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This thread needs locking.

10/16/2006 2:45:27 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"that doesn't mean that any less people think you're a kook"

Of course it does. As more people discover that the "official" 9/11 story is false, they see that I'm far from a kook...but rather simply a concerned citizen who was trying to inform others of an unpopular truth.

10/16/2006 3:20:05 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Why don't you present evidence and discuss issues instead of posting articles about public opinion polls regarding 9/11?

After repeated failures, you've completely given up on trying to make a point, instead hoping to create the impression that you're on some sort of popular bandwagon. Do you really want people to change their opinions based solely on what others think? What happened to carefully examing evidence to reach an informed opinion?

10/16/2006 4:55:06 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
""Official" 9/11 story On Life support; The Truth is Taking Over

by John Perry

The gutless purveyors of fraud trying to shout down the 9/11 Truth movement are not going to like this news. The "official" story is on life support, and the prognosis is not good.

A new New York Times/CBS poll reveals that only 16 percent of Americans think they're being told the whole truth about 9/11, down from 21 percent in May of 2002. Over this same period, the number who believe the administration is "hiding something" has actually decreased from 65 to 53 percent, which might seem odd, but only until you take into account that the ranks of those who think the Bush crime family is "mostly lying" has skyrocketed from 8 to 28 percent. Feelings are getting stronger. Skepticism is giving way to certainty. The 9/11 Truth Movement is growing exponentially.

This growth appears to be striking nerves in the "debunker" community. They're no longer just laughing feebly and attempting to toss us into the imaginary dustbin of negative connotations with labels like "conspiracy theorists", "paranoid liberals" and "clown shoe conspiradroids" (which I'm sure somebody spent hours coming up with and thinks is really clever).

It now seems that we are beginning to move from stage one of nineteenth century philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer's three stages of truth, which is ridicule, to stage two, which is violent opposition
(stage three is acceptance of the truth as being self-evident). This is apparent in the fact that many in the "debunking" crowd have now taken to equating us with people who deny the Holocaust. That's right folks, we're "9/11 deniers".


I think it is indeed shifting into stage 2 (violent opposition). I've noticed O'Reilly and other cable tv talking heads attacking the 9/11 Truth Movement a lot lately. And, of course, there was the recent South Park hit episode.

10/17/2006 12:16:07 PM

Forgetful Jones
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salisburyboy why do you continue to perpetuate your false mockup story? Why do you insist on attempting to falsely indoctrinate people to "your" incorrect theories?

10/17/2006 12:19:00 PM

All American
14208 Posts
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talk about rewriting history. . .

10/17/2006 12:31:55 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :
"Why don't you present evidence and discuss issues instead of posting articles about public opinion polls regarding 9/11?

After repeated failures, you've completely given up on trying to make a point, instead hoping to create the impression that you're on some sort of popular bandwagon. Do you really want people to change their opinions based solely on what others think? What happened to carefully examing evidence to reach an informed opinion?"

10/17/2006 7:59:06 PM

New Recruit
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Hey everyone, I am brand new to the site and this is my first reply to any of the posts on here. And yes, I am completely convinced that 9/11 was indeed an inside job, among other things, which could result in being a very long list of government sponsored terror. However, I do not fully agree with SalisburyBoy on this issue because he seems to believe that 9/11 was carried out by an evil zionist movement, where I think it was a criminal syndicate of our government with all religions, or should I say religion-less alike. Sure there are plenty of evil jews out there (one comes to mind right away considering this issue-Larry Silverstein), but it's not just the Zionists who want to take over America, it's a collective of all-around assholes and scumbags.

For all the people on here calling the folks who believe 9/11 was an inside job nutjobs, then disprove it. The facts are in favor of the 9-11 truth movement and there are so many smoking guns involved with the whole "new Pearl Harbor type event" that it would take hours and hours to present here, but as we have seen there is already a ton of it here on this post. The official story is a total fraud. I have been researching this for four plus years now. The mainstream media will not report the facts because they are controlled by only a few corporations. Don't expexct them to give you the real information.

Maybe we are wasting our times trying to show and tell some of you people about government corruption and criminality. Just keep on believing the official lie about 9/11 and love your government.
They are, after all, a government for the people, of the people, and by the people, right? Not anymore. Bush just signed HR 6166, which pretty much is comparable to taking a big steamy dump all over our Bill of Rights. This country is in big trouble folks. We are exposing this and sharing our info because we care about our nation. We need to fight back, but we cannot do that when a bunch of people turn a deaf ear to the rants of "conspiracy theorists." Who had the motive, the reason, the gain for carrying out the attacks of September 11th? 19 terrorist hijackers because they hated freedom and subsequently had their region of the world bombed back into the stone age? Or a government so imperialistic, so callous, so selfish, that they could use the event to get the Patriot Act enacted, attack Afghanistan (major opium producer, and for oil pipeline), attack Iraq (for control of major oil fields, and for the construction of many strategic military bases), and to bring the police state into full effect? This is a rhetorical question of course, so feel free to make your own interpretation.

We do not have a lot of time left. The country has been taken over. The borders are wide open. The Bush Administration has their eyes set on attacking Iran when North Korea test fires nukes. The North American Union is right around the corner, and we are still being threatened by supposed and so-called terrorist attacks on the news on a nightly basis. Wake up my friends and get informed immediately because our country depends on us. You're college students, so do some heavy research for yourselves. Ignorance might be bliss for a temporary period of time, but when your values, your friends, and your family are in jeopardy, knowledge is everything. Knowledge is power. Fight back and dissent NOW!

10/20/2006 4:23:57 AM

9434 Posts
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Nice commentary on the government/MSM propaganda in support of the "official" story:

Quote :
"On 9/11 Pseudo Debunking

by Michael D. Morrissey, Sept. 7, 2006

Time magazine, the flagship corporate-government mouthpiece, has always been good primarily for one thing--to let us know what Big Brother is thinking, and by the same token, to tell us what we should think.


This latest attempt (Time, Sept. 3, 2006 ) to pacify the herd, to anesthetize us with the idea that "conspiracy theories" are defense mechanisms to protect ourselves from the big, bad, complex world, "empowering" us "to make sense of grand events" is striking, even for Time, in its illogic.

Far from "empowering," the notion that the government itself perpetrated 9/11 has the opposite effect on most people. Who wants to believe that our elected leaders are ruthless, mass-murdering demonic pigs? Fear of having to believe this, and subsequent denial of whatever evidence and arguments would lead to this belief, are by far the most common reactions.


