM

Blind Hate
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Quote :
"but the fact that we havent had any attacks on domestic soil since then certainly implies that we are at least as safe as right after 9/11 and obviously safer than immediately before 9/11"

You need a lesson in logic in the worst way possible.

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"and then blaming all that on Bush instead of the 9/11 attackers, who were clearly the #1 reason for all these precautions"

So I should blame the terrorist when the Bush administration (Homeland Security to be more specific) enacts procedures that don't really keep anyone safer and only serve to cause an annoyance? Hmmm.

Quote :
"increased airport security has ZERO to do with the Iraq War and was pretty much 100% response for the 9/11 must be trolling because this is about the most simple concept ever"

So, you're saying that these new terrorist that we created in Iraq, that didn't exist before, aren't related to shoe removal at all? Hmmm.

Quote :
"terrorists crash planes into buildings --------> increase airport security to prevent further similar attacks"

Oh, I get it, you're right, we are safer because of these new measures. Dolt. What was I thinking?

7/18/2007 5:44:59 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"terrorists crash planes into buildings --------> increase airport security to prevent further similar attacks"

the fact that you even question this simple, basic truth indicates that you're either a complete idiot, or you're just trolling

7/19/2007 1:32:47 AM

Blind Hate
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So you're saying security theater works better than tighter borders, better intelligence, air marshals, and locked cabin doors? Do you enjoy being terrorized by the government, and spoon fed what you are supposed to be fearful of?

I think you did pretty well for an after bar hopping drunken 1:30am post. I mean, for an IT guy and all.

7/19/2007 10:05:43 AM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"and spoon fed what you are supposed to be fearful of? "

ahaha says the fag who reads pelosi's blog so he can be spoonfed what he is supposed to hate about the bush administration

please go back to complaining and whining some more about how bad the iraq war "inconveniences you every day"...maybe make some more references to metallica's lead singer cause you really had a great point there

7/19/2007 10:33:46 AM

Scuba Steve
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7/19/2007 10:37:17 AM

Forgetful Jones
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omg i had to take my shoes off at the airport, i think im gonna kill myself cause my life is so horrible now that i have to take my shoes off

7/19/2007 10:39:44 AM

Blind Hate
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So you are admitting to being afraid because the government tells you to?

And if you want to address this while taking a break from your terrible trolling

Quote :
"So you're saying security theater works better than tighter borders, better intelligence, air marshals, and locked cabin doors? Do you enjoy being terrorized by the government,"

feel free.

[Edited on July 19, 2007 at 11:24 AM. Reason : TreeTwista - All troll, no facts]

7/19/2007 11:21:16 AM

Forgetful Jones
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you seriously do whine more than a woman...omg i have to take my shoes off at the airport! omg they talked to james hetfield before eventually allowing him to board his flight! omg my life is so horrible! i really know what its like to have it bad!

Quote :
"feel free"

i do feel free...i dont read somebody's blog and convince myself that i live in some type of dictatorship because i occasionally ge slightly inconvenienced

7/19/2007 11:34:24 AM

Blind Hate
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Quote :
"So I should blame the terrorist when the Bush administration (Homeland Security to be more specific) enacts procedures that don't really keep anyone safer and only serve to cause an annoyance? Hmmm."

7/19/2007 11:39:32 AM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"that don't really keep anyone safer "

you got any stats to support this or are you just talking out of your vagina again

7/19/2007 11:40:46 AM

Blind Hate
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Already posted them

Now, if you can construe that as keeping me safer, then you're a genius. If you can do it without trolling, then I'll accuse someone else of using your account.

7/19/2007 11:43:43 AM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"If you can do it without trolling, then I'll accuse someone else of using your account"

ahaha lol at the troll alias talking shit about trolling and using somebody else's account

7/19/2007 11:56:37 AM

All American
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Quote :
"but the fact that we havent had any attacks on domestic soil since then certainly implies that we are at least as safe as right after 9/11 and obviously safer than immediately before 9/11

that's one way to look at it....when I see that our own government says that the terrorist network is at the capacity of pre 9/11 levels despite all our efforts, and that a whole new group of terrorists, al-qaeda in Iraq, have formed directly because of our actions (the gov even admits they didn't exist before the invasion), and have expressed "great desire" to attack on american soil, I'd say were in worse shape than before.

