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 Message Boards » » REMEMBER WHEN THE COPS MURDERED PEYTON STRICKLAND? Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 [7] 8 9, Prev Next  
All American
3552 Posts
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Quote :
""Christopher Long has already been exonerated once -- loud, clear and unmistakebly by the grand jury," defense attorney Mike McGuiness said. "There is no case. There has never been a case.""

except that the guy unnecessarily shot and killed a kid and his dog

5/5/2007 3:09:54 AM

All American
1834 Posts
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poor dog.

Oh kid died too?

5/5/2007 3:12:24 AM

All American
24529 Posts
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everybody dies

5/5/2007 3:13:03 AM

All American
3552 Posts
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da's named mike just suck i think

5/5/2007 3:18:38 AM

147487 Posts
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wasnt that nifong guys first name mike?

5/5/2007 3:20:00 AM

315 Posts
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UPDATE: "An agent for the State Bureau of Investigation is expected today [7/9/2007] to ask a grand jury to indict former New Hanover Sheriff's Deputy Christopher Long on a charge of manslaughter in the death of a college student from Durham."

7/9/2007 3:18:06 PM

balls deep
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7/9/2007 3:18:42 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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any change in his condition?

7/9/2007 3:48:11 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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manslaughter is much more appropriate for this situation.

7/9/2007 3:51:50 PM

All American
47007 Posts
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that will likely be exactly their excuse for tossing it out of court.

oh it will be tossed out of court

7/9/2007 9:07:03 PM

315 Posts
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A decision should be reached today.

"A judge has taken the unusual step of allowing Long to testify before the grand jury to explain his actions the night he unleashed his fully automatic submachine gun at Strickland through his front door.

Officers went to Strickland's home to look for a Playstation 3 video console belonging to a a UNC-Wilmington student who had been robbed and beaten. Officers suspected that the home's residents would be heavily armed.

Long began his testimony late Monday afternoon and is expected to resume today. Jurors will also hear from an agent with the State Bureau of Investigation, who is expected to offer physical evidence that counters Long's version of events that night.

Long has told investigators that he mistook the hammering of a battering ram for the blast of a gun when he opened fire. In an affidavit filed Monday, Long said his hearing was impaired by an earpiece, a hood and a helmet.

Law enforcement officers are very rarely held criminally responsible for killing in the line of duty. In at least the last seven years, no officers have been charged in the killing of more than 100 North Carolina residents.

Case law and statutes give broad immunity to officers for split-second shots fired in the line of duty.

A team of prosecutors from the state Attorney General's Office said these laws shouldn't protect Long. Patrick Murphy, one of the special prosecutors handling the case, argued that Long used excessive force when he unleashed three rounds of shots at Strickland with his fully-automatic submachine gun."

7/10/2007 11:37:29 AM

41759 Posts
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Quote :
"WILMINGTON - A grand jury is still deliberating on whether a former New Hanover County sheriff's deputy broke the law Dec. 1 when he shot to death an unarmed teenager.

Special prosecutors have asked the grand jury of 18 citizens to indict Christopher Long on a charge of voluntary manslaughter in the death of Peyton Strickland, 18, a college student from Durham. Grand jurors began hearing evidence behind closed doors Monday afternoon.

A judge decided shortly before the jury's lunch break today to allow Strickland's father, Don, to testify before the grand jury.

Richmond County Superior Court Judge Michael Beale, who was assigned to handle the case, took the unusual step Monday of allowing Long to testify about his actions the night he unleashed his fully automatic submachine gun at Strickland through the front door of the home he was renting in Wilmington. His testimony concluded this morning.

Allowing a victim's parent to testify before a grand jury is even more uncommon.

This afternoon, the grand jury was scheduled to hear more from the second of two State Bureau of Investigation agents. The SBI agent is expected to cite physical evidence countering Long's version of events.

Officers went to Strickland's home to look for a PlayStation 3 video console belonging to a UNC-Wilmington student who had been robbed and beaten. Officers suspected that the home's residents would be heavily armed.

Long has told investigators that he mistook the hammering of a battering ram for the blast of a gun when he opened fire. In an affidavit filed Monday, Long said his hearing was impaired by an earpiece, a hood and a helmet.

Law enforcement officers are very rarely held criminally responsible for killing in the line of duty. In at least the last seven years, no officers have been charged in the killing of more than 100 North Carolina residents.

Case law and statutes give broad immunity to officers for split-second shots fired in the line of duty.

