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All American
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Breaking News: You can walk into almost any store and buy a PS3.

Now, if only they'd release some games to play on it...

1/9/2007 10:19:08 AM

All American
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not sure that's breaking news, but thx for the info

1/9/2007 10:28:47 AM

no u
103352 Posts
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they should shoot that streaming HD they are doing with the Bravia over towards the PS3 plz

1/9/2007 10:52:41 AM

All American
4715 Posts
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Quote :
"chances this story was made up by a ps fanboy: 500%

i have yet to see a wii in stores, and every store sells out of them quickly


I am by no means anyone's fanboy...i was just stating almost everywhere i went that day, i saw at least 2 wii's...that may have just been a lucky time to go out, but i saw wii's..lots of them(who know's if they were there 30 minutes later).

1/9/2007 11:12:06 AM

All American
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^^^it was sarcasm, prompted by the fact that the last 10 posts in this thread have been about about how someone 'found' a bunch of PS3s for sale somewhere.

[Edited on January 9, 2007 at 11:12 AM. Reason : df]

1/9/2007 11:12:17 AM

All American
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PS3 demand slows, stores stocked aplenty

1/9/2007 11:30:26 AM

Drunk yet Orderly
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My coworker who got one yesterday (which by the way, the store clerk at EB Games said they would not be selling out of PS3's anytime soon - and they had zero wiis) said he really likes it, but Resistance: Fall of Man is really the only game that is unique to the PS3, he already has a 360 with a bunch of games. He says that it is a great system, just that there is no selection of games for it.

1/9/2007 11:41:47 AM

All American
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Just got one and updating the system.

1/10/2007 6:16:45 PM

All American
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some fool in the greenville newspaper's trying to sell one for $1200, guess he missed the boat.

1/10/2007 6:17:58 PM

All American
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^yeah, well you should see this. you'll be amazed at how much dumbasses people can be.

You've GOT BE shitting me.

Quote :

a regular 60 gig package for $1000 plus a new game for $200 each. how the fuck do these people think they're getting a deal?

1/11/2007 8:03:48 PM

All American
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So they announced they are going to release some old arcade games for download that will be multiplayer ready and in 720p. One of the games is Mortal Kombat II. I am defintely going to get that and play it online.

1/12/2007 9:02:47 AM

All American
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1/12/2007 12:43:11 PM

All American
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Wii's don't last on store shelves long but hopefully that will change soon.

PS3's on the other hand, AHAHAHAHAHAHA

1/12/2007 12:56:08 PM

All American
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^what do you expect . . . not everyone wants to spend $texas on a gaming console

1/12/2007 1:49:54 PM

All American
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Quote :

Rumor: Burnout, Star Wars, Harmonix and more! --- Jun 14th 9:37 am CDT
posted by BenVasquez

In the latest issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly, rumors are abound in all shapes and forms. Although there were many rumors pertaining to all three of the competing consoles, there were a few that could, in fact, change the way people view Nintendo, especially the Nintendo Wii:

- EA is planning on a "massively multiplayer" Burnout but no console specifications were made
- Many of the companies are shifting their focus and games from the PlayStation 3 to the Nintendo Wii for undisclosed reasons
- A new music game is in the works by Harmonix
- Two Star Wars games are in the works for the Nintendo Wii: One being developed by LucasArts which involves wielding a light saber, while the other game is from the Battlefront franchise. Console specifications were not mentioned and Pandemic is not working on the title.

Many have talked about the coming of a Star Wars light saber game just because of how the Nintendo Wii controller is used. The news of Burnout is exciting because whenever EA made the Burnout franchise purchase, they stopped supporting the Nintendo GameCube, after the wonderful Burnout 2. The thing that is the most interesting is the news of companies abandoning the PlayStation 3 for the underpowered Nintendo Wii.

Whether or not these rumors become true is up for grabs but DSRevolution will keep you posted!

Source: Electronic Gaming Monthly"

Quote :
"You know, we as a neutral news source aren't supposed to be participating in the current Sony hate wave, but even for the biggest fanboys, there's no denying that the company has been struggling since the announcement of the Playstation 3. Manufacturing issues, high-level employees leaving, questionable marketing strategies...sadly, it looks like the trend is continuing.

SCEA's long-standing manager of Developer Relations Mark DeLoura has quit his position and will soon be heading to Ubisoft North America's office as a technical director. At his new job, he is responsible for the quality of third-party games published by Ubisoft and the coordination with game developers wanting to work with the company.

DeLoura is the second important employee to leave Sony after Senior Director Of Communications and Brand Development Molly Smith resigned from the company in June. DeLoura, a well-known face in the industry and author of several books on Game Development, had been with Sony since 1994 and has not stated the reasons for his departure."


Quote :
"A portion of a Game Informer interview with Gabe Newell, co-founder and managing director of the computer game development company, Valve Corporation.

“The PS3 is a total disaster on so many levels, I think It’s really clear that Sony lost track of what customers and what developers wanted. I’d say, even at this late date, they should just cancel it and do a “do over”. Just say, “This was a horrible disaster and we’re sorry and we’re going to stop selling this and stop trying to convince people to develop for it”. The happy story is the Wii. I’m betting that by Christmas of next year, the Wii has a larger installed base than the 360. Other people think I’m crazy. I really like everthing that Nintendo is doing. “"

from GameInformer's interview...i can keep them coming if needed

1/15/2007 6:50:53 PM

All American
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Quote :
"d say, even at this late date, they should just cancel it and do a “do over”. Just say, “This was a horrible disaster and we’re sorry and we’re going to stop selling this and stop trying to convince people to develop for it”."

they would have soooooo many pissed people on their hands. i would blow a gasket if i paid that much for something that was scrapped a couple months later

1/15/2007 7:55:44 PM

All American
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it's not going to be scrapped. That is the most absurd thing I've ever heard... coming from the guy who's company could not contain their FLAGSHIP TITLE's source code.... ok, talk about needing a do-over.