So we know what Big Brother is about in this article, as always: Do not consider "outrageous conspiracy theories," as George II told us himself, shortly after promulgating the most outrageous conspiracy theory of all, namely that a cave dweller in Afghanistan and 19 Arabs with box cutters could defeat the multi-billion dollar U.S. Air Force and national defense establishment, not just once, but four times on a single day. Do not question this, or anything else I say, and do not look for facts...""

11/6/2006 12:30:43 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :
"This latest attempt (Time, Sept. 3, 2006 ) to pacify the herd, to anesthetize us with the idea that "conspiracy theories" are defense mechanisms to protect ourselves from the big, bad, complex world, "empowering" us "to make sense of grand events" is striking, even for Time, in its illogic."

Its an unintellectual and poorly written article.

If I ever write anything as a response to an article in Time magazine, I'm sure as hell going to at least try to debunk whatever claims I disagree with. Your blogger here has followed the classic Alex Jones model of calling something stupid and then writing an article on something unrelated and tangential in the hopes of making their readers think that their article actually accomplished something.

By the way:

You don't even bring of valid points or address questions anymore. All you do is quote bomb articles from news sources that no one has ever heard of that tout the popularity of 9/11 conspiracy theories. Have you completely given up on defending your ideas, instead choosing to show us statistics about people who agree with you? If your case is so airtight, why can't you defend it?

Here are some videos of actual building implosions:

Hear the deafening explosions long before the building even moves?

This is the same building. Notice the clearly visible explosions all over the building? Notice how the building collapse begins at the bottom instead of the top falling first?

Same features, different building. Loud explosions. Collapse begins at the bottom, not the top. I know that you love to point out the cloud of dust shot from the window during the collapse of the WTC, but the simple fact is that there is absolutely no need to set off additional explosions as the building is collapsing - momentum will do the job.

Heres the same thing in Raleigh, no less. There is no need to set off more charges during collapse. What you saw during the WTC collapse was air being forced out as the floors pancaked.

Heres a building in Las Vegas. Notice the many clearly visible sequenced explosions? Where were those when the WTC came down? One plume of dust coming out of a window is not evidence of a controlled demolition.

Heres another one. Notice the explosions all took place before the collapse, not during.

Heres a dorm in Minnesota. Loud and clearly visible sequenced explosions prior to collapse. There are even plumes of dust ejected from the windows during collapse, just like the WTC. Notice that you don't hear any explosion accompanying the dust plume.

There are a lot more videos out there if you want to see more. All of those buildings were significantly smaller than the World Trade Center, yet still produced deafening explosions. How many tons of explosives would have been needed to bring down two 110 story skyscrapers? Why doesn't a single video of the event include the sound of sequenced explosions?

Look at the explosions themselves. They all happened before the collapse. In every single video you see and hear charges going off followed by a dead silence, and then the collapse of the building. Ever single piece of evidence that you bring to the table lacks this. Instead you point to puffs of dust near windows as the prrof of explosives. Find me a video that features explosives being set off underneath a collapsing structure as it falls.

All of these building begin collapse at the bottom. The tops of the WTC (above the point of impact) fell into the rest of the builing with sufficient momentum to bring the towers down. Find me a video of this technique being used to collapse a high rise.

11/6/2006 1:44:24 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Same questions....39 pages later...

Who is avoiding a rational argument?

No, bin Laden didn't have any motive to carry out the 9/11 attacks.

Its not like he issued a fatwah or anything urging muslims to kill americans.

Keep ignoring evidence, little buddy.

Quote :
"Text of Fatwah Urging Jihad Against Americans
Published in Al-Quds al-'Arabi on Febuary 23, 1998

Statement signed by Sheikh Usamah Bin-Muhammad Bin-Ladin; Ayman al-Zawahiri, leader of the Jihad Group in Egypt; Abu- Yasir Rifa'i Ahmad Taha, a leader of the Islamic Group; Sheikh Mir Hamzah, secretary of the Jamiat-ul-Ulema-e-Pakistan; and Fazlul Rahman, leader of the Jihad Movement in Bangladesh


All these crimes and sins committed by the Americans are a clear declaration of war on God, his messenger, and Muslims. And ulema have throughout Islamic history unanimously agreed that the jihad is an individual duty if the enemy destroys the Muslim countries. This was revealed by Imam Bin-Qadamah in "Al- Mughni," Imam al-Kisa'i in "Al- Bada'i," al-Qurtubi in his interpretation, and the shaykh of al-Islam in his books, where he said "As for the militant struggle, it is aimed at defending sanctity and religion, and it is a duty as agreed. Nothing is more sacred than belief except repulsing an enemy who is attacking religion and life."

On that basis, and in compliance with God's order, we issue the following fatwa to all Muslims

The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies--civilians and military--is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it, in order to liberate the al-Aqsa Mosque and the holy mosque from their grip, and in order for their armies to move out of all the lands of Islam, defeated and unable to threaten any Muslim. This is in accordance with the words of Almighty God, "and fight the pagans all together as they fight you all together," and "fight them until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in God."

This is in addition to the words of Almighty God "And why should ye not fight in the cause of God and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated and oppressed--women and children, whose cry is 'Our Lord, rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from thee one who will help!'"

We -- with God's help -- call on every Muslim who believes in God and wishes to be rewarded to comply with God's order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it. We also call on Muslim ulema, leaders, youths, and soldiers to launch the raid on Satan's U.S. troops and the devil's supporters allying with them, and to displace those who are behind them so that they may learn a lesson."

Could you please address these questions? I'm not trying to redirect or distract here. I'm genuinely curious. You made statements regarding all of these questions in this very thread, I would just like you to explain them before moving on. I questioned these claims when they were originally made, but you ignored me. Why won't you answer them?

Why didn't they build a pipeline in 1998? Why did they blow up their own african embassies and then launch a missile attack on Afghanistan? They were set to build a natural gas pipeline with the Taliban then. Why mess that up for no reason?

You don't believe that Afghanistan was invaded for the sake of a pipeline? Then why are you defending that theory so stubbornly?

You just said that Afghanistan was invaded so that a pipeline could be built. Now you're saying that the zionists wanted to prevent the building of a pipeline - just like how Iraq was invaded to secure the oil supply even though the zionists don't care about the oil supply. How do you reconcile all of the conflicting information that you spout off on here?

By the way, how did the zionists cause the Revolutionary War?

