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Blind Hate
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Quote :
"neither can you apparently since that "simple question" was posted by you in lieu of answering my simple question"

Hahha, I got a good chuckle out of this.

So I ask a question.

You do the standard TrollTwista and ask another question

I ask you why you can't answer questions

and you say that I can't either, even though its painfully obvious that I and others take plenty of times to answer your stupid bullshit, hoping we aren't getting trolled.

yet, we are.

Just answer the fucking question

Do you think security theater is better at preventing terrorism than tighter borders, better intelligence, air marshals, and locked cabin doors?


Do you enjoy being terrorized by our goverment?

These are good questions to discuss about. Your questions suck the ass end of a sewer pump.

7/19/2007 7:00:49 PM

Forgetful Jones
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you're the dumbass that says you can prove past hypotheticals, which is 100% impossible to do

then you say airport security increased due to the iraq war and not 9/11

i mean how damn stupid are you?

but just to humor you

Quote :
"Do you think security theater is better at preventing terrorism than tighter borders, better intelligence, air marshals, and locked cabin doors?"

we've done all of the above so whats your point

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"Do you enjoy being terrorized by our goverment?"

i'm not terrorized by the govt like you are, sorry to're the one who always seems to be complaining

7/19/2007 7:05:25 PM

Blind Hate
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Do you avoid questions that you lack the intelligence to answer?

7/19/2007 7:07:44 PM

Forgetful Jones
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what questions would those be? your loaded onesided logical fallacy questions?

stupid questions get stupid answers

7/19/2007 7:08:31 PM

Blind Hate
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Just to humor you

You're fucking stupid. The only credit I could ever give any of your posts in this section, is that its some of the best trolling without giving away your m.o. and getting suspended that this site has ever seen.

I'm sure you'll smile to read that comment. Which is sad. But thats the reality of the situation, that no matter how hard we try to give you a chance to be a useful contributor to this section, you keep letting everyone down, because you are sad.

If you're that kid in your photo gallery, I used to see your thug ass around campus all the time. Driving your Blazer, bumping your music, looking thuggish as hell.

I'm not at all surprised that you aren't intelligent, and that you spend your days at your bottom end job trolling those of us that have debate capabilities and world comprehension that you'll never have.

Now get out of my thread.

7/19/2007 7:12:47 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"thug ass around campus all the time. Driving your Blazer, bumping your music, looking thuggish as hell"

wow you're still proving you're an idiot...and also that you're clearly State409c / TypeA...i remember you making those same comments under one of those aliases

thanks for coming out and finally admitting who we already all knew you were

Quote :
"world comprehension"

like how scarves are popular in europe!

7/19/2007 7:14:18 PM

Blind Hate
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It doesn't matter who I am (even though you're terribly wrong). You'll always be the same stupid dick wad trolling the soap box because you aren't capable of discussing things on the level of most of the other people here.

Oh, well except for climate change, which you talked to one professor for a few minutes about.

7/19/2007 7:17:20 PM

Forgetful Jones
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sure thing State409c / TypeA

7/19/2007 7:19:07 PM

Blind Hate
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You really are afraid aren't you? I bet you have a persecution complex don't you?

7/19/2007 7:21:14 PM

Forgetful Jones
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people that wear scarves are faggots? Your ass would get laughed out of Europe with that attitude.

7/19/2007 7:22:31 PM

Duh, Winning
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in Europe, many men share a bed

so he loves it there

and if you listen to anything other than a democrat, things are getting better

7/19/2007 7:23:01 PM

Blind Hate
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Who the hell are you? This thread is for talking about the surge, if you don't have anything to add, go away.

7/19/2007 7:26:40 PM

Forgetful Jones
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i bet you'd like to add some hair to that bald melon of yours, wouldnt you chance

lol "who the hell are you" hahah your alias is fucking transparent as shit

7/19/2007 7:27:00 PM

Blind Hate
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It's bad enough to have one retarded douche bag here, we don't need another. Holy shit, you have 40,000+ posts and I don't think I have ever seen you post in this section. Please, stay away.

7/19/2007 7:27:35 PM

Forgetful Jones
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7/19/2007 7:28:03 PM

Duh, Winning
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damn, mr clean, you are trying too hard here

7/19/2007 7:28:35 PM

Blind Hate
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Hopefully you both get suspended for the blatant trolling in this thread.