If we wouldn't have invaded iraq, and put even a fraction of the wasted money to good use, we (and arguably the world) would be much better off.

7/19/2007 12:22:14 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"have formed directly because of our actions "

i dont buy not one to blame our govt for a completely mindfucked subculture in the middle east...thats a gigantic copout

7/19/2007 12:37:10 PM

Blind Hate
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Whats a cop out? Once again, when people refuse to get frustrated with your posts, you keep taking them to more absurd levels until you get the response you want.

7/19/2007 1:05:10 PM

Forgetful Jones
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the copout is blaming america for the existance of muslim terrorists

thats something they dont tell you about in your pelosi blogs though

they want you to think its all bush's fault that radical islam is fundamentally fucked up

7/19/2007 1:07:41 PM

Blind Hate
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No one is blaming America, come up with some new material that you aren't stealing from Bill Ololly.

7/19/2007 1:11:32 PM

Forgetful Jones
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nobody is blaming america? wow you sure are retarded

Quote :
"a whole new group of terrorists, al-qaeda in Iraq, have formed directly because of our actions "


7/19/2007 1:14:13 PM

Blind Hate
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Before we move on to that, you are conceding defeat on this point, correct

Quote :
"Already posted them

Now, if you can construe that as keeping me safer, then you're a genius. If you can do it without trolling, then I'll accuse someone else of using your account."

7/19/2007 1:16:07 PM

Forgetful Jones
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So you are admitting to being afraid because the government tells you to?

7/19/2007 2:16:00 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i dont buy not one to blame our govt for a completely mindfucked subculture in the middle east...thats a gigantic copout"

the adminsration admitted the Iraqi group didn't exist before the invasion, and now they're saying they are the greatest risk for a homeland attack.....straight from the horses mouth.

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"the copout is blaming america for the existance of muslim terrorists"

not the existance, just the increase in numbers and desire to carry out attacks. Something like the guy running over the people @ carowhina for example would have NEVER happened if not for's made radicals out of people who never would have been that way before, which makes attacks harder to prevent.

7/19/2007 3:49:15 PM

Blind Hate
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But...but wlb, you can't blame America for that...this guy was crazy...he would have found another reason to attack innocent Americans because he was a radical...we have to blame the radicals for being radical, not America for invading countries for dubious reasons then failing to follow through on promises while lieing to and fear mongering the American people.

7/19/2007 4:32:34 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"Something like the guy running over the people @ carowhina for example would have NEVER happened if not for Iraq"

are you serious?

7/19/2007 4:36:08 PM

Blind Hate
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Do you really have to ask that question? Of course he is serious, fool.

7/19/2007 4:41:03 PM

Forgetful Jones
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well its a pretty absurd and completely unprovable opinion

its almost akin to saying that some school shooting wouldve never happened if it hadnt been for rap music or heavy metal

but please blind hate, continue to blame the US for anything you dont like

7/19/2007 4:43:48 PM

Blind Hate
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Ok, you tell me why it is unprovable. You do a real good job of bitching and moaning and being a total nuisance in this section, and claiming semantics, and saying things can't be backed up by facts

but you never really say why, you just assert it as if it were true, without every giving a good opinion or reason for why, like you're some kind of authority

when all you really do is regurgitate commentary and one liners you got from Bill OLolly the night before.

It's a fact that he rammed his car into the crowd to seek retribution for treatment of muslims around the world. Now, you can do what you normally do in this case, and try to reduce this to ticky tack bullshit and say "Well, he didn't say Iraq", but you're the only one that cares about shit on that level. The rest of us no what wlb meant, the rest of us know it is true.

Now you can try to add some thoughts in an intelligent, thought out, and worthwhile manner, or you can be you, which is to say, not being very much.

7/19/2007 4:49:31 PM

Forgetful Jones
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first off I dont watch "Bill O'Lolly"

but as far as this pathetic question:

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"Ok, you tell me why it is unprovable"

Why dont you tell me hypothetically how you could possibly consider proving it? You gonna go back in time and not invade Iraq to see if the guy would've stil pulled the SUV stunt? how dumb are you?

