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All American
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47 year ban

10/24/2014 2:03:36 PM

All American
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I didn't listen much yesterday, but didn't I read that Adam & Joe kept saying that "This closes the book on the scandal"?

Now Ovies is saying this:

10/24/2014 2:04:26 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
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Quote :
"And that's my point. If I were a real scholar in that field, I'd be fuckin' livid, man. They clearly chose the department that they felt would generate the least resistance. That's a total admission that they don't value that subject matter AT ALL. But they'll happily take a student's money and hand them a "degree" for their "work.""

This is pulled from the Wainstein Report, beginning on page 19.

Quote :
"Nyang’oro’s early years in AFAM saw tremendous personal success. He quickly published a second book that was well received by the academic community, and was granted tenure by Chapel Hill in 1992 – after just two years on the permanent faculty, rather than the six years typically required. Harris resigned as AFAM Chair shortly thereafter and recommended that Nyang’oro become Chair of the Curriculum. Nyang’oro’s appointment as Chair was formalized in 1992, and he remained as Chair of the Curriculum (and later, the Department) until August 2011, serving nearly 20 years in the position.

Nyang’oro’s administration of AFAM was more hands-off than his predecessors. While he sought to grow the Department and increase the number of faculty, he paid less attention to the curriculum and quality control. He also increasingly relied on Crowder to handle many tasks – such as scheduling courses, overseeing registration and approving enrollments – that would normally be handled or at least overseen by a faculty member or department chair. He also gave her approval to sign his name on Department paperwork, a delegation that Crowder used effectively to increase the scope of her personal authority. Over time, Crowder took on an outsize role in AFAM, which became recognized throughout the campus, as students started referring to her as “Professor Debby.”

D. Crowder’s Use of Independent Studies for Paper Classes

Before long, Crowder started to take advantage of her authority and autonomy under Nyang’oro to cut corners for struggling students and student-athletes. She did this by designing and offering independent study classes that awarded high grades with little to no regard for the quality of the student’s work in the course.

These irregular classes evolved out of the traditional independent study classes that have been available at Chapel Hill for decades and are a routine and often valuable part of any college level curriculum. Such courses permit students to work directly with a faculty member to explore a discrete subject area. A traditional independent studies course requires periodic meetings between the student and the supervising faculty member to discuss the student’s progress on a set of defined readings and the completion of a fairly involved writing project. It is typically a rather intensive effort by the student and by the faculty member who carefully supervises and grades the student’s research paper.

Nyang’oro initially undertook to conduct all of his independent studies in accordance with the traditional format and requirements, demanding regular student meetings and updates on their paper progress. Over time, however, he began to get complaints directly from Crowder and indirectly from the ASPSA academic counselors about demanding too much from the student- athletes and requiring too many meetings. On one occasion, Crowder told him that the ASPSA academic counselors believed he was “being an ass” for demanding so much from the players and were rethinking whether they should be steering student-athletes to AFAM classes.

In light of that push-back from the ASPSA counselors, Crowder took it upon herself to improvise with AFAM’s independent study classes. She did so by designing an irregular
independent study class that essentially took the professor out of the picture – substituting herself for the professor and substituting her standards for those that traditionally apply to independent studies."

A lot of blame here is on Debbie Crowder, but by extension a lot of blame is on Nyang'oro for not reeling his secretary in and giving her way too much autonomy as well as responsibility for his tasks he was supposed to do. The university is responsible for oversight and did not do it, but the people that made the AFAM Department look really bad were AFAM administration in concert with ASPSA.

[Edited on October 24, 2014 at 2:07 PM. Reason : /]

10/24/2014 2:04:43 PM

All American
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haha, this and the comments are pretty funny:

[Edited on October 24, 2014 at 2:13 PM. Reason : ]

10/24/2014 2:07:18 PM

All American
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Feels too easy for me. That's why some are calling this a whitewash. You're gonna pin all this shit on one person? Get outta here.

10/24/2014 2:08:52 PM

All American
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Hah! F the Jim Martin Report.

10/24/2014 2:12:14 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
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^^ I don't think I was pinning it all on one person.

[Edited on October 24, 2014 at 2:13 PM. Reason : /]

10/24/2014 2:12:16 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Crowder told him that the ASPSA academic counselors believed he was “being an ass” for demanding so much from the players and were rethinking whether they should be steering student-athletes to AFAM classes."

Sounds like he should have kept being an ass. Push that buck along to the next department. Now his name and his academic reputation are taking a hit.

10/24/2014 2:13:04 PM

All American
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^^ wasn't saying you were, just don't like the way the report reads. It's too easy. Not to be all tinfoil hat, but goddamn, this shit was set up by someone in charge. I refuse to believe a lowly admin orchestrated this, ostensibly out of the "goodness" of her own heart.

[Edited on October 24, 2014 at 2:19 PM. Reason : Or maybe I've been lurking PP too much the last two days ]

10/24/2014 2:18:51 PM

All American
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^ that's just corporate America for you. Those at the top never fall. They can admit wrongdoing and see no punishment. But they'll happily feed all those underneath them to the wolves to save their own position.

