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 Message Boards » » REMEMBER WHEN THE COPS MURDERED PEYTON STRICKLAND? Page 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8 9, Prev Next  
All American
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Quote :
"so there was a website with this strickland guy and guns? Where's it at, anyone have a link?"

Did you read that in this thread? The only reason I ask is this is the first I've heard of it.

12/16/2006 6:53:44 PM

All American
1791 Posts
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Quote :
"not counting that he beat a kid with a blunt object then robbed him.... they found this picture on the internet before going to his house... he answered with a wireless playstation controller and they had good reason to think it was a gun"

I'm assuming there's a website, plus that's what I've read online. No i didn't read this thread entirely, but i did look for links and whatnot

12/16/2006 6:56:01 PM

All American
23309 Posts
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it was his myspace and I doubt it is still up

it had him and 2 other guys with rifles shotguns and i thinkkkkkkkk a pistol or two with their faces covered or something like that.

according to what I have heard thats what sparked the whole ordeal.

12/16/2006 6:56:26 PM

All American
28213 Posts
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They gave him plenty of time to come out under his own accord. It sucks he died but damn, what are the police supposed to do? Make some coffee while the guy could be in there wiht a bomb or some automatic weapons? Kick him off the force and move on, one guy shot, the other just pout the uys dog out of its misery. Act like y'all know the facts.

12/16/2006 6:57:09 PM

1879 Posts
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i thought it was the kids roommate in the pictures or something

12/16/2006 6:57:16 PM

All American
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it was

12/16/2006 6:58:00 PM

1879 Posts
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plenty of time? it said the door was knocked in as soon as the kid turned to secure his dog

12/16/2006 6:59:26 PM

All American
25459 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm assuming there's a website, plus that's what I've read online. No i didn't read this thread entirely, but i did look for links and whatnot"

Quote :
"it was his myspace and I doubt it is still up

it had him and 2 other guys with rifles shotguns and i thinkkkkkkkk a pistol or two with their faces covered or something like that.

according to what I have heard thats what sparked the whole ordeal."


That was RYAN MILLS, not Peyton Strickland.

Quote :
"They gave him plenty of time to come out under his own accord."


[Edited on December 16, 2006 at 7:00 PM. Reason : No.]

12/16/2006 6:59:29 PM

no u
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12/16/2006 7:03:50 PM

All American
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THey knocked two separate times before using the boomstick.

12/16/2006 7:07:30 PM

All American
23309 Posts
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who cares if it was Ryan or Peyton point is there was the website with the kid on it and his weapons brandished.

thats what they were asking about

k, thanks

12/16/2006 7:08:55 PM

no u
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they both have DSLs

12/16/2006 7:09:21 PM

All American
25459 Posts
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Quote :
"who cares if it was Ryan or Peyton point is there was the website with the kid on it and his weapons brandished.

thats what they were asking about

k, thanks"

Let's re-examine what she asked:

Quote :
"so there was a website with this strickland guy and guns? Where's it at, anyone have a link?"

You can stfu now.

12/16/2006 7:10:06 PM

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12/17/2006 5:24:30 PM

1971 Posts
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12/17/2006 11:27:13 PM

All American
5775 Posts
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well he did steal a PS3

12/17/2006 11:57:17 PM

All American
21537 Posts
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you guys are really into this one

12/18/2006 12:00:03 AM

41759 Posts
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Quote :
"Attempting the search

About 8:30 p.m., 16 uniformed officers swarmed the half-acre property, according to Causey and the warrant. Deputies massed on the porch. One deputy, whose name hasn't been released, stood in the center, clutching a battering ram. Long was to his right.

Inside, Rhoton and Strickland were taking a break from cleaning to play the latest Tiger Woods golf video game on the PlayStation in the living room, Rhoton said.

A deputy rapped on the door. Strickland, sitting on the edge of the couch nearest to the front door, headed to the foyer. Rhoton paused the game and stayed on the couch.

As Strickland turned left into the foyer, he stared out the door's three small windows at the team of heavily armed deputies, David said.

What happened next isn't quite clear.

David, the district attorney, said in court that Strickland looked to his right, then stepped back into the living room. The deputy, taking that as a sign he was refusing to let them in, knocked again, then charged the door with the battering ram. Long mistook the hammering of the ram for the blast of a gun and opened fire, David said.

Rhoton said he heard only a thud -- likely the battering ram -- and a series of gunshots.

Strickland staggered back, spun around and fell to the floor in the living room, just behind the couch where he had been sitting moments before, Rhoton said.

Blaze, Strickland's German shepherd, bounded to the now open door, David said. Long fired at Blaze, and his fellow deputies, Larry Robinson and Greg Johnson, shot at the dog, too, David said. Blaze yelped and faltered to the porch, staining it with his blood as he died, Rhoton said.