7/19/2007 7:30:31 PM

Forgetful Jones
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look on the bright dont ever have to waste your hard earned money on combs, brushes, shampoo, etc

7/19/2007 7:31:11 PM

Forgetful Jones
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[Edited on July 19, 2007 at 7:36 PM. Reason : .]

7/19/2007 7:32:52 PM

Blind Hate
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Ok, we'll go back to this if that is what you want

Quote :
"i'm pretty sure the "annoyances" in airports were in response to 9/11 since OBVIOUSLY airport security was not good enough

I mean I know you've got to convince yourself that you're really being unfairly inconvenienced and troubled and that this war personally fucks you over, but the fact is your life isn't really any more different in 2007 than it would be if we hadn't been at war the last 4 years...I mean the news you watch on TV and read about online is clearly different but thats about it"

Sure, the security measures were put in place after the attack, before the war. Now, lets assume for a minute that we wouldn't have invaded Iraq, we crushed the taliban in afghanistan so hard that it wouldn't have mattered (at least for several years) if we actually caught bin laden or not.

We wouldn't have had to go in Iraq, there wouldn't be a completely new terrorist threat in a location that didn't exist before, and all these sham security procedures which don't really work could be removed, which would have the two fold benefit of removing an annoyances and not serving as a constant terrorism fear reminder, a fear that shouldn't exist, but does because our government wants it to.

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"but the fact is your life isn't really any more different in 2007 than it would be if we hadn't been at war the last 4 years..."

So you are totally wrong about this "fact" as I have just shown. My life is indeed different because of this war (this is before we consider tax implications, government programs that will have to be eliminated, etc) Your only counterargument would be that the security checks would still be in place, which is kinda ludicrous when you think about it. I mean, why have the security checks if the threat of "turror" is absurdly low.

[Edited on July 19, 2007 at 7:40 PM. Reason : t]

7/19/2007 7:35:48 PM

Blind Hate
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Is this gonna be another TrollTwista fact free day?

7/20/2007 10:28:06 AM

All American
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good article about the bullish way the Iraq war has been handled.

DoD's response to a letter from Clinton asking if there is any plan for eventual withdrawal:

Quote :
"Premature and public discussion of the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq,” Edelman writes, “reinforces enemy propaganda that the United States will abandon its allies in Iraq, much as we are perceived to have done in Vietnam, Lebanon and Somalia.”

looks to me like positioning by the administration to push the strengthening of terrorist networks in Iraq off on the people who want us to leave (the majority of americans by the way).....wouldn't surprise me at all.

7/20/2007 12:28:31 PM

All American
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This thread:
Blind Hate
Blind Hate
Blind Hate
Blind Hate
Blind Hate

Everybody Else

7/20/2007 12:29:37 PM

All American
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^lol, tru.

7/20/2007 12:35:01 PM

All American
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^ lol tru

... actually, its not very lol, anymore.

its pretty much just plain old retarded. they need to just go ahead and fuck.

and of course that will be another 10 page flame festt about whos gonna be bottom.

7/20/2007 2:45:56 PM

All American
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Chin, chin . . . as the Brits say.

7/20/2007 3:20:39 PM

Blind Hate
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It's a simple solution

He stops trolling this section

Everyone wins

7/20/2007 3:43:53 PM

All American
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you stop feeding the troll, and the cycle is broken.

Everyone wins.

7/20/2007 3:47:22 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Why don't you just get off of his dick?

I can't think of anything that you've posted that isn't bitching about him or trolling.

7/20/2007 3:47:29 PM

Blind Hate
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Quote :
"I can't think of anything that you've posted that isn't bitching about him or trolling."

In this very thread there are things I posted not about him bitching or trolling. Just because you are getting owned by salisburyboy, doesn't mean you need to try and make shit up in an effort to look badass. I mean, I guess you can try, but don't clown yourself in the process youngin.

7/20/2007 3:54:01 PM

Blind Hate
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Quote :

you stop feeding the troll, and the cycle is broken.

Everyone wins."

Thats the thing, he's quite clever, or accidentally clever. I genuinely think he attempts to discuss topics. But he realizes when he is losing, and his posts slowly morph from reasonable to unreasonable. He has watered this section down enough and my days are boring enough, that unlike some of you, I'll continue to entertain myself as he gets dumber and dumber.

At this point, I honestly don't give a fuck what the rest of you think. This section has seen it's glory days. And as long as he doesn't want to be the bigger man about, you think I give a fuck?

7/20/2007 3:56:27 PM

Mr. Joshua
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^^ You sure told me.

