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All American
2303 Posts
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ask your dr for some diclofenac and then take some vicodin on the side.

1/12/2015 3:24:09 PM

All American
6606 Posts
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Everytime I see this thread title pop up, I always read it as

"Ladies, let's talk about your vaginas."

1/12/2015 4:04:39 PM

45208 Posts
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You definitely wanna drug up for it. I wasn't prepared for the pain, and I about jumped off the table.

^duh we love to talk about our vaginas

1/12/2015 4:49:16 PM

All American
9257 Posts
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and poop!
ok, maybe that's just me

1/12/2015 5:06:55 PM

mainly potato
13090 Posts
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Not sure how this compares to a biopsy but I had a polyp cut off my cervix at 19. It hurt like fucking hell. The doc thought it would be a quick snip so she just sprayed some topical anesthetic on it but after the third snip she still had more to cut. I passed out and bruised my mom's hand from squeezing it too hard.

1/12/2015 5:10:45 PM

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^They barely got enough for my biopsy because I couldn't handle the pain. No topical either

1/12/2015 5:16:25 PM

mainly potato
13090 Posts
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My cervix was a "runner" so they had to clamp it. It was so awful. I can't imagine how much worse it might have been without the spray.

1/12/2015 5:57:14 PM

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1/12/2015 7:22:18 PM

All American
14180 Posts
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anyone ever had a lymph node biopsy?

1/13/2015 3:21:34 AM

All American
3526 Posts
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Thanks! I will make sure to take something before my appointment.

1/13/2015 7:15:30 AM

All American
6209 Posts
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You guys are making me sick.

GREEN JAY no, but I have a feeling my husband will need one. Are you scheduled for one?? If so, please let me know how it goes. Consider yourself in my thoughts and prayers if you do have to get one!

1/13/2015 9:03:39 AM

If it feels good
1189 Posts
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Quote :
"anyone ever had a lymph node biopsy?"

I have had several thyroid biopsies (I get one a year), in which they poke me in the neck with a needle four times to get the sample. It's not that bad.

Though I have no idea where your nodes are that need a biopsy. Good luck!

1/13/2015 1:03:39 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"anyone ever had a lymph node biopsy?"

I had a lymphoscintigraphy (via injection) once. Hurt like a motherfucker.

1/14/2015 10:30:11 PM

All American
3526 Posts
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Had the biopsy done. Cramped up pretty bad, but the pain didn't last long (would have been unbearable without the pain meds). Walked it off picking up some chocolate.

Do NOT make a gynecologist appointment on a day when school is not in session unless your vagina is falling out and you have no other options. The waiting area was a shitshow of "Herp derp, I'm too cheap to get a babysitter so Imma bring the snot monsters they helped me shoot out of my clown car vagina" and the only thing that saved me is that they would take the women with kids back ASAP and shove them in a room to isolate the screamers. I think I'm going to print and frame a picture of my cats to give to their office so there is something on the walls other than pictures of babies that look like potatoes and creepy maternity photos.

1/19/2015 3:05:25 PM

All American
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This is one reason why I love my GYN: he's not an OB, so no pregnant women are ever in his office (also therefore, no kids)!

1/19/2015 5:55:22 PM

All American
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Yeah, I might have to find a gyn only practice after this. I wasn't sure how hard it would be to get an endometrial ablation at 32 with no kids, so I went back to the guy that did my tubal because I knew he would do it. Hopefully this solves my problems and it's only yearly visits after the next appointment.

1/19/2015 6:57:23 PM

All American
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If anyone has had an endometrial ablation in the triangle area let me know who did it and if you would recommend them. I've decided to get a second opinion since the guy I went to only schedules them every other Friday and I want someone with more experience than that.

1/21/2015 3:21:44 PM

All American
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I wouldn't think a scheduling preference on the dr's part means he does them less. Plenty of drs and surgeons only schedule at certain times or procedures on certain days as it allows them to see more patients the rest of the week and do more of the said surgery/procedure if it's all on one day.

1/21/2015 10:44:25 PM

All American
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For best results it should be scheduled right after you finish your period. That's going to be tough when it's only once every two weeks. Plus he only does hydrothermal, and he never mentioned to me that I have 3 of the 4 major risk factors for it not reducing pain. It never hurts to get a second opinion with something so major that will end up causing me to get a hysterectomy if it doesn't work. I almost want to just go ahead and get the hysterectomy and know I will never have to deal with this BS again.

1/22/2015 12:17:04 AM

11725 Posts
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So my skin has never been very great. It's sensitive and prone to acne but lately it's been worse than usual. Idk what the deal is but I'm almost 27 and I HAVE THE FACE OF A 13 YEAR OLD.

so anyway the ladies at ulta told me to buy some face brush. does anyone else have a clarisonic?