A team of prosecutors from the state Attorney General's Office said these laws shouldn't protect Long. Patrick Murphy, one of the special prosecutors handling the case, argued that Long used excessive force when he fired and struck Strickland.


7/10/2007 4:02:37 PM

All American
9963 Posts
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BTW sony lowered the price of the PS3 by $100.

7/10/2007 4:15:05 PM

All American
22489 Posts
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i still think it's too expensive - but I'm sure I'll have on in the next couple of months...

7/10/2007 4:16:49 PM

148878 Posts
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plus I heard the new Metal Gear Solid game is gonna be available on this whole murder was a waste; he coulda just got a 360

7/10/2007 4:18:04 PM

All American
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He's from Durham, he coulda ganked one from Costco, woulda just had to run past some old ladies checking receipts.

7/10/2007 4:19:42 PM

101 Posts
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Quote :
"Law enforcement officers are very rarely held criminally responsible for killing in the line of duty. In at least the last seven years, no officers have been charged in the killing of more than 100 North Carolina residents."

7/10/2007 4:50:50 PM

All American
47007 Posts
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holy fuck

7/10/2007 8:29:45 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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well duh

[Edited on July 10, 2007 at 8:44 PM. Reason : bigger equals]

7/10/2007 8:43:11 PM

41759 Posts
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Quote :
"A grand jury voted not to indict ex-New Hanover deputy Christopher Long for the fatal shooting of Peyton Strickland."

7/11/2007 10:01:27 AM

22518 Posts
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he didnt derseve to die, but if would have never stolen the PS3 and pounded that kid this would have never happened

thus, i feel completely neutral towards this issue

7/11/2007 10:04:59 AM

All American
6092 Posts
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that is quite unfair.

also are they saying that these 100 killings of nc residents have been unjustified as that one of peyton or are they just saying that cops have killed 100 residents in the line of duty. if there are 100 deaths in seven years that are equally as questionable as peyton then we have some trouble on our hands.

7/11/2007 10:05:02 AM

22518 Posts
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i think that they are saying that in 7 years cops have killed 100 people total

youre right, it isnt fair

but i dont go around stealing shit and pounding people, so i really dont expect the cops to be banging on my door

you see how that works out?

it is almost impossible to have symapthy when the persons actions are directly responsible for what happens to them regardless of the severity

[Edited on July 11, 2007 at 10:11 AM. Reason :

7/11/2007 10:09:06 AM

All American
27142 Posts
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Quote :
"he didnt derseve to die, but if would have never stolen the PS3 and pounded that kid this would have never happened

thus, i feel completely neutral towards this issue"

also the myspace pic of his friends with the guns would have made me edgy if i was an officer going to the residence. if i was a police, i am pretty sure if i thought, reasonably, that my life was in danger i would shoot without hesitation. i think the officer did the right thing, not killing the kid, but he took appropriate measures for the facts surrounding the case.

7/11/2007 10:12:45 AM

All American
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i dont know if i can totally agree with you there. i mean, its obvious that if he hadnt stolen anything he'd still be alive and well and that the myspace page didnt help at all. but when you're in the position of a police officer you have to accept the risk as part of the job and despite the risk you also have to accept that the well-being of peoples lives are your responsibility and their well-being takes higher priority than yours. if you can't accept that then you shouldnt be a cop. so, yes, for one of us approaching the door we would not be obligated by the same responsibility as the cop but that is their cross to bear and rash judgements should not be warranted.

7/11/2007 10:31:59 AM

147487 Posts
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Quote :
"their well-being takes higher priority than yours"

please...a cop versus some thieving perp?

7/11/2007 10:44:01 AM

All American
6092 Posts
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this is why

this is why

this is why you're a fucking idiot

Quote :
"please...a cop versus some allegedly thieving perp?"

cops are not judge, jury, and executioner. so at that point yes peytons life was above his.

7/11/2007 11:11:33 AM

147487 Posts
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oh so that dude didnt even steal the ps3 and he still got shot?

damn thats some shit

7/11/2007 11:12:32 AM

Zinc Saucier
18949 Posts
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I disagree that a civilian's well-being is above that of a cop's. Of course, a cop shouldn't peace out when things get a little heated, nor should he unload his gun at the sound of a battering ram.

7/11/2007 11:16:33 AM

41759 Posts
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I mean in all honesty that cop could have killed anyone. Peyton was just the unlucky fucker that stood up to answer the door. What if you were over there playing PS3 or whatever and next thing you know bullets start blasting through the door indiscriminately.

This cop was willfully and criminally negligent and should be treated as such.

