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Quote :
"^ Does TW not need a 16x8 bonding modem to get 300/20?"

It does according to the TWC rep I talked to.

I picked up a Netgear Nighthawk so I'm now getting 355 down with the router in place. But I found out that even the Nighthawk can only handle ~450mbps on stock firmware with NAT and 360mbps with DD-WRT.

I've been sorta disappointed that things I assumed would max out my connection – namely usenet – top out around 30MBps and average around 10MBps.

10/11/2015 4:39:30 PM

All American
11577 Posts
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At that point you're talking a difference in minutes for downloading stuff. I'm impressed by 15MBps on steam and Usenet.

10/11/2015 4:41:16 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I've been sorta disappointed that things I assumed would max out my connection – namely usenet – top out around 30MBps and average around 10MBps."

That's the part everyone forgets about having a super fast connection -- you're only as fast as the other side.

10/11/2015 6:34:33 PM

All American
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That's why I traded 1Gbps with a 550GB cap for 200Mbps with no cap. At 1Gbps there are way too many bottlenecks. My router could only push 700Mbps consistently and the HDD I used for uTorrent had cache issues so I could really only see a difference when I downloaded to my SSD. And that I topped out at 60 MB /s.

I'm perfectly fine with 15-25 MB/s.

10/12/2015 3:01:13 PM

All American
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Reset and tested my modem this weekend and still seeing 50/5 so guess I havent gotten the upgrade yet. ATT is laying fiber in my neighborhood right now for their gigapower service or whatever they call it I'm wondering how close to those actual speeds I will actually get though if I was to switch.

10/13/2015 9:43:57 AM

All American
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Picked up the new Maxx thing from TWC today.

Upload speed is way better, download around 25...hmmm.

10/14/2015 7:44:07 PM

All American
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My TWC (Charlotte) has gone to shit the past two weeks... I have to reset my modem everyday due to shitty DL speeds (3 Mb/s, instead of the usually 50-60 Mb/s).

I hope this means they're about to upgrade me to TWC Maxx.

10/15/2015 9:30:09 AM

All American
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i was having trouble with TWC recently...getting 1-2Mbps down and 5-6Mbps up...turns out there was water in the connector at the pole (or so i was told)...back to:

[Edited on October 15, 2015 at 10:10 AM. Reason : admittedly, it's usually closer to 30Mbps down during peak time]

10/15/2015 10:09:20 AM

All American
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so the upgrade date for Maxx has come and gone. this is the same date i was told on 3 separate occasions by 3 different TWC customer service representatives... do i have a case to call them and get money knocked off of my service?

10/17/2015 12:07:18 AM

All American
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Maybe if you signed up recently with the expectation the speed update rollouts would be happening shortly

10/17/2015 1:21:35 AM

All American
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yeah i did. signed up this summer because of it.

10/18/2015 11:16:38 AM

All American
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I moved to a new place and transferred my old connect. MY ISP dropped my rate by 10 bux and tripled my speed! I don't think my Wi Fi router (Asus RT AC 66U) can keep up all the time. I ran the test while connected to my LAN port.

[Edited on October 18, 2015 at 11:54 AM. Reason : .]

10/18/2015 11:53:29 AM

All American
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Just got a notification that my neighborhood qualifies for Gigapower. Is this generally recommended over Time Warner?

10/18/2015 2:43:09 PM

26632 Posts
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do you have to do anything to your modem to get the increased speeds, or is it automatic?

10/19/2015 9:37:45 AM

All American
10829 Posts
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Maybe reboot it, but sometimes if they provision like at 2am they'll send the reboot command then so you just notice one day you have faster speeds.

10/19/2015 9:54:43 AM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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^^ Check that you have a model that supports higher speeds.

10/19/2015 12:07:56 PM

26632 Posts
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SB6141 should support up to 100mbps

[Edited on October 19, 2015 at 12:46 PM. Reason : but i only get 35]

10/19/2015 12:46:16 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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Unplug it for 10 minutes.

10/19/2015 1:04:10 PM

All American
3324 Posts
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$35/month - I'm good.

10/21/2015 12:10:13 PM

Status Name
11319 Posts
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Y'all TWC people go reboot your shit. I just got my upgrade in 27513.

11/2/2015 11:10:53 PM

Status Name
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Should be >30 on upload, but whatever, I'll take it. 300Mb/s is all I'm expecting to see on download

11/2/2015 11:45:30 PM

All American
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Interesting... I wonder if my router is limiting me... I went from 61/6 to 65/23

11/3/2015 12:08:55 AM

Status Name
11319 Posts
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Could be the modem, but I think most models maxed out at 100Mbps. Could also be the router, if it's a cheapy one.
I'm assuming you were wired for that test?

11/3/2015 12:45:52 AM

All American
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Yeah, it was a wired test. Modem is a 6183, so shouldn't be that. I'm thinking it is my cheap router.

Didn't want to splurge for a nice router because I'm just using this cheap router for actually routing / DHCP, and using another for my access point

11/3/2015 11:54:21 AM

All American
18474 Posts
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Guess Ill try mine again tonight last time I still hadn't seen the increase.

11/3/2015 12:10:51 PM

Status Name
11319 Posts
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Quote :
"Should be >30 on upload"

Correction... Ultimate Maxx is 300/20, so I'm happy with the 23 I'm getting .

