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no u
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in the previews they show the gov standing in smoke in the same place he was speechifying at during the end of the episode. I'm taking that to mean smoke bombs and rescue

12/3/2012 11:12:58 AM

All American
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T-dogg 3.0 is Cuddy, so he should survive for a while, long enough to open a gym in the inner city, can't say the same about the rest of his group though.

12/3/2012 11:16:04 AM

no u
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tyrese has bad experiences with gyms though

12/3/2012 11:16:59 AM

All American
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So I think what this show really needs is a scene between Andrea and Michonne (It looks like Andrea will get back to the prison at some point) in which Michonne tells her the governor raped her during her time there.

Right now we can see yeah, the Governor is a lunatic but he hasn't come off as super evil quite yet. To some extent you can sympathize with him losing his daughter and Michonne seems just as crazy in her wanting to kill him.

12/3/2012 12:20:19 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Dennis "Cutty" Wise FTMFW"

hahaha, I fucking loved that. was like, yes!!!

12/3/2012 12:56:34 PM

All American
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^^ here's what gets me about that whole situation (and it's just ongoing); why not just say "Merle took an asian guy named Glenn and another girl named Maggie hostage. I met up with your old group, and we came here to rescue you them. When we found them locked up down the street, it was clear they had been beaten... ask the governor about it."

I know that only works if Michonne knows that this is Andrea's old group. But if they reunite and it turns out that Andrea and Michonne never talked about the group and mentioned their names in the time they were together, that will be pretty dumb imo.

Actually, that works no matter what. Because kidnapping an asian guy named Glenn and another girl named Maggie and beating them is bad whether it's Andrea's old group or not. It also would have made for a good "wait, did you say an asian guy named Glenn and a girl named Maggie?" moment.

[Edited on December 3, 2012 at 1:19 PM. Reason : .]

12/3/2012 1:02:33 PM

All American
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super lame

12/3/2012 1:13:11 PM

All American
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^ That's pretty much been Michonne's entire role so far.

[Edited on December 3, 2012 at 1:20 PM. Reason : .]

12/3/2012 1:17:41 PM

Forgetful Jones
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once they kill of Cutty, they need to bring in Slim Charles

then they can replace Hershel with Prop Joe

12/3/2012 1:37:44 PM

3753 Posts
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Kill off the governor, find Marlo still locked up with Avon and the Russian guy as the new Merle.

12/3/2012 1:43:43 PM

oh we back
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Just watched last night's episode. I, too, was hoping for less of a cliffhanger, but I guess you can kinda expect one when it's the last episode for a while. I enjoyed the'll be interesting to see where this all goes. We've got a new group at the prison which will be a surprise to Rick and the group when they return, plus the Woodbury folks know about the prison. So there'll be plenty of drama there. Can't wait till February.

12/3/2012 2:00:38 PM

All American
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I was hoping for dramatic music and the scene ending with the Governor saying "Fire"...

[Edited on December 3, 2012 at 2:48 PM. Reason : ]

12/3/2012 2:44:22 PM

Byrn Stuff
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I don't understand the governor's motivation for wiping out the prison folks and allowing walkers to reclaim it. Just plain evil doesn't account for it. You're risking men even you don't want the living space and don't know that they have useable resources, and they hadn't attached yet, so there was no revenge motive.

12/3/2012 3:15:42 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I don't understand the governor's motivation for wiping out the prison folks and allowing walkers to reclaim it."

his motivation is wiping out any other living anywhere close to woodbury. he sees any outside forces as a threat (as demonstrated by their massacre of the national guard). you're either with him, or against him.

12/3/2012 3:18:46 PM

Double Entendre
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I LOVE DARRYL!! My cousin Cana is finishing up this piece.

12/3/2012 4:46:38 PM

All American
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He's gonna die! (maybe). If the show was following the comic book, he would have died a long time ago.

12/3/2012 5:11:23 PM

37776 Posts
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Why would Merle go along with be called a terrorist as part of a plan to get him inside the prison? What's the end game for him? The towns folk were screaming for blood when the gov made the announcement. So he goes to the prison, kills everyone, then comes back? The towns folk wouldn't exactly welcome him back with open arms. Even if the gov issued a "pardon" for defeating the terrorist, the gov risks losing the town folks support. I think the gov needed to show strength and leadership to keep the town folks from revolting against him. He threw Merle under the bus to save his ass.

Not saying that's not how it will play out. Just doesn't make sense to me.

12/3/2012 5:11:42 PM

All American
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They have to convince darryl too that Merle tried to help them.

12/3/2012 5:40:41 PM

All American
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Quote :
"his motivation is wiping out any other living anywhere close to woodbury. he sees any outside forces as a threat (as demonstrated by their massacre of the national guard). you're either with him, or against him."

Interesting, I don't feel like that's come across in the show really. It's clear that he's out there a little, and will kill to make himself (maybe his group) stronger. Attacking the people in the prison as payback makes sense. Attacking them for supplies makes sense, and there is a precedent (the national guard guys). But outside of that, I think you may be applying too much from the comicbook to the show. Or maybe I've missed something.