I promise you, that at some point, one of the low-level actors (who will undoubtedly get punished hard for this) was asked to be a team player by someone in authority.

10/24/2014 2:22:36 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
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^ Perhaps one day Holden Thorp and Dick Baddour will be pushed out of power at Carolina.

10/24/2014 2:23:37 PM

All American
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^ Agreed. Like Roger Goodell never saw the Ray Rice video until TMZ published it.

10/24/2014 2:25:49 PM

All American
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I have tickets to go to the NCSU at UNC game this year. I want to bring a sign saying "Thank you for 18 years of LOL's". I doubt it will be allowed in

10/24/2014 2:28:51 PM

All American
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Just do AFAM.

10/24/2014 2:30:24 PM

All American
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^^ Put a giant peelable sticker over it that says something homerish and then peel it off and reap the lols once you're in the stands.

10/24/2014 2:35:39 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I have tickets to go to the NCSU at UNC game this year. I want to bring a sign saying "Thank you for 18 years of LOL's". I doubt it will be allowed in "

Just wrap the sign around your torso and put your shirt and jacket over it. Then pull it out at the appropriate time.

Unrelated, but I can't be the only one that keeps reading ASPSA but is thinking ASPCA, am I?

10/24/2014 2:39:53 PM

All American
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NCSU Sports Hall of Fame Ballot:
Marvin Austin
Greg Little
Deborah Crowder
Julius Nyang'oro
John Blake
Butch Davis
Jennifer Wiley
Mary Willingham
Ken Wainstein

10/24/2014 2:43:07 PM

Forgetful Jones
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PJ Hairston feels left out

10/24/2014 2:44:12 PM

All American
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Another article calling out the weakness of the NCAA.

10/24/2014 2:45:47 PM

All American
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^^^don't forget McCants

10/24/2014 3:02:25 PM

The Stubby
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Quote :
"I refuse to believe a lowly admin orchestrated this, ostensibly out of the "goodness" of her own heart."

it's actually somewhat believable that she orchestrated it if you believe reports that she was such a huge UNCCH* basketball fan and missed work days after losses (seriously? lololol). i doubt it had much to do with "goodness" as well, though.

Marvin Austin is a first ballot shoe-in.

[Edited on October 24, 2014 at 3:03 PM. Reason : ]

10/24/2014 3:02:38 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
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Quote :
"e. Student Add-ons

In addition to offering independent study paper classes, lecture paper classes and the bifurcated classes, Crowder also described instances in which she unilaterally added students to a traditional lecture course taught by a member of the AFAM faculty. Those students would never actually attend the lecture course, but would instead simply complete a research paper that Crowder would assign and ultimately grade. Crowder would then enter that student’s final grade on the grade sheet for the class, without the instructor having any knowledge of or say in the student’s final grade. Crowder would make this arrangement typically for students who could not attend the lecture class at the time it was offered, perhaps due to a conflict with sports practice times or because the student was away from Chapel Hill for that semester.

One case is particularly illustrative of this phenomenon. In Spring 2006, Professor Bereket Selassie taught a lecture class on North-East Africa, AFRI 124, with 25 enrolled students. At the end of the semester, Professor Selassie recorded a grade of AB (an incomplete grade that technically means “absent from the exam”) for a football player who never attended the lectures or the exam. When we asked Professor Selassie about this student, he was flabbergasted to see that the AB for that football player had been changed to an A- through a grade change form.

We then interviewed both Crowder and the football player and learned that he was one of Crowder’s add-on students. She had placed the football player on Professor Selassie’s class roll, given him a paper topic and graded his paper.67 Crowder changed the grade from an AB to an A using a grade change form and signed Nyang’oro’s name as instructor.68

We tried to calculate the number of students who were treated as add-ons in this fashion, but with no way to distinguish the add-on students from regular students on the existing course records, we were unable to definitively identify any other student besides the one football player. Crowder could not remember any others by name, but she estimated that there were probably “a handful” of students whom she handled as add-ons over the years. Of that number, she believed that the majority were student-athletes."

[Edited on October 24, 2014 at 3:08 PM. Reason : /]

10/24/2014 3:07:29 PM

oh we back
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I, too, found it hard to believe that Crowder undertook this stuff all on her own.

Then again, I could certainly see her doing for a couple players to start with. And then some more people find out and want in on it. And it becomes too big. But at that point, it's not a "secret". She may have taken it upon herself to do it at first, but obviously once everybody else found out about it they made no effort to stop it and in some cases they were out right encouraging it.

10/24/2014 3:13:11 PM

All American
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Yeah, she had to have been signaled by higher ups at some point to keep on keepin' on. No way she takes on all that risk without some (un)official cover. If she was truly a lone wolf, UNC could sue the crap out of her and probably even file criminal charges for helping Nyang'oro collect paychecks for classes he never taught.

