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All American
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I think any 'tax cuts' right now would be very irresponsble rather it be for those who pay the most in taxes or those who are supposedly struggling to survive. Espicially if the 700 billion bail out goes through.

Of course the candidates have to spiel out the rhetoric though b.c nothing rallies the base than the promies of LESS TAXES!!!!

9/29/2008 2:36:25 PM

All American
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Quote :
"He needs to free her to use her political talents and to communicate in her own voice."

What IS her own voice? She doesn't know anything!

This is what we can expect, if she's on her game:

"Sarah Palin brought something more effective than facts and figures to an agriculture debate in the Alaska governor's race. She packed an engaging disposition.

One of her opponents, Andrew Halcro, had memorized the complexities of the subject beforehand. He was super prepared. He might as well have stared out the window during the proceedings, for all it mattered.

"She did such a great job with just the glittering generalities and filling the room with her presence that people didn't care what she said about agriculture," Halcro says now. "Palin's a master at spending 45 seconds telling you what color the sky is," he adds, "and people will say, 'That's the greatest thing I ever heard.'""

I don't think that'll cut it on the national scale. People already know she's absurdly unqualified. If she goes off speaking about generalities and fluff it won't help out much.

9/29/2008 2:53:56 PM

supple anteater
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[Edited on September 29, 2008 at 3:03 PM. Reason : .]

9/29/2008 3:01:57 PM

All American
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9/29/2008 4:41:17 PM

supple anteater
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9/21 polls released showing Obama & McCain tied in North Carolina
9/25 polls released showing: Obama with 2 point lead in North Carolina
9/29 polls released today showing: Obama with 2 point lead in North Carolina.

It couldn't hurt that Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Michelle Obama are visiting the state on basically a weekly basis now & are shifting more resources into the state. Also as much as the economy sucks, it staying the number 1 issue until election day gives Obama a real shot here as each of these polls are showing that the economy is by far the top issue on people mind with the war in Iraq being a distant second.

9/29/2008 4:45:31 PM

All American
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McCain statement today:

Quote :
"“This bill failed because Barack Obama and the Democrats put politics ahead of country.”"

WHAT A LYING LITTLE SACK OF SHIT. Hahaha, unbelievable!

His campaign was on this morning with Mitt Romney crediting McCain's valuable leadership to make this happen, and his advisor on meet the press yesterday and on shows this morning TAKING CREDIT for what they said was a successful bill passed, yet umm.....guys, IT FAILED:

Quote :
""What Senator McCain was able to do was to help bring all of the parties to the table, including the House Republicans, whose votes were needed to pass this," McCain senior Steve Schmidt said on Meet the Press yesterday."

His campaign is an utter trainwreck. Greg Sargent puts it best here:

Quote :
In political terms, John McCain needed this bailout bill to pass. Now that it's failed in the House, it's clear that this could pose a serious blow to his campaign -- and that his big campaign suspension gambit could backfire badly.

McCain pushed way too many political chips onto the bailout deal with his supposed decision to put his campaign on ice and his subsequent high-profile swooping into D.C. His campaign got way too far out front appearing to take credit for the bailout in advance.

Now people are more frightened than ever amid the crisis. The electorate's ratcheted up emotional state over the economy is similar to how on-edge the electorate was about national security in the years after 9/11. This allows Obama to counter McCain's effort to cast him as risky on national security by casting McCain as the risky and frightening choice -- on the economy, the focus of so much attention and fear right now.

9/29/2008 4:59:37 PM

All American
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Wait... so the McCain camp is trying to take credit for passing a horrible idea that didn't even pass anyway?

That fails on at least 4 different levels.

9/29/2008 5:01:59 PM

All American
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^yeah, mccain is going to speak on cnn right now. i really don't understand what he could possibly say to duck any responsibility. it just seems silly that he made such a risky political move by "suspending" his campaign. he bucked from his statement and went to the debate, and no bill has been passed. he failed to deliver on the two promises he made with that move. even more, the house democrats supported the bill and the republicans did not, so i'm not sure what he could possibly say to some how pin the blame on the democrats.

i'm sure he'll think of something.

and now he's blaming obama for inflicting partisanship....i mean, how does he think that will fly?