Maybe then you can prove some other things that are 100% impossible to prove without a time machine

But obviously you're content with blaming the US or creating these terrorists...don't blame the fundamental flaws and irrational thought of the overall ideology of radical Islam...blame Bush, just like you blame him for everything since thats what your Nancy Pelolsi blog told you to think

7/19/2007 4:51:51 PM

Blind Hate
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Quote :
"I've read all 114 chapters about 20 times since June of 2003 when I started reading the Koran. The U.S. government is responsible for the deaths and torture of countless followers of Allah, my brothers and sisters. My attack on Americans at UNC-CH March 3, was in retaliation for similar attacks orchestrated by the U.S. government on my fellow followers of Allah in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia and other Islamic territories. I did not act out of hatred for America but out of love for Allah instead. I live only to serve Allah by obeying all of his commandments of which I am aware by reading and learning the contents of the Koran."

Mohammed Taheri-azar
Friday, March 10 2006

Just so you don't ghost edit to save face

Quote :
"Why dont you tell me hypothetically how you could possibly consider proving it? You gonna go back in time and not invade Iraq to see if the guy would've stil pulled the SUV stunt? how dumb are you?

Maybe then you can prove some other things that are 100% impossible to prove without a time machine

But obviously you're content with blaming the US or creating these terrorists...don't blame the fundamental flaws and irrational thought of the overall ideology of radical Islam...blame Bush, just like you blame him for everything since thats what your Nancy Pelolsi blog told you to think

[Edited on July 19, 2007 at 4:54 PM. Reason : pwnt, chump]

7/19/2007 4:53:30 PM

All American
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Quote :
"are you serious?"

I can't recall a time when an affluent musilm youth did anything like that on our soil in the name of islam before the Iraq invasion....I may be wrong, and if so feel free to post proof correcting me.

or how about the doctors in england recently.....the organized radicals have been around forever, and will continue to be around no matter what we do, but when people who are so well off that have no organized connections or training start doing things like that, it's alarming, and virtually impossible to defend against.

7/19/2007 4:56:13 PM

Forgetful Jones
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oh i see...the warped religious nut's brainwashed statements are now able to prove that Event A wouldnt have happened if Event B hadn't happened...even though Event B did happen so its completely 100% impossible to prove it

god you're a dumbass

^you might have better luck explaining to blind hate the most basic logic and whats required to prove something than i did

7/19/2007 4:57:46 PM

Blind Hate
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Quote :
"But obviously you're content with blaming the US or creating these terrorists...don't blame the fundamental flaws and irrational thought of the overall ideology of radical Islam...blame Bush, just like you blame him for everything since thats what your Nancy Pelolsi blog told you to think"

Oh, I see, so we can't assign blame to both?

And for chrissakes, would you just shut the fuck up about Pelosi's blog? I read the 8 benchmarks that weren't achieved, information which could be found on countless websites and news outlets from all different leanings, which in Pelosi's blog herself had sources attached to them, and I haven't been back on her site since and unless I end up getting linked there, won't be typing the url (which I have already forgotten) in my browser. So stop your fucking trolling, and man the fuck up with some real information or go run along and play with all the other retards that don't have shit to contribute to this section.

[Edited on July 19, 2007 at 5:02 PM. Reason : ^ You have smoked yourself stupid.]

7/19/2007 5:01:25 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"Oh, I see, so we can't assign blame to both"

since when have you assigned blame to anybody but the US/govt/bush?

Quote :
"So stop your fucking trolling"

But its not my fault...I wasn't trolling in this thread before you created it...just like the US created the terrorists and Batman created the created me...blame yourself faggot

oh btw the statements of a brainwashed muslim nutjob does not "PROVE" that a hypothetical past event would have different future results

i hoped you were trolling but unfortunately you're just dumb

7/19/2007 5:05:17 PM

Blind Hate
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So you're admitting that you live in fear?

7/19/2007 5:16:34 PM

Forgetful Jones
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where did i say that? nice salisburyboy "logic" there

i'm still waiting for you to explain to me how to prove a past hypothetical without a time machine...cause i think you're completely full of shit

7/19/2007 5:22:51 PM

Blind Hate
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Where did anyone on this board say have the shit you accuse them of?

Look, it's a certainty that if the US weren't in Iraq, that guy wouldn't have used The Pit and a few tarfags as his personal SUV playground. Nothing to really try to prove.