Do you have another router you can test with, at least temporarily?

11/3/2015 1:39:44 PM

32337 Posts
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I think some parts of Raleigh are stuck waiting until the 5th or so for the upgrade.

11/3/2015 1:58:02 PM

All American
18474 Posts
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They better hurry ATT will offer gigapower come January in my neighborhood

11/3/2015 2:25:55 PM

All American
7341 Posts
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Word, TWC upped my speed today.

^ AT&T has caps though. TWC sucks, but they don't cap.

[Edited on November 3, 2015 at 5:54 PM. Reason : ...]

11/3/2015 5:43:53 PM

All American
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Bandwidth caps or data usage caps? Just talked to them they said by Nov 12th

11/3/2015 6:08:19 PM

All American
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Data cap.

11/3/2015 6:44:04 PM

All American
18474 Posts
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Ah well that would definitely make a difference depending on the cap. I probably go through 300 GB a month easy and if the speeds go up that would likely go up.

11/4/2015 8:24:59 AM

All American
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I'm on TWC's Extreme tier and was getting 36/7 on Speedtest. Today they bumped me and I'm getting 74/12 on my SB6141. Didn't have to reboot it.

But according to TWC's speed bump announcement ( and their "approved modem's list", shouldn't I at least be getting 100M out of the 6141?

[Edited on November 5, 2015 at 6:41 AM. Reason : ]

11/5/2015 6:38:45 AM

All American
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^ try connecting directly to your modem (bypassing your router) and running another speed test. I did that last night and get 170/23. Not the 300/20 I should be getting, but better than the 62/23 I get going through my router.

11/5/2015 10:26:43 AM

All American
610 Posts
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I have an SB6141 and am consistently seeing 116/12 (through my router, which has dd-wrt). I'm on Ultimate, but am bottlenecked by the 6141. Debating buying the 6183 vs. dropping down to Turbo.

11/5/2015 12:09:34 PM

All American
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I also just got upgraded, and my SB6141 is "Maxx"-ing out near 112x12, same as you, but I have an ASUS RT-N66U running Asuswrt-Merlin.

However!! Being that Google Fiber has been run by my house and I'm just waiting on them to take my money, I think I'll keep my SB6141, drop down from Ultimate to Turbo, and (hopefully soon) tell Timewarner where they can "Ultimate"-ly stick it.

11/5/2015 1:25:41 PM

All American
11577 Posts
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So this is a limitation on TWCs side not the SB6141? I believe using all 8 channel's it supports speeds up to 343Mbps. I guess you need 16x8 to get anything higher with TWC. I don't believe Comcast is the same.

11/5/2015 1:30:09 PM

All American
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^Correct, Timewarner has capped the SB6141 (an 8/4 bonding modem) to 100/10.

11/5/2015 1:59:12 PM

26632 Posts
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same old slow speed in downtown raleigh

11/5/2015 2:23:43 PM

All American
11577 Posts
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Just looked at Centurylink again. It's $109.95 for 1Gbps. Getting more temping...100Mbps is $69.95 with them. Only $40 more for 1Gbps...

11/5/2015 3:49:10 PM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"However!! Being that Google Fiber has been run by my house and I'm just waiting on them to take my money, I think I'll keep my SB6141, drop down from Ultimate to Turbo, and (hopefully soon) tell Timewarner where they can "Ultimate"-ly stick it."

so 100/10 is fast enough, but you'd rather pay an extra $30/month to get google fiber?

11/5/2015 4:13:58 PM

All American
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I figure I can save ~$20/mo over the next few+ months, plus the ~$50 from buying a new modem and selling this one. Overall saving about $100+ just for being patient, yep.

Currently I'm paying $65/mo for Ultimate, was 50/5. The Turbo plan, now 100/10, is $45/mo.

So, yes, I'll be ok with $70/mo for 1000/1000.

11/5/2015 4:57:30 PM

All American
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^^he's saying he'll tolerate it in the short term

11/5/2015 5:11:09 PM

All American
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I would do gigabit for $70 no questions asked. $120 with Centurylink is a little bit much.

11/5/2015 5:11:56 PM

All American
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Paying for standard Internet through TWC and just got the free increase. Now getting 53 & 7 across the house on WiFi.

11/7/2015 9:23:23 AM

All American
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I also have the SB6141 and am disappointed to find out that my speeds are capped at 100/10.

Once Google Fiber is ready (in Charlotte), I'm switching. I don't want to go buy a new router for a few months... will TWC lease a router to me w/ out a long term contract?

11/7/2015 9:39:41 AM

26632 Posts
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no contracts, you can lease a modem if you want

11/7/2015 1:06:02 PM

All American
8846 Posts
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Did anyone else have a bit of downtime before their upgrades kicked in? TWC told me I an expect my internet to go up on Thursday, and that's the reason my internet has been in and out so much lately

11/9/2015 7:54:44 AM

All American
18474 Posts
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Time warner claims I have my upgrade. Rebooted modem still seeing 60/6 or so at tops. Went ahead and had them send me a new modem assuming that needs to be done anyways, but figured I would at least see up to 100/10 on this modem. Guess I will test once the new modem arrives.

11/10/2015 8:34:56 AM

Starting Lineup
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It could also be a problem with your router. I would test without a router.

11/10/2015 9:14:00 AM

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