Do you even know anything about american history? To say that the Civil War was caused simply by "illuminati agitators" is to ignore almost every detail of the decades that preceded the conflict.

Can we get some proof that John Wilkes Booth was an agent of the NWO rather than an upset Confederate sympathizer?

I would also like to see some proof that Pearl Harbor was caused by the evil edomite zionists.

You have provided absolutely no evidence at all that the Rothschilds are the zionists at the top running world events. They were a prominent family that supported the creation of a jewish state, that is all. Please provide some evidence other than "Here are some rich jews!"

So why should anyone believe your rantings anyway You have admitted that you hate jews. As such, you are far from an impartial source when you blame jews for every problem in the world.

So when was the Israeli false flag terrorist attack in Washington state?

What about the train bombing in Mumbai? Was that a government inside job? Whenever muslim terrorists attack western interests you immediately blame it on the zionists, what about this one?

Why is it spamming if I repeat unanswered questions, but it's ok for you to repost the same article in the same thread five times?

Can I get your take on this? I posted it in your Mel Gibson fan club thread but you must have missed it:

Here is Wikipedias definition of a conspiracy theory. Your Zionist NWO plot is in line with ever single point.

1. Initiated on the basis of limited, partial or circumstantial evidence;
Conceived in reaction to media reports and images, as opposed to, for example, thorough knowledge of the relevant forensic evidence.

2. Addresses an event or process that has broad historical or emotional impact;
Seeks to interpret a phenomenon which has near-universal interest and emotional significance, a story that may thus be of some compelling interest to a wide audience.

3. Reduces morally complex social phenomena to simple, immoral actions;
Impersonal, institutional processes, especially errors and oversights, interpreted as malign, consciously intended and designed by immoral individuals.

4. Personifies complex social phenomena as powerful individual conspirators;
Related to (3) but distinct from it, deduces the existence of powerful individual conspirators from the 'impossibility' that a chain of events lacked direction by a person.

5. Allots superhuman talents or resources to conspirators;
May require conspirators to possess unique discipline, unrepentant resolve, advanced or unknown technology, uncommon psychological insight, historical foresight, unlimited resources, etc.

6. Key steps in argument rely on inductive, not deductive reasoning;
Inductive steps are mistaken to bear as much confidence as deductive ones.

7. Appeals to 'common sense';
Common sense steps substitute for the more robust, academically respectable methodologies available for investigating sociological and scientific phenomena.

8. Exhibits well-established logical and methodological fallacies;
Formal and informal logical fallacies are readily identifiable among the key steps of the argument.

9. Is produced and circulated by 'outsiders', often anonymous, and generally lacking peer review;
Story originates with a person who lacks any insider contact or knowledge, and enjoys popularity among persons who lack critical (especially technical) knowledge.

10. Is upheld by persons with demonstrably false conceptions of relevant science;
At least some of the story's believers believe it on the basis of a mistaken grasp of elementary scientific facts.

11. Enjoys zero credibility in expert communities;
Academics and professionals tend to ignore the story, treating it as too frivolous to invest their time and risk their personal authority in disproving.

12. Rebuttals provided by experts are ignored or accommodated through elaborate new twists in the narrative;
When experts do respond to the story with critical new evidence, the conspiracy is elaborated (sometimes to a spectacular degree) to discount the new evidence, often incorporating the rebuttal as a part of the conspiracy.

13. The conspiracy is claimed to involve just about anybody;
Conspiracy tales grow in the telling, and can swell to world-spanning proportions. As the adherents struggle to explain counter-arguments, the conspiracy grows even more (see preceding item). Conspiracy theories that have been around for a few decades typically encompass the whole world and huge portions of history.

14. The conspiracy centers on the "usual suspects";
Classical conspiracy theories feature people, groups or organizations that are discriminated against in the culture where the story is told. Jews and foreigners are a common target. Likewise, organizations with a bad or colorful reputation feature prominently, such as the Templars, the Nazis and just about any secret service.


11/6/2006 1:44:47 PM

9434 Posts
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We're winning Mr. Joshua. The truth is getting out and destroying the lie that is the "official" story. Your trolling and spamming isn't going to stop that. At best, you've kept a few people from seeing some of the information I'm posting via your distraction tactics.

11/6/2006 2:15:23 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Its not distraction, spamming, or trolling, its me trying to have a serious discussion with you.

Why do you have to slander and misrepresent anyone who doesn't immediately agree with you?

Why have you completely stopped discussing facts and instead only post articles about your "movement" and response pieces to articles that no one has read?

Why can't you defend your ideas?

11/6/2006 2:30:22 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Did you see how I responded to your article? I pointed out its flaws.

Instead of providing an intelligent response to my post, you called me names.

I'll ask you again: why is it spamming if I repeat questions that you have refused to answer, yet it is perfectly alright for you to repost the same articles from prisonplanet ad nauseum?

11/6/2006 2:36:50 PM

All American
60354 Posts
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to quote a great political ad from 2004:


11/6/2006 7:11:20 PM

39171 Posts
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so i guess he stopped using the other sn

11/6/2006 7:25:50 PM

All American
5453 Posts
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no real evidence- all theory.....

11/7/2006 1:08:59 PM

9434 Posts
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Good recent article...

Quote :
"The 9/11 Conspiracy Theories (We Must Have A New And Completely Independent Investigation Into The Events Of 9/11)

December 5, 2006
by Matt Kjeldsen

The Myth:
19 hijackers of Middle Eastern descent and radical Islamic persuasion, commandeer 4 airliners and expertly pilot 3 of the 4 airliners into targets, those being, the World Trade Center Towers and the Pentagon. The towers collapse due to jet fuel fires. Confusion on the part of NORAD and the FAA allows the planes to reach their targets, while one plane, Flight 93, is brought down by passenger revolt and crashes into a field in Pennsylvania. Pre-warnings of the attack are bungled by the intelligence agencies' lack of communication and cooperation.