Long stumbled back in the yard, Hankins, the juror, recalled the SBI saying. Other deputies announced themselves and charged the house, Rhoton said.

Rhoton said as he started to stand, a deputy ordered him down on the floor in front of the sofa and pointed a shotgun at him. Rhoton heard Strickland moaning and vomiting; he begged the officers to help his friend.

Records from the county 911 communications center show that it took nearly four minutes for the nearest ambulance to arrive, almost five minutes more to load Strickland on a stretcher and 14 minutes to drive across town to the hospital.

Rhoton doesn't understand the need for such force.

The door wasn't even locked.

Families find out

Deputies finally allowed Rhoton to stand up after they had taken Strickland away, Rhoton said. They escorted him to a police Chevy Tahoe in the yard. Police searched for the PlayStation; they found one like it and collected several pipes for smoking marijuana, according to the search warrant.

Three miles away, Mills, who police think committed the robbery with Strickland, rushed to Long Leaf Acres Drive, friends have said. Someone had called to tell him there was trouble at Strickland's place. After he stepped out of the car, UNCW police handcuffed him and searched his Toyota Celica. Inside the trunk, they found a loaded shotgun, said Donaldson, the UNCW police chief.

A neighbor who heard the commotion made a call to Kevin Riley in Apex, the father of Braden Riley, a roommate who lived in the house. There has been trouble at your boy's place, shots fired and police everywhere, the neighbor told the elder Riley, according to Strickland's father Don and 911 records.

Riley's father knew his son was out of town but frantically rang New Hanover dispatchers shortly before 10 p.m. to find out what had happened.

Braden Riley, who had been called by his dad, rang Strickland's parents in Durham to tell them what his dad had heard. Don Strickland said he called the Wilmington police three times, trying to find out what was going on. No one would answer his questions.

It wasn't until 11 p.m. that Don Strickland learned that his son had been hurt. A trauma surgeon at New Hanover Regional Medical Center called to tell him that Strickland had been shot in the head. He was on life support and likely brain-dead, the surgeon said. Don Strickland, his wife, Kathy, and daughter Collin jumped in the car and rushed to Wilmington.

Halfway there, on a barren, dark stretch of Interstate 40, Don Strickland's phone rang again. His son didn't make it."

12/18/2006 12:59:32 PM

All American
47007 Posts
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[Edited on December 18, 2006 at 1:15 PM. Reason : d]

12/18/2006 1:15:05 PM

All American
6276 Posts
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I feel most sorry for the dog.

12/18/2006 1:58:05 PM

Captain Rich
All American
652 Posts
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i feel most sorry for the family

12/18/2006 2:01:23 PM

All American
14538 Posts
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i feel most sorry for the family

12/18/2006 2:02:51 PM

All American
25834 Posts
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awwwww, but just think, the dog is with his owner(unless the owner went to hell)

12/18/2006 2:02:59 PM

41759 Posts
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Quote :
"Rhoton said he heard only a thud -- likely the battering ram -- and a series of gunshots.

Strickland staggered back, spun around and fell to the floor in the living room, just behind the couch where he had been sitting moments before, Rhoton said."

12/18/2006 2:16:06 PM

All American
170962 Posts
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Quote :
"Instead, he fell apart in the yard -- crying "Oh Jesus, oh Jesus" -- after he unleashed a string of bullets at Strickland through the door, said Sharika Hankins, a member of the grand jury who heard an agent from the State Bureau of Investigation describe that night, and who disagreed with the group's decision to not indict Long on a charge of second-degree murder."

ladies, and gentlemen, what we have here is an attempt to make a KILLER have a soul during a grand jury proceeding. you are witnessing history here!!! i'm not saying you'll never see this again, but you likely won't before the next death by cop along. if you think i am making this up, do some research.

12/18/2006 2:29:03 PM

60006 Posts
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yeah, funny it bothers him so much

but hasn't had a problem shooting at people in his past

more like, "oh jesus, oh jesus, I am in trouble now"

12/18/2006 2:32:03 PM

All American
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anyone here ever sat on a grand jury before? cause if you have, i'm sure you're also shocked by them trying to make the "guilty" sound like a compassionate guy. thats what im saying i guess

12/18/2006 2:34:49 PM

41759 Posts
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I am suprised the New Hanover sheriff has not gone on TV and claimed to have done the public a favor by confiscating those marijuana pipes so they will not harm peoples children.

12/18/2006 2:47:35 PM

1971 Posts
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12/18/2006 3:03:07 PM

All American
46641 Posts
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Quote :
"THey knocked two separate times before using the boomstick."

From what I understand, invesitgators said there was no reason to use the boomstick in the first place.

12/18/2006 3:07:40 PM

1971 Posts
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door was unlocked

12/18/2006 3:08:47 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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Quote :
"more like, "oh jesus, oh jesus, I am in trouble now""

12/18/2006 3:20:41 PM

All American
2318 Posts
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12/18/2006 6:23:04 PM

Zinc Saucier
18949 Posts
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Quote :
"Rhoton heard Strickland moaning and vomiting; he begged the officers to help his friend."