12/3/2012 6:05:38 PM

All American
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I've actually never read the comic book.

But I think the Governor has made it pretty clear that he deems any outside groups as threats. Why do you think he's threatening to shoot maggie and glenn? why does he care where the others are, if it's not eliminate the threat of them endangering woodbury?

12/3/2012 6:13:32 PM

All American
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didn't you just say this several posts up:
Quote :
"He's gonna die! (maybe). If the show was following the comic book, he would have died a long time ago."

That comment implies that you have knowledge of the comic book and its characters. Whether it's from reading the actual comics, reading the wikipedia entries, character synopsis or whatever, several times in this thread you've made comments that suggest you have knowledge from outside of the canon of the tv show.

I have to disagree that he's made it clear that he deems any outside groups as threats. The first time we were introduced to him, he let an outside group into woodbury (Andrea and Michonne). Granted, he treated them as if they may be a threat until he vetted them further. But then he let them join the group (he can't help that Michonne had fake spidey sense.. and is generally a pain in the ass). He has let Andrea carry weapons, help defend the wall, etc.

He killed the national guard folks to take their equipment. They had something he wanted for himself. That massacre by no means demonstrated that he viewed them as a threat that needed to be eliminated. He showed up, killed them and took their stuff. He has said he doesn't want the prison. Merle specifically asked him if he intended to move the towns people there, and he said no.

Also, before they invaded woodbury, he didn't show any particular interest in where the others were. Despite the fact that he knew they were out there somewhere (Merle wanted to look for them). He was not looking to go out and "eliminate the threat" then. You could say that he now knows what they are capable of and sees them as more of a threat than he previously though, but that in and of itself contradicts the idea that he sees all other groups as threats that need to be eliminated.

So no, I do not think it's been made clear at all that he simply views any outside group as a threat. I think, like any smart man, he views outsiders as a potential threat (Just like Herschel and Rick have in those situations). And the actions of his character on the show have actually shown that he's open to letting outsiders into Woodbury. So I have a tough time buying your suggestion that his motivation is simply wiping out any other living close to Woodbury.

I think the only way in which outsiders are a threat to him is that if they join woodbury, they could expose him more for what he is and the facade he's built could crumble. I think that was more of a reason to kill the national guardsmen than them being a legitimate threat. If he brought those guys in, there are then trained, "good guys" in the town. He may no longer be the man in charge in that situation. So the option for them to welcome the guardsmen and their equipment wasn't as viable, he had to take it if he wanted access to it.

[Edited on December 3, 2012 at 8:22 PM. Reason : .]

12/3/2012 8:19:05 PM

Save TWW
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that terrorist bit was super heavy handed

12/3/2012 8:34:53 PM

All American
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so when in February does this come back on? I just read that it wont be until February 28th

12/3/2012 8:44:38 PM

Forgetful Jones
147804 Posts
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Daryl wasn't even in the comics, so I've heard

12/3/2012 8:45:37 PM

All American
24634 Posts
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nevermind, it comes back on February 10th

also, the midseason finale got a huge 10.5 rating, higher than new episodes of Big Bang Theory, Modern Family and The Voice. Pretty awesome

12/3/2012 8:48:55 PM

37709 Posts
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damn solid episode. Today we are all black men

I haven't read the comics and think that Governor clearly wants to just kill anything and everything outside of Woodbury that doesn't have a vagina. When they brought in Michonne and Andria the crew clearly stated that they found women and were told to bring the girls in. He also has a penchant for killing stragglers as he sees fit, although we've only see him interact with National Guardsmen.

I bet that he absolutely doesn't want outside groups to come in and compete with him for the top dog spot or to show how crazy he is, and this leads into him wanting to exterminate the Prison colony. I feel like he already had an idea for using the prison for something else though since he had asked Merle about it before, but no clue on exactly what he wanted there before.

Aside from that, however, I don't really get a feel for why Michonne wanted to straight murder the Governor based on their interactions.

The previews seemed to clearly indicate that someone goes back to rescue Daryle due to the smoke bombs and general confusion. I assume Rick and Michonne immediately go back to get him and end up dragging Merle along. This would be why Glenn and Maggie were so upset to see someone with Rick, supposedly because they make Maggie and Glenn go ahead while they go back for a rescue.

12/3/2012 9:29:18 PM

All American
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Do want thanks to the show (not comic):

12/3/2012 9:31:19 PM

no u
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michonne wanted to kill the governor because he sent his men to kill her

12/3/2012 9:45:06 PM

Forgetful Jones
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in the comics, the governor lost his left eye

12/3/2012 10:25:01 PM

All American
28027 Posts
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Quote :
"That comment implies that you have knowledge of the comic book and its characters."