Prove It:
Show us the passenger lists with the 19 alleged hijackers names.
Show us the remains of the 4 airliners.
Show us the autopsies of the 19 alleged hijackers and the passengers of the planes.
Show us a peer reviewed study that corroborates the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) report explaining the WTC collapses.
Show us samples of the steel from the towers.
Show us the confiscated surveillance videos that captured the alleged 757 hitting the Pentagon.
Show us the personnel that were punished, reprimanded, demoted or fired as a result of the massive incompetence that allowed the attack to succeed.
Show us the case against Bin Laden. The FBI does not list him as being wanted for the 9/11 attack, because 'there is no hard evidence'.
Show us proof as to how WTC Building 7 fell at close to free fall speed into its own footprint, even though, it was not hit by a plane.
Show us the backgrounds of the alleged hijackers and their alleged Islamic extremism.
Now that Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, the lead authors of the 9/11 Commission Report, have written that NORAD lied to them; why should we accept, at face value, any of the government's assertions?
This was a brutal, criminal attack on America. Why did it take 14 months to start a commission to do an investigation into the details? After all, if one person is found murdered, an investigation starts immediately, does it not?

The Result:
War with Afghanistan.
War with Iraq.
The Patriot Act 1, The Patriot Act 2.
The Department of Homeland Security
Wiretaps on Americans.
Prisoners held without charges or representation indefinitely.
Torture of prisoners.
Suspension of Habeas Corpus.
800 signing statements that allow the President to ignore Constitutional laws and protections.
Implementation of a national ID card.
Free speech zones.
Increased police presence.
Militarization of the police
Increased camera surveillance.
Illegal search and seizure.
Jailing and harassment of journalists.
$1.6 billion spent by the government to provide fake news.
Billions made by the establishment on anti-terror businesses.
Billions made by the oil and oil support corporations.
Billions made by military contractors.
Billions shifted into defense and away from social programs.
Thousands of our sons and daughters killed in Iraq and Afghanistan
Thousands and thousands more of our sons and daughters maimed physically and mentally.
Thousands and thousands and thousands of Iraqis killed and wounded, including women and children and babies, as well as soldiers.

It is easy to imagine an infinite number of situations where the government might legitimately give out false information. It's an unfortunate reality that the issuance of incomplete information and even misinformation by government may sometimes be perceived as necessary to protect vital interests.-Solicitor General Theodore Olson (whose wife Barbara was killed in the attack on 9/11)

The Reality:
America was attacked on 9/11, but not by Islamic extremists, directed from a cave in Afghanistan. Planes flew into buildings, but, they were not flown by these same unskilled Cessna pilots. Buildings collapsed, but not because of jet fuel fires. The Pentagon was hit by something. Flight 93 allegedly vaporized upon impact in Pennsylvania, but left a debris field eight miles long. Multiple war games and terror drills were running which diluted the air defense capabilities and confused the FAA. There was even a drill running with a hijacked plane hitting a building. What are the odds? How did Bin Laden know about the war games and terror drills?


12/6/2006 12:52:14 PM

Shivan Bird
Football time
11094 Posts
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Quote :
"The Result:
War with Afghanistan.
War with Iraq.
The Patriot Act 1, The Patriot Act 2.
The Department of Homeland Security
Wiretaps on Americans.

And the people in charge have been voted out of office. Bad foresight by them.

12/6/2006 1:55:59 PM

All American
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Wow, a great new article. Now that I've read that, I'm totally into the conspiracy too.

12/6/2006 2:17:12 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Neato, another "good article".

Have you checked this guy's credentials? He is a failed musician in Austin. Check out his website if you don't believe it.

This guy is spoon fed conspiracy theories from the same websites as you and has the some ignorant misconceptions about 9/11 (and the rest of the world, for that matter) that you do.

Why don't you wake and take a look at the world around you? Its a shame that you're too wrapped up chasing dragons in your imaginary little black and white, good vs. evil world, complete with conspiracy theory crutches, to ever think for yourself.

12/6/2006 3:10:59 PM

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12/6/2006 3:13:55 PM

All American
1770 Posts
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well some of the stuff he posts does have some truth to it, and its only the conclusions made that are exagerated.

i.e. that speach he posted made by that senator that mentioned the north american union and the amero currency. That is all 100% true and you can find the plans online at government websites. Now the conclusion that this would lead to our constitution being reworked to mimic that of the ussr seems as bit far fetched.

12/7/2006 9:23:57 AM

9434 Posts
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Another juvenile and lame hit piece...this time from establishment-controlled phony right circles:

Quote :
"Heroes of the 9/11 Conspiracy Movement

By Michael Lopez-Calderon | December 8, 2006

Conspiracy theories have been around for centuries, if not millennia, and offer explanatory models of complex events to large audiences of the misinformed, misguided, unsophisticated and under-educated. In the past, such theories gave us rather fascinating alternative explanations of reality that often proved entertaining and, with a few exceptions, harmless. This, however, is not the case in our present era. As with many such theories throughout the 20th century, the rise of 9/11 conspiracy theories, due to their implicit and often overt anti-Americanism, directly undermines our nation's war against terrorism by distorting the nature of our enemy and our own role in defending free nations.

The anti-American undercurrent of the subculture of conspiracy theory runs deep. During the Vietnam era, public confidence in government and mainstream media sharply declined, and many Americans turned to alternative explanatory models, including conspiracy theory, to explain the world around them. The charge that the attacks of September 11, 2001 were undertaken by the Bush Administration as an inside job poses a dangerous delusion that many Americans -- as well as citizens of other nations -- are beginning to entertain. Instead of being the work of al Qaeda terrorists, the conspiracy theory maintains that the World Trade Center Towers were brought down by a “controlled demolition” while the Pentagon was hit by a missile.

9/11 conspiracy theories are united in their near singular conviction that the attacks were self-inflicted by a venal U.S. administration. Implicit to this fantasy is the understanding that America itself is both hopelessly tainted by an irredeemable past and corrupted by a cabalistic power elite. In this respect, September 11 conspiracy theorists are virulently anti-American, most often found among the left-wing as well as among an eclectic mixture of extreme right-wingers.

Their claim that Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden were not responsible for the 9/11 attacks, but rather that the Bush Administration used explosives and military high-tech weaponry to destroy the WTC and damage the Pentagon respectively, would be laughable were it not so dangerous.


And again...the "argument' in favor of the "official"/government version of 9/11 is essentially calling those who disagree with the official account "uneducated", "anti-American", "crackpots" and other names, over-simplifying the argument of the skeptics of the official story (eg, strawman argument), etc. Quite impressive.

But what this hit piece does indicate is that the 9/11 truth movement is spreading like wildfire. The establishment is scrambling to reinforce the official fairy tale...but it won't work.

Quote :
"Many are perplexed by how and why these conspiracy theories have resonated with so many Americans."

Why do these views resonate? Because it's the truth. If you bother to actually look into the facts surrounding 9/11 (as opposed to blindly accepting the government's story), you discover that the "official" story is a complete joke.