1/25/2015 4:01:57 PM

All American
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I have a dermatologist appointment in a little over a week. I have tried everything and they are my last hope.

The only thing that has sort of helped me is to use vanicream bar soap, then stridex, then vanicream moisturizer. I think I must be sensitive to some common product ingredient. I can let you know how it goes if you are interested. I am in my early 30s and still getting cystic acne. It was better for a while when I was on antibiotics for other stuff, but now that I am not on the antibiotics it is terrible. I am pasty white and ever big red angry pimple just looks that much worse because of it. If I try to cover it up with makeup, the makeup makes it worse.

1/25/2015 4:25:56 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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^^Go to the dermatologist.

A friend of mine suffered with acne for her entire adolescence because her parents thought dermatologists were for vain, rich people. The moment she got her own job and money, she went and got it fixed. It's still a persistent pain in the butt, but she's a bajillion times better now.

Don't waste your time/money on any more products and routines. Just go to a doctor.

1/25/2015 5:54:20 PM

All American
9257 Posts
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Have you considered accutane as a last resort?

1/25/2015 5:55:03 PM

11725 Posts
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I have been to a dermatologist before when I was in college. They put me on antibiotics that made me throw up and some prescription steroid cream that made my face FREAK. OUT. like ... red and shiny all over. it was terrifying.

so...... I'm hesitant to go see another one. first experience was just awful.

I'll see how the facebrush goes. It feels really nice. I have some tea tree oil face wash and toner from the body shop as well. I extra washed all my makeup brushes just in case the spray wash method wasn't working. I don't think it's my towels/sheets I'm pretty good about changing them out.

1/25/2015 8:32:46 PM

All American
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There are multiple antibiotics you can try, and they make creams of different strength. If your face was red then they probably gave you a super strong one. My GP suggested starting off with the cream every 2nd or 3rd day, but I had what looked like an allergic reaction to it (a million tiny zits everywhere) so I decided to go to the derm and will hopefully get some skin sensitivity testing. I hate how so freaking many things make me break out.

1/25/2015 10:48:59 PM

11725 Posts
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well like I said I already bought the thing so I'll see how it goes.

and ftw after one day of use my skin looks significantly better this morning. and all the tiny bumps are gone my forehead and chin are smooth except for the bigger blemishes I already had. I'm actually kind of shocked at the improvement tbh

1/26/2015 8:26:13 AM

45208 Posts
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The clarisonic is glorious.

Don't go all HAAM when you first start using it because it will exfoliate, and if your skin isn't used to that type of thing, it can go a lil cray. But it's great for clearing your pores and all that jazz.

I swear by Philosophy products for skincare. I have been using their Purity Made Simple cleanser since like 1999 (no lie) and I do have the skin of a goddess...haha j/k. But seriously it great for sensitive skin and perfect with the clarisonic. My face always feels fresh when I'm done. AHHHHHH! You can get a small travel size bottle at ulta to try.

Also...I miss our lady talks in this thread. That is all.

1/26/2015 9:45:46 AM

11725 Posts
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Yea I have the sensitive skin brush and I have been using it on the lighter setting. I like the tea tree oil stuff I bought but I'll look into the philosophy stuff too. They make hope in a jar right? that stuff is fucking magic.

1/26/2015 10:04:24 AM

45208 Posts
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Yes! I use hope in a jar and whatever the night cream version of it is as well.

1/26/2015 11:00:26 AM

All American
3526 Posts
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Just got some bad news about my lady parts. Anyone know a gynecologic surgeon that's not afraid to take a scorched earth approach? I'm trying to make an appointment at UNC but my last experience with their surgery dept was terrible so I want to find someone else to schedule a consult with as well. At this point I don't want to screw around with a gynecologist that also does surgery every once in a while, which is basically the guy I've already seen. Anyone been to GLSI and had one of their doctors do surgery?

1/26/2015 11:07:21 AM


21814 Posts
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what type of acne ddk?

I have very sensitive skin too, breaks out easily when it's cold and I have the heat on and my skin gets dry, I break out if my makeup has a certain spf ingredient, or isnt non-comedogenic and I have to read reviews on everything to make sure it actually is non-comedongenic.