My point stands.

7/20/2007 4:44:20 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Blind Hate maybe if you didn't try and make absurdly retarded claims like how you can prove past hypotheticals then people wouldn't have a reason to point out how stupid you are...this could've happened to prevent a page of bullshit between us...(and i'm paraphrasing)

wlb420: "The guy at UNC would not have run over the people in the SUV if it werent for the Iraq war"
TreeTwista: "I disagree. Besides, you can't prove that if something had happened differently in the past the future result would've definitively been different"
Blind Hate: "Well maybe you can't prove it but its likely"
TreeTwista: "Yeah well"

and that wouldve been the end of it...but instead you choose to stick to your guns and claim you could prove the unprovable...I simply repeatedly told you that you couldn't but you just didn't get it

In short, blame yourself

7/20/2007 5:55:36 PM

Blind Hate
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Even when you try to make what you think is in ironclad point, you come off looking like an idiot.
Quote :
"maybe if you didn't try and make absurdly retarded claims like how you can prove past hypotheticals"

So, it's absurdly retarded, yet you continue to debate me about the topic. Durr durr durr durr. So the onus is on me to give up, the onus is on me to not reply, but you're clear and free from the same responsibilities to this section? You assclown.

Hmm, what else was in this thread
Quote :
"I'm not the one complaining like a woman just because I have to take my shoes off at the airport..."
Quote :
"omg i had to take my shoes off at the airport, i think im gonna kill myself cause my life is so horrible now that i have to take my shoes off"

Quote :
"you seriously do whine more than a woman...omg i have to take my shoes off at the airport! omg they talked to james hetfield before eventually allowing him to board his flight! omg my life is so horrible! i really know what its like to have it bad!"

For fucks sake dude, if you are out of new ideas or viewpoints to contribute to the thread, just say you're intellectually bankrupt on the topic and we can all move right along.

Speaking of retardedly absurd claims. I wasn't even complaining, let alone like a woman. It's a very pertinent discussion about how useful our security procedures really are. Please do a google for Bruce Sneier (sp?) for more info. I was just pointing out (basically echoing what can be found at his blog) how the war on terror, as far as "security theater" measures go, for the average American is nuisance on it's best days. I mean, it's pretty fucking retarded to have to take your shoes off at an airport. It's pretty retarded the TSA misses bombs 5 out of 7 times when they are placed in bags with water. It's pretty retarded our government thinks these are good solutions in lieu of preventing the real terrorist from crossing the Mexican border. Me offering commentary on the state of the situation shouldn't be construed as "complaining like a woman" whatever that even means. You didn't even attempt to debate the merits of any of my valid points about any of these topics.

Hmm, what else is in this thread. Oh, speaking of retardedly absurd claims

Quote :
"So you are admitting to being afraid because the government tells you to?"

What the fuck? Thats trolling at its best. There is nothing about that link that makes me afraid. It's a blog post about how ineffective the TSA security procedures are. The fact that you did one of your classic "take what the last poster said about you, and echo it back at them" is no surprise, and it only serves to distract everyone else from actually debating the topic.

Quote :
"well its a pretty absurd and completely unprovable opinion"

I had no clue you had to prove an opinion. Dumb ass.

Of course it is impossible to prove something like that you ass clown. But it's at least a valid idea that our war in Iraq is pushing potentially radical muslims that were fence sitters into action. This is an idea that has been echoed by countless other posters on this board, and by those in the media and beyond. You, and only you, would start a 1 page bitchfest about proving some single event that bears this idea out if the situation was radically changed. Debate the fucking merits of the idea, not whether it is provable or not. Of course we'll never 100% know if that guy would have driven through The Pit sans an Iraq war, but I think it's a damn reasonable idea that he wouldn't without a good reason. That should have been the point where you echo Bush/O'Loly/Savage about turrist hating our freedoms and wanting to kill us because their religion tells them to, instead of the path you chose, then tried to pin the shit storm and retardation on me. Fuck bag.

Quote :
"since when have you assigned blame to anybody but the US/govt/bush?"

Here you were again completely misrepresenting my stance on issues for the sheer purpose of being inflammatory, or maybe you're just stupid.

Quote :
"But its not my fault...I wasn't trolling in this thread before you created it...just like the US created the terrorists and Batman created the created me...blame yourself faggot"

Ummm, ok, thats a little weird.