10/24/2014 3:24:02 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Crowder is pretty hot though

10/24/2014 3:35:06 PM

All American
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Bubba Cunningham on Adam & Joe taking the obfuscation through gross numbers route that has clearly been defined by a PR firm.

it's "just" three players per team per year for 20 years.

it's "just" 0.1% of all classes taken



now he's saying "well now, we can't tell how they would have done because they didn't take other classes" as if maybe these fucking cheaters would have passed other classes instead of fake ones

[Edited on October 24, 2014 at 3:40 PM. Reason : .]

10/24/2014 3:38:46 PM

All American
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10/24/2014 3:40:54 PM

Forgetful Jones
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it was a joke broseph

10/24/2014 3:47:54 PM

135 Posts
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What are the chances nothing happens to UNC? Even though the classes/grading where shown to be a sham, if UNC still gives credit for them is the NCAA then unable to deem certain players ineligible?

10/24/2014 3:53:29 PM

All American
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i would love to know what PR firm is giving them the "thousand out of a million" and "3 athletes per team per year" as talking points. especially the latter. that makes it sound even worse, imo

10/24/2014 3:57:37 PM

oh we back
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Quote :
"now he's saying "well now, we can't tell how they would have done because they didn't take other classes" as if maybe these fucking cheaters would have passed other classes instead of fake ones"

which is especially stupid because in some of the emails you can see where players who needed a good grade or were already poor students were put into the paper courses for that exact reason. in the "real" classes they took, they did so poorly that they had to take paper classes to remain eligible.

10/24/2014 4:01:29 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i would love to know what PR firm is giving them the "thousand out of a million" and "3 athletes per team per year" as talking points. especially the latter. that makes it sound even worse, imo"

The 3 athletes per team per year is them trying to say that field hockey had the same part in this as basketball. When actually basketball had ~16 per year

10/24/2014 4:19:06 PM

All American
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^ I could see that. UNC is priming the NCAA to throw the book at a non-revenue sport. NCAA gets to pretend that they give a shit about academic integrity, and UNC gets to hold on to Roy's legacy.

Sucks for you, women's soccer.

10/24/2014 4:35:04 PM

Forgetful Jones
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10/24/2014 5:26:52 PM

All American
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That ties Wayne to the papers...which ties basketball...which ties in Roy.

Valvano got fired for MUCH less.

10/24/2014 5:33:42 PM

All American
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I don't know what's worse, his 10th AFAM enrollment or the fact that Computers and Society counts as a math class.

10/24/2014 5:41:24 PM

best gottfriend
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you know, i take back what i said earlier. there's no way this bitch just started doing this b/c she loves student athletes. that's such bullshit. and nyangoro knowing a kid that got kicked out of school and then shot? i can't believe i even halfway bought that.

it smells a lot like a way to save the legacy of one dean e. smith.

10/24/2014 5:47:10 PM

Burn it all down.
18389 Posts
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Roy strikes me as the kind of guy smart enough NOT TO USE HIS OFFICIAL UNIVERSITY EMAIL

10/24/2014 5:57:16 PM

All American
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Sort of like Butch's burner phones

10/24/2014 5:59:54 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I have added several non-athletic persons to classes this week "

Quote :
"I have added several non-athletic persons to classes this week "

Quote :
"I have added several non-athletic persons to classes this week "

Quote :
"I have added several non-athletic persons to classes this week "

Quote :
"I have added several non-athletic persons to classes this week "

Quote :
"I have added several non-athletic persons to classes this week "

10/24/2014 6:06:40 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Quote :
"This won't look suspicious at all!"

10/24/2014 6:10:15 PM

All American
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i haven't been over to packpride lately. are they saying anything about this whole thing?

10/24/2014 6:18:48 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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10/24/2014 6:20:02 PM

All American
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10/24/2014 6:27:06 PM

Sup, B
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for the love of all that is holy, please tell me this is really a part of the Swahili 3 final

10/24/2014 6:27:09 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i haven't been over to packpride lately. are they saying anything about this whole thing?"

Nope. Slow news day. They're discussing Obama.

10/24/2014 6:31:09 PM

All American
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Not Oprah.

10/24/2014 6:38:19 PM

oh we back
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Quote :
"Roy strikes me as the kind of guy smart enough NOT TO USE HIS OFFICIAL UNIVERSITY EMAIL"

Definitely. Roy acts like he's just good ol' country bumpkin. But he knows what he's doing. He's not stupid enough to get his hands dirty. There's no way in hell he didn't know what was going on. But I actually wouldn't be surprised if he went to lengths to distance himself from it. He's probably got people to do that shit for him. He's not gonna be like the women's soccer coach, directly emailing Crowder telling her what grades will suffice.

[Edited on October 24, 2014 at 6:40 PM. Reason : add a note]

10/24/2014 6:39:12 PM

All American
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these guys got caught for cheating and then get two weeks to figure their shit out? Holy hell, those guys get treated fairly well over there.

10/24/2014 6:42:06 PM

All American
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lol, I remember a history prof making a girl run out of a class crying before having her kicked out of school for way less than straight up copying a paper.

10/24/2014 7:17:29 PM

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