I also used to get really bad cystic-type acne when I was in my late 20s, that was due to hormones and I cut out dairy since cow's milk has a lot of estrogen etc (even antibiotic free milk etc, hormone added-free, there's still the actual cow's hormones in milk) anyways, just doing that helped cut down the cystic acne. and then my hormones evened out so now I just have to worry about what I put on my face and how I clean it and dont over-clean my skin etc/

1/27/2015 3:51:53 PM

11725 Posts
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I don't think I have cystic. Just "normal" acne I guess. I had a lot of black head and some red spots. I just seemed to be having a lot more of them lately.

I am still super super happy with the clarisonic. I know I've only had it a few days but my entire face is calming down. No new spots. Idk if its just the brush itself or the tea tree oil wash and toner I've been using with it but I'll keep using the combo for as long as it keeps working.

1/27/2015 3:57:13 PM

11725 Posts
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also double post DON'T CARE

so I have decided on this color scheme for my next visit to the hair dresser

No bangs, and my hair isnt that long, but oh well. Really love the dark dark red and the light blonde combo.

1/27/2015 3:59:19 PM


21814 Posts
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nice!! I like it! who's your stylist? I need to find a new one and my hair is getting CRAZY

I had a facial and it started with a clarisonic. Right now my routine is working for me but in the future if it doesnt then I might get one.

1/27/2015 4:02:55 PM

11725 Posts
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I see Brandy Derr. She was at atomic but she has moved to Soapbox Salon now. I haven't been to her new location yet so I'm excited to see it.

1/27/2015 5:03:20 PM

All American
12710 Posts
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Ddk, I was in the same situation with you as never having great skin but getting terrible breakouts last year that were worse than ever. I tried antibiotics, creams, nothing worked. When I came to Houston I found a fabulous gay Asian dermatologist who put me on accutane and HOLY SHIT WORTH IT. it's a struggle with the dry skin but my skin has never looked better and im only halfway through. Seriously consider it.

1/27/2015 9:23:34 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35376 Posts
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the time i was on accutane was the only time i've ever used a whole stick of chapstick before i lost it. a stick would only last about 2 weeks. really dry, but it was worth it.

1/27/2015 9:32:05 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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the original manufacturer of Accutane quit selling it in the US because of the risk of birth defects and long term health issues like Crohn's disease. anyone thinking of taking it should do their research on the health risks.

1/27/2015 11:40:17 PM

All American
4080 Posts
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I love my Rodan + Fields line. Especially the microdermabrasion paste. It's amazing, and no side effects like something like accutane.

1/28/2015 11:21:12 AM

11725 Posts
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so after googling accutane, yea that's not going in my body

1/28/2015 12:53:28 PM

All American
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It's really good for those cases where nothing else has worked, and it's a serious, life altering case of acne. If the Clarisonic is working for you, add in Cerave as a moisturizing cream and avoid the extreme remedies.

1/28/2015 12:59:23 PM

All American
39626 Posts
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Quote :
"I see Brandy Derr. She was at atomic but she has moved to Soapbox Salon now. I haven't been to her new location yet so I'm excited to see it"

First, love your color scheme choice.

I'm kinda growing my hair out right now so I can donate it right before summer, but am half tempted to make an appointment just so I can see her new spot. When she texted me she moved I joked "I'm follow you anywhere for my yearly cut!"

Seriously this is the 4th place she's gone to since she's been doing my hair. Fiercely loyal.

1/28/2015 11:10:38 PM

11725 Posts
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so I just had a "TREAT YO SELF" moment at ulta. all teh makeups

anyway has anyone tried the laura geller real deal concealer bc HOLY WOW

1/29/2015 8:08:40 PM

All American
4762 Posts
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for the ladies with PCOS related skin issues( and all of the other not so fun issues) I've had a lot of success with going on a ketogenic diet. I might get a spot here or there every once in a while but cutting out the carbs and sugar have made a huge impact.

I use a clarisonic a couple times per week. Moisturize with josie maran argan milk.

2/2/2015 5:48:09 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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Shut up, money-wasting cunts. Go to a doctor...on any issue ever.


2/7/2015 7:41:39 PM

All American
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Dermatologist wants to wait 2 months for my back to clear up before doing sensitivity testing. How am I supposed to get rid of this damn acne if I don't know what is causing it?! I'm getting tired of the funky smelling hypoallergenic soap and lotion, but I guess I've got two more months to go.

At least the tretinoin cream is working on my face.

2/10/2015 1:54:14 AM

balls deep
89698 Posts
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Hello ladies

2/10/2015 9:19:38 PM

Forgetful Jones
147733 Posts
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Any of you ladies used one of these yet?

3/4/2015 4:05:53 PM

11725 Posts
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get out -------->

3/4/2015 4:36:02 PM

All American
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That was clearly invented by a guy. What woman would want to stick a camera up there?

3/4/2015 10:52:54 PM

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