When the thread was dead, thanks to your hangup about proving the topic, I switched from trying to talk about other topics to being completely and utterly asinine that a high school freshman should have picked up on it

Quote :
"Look, it's a certainty that if the US weren't in Iraq, that guy wouldn't have used The Pit and a few tarfags as his personal SUV playground. Nothing to really try to prove."

Quote :
"Look, everyone here but you gets what wlb was saying. I can't help that you have such a tough time comprehending things."

But you didn't even realize it.

I tried to get the thread back on track with

Quote :
"Why don't you go back and answer numerous other questions I posed to you. You're becoming worse than salisburyboy about doing that sorta thing."

But you were still hung up on the "hypothetical", and trolling

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"thats the best response you can muster after pwning the shit out of yourself?"

Quote :
"so how exactly do you prove a hypothetical in the past? only way i can even imagine it is if you had a time machine and absolute power...what is your suggestion since you're so adamant that it can be done?

btw how does it feel to get super pwnt by a stupid stoner? i guess that makes you reaaaaally smart"

And on and on and on.

[Edited on July 20, 2007 at 7:24 PM. Reason : more more more]

7/20/2007 7:19:05 PM

Forgetful Jones
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im not gonna read that but its definitely long enough where it proves you have no life and take tww too seriously you bald bitch

7/20/2007 8:43:09 PM

Blind Hate
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Says they guy who felt compelled to come back and reply. You take it every bit as seriously my friend. And there is nothing the weed can do to make you smarter or change that fact.

7/20/2007 10:46:31 PM

Forgetful Jones
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i'm glad to see you didnt waste as much of your life on that last post...much shorter than the previous...good for you

7/20/2007 11:07:11 PM

All American
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Well, one thing's for sure--whether the surge is working or not--the Democrats don't give a fuck what happens to Iraqis if we pull out:

Pullout proposal lacking a Plan B
Those who want troops out of Iraq acknowledge that sectarian violence will likely follow

Quote :
"'I wouldn't be surprised if it's horrendous,' said House Appropriations Committee Chairman David R. Obey (D-Wis.), who has helped spearhead efforts against the war. 'The only hope for the Iraqis is their own damned government, and there's slim hope for that.'

Some proponents of a withdrawal declined to discuss what the United States should do if the violence increases.

'That's a hypothetical. I'm not going to get into it,' Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said."

Quote :
"Opponents of a withdrawal have raised the specter of spiraling violence between Iraq's Shiites and Sunnis, a wider Middle Eastern war and a resurgent Al Qaeda to blunt the accelerating Democratic efforts to scale back military involvement in Iraq.

At the White House last week, President Bush warned of 'mass killings on a horrific scale.'"

Quote :
"Senate Democrats' 'New Direction' agenda, in which the party touts its goals, does not address the issue of a post-withdrawal Iraq, noting only that 'Senate Democrats remain committed … to bring the war to a successful and responsible end.'

And [Sen. Carl] Levin's [D-Mich.] three-page withdrawal proposal only instructs the president to urge the appointment by the United Nations of an Iraq mediator [emphasis added].

House Democrats — who named the withdrawal measure they passed last week the 'Responsible Redeployment From Iraq Act' — also have not laid out a program to deal with the aftermath."

Quote :
"In January, intelligence agencies warned in a National Intelligence Estimate that a rapid U.S. withdrawal over the following 12 to 18 months could draw neighboring nations into Iraq. 'Massive civilian casualties and forced population displacement would be probable,' the report concluded.

Last week, Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari warned that a troop withdrawal could lead to 'the collapse of the state.'

Even the bipartisan Iraq Study Group report, which many lawmakers see as blueprint for reducing U.S. military involvement, cautioned a premature withdrawal would lead to 'greater human suffering, regional destabilization and a threat to the global economy.'",1,6220519.story?page=1&track=rss

Yeah, the UN will solve it.

[Edited on July 21, 2007 at 4:16 AM. Reason : .]

7/21/2007 4:14:19 AM

Blind Hate
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So let me get this right - you only care about the Iraqi people when it fits in with your agenda of hating anything the Democrats are doing for any reason at all?

7/21/2007 7:11:06 AM

Forgetful Jones
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7/21/2007 11:46:33 AM

All American
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^^ Try just addressing the post for once, douche bag.

7/23/2007 1:10:25 AM

Blind Hate
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Would you like me to address the sectarian violence comment you ever so nicely bolded for us?

How about the fact that sectarian violence is going to happen whether we stay or go so long as the current troop levels remain too low.