Quote :
"Another culprit of course is the unregulated, often unaccountable Internet-blogosphere, where virtually unfettered free speech has produced a downside, namely, an opening for every conceivable crackpot writer."

Oh, great. Now the phony right establishment shills are calling for censorship and "regulation" of the internet to suppress "anti-American" and "dangerous" freedom of speech. Shocker.

[Edited on December 8, 2006 at 12:25 PM. Reason : ``]

12/8/2006 12:20:06 PM

31803 Posts
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Quote :
"Why do these views resonate? Because it's the truth. If you bother to actually look into the facts surrounding 9/11 (as opposed to blindly accepting the government's story), you discover that the "official" story is a complete joke."

the only complete joke around here is you, chief.

12/8/2006 1:35:58 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"And again...the "argument' in favor of the "official"/government version of 9/11 is essentially calling those who disagree with the official account "uneducated", "anti-American", "crackpots" and other names, over-simplifying the argument of the skeptics of the official story (eg, strawman argument), etc. Quite impressive."

Thats exactly what you do, little buddy. You never discuss facts or evidence - all you do is post articles that mention 9/11 conspiracy theories and pray that it will prove something. Your hypocrisy doesn't bother you?

Quote :
"Why do these views resonate? Because it's the truth."

Because people with a simple world view (like you) have to create extraordinary causes for extraordinary events. Its easier for you to see the world in black and white than it is for you to come to terms with an imperfect world that exists in various shades of grey. You should read up about the psychology behind conspiracism, its actually pretty interesting. Of course, you will now try to dismiss psychology as a tool of the zionist elite used to silence dissent, right?

Quote :
"Oh, great. Now the phony right establishment shills are calling for censorship and "regulation" of the internet to suppress "anti-American" and "dangerous" freedom of speech. Shocker."

Nowhere in that article does anyone call for censorship. As I've noted before, your reading skills are on par with your critical thinking skills.

12/8/2006 3:47:23 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"You never discuss facts or evidence"

Suuuuure....I've NEVER discussed facts or evidence related to 9/11. Never. Not in the 51 pages of this thread. Not once.

Keep peddling your garbage Mr. Joshua. It demonstrates the bankrupcy of your position.

12/8/2006 4:37:06 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :
"all you do is post articles that mention 9/11 conspiracy theories and pray that it will prove something"

You abandoned facts and evidence a long time ago, little buddy. Show me the last time that you presented anything as evidence here. I just went through about a dozen pages of this thread and next to nothing. Your new strategy is to post articles about:

1) the number of people who buy into 9/11 conspiracy theories
2) articles about how stupid 9/11 conspiracy theories are (which you label as lame hit pieces)
3) articles about how stupid maintstream articles about 9/11 conspiracy theories are - often written by alex jones

and, of course, to ignore anyone who questions your logic.

I'm "peddling garbage" by simply telling the truth? I didn't even mention any position, I just point out the glaring errors and hypocrisy present whenever you post.


12/8/2006 5:25:00 PM

All American
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DEATH TO israel!!!!!

12/10/2006 11:24:46 PM

3 of 11
All American
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12/11/2006 12:46:14 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Streisand’s Husband Is a 9/11 Conspiracy Kook!

December 8, 2006


RUSH: (Laughing.) What a bunch of hysterical raving.


He's a nut. They're all nuts. They have screws loose everywhere! That's what I mean."

Booyah!! Take that 9/11 conspiracy theorists! What can you possibly do to counter those smear tactics? Huh? Checkmate!

12/11/2006 7:53:47 AM

588 Posts
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oh i get it, you replied to the radio but when you realized he couldn't hear you, even though you were wearing your tin-foil amplification hat, you decided to come on the webernets and argue with him there

12/11/2006 8:17:38 AM

Mr. Joshua
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^^ You abandoned facts and evidence a long time ago, little buddy. Show me the last time that you presented anything as evidence here. I just went through about a dozen pages of this thread and next to nothing. Your new strategy is to post articles about:

1) the number of people who buy into 9/11 conspiracy theories
2) articles about how stupid 9/11 conspiracy theories are (which you label as lame hit pieces)
3) articles about how stupid maintstream articles about 9/11 conspiracy theories are - often written by alex jones

and, of course, to ignore anyone who questions your logic.

12/11/2006 12:11:44 PM

All American
9166 Posts
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Mr. Joshua, i cant believe you still bother with this dingus

[Edited on December 11, 2006 at 12:23 PM. Reason : .]

12/11/2006 12:22:44 PM

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as if you care anything about the evidence Mr. Joshua

you and your troll friends have done everything in your power to distract from the evidence I've presented by spamming the thread and bitching to the mods to try to prevent me from posting

you're afraid of the evidence because it exposes the falsity of your position

and since you can't deny the evidence, you seek to censor those who present that evidence

[Edited on December 11, 2006 at 12:24 PM. Reason : ``]

12/11/2006 12:23:11 PM

All American
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I've gone through and tried to look for answers to questions that were asked by mr. joshua and I must asy that I have found hardly any answers to his questions. The reason for that could be that there are 50+ pages and I only skimmed.

Mr Joshua, in an orderly fashion would you pose your questions one last time for SB so that he can see them and answer them directly?
salisburyboy, are you willing to answer the questions you have claimed to answer so many times so that we can see an accurate presentation of your 'evidence'?

12/11/2006 12:48:14 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :
"as if you care anything about the evidence Mr. Joshua"

You're the only one here who is ignoring questions, little buddy.

Quote :
"you and your troll friends have done everything in your power to distract from the evidence I've presented by spamming the thread and bitching to the mods to try to prevent me from posting"

1) How am I distracting from the evidence by asking questions about it? This is a discussion board after all.
2) I have never spammed your thread. I have simply repeated unanswered questions - which you tried to dismiss as spamming.
3) I have never bitched to the mods.
4) Doesn't it strike you as ironic that you pitch a hissy fit if anyone calls you a name, but you have absolutely no problem calling everyone on this board a troll?

Quote :
"you're afraid of the evidence because it exposes the falsity of your position"

I'm not afraid of anything, I'm just patiently waiting for you to discuss your ideas like a big kid.

Quote :
"and since you can't deny the evidence, you seek to censor those who present that evidence"

Where have I sought to censor you? Where have I denied evidence?