7/11/2007 11:17:57 AM

All American
27142 Posts
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being a police is the most dangerous job in the world.

Quote :
"but when you're in the position of a police officer you have to accept the risk as part of the job and despite the risk you also have to accept that the well-being of peoples lives are your responsibility and their well-being takes higher priority than yours."

yeah these are called heroes, and what have we learned about heroes? sure this guy did not deserve to die, but what surrounded this case suggested high alert and forcible action from the law enforcement.

7/11/2007 11:18:02 AM

41759 Posts
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Quote :
"what surrounded this case suggested high alert and forcible action from the law enforcement.


Like firing through a closed door???? This is not Iraq for fuck sakes.

7/11/2007 11:22:55 AM

All American
24527 Posts
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Quote :
"please...a cop versus some thieving perp?

if he hadn't been holding the controller of the stolen PS3 he mugged some kid for in a Walmart parking lot, the cop might not have thought he was holding a gun.

7/11/2007 11:23:19 AM

All American
27142 Posts
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^^ it was closed? so the cop has x-ray vision right and mistake the controller for a gun?

7/11/2007 11:25:25 AM

41759 Posts
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Quote :
"Long said he shot Strickland when he mistook the sound of a battering ram against the front door for gunshots. Strickland was shot once in the head and once in the chest, and at least one of the shots went through the front door before hitting the teen, according to an autopsy."

7/11/2007 11:41:26 AM

All American
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who cares. he should have not robbed someone for a ps3, and this would have not happened. sorry he died, but thats life.

7/11/2007 11:42:51 AM

148878 Posts
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Quote :
"Long said he fired his fully automatic submachine gun because he thought he mistakenly thought he heard gun blasts. Instead, he was hearing the officers' battering ram hammering Strickland's door. Long admitted in an affidavit filed Monday that his hearing was impaired by an earpiece, a hood and helmet."

duhhhhh, uh, i couldnt hear too good, so i's shot him with my fully auto machine gun cause i thought he was shooting...even though it was really other cops knocking his door down since he stoled some vidya games

7/11/2007 11:43:45 AM

147487 Posts
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Quote :
"if he hadn't been holding the controller of the stolen PS3 he mugged some kid for in a Walmart parking lot, the cop might not have thought he was holding a gun."

dont know why you quoted me with putting that but i agree

7/11/2007 11:48:58 AM

All American
22489 Posts
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And cops wonder why some people run when they see them.


7/11/2007 11:52:01 AM

All American
27142 Posts
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don't do illegal things and you have about 99.99999999999999% of not getting shot by the cops

7/11/2007 11:52:59 AM

no u
103356 Posts
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what the cop did was wrong

i'm glad he took out some worthless motherfucker instead of someone worthwhile

i wouldn't have indicted him either - the cops work with the goddamn mob here, i wouldn't want them coming after me

7/11/2007 11:58:33 AM

All American
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Quote :
"i wouldn't want them coming after me"

thats the right idea

do you think that you would have to face a cop under any circumstance that potentially would have weapons drawn? most people won't.

i think the cop made an honest mistake and due to the nature of his job, the jury did right by clearing him.

[Edited on July 11, 2007 at 12:00 PM. Reason : asdfa]

7/11/2007 12:00:03 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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no, what i'm saying is i wouldn't want the department as a whole targeting me when the found out which way I voted

7/11/2007 12:02:05 PM

All American
27142 Posts
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does not compute. please try again.

7/11/2007 12:02:40 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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i know you're slow, but if you reread it a few times, maybe chew it over a bit, maybe you'll begin to understand

7/11/2007 12:04:32 PM

All American
27142 Posts
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yes sir big man. i am sure of you said it it makes sense, and i am an incompetent fool.

7/11/2007 12:05:15 PM

All American
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7/11/2007 12:06:46 PM

All American
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again who cares. he stoled sum ps3s, got shot under the circumstances surrounding the case, he died, the cop walked because the jury said so, and thats it. sorry for him and his fam, but this kid is not going to be risen from the dead if the cop would have got indicted... so suit yourself, keep yapping about it and trying to justify why the cop should have got indicted, but just remember stay away from crime and stay away from cops with weapons drawn.

7/11/2007 12:09:58 PM

All American
22489 Posts
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Using Seedless' logic, anyone who has ever broken the law should be shot and killed.

I think the cop who shot Peyton ( hey, that's breaking the law!) should be killed first.

7/11/2007 12:13:14 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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Quote :

[Edited on July 11, 2007 at 12:14 PM. Reason : I do]

7/11/2007 12:13:51 PM

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