[Edited on September 29, 2008 at 5:18 PM. Reason : i'm just shaking my head.]

9/29/2008 5:14:53 PM

All American
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I'm more disappointed that he supported the bill in the first place, not that he couldn't get it passed... though neither reflect very well on him.

9/29/2008 5:16:59 PM

supple anteater
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Quote :
"Bitter finger-pointing on Capitol Hill after bailout bill fails

Obama: Stay calm; McCain slams Dems

CNNMoney: House defeats financial rescue bill"

These are the top 3 political stories on CNN right now. And only one part of it feels presidential.

9/29/2008 5:22:41 PM

All American
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Quote :
""Now is not the time to fix the blame. It's time to fix the problem," McCain says, not long after his campaign blamed Obama and Pelosi for killing the bill.

Then he blames Obama and the Democrats: "Sen. Obama and his allies in Congress infused unnecessary partisanship into the process.""

9/29/2008 6:13:39 PM

All American
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McCain played this all wrong, this could have been a huge embarrassment to Obama/Democrats, and a resurgence of fiscal conservatism with the House Republicans and showing a break with the Bush administration. Instead, he decides to.. talk to much about it. He should have just kept his mouth shut and stayed out of it like Obama pretty much did.

9/29/2008 7:16:11 PM

All American
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Just because things need to change

Doesn't mean they should change for the worse.

9/29/2008 9:46:00 PM

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i agree with vix lol

9/29/2008 9:47:20 PM

All American
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fucking lol

9/29/2008 10:37:16 PM

All American
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honestly, how many supreme court cases can you name after roe v wade? I can name 3 right now

plessey v ferguson
brown v board of education

[Edited on September 29, 2008 at 11:03 PM. Reason : ..]

9/29/2008 11:00:18 PM

All American
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I am not running for the second highest office in the land, but I would expect someone who is to have at least paid some attention in Social Studies in HS. Who knows, that report could be bullshit.

Anyone still waiting for the repubs to pull a gotcha? I mean, can shit seriously be this bad? I am waiting for a 'Usual Suspects' type ending where McCain jumps up and starts dancing and playing 'Devil went Down to Georgia' on a fiddle with his non-keyboard using fingers.

9/29/2008 11:08:13 PM

All American
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That is quite simply...pathetic.

Further proof that every single decision the McCain camp makes from his direction has been awful. If nothing else that should spook anyone that would consider supporting him.

9/29/2008 11:12:36 PM

All American
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well, at the least she should be familiar with the one a couple months ago about the DC handgun ruling and the recent ones about Guantanamo Bay detainees having the right to habeas corpus (since she has previously mentioned that w/r/t Obama wanting to "give terrorists constitutional rights" or whatever)

Plus historical cases, like Brown vs. Board of Education, Plessy v. Ferguson, Gore v. Florida or whatever that was called, Dred Scott v. ____, Miranda v. ____

9/29/2008 11:12:36 PM

All American
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Marbury v. Madison
Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)
Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)
Tinker v. Des Moines (1969)
New Jersey v. T.L.O. (1985)

These are the only others I remember learning about in high school

9/29/2008 11:13:05 PM

All American
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Dredd Scott?
Marbury v. Madison?
Brown v. Board?
Korematsu v. US?
US v. Nixon?
Giddeon v. Wainwright?

I mean, really? She couldn't remember any of these? These are just basic, basic 10th grade civics stuff.

Once again, I'll consult the NC standard course of study to demonstrate how horrifically unqualified she is:

To pass the 10th grade you need to know twenty landmark cases. To get the Republican VP nomination, you must know one.

[Edited on September 29, 2008 at 11:24 PM. Reason : Hell, the "bong hits for Jesus" one took place last year in Alaska]

9/29/2008 11:18:39 PM

All American
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Next on "Are you Smarter than a Fifth Grader..."

9/29/2008 11:37:15 PM

All American
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What about Hamdan v. Ashcroft?