[Edited on July 19, 2007 at 5:26 PM. Reason : durr, it's a given man, give up]

7/19/2007 5:23:27 PM

Forgetful Jones
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so you're admitting that you were completely talking out of your vagina when you claimed it was proveable that muslim fag wouldnt have mowed down tarheel fags if not for the iraq war?

how do you know he wouldnt have just used afghanistan as his motive? oh thats dont fucking know and you cant prove shit


Quote :
"My attack on Americans at UNC-CH March 3, was in retaliation for similar attacks orchestrated by the U.S. government on my fellow followers of Allah in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia and other Islamic territories"

selfpwnt you fucking dumbass

[Edited on July 19, 2007 at 5:33 PM. Reason : .]

7/19/2007 5:27:00 PM

Blind Hate
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Look, everyone here but you gets what wlb was saying. I can't help that you have such a tough time comprehending things.

Why don't you go back and answer numerous other questions I posed to you. You're becoming worse than salisburyboy about doing that sorta thing.

7/19/2007 5:56:44 PM

Forgetful Jones
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thats the best response you can muster after pwning the shit out of yourself?

7/19/2007 6:25:01 PM

Blind Hate
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As terrible as you think that reply was, it still rates orders of magnitude higher than your best posts. Just look at the shit you posted in this thread and all the other threads. It's all shit.

7/19/2007 6:29:44 PM

Forgetful Jones
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so how exactly do you prove a hypothetical in the past? only way i can even imagine it is if you had a time machine and absolute power...what is your suggestion since you're so adamant that it can be done?

btw how does it feel to get super pwnt by a stupid stoner? i guess that makes you reaaaaally smart

7/19/2007 6:32:28 PM

Blind Hate
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Who cares about proving anything? What's the point? Are you interested in discussing the surge or do you want to talk about time machines?

The fact is, without the Iraq war, and without US interests in Arab lands, this guy wouldn't be outraged and lash out at Christians and other infidels.

7/19/2007 6:35:37 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"and without US interests in Arab lands"

so you're saying that its not just the Iraq War that caused him to do this? I could've sworn you were just saying it was strictly because of the Iraq War...oh yeah you did

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"it's a certainty that if the US weren't in Iraq, that guy wouldn't have used The Pit and a few tarfags as his personal SUV playground"

oh well maybe i'd backpedal too if I got completely pwnt by a stupid stoner

7/19/2007 6:36:59 PM

Blind Hate
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Yes, the war in Iraq = US interests in other lands, glad you are finally getting the picture.

7/19/2007 6:42:47 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Iraq = countries other than Iraq

got it

7/19/2007 6:44:01 PM

Blind Hate
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Since that is settled, lets go back to this

Quote :
""So you're saying security theater works better than tighter borders, better intelligence, air marshals, and locked cabin doors? Do you enjoy being terrorized by the government,""

7/19/2007 6:48:02 PM

Forgetful Jones
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so you're still denying that heightened airport security is due to 9/11 and not the Iraq War? Considering ^that was your response to my claim that terrorists flying planes into buildings are the reason for heightened airport security

you remember that part of the thread? it was one of the parts of the thread when you were whining like a woman about how horrible your life has become since you are so terribly inconvenienced with delays at the airport...i mean i'd rather be starving in ethiopia than have to take my shoes off at an've got a tough life man

7/19/2007 6:52:23 PM

Blind Hate
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You can't answer simple questions?

7/19/2007 6:53:10 PM

Forgetful Jones
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neither can you apparently since that "simple question" was posted by you in lieu of answering my simple question

you just keep losing...and to a stupid idiot does that feel?

7/19/2007 6:56:43 PM

Blind Hate
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Since you're so involved in this thread, I imagine you're interested in responding to this too. You must have missed it earlier

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"Link plz?

In the process of trying to find it, I stumbled on this

Quote :
"In June 2004, no Iraqi Army units were in the lead, capable of coordinating, planning, and executing security operations independent of Coalition forces in their own areas of responsibility."

Quote :
"On June 1, 2007, responsibility for maintaining the security of Erbil, Dahuk and Sulaymaniyah Provinces in northern Iraq was officially transferred to the Kurdistan Regional Government. It is the seventh of eighteen Iraqi provinces where security control is now principally in the hands of Iraqis, with Coalition forces standing ready to provide assistance if needed. "

Seems like good news, until you realize it has taken 3 years to secure the least volatile areas of the country."

7/19/2007 6:57:48 PM

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