I'll give this another shot:

By the way:

You don't even bring of valid points or address questions anymore. All you do is quote bomb articles from news sources that no one has ever heard of that tout the popularity of 9/11 conspiracy theories. Have you completely given up on defending your ideas, instead choosing to show us statistics about people who agree with you? If your case is so airtight, why can't you defend it?

Here are some videos of actual building implosions:

Hear the deafening explosions long before the building even moves?

This is the same building. Notice the clearly visible explosions all over the building? Notice how the building collapse begins at the bottom instead of the top falling first?

Same features, different building. Loud explosions. Collapse begins at the bottom, not the top. I know that you love to point out the cloud of dust shot from the window during the collapse of the WTC, but the simple fact is that there is absolutely no need to set off additional explosions as the building is collapsing - momentum will do the job.

Heres the same thing in Raleigh, no less. There is no need to set off more charges during collapse. What you saw during the WTC collapse was air being forced out as the floors pancaked.

Heres a building in Las Vegas. Notice the many clearly visible sequenced explosions? Where were those when the WTC came down? One plume of dust coming out of a window is not evidence of a controlled demolition.

Heres another one. Notice the explosions all took place before the collapse, not during.

Heres a dorm in Minnesota. Loud and clearly visible sequenced explosions prior to collapse. There are even plumes of dust ejected from the windows during collapse, just like the WTC. Notice that you don't hear any explosion accompanying the dust plume.

There are a lot more videos out there if you want to see more. All of those buildings were significantly smaller than the World Trade Center, yet still produced deafening explosions. How many tons of explosives would have been needed to bring down two 110 story skyscrapers? Why doesn't a single video of the event include the sound of sequenced explosions?

Look at the explosions themselves. They all happened before the collapse. In every single video you see and hear charges going off followed by a dead silence, and then the collapse of the building. Ever single piece of evidence that you bring to the table lacks this. Instead you point to puffs of dust near windows as the prrof of explosives. Find me a video that features explosives being set off underneath a collapsing structure as it falls.

All of these building begin collapse at the bottom. The tops of the WTC (above the point of impact) fell into the rest of the builing with sufficient momentum to bring the towers down. Find me a video of this technique being used to collapse a high rise.

12/11/2006 1:48:48 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Same questions....39 pages later...

Who is avoiding a rational argument?

No, bin Laden didn't have any motive to carry out the 9/11 attacks.

Its not like he issued a fatwah or anything urging muslims to kill americans.

Keep ignoring evidence, little buddy.

Quote :
"Text of Fatwah Urging Jihad Against Americans
Published in Al-Quds al-'Arabi on Febuary 23, 1998

Statement signed by Sheikh Usamah Bin-Muhammad Bin-Ladin; Ayman al-Zawahiri, leader of the Jihad Group in Egypt; Abu- Yasir Rifa'i Ahmad Taha, a leader of the Islamic Group; Sheikh Mir Hamzah, secretary of the Jamiat-ul-Ulema-e-Pakistan; and Fazlul Rahman, leader of the Jihad Movement in Bangladesh


All these crimes and sins committed by the Americans are a clear declaration of war on God, his messenger, and Muslims. And ulema have throughout Islamic history unanimously agreed that the jihad is an individual duty if the enemy destroys the Muslim countries. This was revealed by Imam Bin-Qadamah in "Al- Mughni," Imam al-Kisa'i in "Al- Bada'i," al-Qurtubi in his interpretation, and the shaykh of al-Islam in his books, where he said "As for the militant struggle, it is aimed at defending sanctity and religion, and it is a duty as agreed. Nothing is more sacred than belief except repulsing an enemy who is attacking religion and life."

On that basis, and in compliance with God's order, we issue the following fatwa to all Muslims

The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies--civilians and military--is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it, in order to liberate the al-Aqsa Mosque and the holy mosque from their grip, and in order for their armies to move out of all the lands of Islam, defeated and unable to threaten any Muslim. This is in accordance with the words of Almighty God, "and fight the pagans all together as they fight you all together," and "fight them until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in God."

This is in addition to the words of Almighty God "And why should ye not fight in the cause of God and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated and oppressed--women and children, whose cry is 'Our Lord, rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from thee one who will help!'"

We -- with God's help -- call on every Muslim who believes in God and wishes to be rewarded to comply with God's order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it. We also call on Muslim ulema, leaders, youths, and soldiers to launch the raid on Satan's U.S. troops and the devil's supporters allying with them, and to displace those who are behind them so that they may learn a lesson."

Could you please address these questions? I'm not trying to redirect or distract here. I'm genuinely curious. You made statements regarding all of these questions in this very thread, I would just like you to explain them before moving on. I questioned these claims when they were originally made, but you ignored me. Why won't you answer them?

Why didn't they build a pipeline in 1998? Why did they blow up their own african embassies and then launch a missile attack on Afghanistan? They were set to build a natural gas pipeline with the Taliban then. Why mess that up for no reason?

You don't believe that Afghanistan was invaded for the sake of a pipeline? Then why are you defending that theory so stubbornly?

You just said that Afghanistan was invaded so that a pipeline could be built. Now you're saying that the zionists wanted to prevent the building of a pipeline - just like how Iraq was invaded to secure the oil supply even though the zionists don't care about the oil supply. How do you reconcile all of the conflicting information that you spout off on here?

By the way, how did the zionists cause the Revolutionary War?

Do you even know anything about american history? To say that the Civil War was caused simply by "illuminati agitators" is to ignore almost every detail of the decades that preceded the conflict.

Can we get some proof that John Wilkes Booth was an agent of the NWO rather than an upset Confederate sympathizer?

I would also like to see some proof that Pearl Harbor was caused by the evil edomite zionists.

You have provided absolutely no evidence at all that the Rothschilds are the zionists at the top running world events. They were a prominent family that supported the creation of a jewish state, that is all. Please provide some evidence other than "Here are some rich jews!"

So why should anyone believe your rantings anyway You have admitted that you hate jews. As such, you are far from an impartial source when you blame jews for every problem in the world.

So when was the Israeli false flag terrorist attack in Washington state?

What about the train bombing in Mumbai? Was that a government inside job? Whenever muslim terrorists attack western interests you immediately blame it on the zionists, what about this one?

Why is it spamming if I repeat unanswered questions, but it's ok for you to repost the same article in the same thread five times?

Can I get your take on this? I posted it in your Mel Gibson fan club thread but you must have missed it:

Here is Wikipedias definition of a conspiracy theory. Your Zionist NWO plot is in line with ever single point.