12/18/2006 7:05:55 PM

1971 Posts
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and they let him die


12/18/2006 10:25:34 PM

588 Posts
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pretty sure that their responsibility to collect marijuana pipes outweighed the need to provide luxury medical assistance to that kid mmmk

12/18/2006 10:26:35 PM

All American
28213 Posts
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He was already dead, shit hit him right between the eyes. Also, these two hit that kid hard enough that it should have killed him.

12/18/2006 10:27:14 PM

588 Posts
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fuck the police

12/18/2006 10:27:58 PM

All American
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I don't really have much sympathy for the kid. He had a pretty long rap sheet...
Karma must have got him for being a douchebag.

12/18/2006 10:34:44 PM

All American
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who gets to decide who the douchebags are? seriously? cause i havent had a chance to fire my glock22 in a while

and now that i just said glock22 on the internet its ok if i get shot by a cop in my home

12/18/2006 10:35:39 PM

no u
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his sister is sorta cute

12/18/2006 10:36:39 PM

All American
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If what WRAL and the News & Observer say is anywhere close to being remotely true...

Quote :
"The warrants, issued for Strickland and UNC-W student Ryan David Mills, charged the two with armed robbery, assault with a deadly weapon and breaking and entering a vehicle, alleging that they assaulted UNC-W student Justin Raines, of Apex, and took two PlayStation 3s from him on Nov. 17."

Quote :
"In a statement on behalf of Strickland's parents, Don and Kathy Strickland, Beskind described Strickland, the youngest of three children, as a "kind and gentle boy" who was "generous, thoughtful and compassionate."

Court records show that Strickland had been charged in September with felony assault."

Those quotes from here:
Emphasis by me.
The best part is the ending--parent say he's kind and compassionate, then right after that it's said that he's been charged with felony assault. Kind and compassionate my ass!

Quote :
"Crushed cans of Budweiser and a 40-ounce bottle of Yeungling beer were strewn near a 1964 motorboat that Strickland rebuilt
The college boys claimed the only rental house on the street, and neighbors didn't welcome their late-night parties, said Scott Keenan, who lives across Long Leaf Acres Drive.

More than once, Keenan said, he climbed out of bed in the early morning hours to tell the boys to turn down their rap music. Other nights, neighbors called police. "Everybody was sick of that house," Keenan said. "The cops would come and break up a party, then we'd have to call them right back."

Neighbors got quite a scare this fall, Keenan said, when Strickland warned them that a fistfight he'd won might provoke vengeance on their house. "He bragged about beating up some kid, then he told me there might be a shootout at the house," Keenan recalled.

Strickland got into trouble with police in September after a UNCW student complained that Strickland popped his jaw during a fistfight, according to Wilmington Police reports. The victim, Nathan Harrington, 22, of Lee County, said Sunday that Strickland punched him in the face after he asked Strickland, a friend of a friend, to leave his apartment.

Doctors had to wire his mouth shut for six weeks, Harrington said. Strickland was arrested on a charge of assault inflicting serious injury"

(emphasis by me, quotes from here: )

As bad as this will sound, if he's guilty of all that...sounds like Karma got him.

12/18/2006 10:40:04 PM

All American
170962 Posts
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well im assuming that wackos like you belong to some obscure political party, otherwise the country would be fucked.

12/18/2006 10:43:03 PM

All American
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Heaven forbid I have a differing opinion than the majority.

12/18/2006 10:46:28 PM

All American
170962 Posts
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you're entitled to that in the constitution, i know. just like he was entitled to a trial and a reasonable punsishment. you human fucking scum.

12/18/2006 10:47:24 PM

All American
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I'm scum because I think he got what he had coming to him?

12/18/2006 10:49:51 PM

All American
5775 Posts
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well he did steal a PS3

12/18/2006 10:59:50 PM

588 Posts
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he got what he had coming, but the PROBLEM here is that he got it from an agent of the government. If he'd been shot by a civilian, then sure, you'd be right.

The issue here isn't that a violent asshole got shot.

The issue is that a trigger happy pig put a bullet through an innocent man's head in his own motherfucking house

12/18/2006 11:02:29 PM

All American
15654 Posts
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everyone is a hero when they die

12/18/2006 11:08:03 PM

All American
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I'd probably be a little nervous and trigger-happy too if I were going to someone's house that I know had already been charged for felony assault and the warrant to the place was for armed robbery, assault with a deadly weapon, and breaking & entering a vehicle.

I'm not saying the cop shouldn't be punished, but I think it's prudent to know all the facts before everyone jumps to conclusions and immediately calls foul on the part of the police.

12/18/2006 11:09:54 PM

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