7/23/2007 7:23:26 AM

All American
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^ If you think the violence in Iraq is bad now, just imagine what it will be like if we withdraw precipitously. John Burns of The New York Times--hardly a right-wing kook--has written that he thinks it will be "cataclysmic."

7/23/2007 11:30:47 AM

Blind Hate
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Do you genuinely care about the Iraqi people? I mean, deep down inside, does a right wing kook like you care if a bunch of future Islamic nutjobs get massacred in the crossfire...or are you just aligning with the right wing message because it gives you something to oppose the Democrats about?

7/23/2007 11:36:13 AM

All American
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^ Man, fuck you. I'm not a right-wing kook. I think for myself--you should try it sometime, troll.

7/23/2007 11:39:31 AM

All American
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This storm of back and forth, ideological, downright frivolous arguing is getting the country nowhere. I expect this kind of crap on TWW, but it's happening on DC too, and that worries me.

We've seent this movie before... +4 years ago when we were deciding whether to invade Iraq. Remember the whole "For the War" versus "Against the troops" nonsense? If you were Pro-invasion, you were a war-mongering oil-stealing right wing nutjob. If you were Anti-invasion, you were a terrorist-sympathizing pinko-communist liberal sissy. The former sounded better.

Of course, there was more to it. Yes, we needed to hit the terrorists head on, but invading the wrong country isn't the way to do it. So, in a sense, both sides were wrong. These however were the only two positions being discussed at all. Either you liked Bush's plan or you didn't.

So, do you want a bad plan or no plan at all? Fan-fucking-tastic...

Now we find ourselves doing the exact-fucking-same thing. Keep the surge going or Bring the Troops home. Once again, both plans suck. Why?

1) Stay the course - Mr. President, please inform me why I should keep believing that victory is on the horizon? As I've stated before, the Bush Administration has failed to keep the American public in the loop. Yes we're pissed off the job isn't done. The Administration never told us when it would be completed. The president has however reitterated that we're winning and victory is necessary in fighting terrorism.

It would be nice though to see some progress, which we haven't. Support for the war has decreased because of a growing concern that the President (gasp) doesn't know what the fuck he's doing. It is not unpatriotic to question the president. It is unpatriotic NOT TO!

2) Pullout - Great idea. So when Iraq erupts into total chaos, the world will know precisely who to blame. We can't leave because we're responsible for screwing things up in the first place. Yes, the President is doing a shitty job running the war. Once again however the Democrats are bitching about the President's BAD plan without uniting around a GOOD plan to take its place. Nice going guys.

So, what do we do? Tommy Thompson suggested letting the Iraqis vote whether to have the Americans stay or leave. Why this is getting no attention is beyond me. The only way to honorably withdraw is by handing the reins to the Iraqis. This is a clear way of accomplishing this goal.

Next, lets us troop withdrawals as a political lever. If the Iraqis don't settle their political differences, start pulling our guys out. You don't work for us, then we don't work for you. And currently, Mr. President, I don't care how you spin it or deny it: Our committment IS open-ended. You haven't allocated money and troops dependent on any set benchmarks. So yeah, resources without strings attached... sounds a lot like an open-ended committment to me.

We spend all money, we get all the blame when shit goes down, and the Iraqis are the victims. That shit has to stop. Our troops don't deserve that kind of treatment.

In conclusion, the mainstream options in this debate both SUCK. Don't give them credence by arguing for or against them. Put some though into it, collect some concrete facts, and make a better, more informed judgment on the situation.

Yes this is asking a lot, but fuck, give it a shot.

7/23/2007 12:46:48 PM

Blind Hate
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Ok, I'll try again

Do you genuinely care about the Iraqi people? I mean, deep down inside, does a conservative like you care if a bunch of future Islamic nutjobs get massacred in the crossfire...or are you just aligning with the right wing message because it gives you something to oppose the Democrats about?

7/23/2007 12:59:39 PM

All American
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^ I care about all people of goodwill--and that's the truth. But do you actually believe that all Iraqis are "future Islamic nutjobs," as you put it? You revealed much there.

7/23/2007 2:52:53 PM

Blind Hate
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You hear that? It was hyperbole passing right over your head.

On top of that, show me where I said "all Iraqis"?

7/23/2007 2:59:06 PM

All American
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^ The "Iraqi people" was your description and I addressed it. BTW, nothing "whooshed" over my head, troll. If it did, at least my head wouldn't get cold like your bald head.

7/23/2007 3:11:36 PM

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