1. Initiated on the basis of limited, partial or circumstantial evidence;
Conceived in reaction to media reports and images, as opposed to, for example, thorough knowledge of the relevant forensic evidence.

2. Addresses an event or process that has broad historical or emotional impact;
Seeks to interpret a phenomenon which has near-universal interest and emotional significance, a story that may thus be of some compelling interest to a wide audience.

3. Reduces morally complex social phenomena to simple, immoral actions;
Impersonal, institutional processes, especially errors and oversights, interpreted as malign, consciously intended and designed by immoral individuals.

4. Personifies complex social phenomena as powerful individual conspirators;
Related to (3) but distinct from it, deduces the existence of powerful individual conspirators from the 'impossibility' that a chain of events lacked direction by a person.

5. Allots superhuman talents or resources to conspirators;
May require conspirators to possess unique discipline, unrepentant resolve, advanced or unknown technology, uncommon psychological insight, historical foresight, unlimited resources, etc.

6. Key steps in argument rely on inductive, not deductive reasoning;
Inductive steps are mistaken to bear as much confidence as deductive ones.

7. Appeals to 'common sense';
Common sense steps substitute for the more robust, academically respectable methodologies available for investigating sociological and scientific phenomena.

8. Exhibits well-established logical and methodological fallacies;
Formal and informal logical fallacies are readily identifiable among the key steps of the argument.

9. Is produced and circulated by 'outsiders', often anonymous, and generally lacking peer review;
Story originates with a person who lacks any insider contact or knowledge, and enjoys popularity among persons who lack critical (especially technical) knowledge.

10. Is upheld by persons with demonstrably false conceptions of relevant science;
At least some of the story's believers believe it on the basis of a mistaken grasp of elementary scientific facts.

11. Enjoys zero credibility in expert communities;
Academics and professionals tend to ignore the story, treating it as too frivolous to invest their time and risk their personal authority in disproving.

12. Rebuttals provided by experts are ignored or accommodated through elaborate new twists in the narrative;
When experts do respond to the story with critical new evidence, the conspiracy is elaborated (sometimes to a spectacular degree) to discount the new evidence, often incorporating the rebuttal as a part of the conspiracy.

13. The conspiracy is claimed to involve just about anybody;
Conspiracy tales grow in the telling, and can swell to world-spanning proportions. As the adherents struggle to explain counter-arguments, the conspiracy grows even more (see preceding item). Conspiracy theories that have been around for a few decades typically encompass the whole world and huge portions of history.

14. The conspiracy centers on the "usual suspects";
Classical conspiracy theories feature people, groups or organizations that are discriminated against in the culture where the story is told. Jews and foreigners are a common target. Likewise, organizations with a bad or colorful reputation feature prominently, such as the Templars, the Nazis and just about any secret service.

12/11/2006 1:49:25 PM

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Just in time for the holiday season:

Quote :
"Germans, Buy only from the Jew!

by Joseph Goebbels
Why? Because the Jew sells cheap, but shoddy merchandise, whereas the German sets a proper price for good merchandise. Because the Jew cheats you, whereas the German treats you fairly and honestly. Because you can buy all sorts of trash from the Jew, but the German sells mostly only quality goods.

The Jew is your blood brother, the German the enemy of your people. The Jew provides for you by the sweat of his brow, the German is a lazy good-for-nothing. The Jew stood alongside you at the front for four years, shoulder to shoulder, and risked his life for Germany's fame and greatness, but the German skulked about in the rear echelon. The Jew died so that Germany could live. Where can you find a Jew who did not lose everything he had in the war and revolution, and where a German who did not grow rich and arrogant? Isn't it true that the German nailed Jesus to the cross and the Jew transformed his teaching of love into reality?

Buy only in Jewish department stores. What does the small German merchant matter to you? He should go to Palestine and sell his wares there. He does not belong with us in Germany! We are tired of this constant chattering about dying small businesses. It is so comfortable and cozy in the Jewish department store. Every kind of cheap trash is available. Such palaces are found on every street corner. Their lights shine in the dark night, the Christmas trees sparkle in the show windows, the angels swing over a sea of Kitsch, the children laugh and clap their hands, and the benevolent Jewish merchant stands in the background rubbing his hands with glee. Where can you find such a generous and energetic German merchant? What do you mean by saying that the German also wants to make a living? Why? Who does he think he is? He should go on relief like the rest of us. Why should some Germans have it better than the rest of us? That after all is the right of the Jews in Germany. Why do we have a republic if not to benefit the Jews?

Six hundred small businesses have gone bankrupt due to Jewish department stories this Christmas season in Berlin alone! Are there still that many Germans around? Quiet — by next year there will be fewer. There is not much left to go bankrupt in Germany any longer. That is how it should be. Germany for the Jews! That is what we fought and bled for. We'll spend our last penny to that end.

Set out the Christmas tree. Daughter of Zion, rejoice! The good Germans are forging their own chains from their hard-earned coins. The Jewish financier will use them to impose eternal slavery on Germans. Who would not want to help advance world Jewry's great benevolent work? Why do we have a neck, if not to bear a yoke? Germany has been for sale for ten years. Who does not want to help? Does anyone ask if the toy under the Christmas tree came from the Jew Tietz or the German Müller? The Jew will grow fat from the coins you give him, the German will starve. So what? Let the light shine on the Jews, let the Germans dwell in darkness. That is what the Lord of the Jews wants, as does his lackey Finance Minister Hilferding. Property is theft, as long as it does not belong to the Jew. Not a penny for the nobility, everything for the bank and stock exchange and department store swindlers!

Christmas is the festival of love. Why should we not love the poor Jews, even make them fat? Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you! When was the Jew not our enemy? When did he not hate and persecute and slander and spit on us? Who would be inhuman enough to demand that we should treat him according to the law he applies to us: An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth?

The child whose birthday we will soon celebrate came into the world to bring love. But Christ the man learned that one cannot always get by with love. When he saw the Jewish moneychangers in the temple, he took a whip and drove them out of the temple.

Germans, buy only from Jews! Let your fellow citizens starve, and go to the Jewish department stores, especially at Christmas. The greater the injustice you do to your own people, the sooner the day will come when a man comes to take up the whip and drive the moneychangers from the temple of our fatherland."

12/11/2006 2:02:13 PM

All American
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so salisbury boy i'll take that as a No?

12/12/2006 5:06:45 PM

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12/12/2006 7:02:30 PM

All American
1228 Posts
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this thread does not locking ....

also salisburyboy should be submitted to an institution. the gov't didn't plan 9/11. it just happened.