Quote :
"Daryl wasn't even in the comics, so I've heard"

yeah, sorry, i was joking, it's been discussed multiple times over the last several pages that darryl isn't even in the comics. but i don't think i'm going out on a limb in assuming that the governor wants to eliminate any threats to him and woodbury, and he thinks any group that's not a part of woodbury is a threat, and that's why he wants to send a force to kill rick.

12/4/2012 9:51:40 AM

All American
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When will someone make a zombie catapult? The ultimate zombie apocalypse weapon for breaching walls.

12/4/2012 10:29:10 AM

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I was half expecting Michonne to use one of the zombie heads as a weapon against the Governor

12/4/2012 10:49:38 AM

All American
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Quote :
"his motivation is wiping out any other living anywhere close to woodbury. he sees any outside forces as a threat (as demonstrated by their massacre of the national guard). you're either with him, or against him."

A statement like that would imply that he gives people a choice, instead of just killing them without warning.

12/4/2012 11:06:36 AM

All American
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no it doesn't. if he feels threatened at all, he assumes you're against him.

12/4/2012 11:10:08 AM

All American
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ah, so showing up waving a white flag for stranded national guardsmen implies he felt threatened?

the guy's a psychotic. I think we should leave it at that.

12/4/2012 11:16:40 AM

All American
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what? he didn't want the national guard around, they threatened his power, so he took them out and stole their equipment.

12/4/2012 11:18:00 AM

All American
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they definitely could have strengthened his group. I mean they only have what, 70 something odd people in that town. And that includes women and children. And we've seen at least 10 men die. Not much of a force to deal with, 30-40 men at most.

12/4/2012 11:33:00 AM

All American
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Quote :
"they definitely could have strengthened his group"

and they definitely would have threatened his power (they weren't going to take order from the governor), so instead of giving them a chance to be a part of woodbury, he preemptively took them out.

12/4/2012 11:36:35 AM

All American
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if true his logic is going to result in the town collapsing from lack of personnel to protect it. which goes back to him just being crazy...

my opinion at least.

12/4/2012 11:37:38 AM

All American
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Quote :
"yeah, sorry, i was joking, it's been discussed multiple times over the last several pages that darryl isn't even in the comics. but i don't think i'm going out on a limb in assuming that the governor wants to eliminate any threats to him and woodbury, and he thinks any group that's not a part of woodbury is a threat, and that's why he wants to send a force to kill rick."

So what about the fact that he let Andrea and Michonne in? I guess it could be assumed that they were allowed in because they're females and what not. But then you have the fact that he let Merle in as well. Merle, himself, said that the governor found him and welcomed him into the group.

I think that's a pretty good case against the idea that he wants to kill all outsiders.

12/4/2012 12:27:55 PM

All American
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Quote :
"So what about the fact that he let Andrea and Michonne in? "

they're chicks, he kept them isolated for a while, he kept a close eye on them, and he tried to have michonne killed as soon as she left the base.

Quote :
"But then you have the fact that he let Merle in as well."

Merle, by his on account, was worthless when they found him. He was by himself, bleeding out and almost dead. He, by himself, wasn't a threat, and as mentioend, the Governor does need hench-men to stay in power.

They know that Rick's group has at least 10 people, and they know that they're battle-experienced.

Sorry, I feel like this is a silly argument. I think it's obvious that the Governor wants to kill any outsiders that he finds threatening.

12/4/2012 12:37:03 PM

All American
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yeah in his mind the prison is a stronger base than woodbury. if he doesn't want it, no one can have it

12/4/2012 12:51:19 PM

All American
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^ it's not silly, your argument (or at least it's wording) has changed form the onset --- you've made it clearer. I agree that he wants to kill people who threaten his control of Woodbury. Taking in the national guardsmen would have done that. He can't say for sure if Rick's group will come there again or not.

I still don't think he wants to kill everyone out there. I think he, specifically, wants to kill people who threaten the control he has established in his little town. And that seems to be what you're really saying.

12/4/2012 5:16:44 PM

All American
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You guys are really missing the point of why he killed them. He wanted their guns, he only had one way to get them.

12/4/2012 6:16:01 PM

All American
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Quote :
"in the comics, the governor lost his left eye"


12/4/2012 7:27:14 PM

All American
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^^not really. he could have befriended them and had them join him in Woodbury (except he knew they wouldn't take orders from him, so he was left with the option of killing them). and he also killed the pilot after they brought him back to woodbury, after he told them where to find the rest of his unit.

12/4/2012 7:35:45 PM

El Nachó
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I feel like the people posting in this thread have put way more thought into the mindset of the governor than the writers of the show have.

12/4/2012 7:43:13 PM

All American
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that's a silly thing to say

12/4/2012 7:45:08 PM

El Nachó
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I just think they're ok with him being "generic crazy bad guy" and all the effort you guys are putting into trying to justify his actions are something they never considered that most people would think or care about.

12/4/2012 8:14:11 PM

All American
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don't know if it has been mentioned but i was just watching reruns of Big Bang Theory and saw Glenn... He had a short scene as Sheldon's old roommate

12/4/2012 8:34:44 PM

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