9/29/2008 11:38:36 PM

All American
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Brown v. Board
Marbury v. Madison
Plessy v. Ferguson
Miranda v. Arizona

are pretty much essential

9/29/2008 11:53:40 PM

All American
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9/29/2008 11:54:13 PM

All American
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Remember guys economics polices take a while to kick into effect creating any noticeable effect within the economy; unless of course we are are talking about democrats. In this case the current democrat majority since 06 is truly the culprit in today's issues; contrary to past precedence within which the tech burst. during Bush's admin was really Clinton's fault.[/sarcasm]

I'm sorry I do not agree with democrat policies but if the GOP is not going to take responsibility for making a 'mistake' than i'm voting for a 1/2 black man; in hope perhaps the republicans can pull their shit together before the liberals really start hurting my finances/friends/family.

9/30/2008 12:25:46 AM

All American
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Rezko Is Squealing Like a Pig....

Quote :
"CHICAGO - Convicted political fixer Antoin "Tony" Rezko has been quietly visiting Chicago's federal courthouse, setting off speculation that he may be spilling secrets to prosecutors in return for a lenient sentence.

Prosecutors investigating Gov. Rod Blagojevich's administration would plainly like to hear what Rezko knows, and there is plenty of incentive to talk.

"Jail is horrible and Tony Rezko has just two options," says Jay Stewart, executive director of the Better Government Association. "One option is to do nothing and get a full sentence. The other is to cooperate with prosecutors."

Attorneys with knowledge of the government's investigation of corruption in state government say they are convinced the one-time key fundraiser for Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich and Sen. Barack Obama is either talking or about to do so."

Time for Obama's people to "suicide" Rezko?

9/30/2008 1:44:28 AM

All American
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This is a good statement I read on another forum that encapsulates what it's like to watch Palin speak:

Quote :
"Listening to her put together a thought, such as she has them, is like watching a little kid play with legos for the first time. He's got a legoman head in the middle of a building and a door in the roof and shit. Like the concept of building something is there, but there's no appreciation for what the pieces are - just a concerted effort to slap them together into something that looks like a house or whatever he's trying to build."

9/30/2008 8:40:27 AM

All American
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9/30/2008 9:04:51 AM


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Gallup has Obama at 50 to McCain's 42 on their 3 day tracking poll.

9/30/2008 10:31:24 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Only Palin can save McCain, her party, and the country she loves. She can bow out for personal reasons ... Do it for your country," conservative columnist and former Palin fan Kathleen Parker of pleaded on Friday.

In defense, Republicans say the complaints are coming from "intellectual" conservatives -- not Main Street Republicans, who they insist love the "hockey mom," from Alaska, as Palin describes herself.

This is the problem with our country rather than listening to people who know what they are talking about; we the american people prefer to turn every issue and election into a high school popularity contest.

9/30/2008 10:49:42 AM

Yankee Cowboy
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Quote :
"This is the problem with our country rather than listening to people who know what they are talking about; we the american people prefer to turn every issue and election into a high school popularity contest."


9/30/2008 10:50:58 AM

All American
5853 Posts
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I agree

9/30/2008 11:04:27 AM

All American
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9/30/2008 11:08:35 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Gallup has Obama at 50 to McCain's 42 on their 3 day tracking poll."

The media experts thought the bailout vote was a sure thing too. There are many presidential hopefuls who led in the polls going into election day and then lost.

9/30/2008 11:40:34 AM

All American
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Its pretty clear obama is in the lead. Im hoping that changes, but all you can do is show up and vote.

Unless your ACORN, then you dont have to show up to vote, and vote, and vote. All for obama baby.

9/30/2008 12:06:41 PM

All American
2950 Posts
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Quote :
"Brown v. Board
Marbury v. Madison
Plessy v. Ferguson
Miranda v. Arizona

are pretty much essential"

can't forget Hustler Magazine v. Falwell

9/30/2008 12:16:51 PM

All American
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More Letterman bitterness on McCain's bailing on him

9/30/2008 12:55:27 PM

All American
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wow, they actually allowed her to talk to Katie Couric again.

But this time, with McCain by her side, grimacing whenever she opened her mouth

9/30/2008 1:47:36 PM

All American
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they should allow him to be by her side during the debate too. it'll kinda be like "take your daughter to work day"

9/30/2008 1:56:33 PM

All American
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Quote :
"When talking about what she says is her foreign policy experience, Sarah Palin told ABC news “…you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”
That quote made us want to go to that island.