12/13/2006 2:33:41 AM

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No...the establishment media can't ignore us now that we represent such a large portion of the population (at least 36% and growing):

Quote :
"The 9/11 Truth Movement's Dangers

Dec. 10, 2006
(The Nation) This column was written by Christopher Hayes

According to a July poll conducted by Scripps News Service, one-third of Americans think the government either carried out the 9/11 attacks or intentionally allowed them to happen in order to provide a pretext for war in the Middle East. This is at once alarming and unsurprising. Alarming, because if tens of millions of Americans really believe their government was complicit in the murder of 3,000 of their fellow citizens, they seem remarkably sanguine about this fact. By and large, life continues as before, even though tens of millions of people apparently believe they are being governed by mass murderers. Unsurprising, because the government these Americans suspect of complicity in 9/11 has acquired a justified reputation for deception: weapons of mass destruction, secret prisons, illegal wiretapping. What else are they hiding?

This pattern of deception has not only fed diffuse public cynicism but has provided an opening for alternate theories of 9/11 to flourish. As these theories — propounded by the so-called 9/11 Truth Movement — seep toward the edges of the mainstream, they have raised the specter of the return (if it ever left) of what Richard Hofstadter famously described as "the paranoid style in American politics." But the real danger posed by the Truth Movement isn't paranoia. Rather, the danger is that it will discredit and deform the salutary skepticism Americans increasingly show toward their leaders.


The Truth Movement's relationship to the truth may be tenuous, but that it is a movement is no longer in doubt.


But the public opinion trend lines are moving in the truthers' direction, even after the official 9/11 Commission report was supposed to settle the matter once and for all.

Of course, the ommission report was something of a whitewash — Bush would only be interviewed in the presence of Dick Cheney, the commission was denied access to other key witnesses, and just this year we learned of a meeting convened by George Tenet the summer before the attacks to warn Condoleezza Rice about al Qaeda's plotting, a meeting that was nowhere mentioned in the report.

So it's hard to blame people for thinking we're not getting the whole story. For six years, the government has prevaricated and the press has largely failed to point out this simple truth.


...the public must come to trust that the gatekeepers of public discourse share their skepticism about the agenda its government is pursuing. The antidote, ultimately, to the Truth Movement is a press that refuses to allow the government to continue to lie."

So the only option for news, information, and analysis is the establishment/corporate media? And anyone who looks or thinks outside of the parameters set by the establishment media is a "nut"? That's rich.

12/13/2006 12:15:26 PM

All American
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You once again ignored questions directly asked to you. You are proving joshua's point more and more.

12/13/2006 12:32:58 PM

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Mr Joshua is a joke. Anyone who's familiar with his trolling around here knows that.

The so-called "questions" he's raised in that spam post above are a combination of irrelevant/stupid questions and statements, questions I've already specifically addressed, and questions/statements on issues I've already addressed.

He's just trying to waste my time by getting me to respond to his trolling. And he hopes a few people new to the forum will be duped into thinking his questions are truly important and that I'm "avoiding" him.

12/13/2006 1:06:11 PM

All American
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Well I hate to inform you, but to new comers such as myself his duping is working. Would you be so kind as to entertain his rants one last time, that way whenever it is stated that you have avoided the questions you can reference this one page?

12/13/2006 1:18:36 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :
"Mr Joshua is a joke. Anyone who's familiar with his trolling around here knows that."

How is questioning your statements, logic, and thing that you present as fact trolling? Once again you are trying to smear in order to dismiss my questions.

Quote :
"The so-called "questions" he's raised in that spam post above are a combination of irrelevant/stupid questions and statements, questions I've already specifically addressed, and questions/statements on issues I've already addressed."

What is irrelevant or stupid about them? I am simply questioning statements that you have made within this thread. You have not addressed any of them anywhere, even though you will repeat that ad nauseum whenever asked about them.

Quote :
"He's just trying to waste my time by getting me to respond to his trolling. And he hopes a few people new to the forum will be duped into thinking his questions are truly important and that I'm "avoiding" him."

Awwww, my little buddy is trying to explain how I think. I'm sorry little guy, but this has nothing to do with what other people think. I'm trying to have a critical discussion with you about your ideas. How are you not "avoiding" me or my questions? You've been ignoring them for 40 pages. Instead of even attempting to answer, you throw around insults and try to dismiss me with slander - which is hilarious because you flip out whenever anyone calls you a whackjob or belittles conspiracy theorists.

As I've said before, if you are incapable of discussing you ideas, maybe you shouldn't post them on a discussion board.

Oh, and regarding the article that you posted:

Quote :
"You abandoned facts and evidence a long time ago, little buddy. Show me the last time that you presented anything as evidence here. I just went through about a dozen pages of this thread and next to nothing. Your new strategy is to post articles about:

1) the number of people who buy into 9/11 conspiracy theories
2) articles about how stupid 9/11 conspiracy theories are (which you label as lame hit pieces)
3) articles about how stupid maintstream articles about 9/11 conspiracy theories are - often written by alex jones

and, of course, to ignore anyone who questions your logic."

Thank you for proving my point.

12/13/2006 1:34:02 PM

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I thought for sure salisburyboy would be attending the Tehran Holocaust Conference.

12/13/2006 1:51:04 PM

Mr. Joshua
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He's actually scared to leave the country - yet he thinks that he understands the world.

By the way, I just read your cbs news article in its entirety.

Quote :
"So the only option for news, information, and analysis is the establishment/corporate media? And anyone who looks or thinks outside of the parameters set by the establishment media is a "nut"? That's rich."

Its actually painful to know that you read the article and took that from it. Nowhere in the entire damn thing does it say anything disparaging about people who look at the alternative media. In fact thats the most complimentary article towards conspiracy theorists that I have ever seen in the main stream media. That last paragraph is simply stating that the media should be as skeptical as the conspiracy theorists. Can you even read or do you just cut and paste what Alex Jones tells you to?

[Edited on December 13, 2006 at 2:13 PM. Reason : 666]

12/13/2006 1:58:31 PM

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Quote :
"That last paragraph is simply stating that the media should be as skeptical as the conspiracy theorists."

Overall, the article suggests that people should be skeptical of the government. attacks the views on 9/11 coming from those outside the establishment press...calling them "paranoid", etc. So...the author leads us to believe that only legitimate questioning of the official story on 9/11 can come from the establishment press.

12/13/2006 3:02:09 PM

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