So we did.

The island is called Little Diomede. It looks like a rock plopped into the Bering Strait. Only about 150 Alaskans live on the whole island. And just about two miles away; in full view of every single house on the island is the nation of Russia. Specifically, it is the Russian Island of Big Diomede which sits about 25 miles from the Russian Siberian mainland (which you can also see from the American island.) Most everybody on Little Diomede had relatives who lived on Big Diomede.

But decades ago, the Russian government sent them all to the mainland, and today, Big Diomede is limited to a Russian military presence. It’s also a full day in front of Little Diomede because it’s on the other side of the International Date Line. Little Diomede is fascinating. It looks like the moon would if you built a lunar settlement. It’s full of rocks, dirt, and craters. We were curious if Sarah Palin has ever visited this island. According to the natives, the answer is no.

As a matter of fact, no Alaska governor in the state’s nearly 50 year history has ever visited the remote outpost that still has little running water. We were curious what the Little Diomeders thought about Palin’s claim of foreign policy experience because of the proximity of Siberia. Interestingly, many of these Alaskans had no idea who Sarah Palin was! It turns out they have no TV on the island, and therefore, many don’t follow the news.

The island’s mayor has heard of her though. No American mayor resides in a city closer to Russia then Andrew Milligrock, and he says being two miles from Russia doesn’t give him any foreign policy expertise.

He does say she seems like an okay governor, but exclaims she should probably pay a visit to Little Diomede sometime. It may not help her foreign policy experience says the mayor, but would definitely help her domestic policy experience. We hope you’ll watch our story about this most unique American island tonight on AC360.


Sarah Palin WOOOHOO!!!

what a joke...

I can see the moon from my house. I have space traveller experience!

[Edited on September 30, 2008 at 2:25 PM. Reason : a]

9/30/2008 2:24:14 PM

All American
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The ad shows footage of Obama that's edited down to make him say this: "We've got the long-term fundamentals that will really make sure this economy grows."

The ad then suggests that this shows that Obama agrees with McCain's recent controversial claim that "the fundamentals of our economy are strong."

"Is Obama saying McCain's right?" the ad continues. "Or is Obama saying his own attacks are shameless?"

It turns out, of course, that the Obama quote was torn out of context in a hilariously dishonest way. It comes from Obama's speech yesterday, in which he was discussing his prescriptions for the economy, and said...

Quote :
""And then after this immediate problem, we've got the long-term fundamentals that will really make sure this economy grows. Change means a tax code that doesn't reward the lobbyists who wrote it but the American workers and small businesses that deserve it. As president I am going to eliminate capital gains taxes for small businesses and start-ups. That's how we'll grow our economy...""

In other words, the "long-term fundamentals" Obama was referring to were those of his own economic plan, not of the economy right now!

Oh, that's a good one. What with all the dire news and with happy hour still hours away, we needed a little comic relief right about now...

9/30/2008 3:58:52 PM

All American
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9/30/2008 4:39:58 PM

All American
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9/30/2008 4:48:06 PM

All American
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9/30/2008 4:50:56 PM

supple anteater
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Quote :
"McCain takes hit from bailout collapse

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The House's failure to pass a $700 billion bailout package Monday not only held back billions for Wall Street, but also was a major blow to Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign.

The Republican presidential nominee raised the stakes for himself last week when he suspended his campaign and returned to Washington for negotiations over a solution to the financial crisis.

"Even before the House vote, voters blamed Republicans more than Democrats for the crisis. Then McCain suspended his campaign to come back to Washington to rally support for a rescue plan," said Bill Schneider, a CNN political analyst. "He failed, so he gets blamed by both supporters and opponents of the rescue plan.""

9/30/2008 5:12:35 PM

All American
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9/30/2008 5:15:46 PM

All American
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This video is funny. Nice job Fox, sure looks like a split decision.

9/30/2008 6:05:16 PM

All American
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To be fair, there could have been more mccain people off camera. But given that its Fox, I have every reason to believe he was being misleading.

9/30/2008 6:13:28 PM

All American
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Drudge digs up the funniest pics sometimes:

9/30/2008 6:22:28 PM

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