1/16/2007 12:21:48 PM

Mr E Nigma
All American
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I remember when 360 came out, everyone was pissed. It took 7-8 months for the games to get good. I would say itll be about the same situation for ps3.

I have been using it as my DVD player, Blu Ray player, and PS2/PS1 gaming console....i only have one ps3 game and i still use the system almost every day.

1/16/2007 12:38:21 PM

All American
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I'm loving the hell out of Madden 07, even though the game is annoyingly laggy (picking plays, etc).

hopefully they fix it next year.

But I'm loving the online aspect of it especially.

1/16/2007 12:55:02 PM

All American
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Quote :
"coming from the guy who's company could not contain their FLAGSHIP TITLE's source code.... ok, talk about needing a do-over."

There are tons of rumors that Valve purposely released old source code so that they would have an excuse for delaying the game, yet again.

Quote :
"It took 7-8 months for the games to get good. I would say itll be about the same situation for ps3."

Its all about user base. Sony has been a disaster for developers for years. They throw all the random high-tech shit in their system to up the numbers and its "potential," but it makes it costly and frustrating to program for. They dealt with the PS2 because it had the largest user base. PS3 numbers are extremely lacking for a new system no matter how you put it. I guarantee developers will jump ship in record numbers if the system is looking down.

Sony has 2 blessings on their side that help them in this situation:

XBox doesn't sell well in Japan. Its one of the major markets and where a large percentage of video games come from.

Wii isn't a powerhouse. Developers have ePeen, too. They want to put out jaw droppers each generation to show what their company can do. Since Wii isn't a superpower of system specs, and XBox flails around in Japan, Sony will pick up some support by default.

Give it until July to see how things are going.

1/16/2007 1:07:47 PM

Save TWW
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This was a PS3 at the target on lynn rd & glenwood an hour ago.

1/16/2007 1:38:03 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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Quote :
"Sony has been a disaster for developers for years"

Yeah, how many thousands of titles did the PS2 have?

Breaking news, you can get a PS3 easily now...just like you could get a 360 easily for the last 12 months. Gee, funny how that fucking works, huh?

1/16/2007 2:15:53 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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Um, the xbox was pretty decently hard to get for a couple months (at least 4) after launch.

The PS3 launches with fewer units and yet is easily available 2 months after launch

1/16/2007 2:20:24 PM

All American
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that's because there is competition for the PS3 launch vs. no competition for the X360 launch.

And there is currently NO FUCKING SOFTWARE for the PS3.

1/16/2007 2:44:06 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Yeah, how many thousands of titles did the PS2 have? "

Learn to read posts and you will look less like a dumbass. The point was that the PS2 was terrible to program for, but developers did it anyways because it had the largest fanbase. The PS3 base is rather low, even for a new system. My point is that if it remains this low, developers won't stick around. They don't want to "wait around" while the price falls when there are two other systems that are easier to program for and have a larger current base.

Its easier to convince a company to produce a game for a fanbase that exists, rather than a theoretical fanbase that might exist in 8-10 months when Sony drops the console price, IF they drop the console price.

As I said, let the market settle down and lets see the consumer base more towards the summer when it isn't fueled by Christmas.

[Edited on January 16, 2007 at 3:07 PM. Reason : .]

1/16/2007 3:03:24 PM

no u
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PS3's problem is that the Cell has 8 active cores where the Xenon processor in the 360 has only 3, so it's a relatively huge pain in the ass to delegate threads on as well as to port games, have games done on multiple systems, etc.

companies like RapidMind are working on making parallel programming a lot easier though so it should become easier and easier to program on the PS3 so more software become available

well, and the price

[Edited on January 16, 2007 at 3:54 PM. Reason : i'm thinking the Wii doesn't have any staying power compared to the PS3 and 360]

1/16/2007 3:52:17 PM

no u
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so how long before some company makes a wiimote-like controller/mouse for the ps3 and how long before someone makes a linux Wii emulator?

1/21/2007 9:54:47 PM

245 Posts
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^^ That's not a valid comparison. The PS3's problem isn't that it has 8 "cores" - it actually has only 1 core. It has an addtional 7 spes (which are not cores) and they are asymmetric as opposed to the 360's 3 symmetric (full) cores. That's why the PS3 is so hard to develop for. Not to mention that the spes and the ppe (the actual core) are binary incompatible; the spes use a different compiler than the actual power pc core in the cell and can't communicate directly with the ppe, and the only way to get data from the ppe to the spes is by using DMA. Try writing "multithreaded" code when you have to use a different compiler to compile the code your "threads" are running... ("thread" used loosly when talking about cell's spes). Lots of things just aren't well suited for that type of architecture, so lots of code ends up running on just the 1 ppe core.

1/22/2007 1:12:53 AM

All American
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you obviously don't understand retail for shit. the PS3 was released with about a month to sell before christmas. the 2-3 months after christmas are generally the worst selling months in retail, so the spring/summer should see a ramp up in sales, not a slow-down.

so i guess you should learn something about retail before you make yourself look like a dumbass. fair enough?

1/22/2007 3:09:35 AM

Black and Proud
14179 Posts
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when was the wii released? i think that's equally as important to think about before we go being mean to folk

1/22/2007 3:35:13 AM

All American
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^^ ps3 sales will only ramp up if good games are released for it, the fact that it'll be at least a year maybe 2 before it gets a final fantasy alone will hurt it immensely in japan, not to mention the fact that the next dragon quest game is going to the DS. i think the sales of the ps3 are going to be directly tied with whether or not Metal gear solid 4 is great or sucks ass.

1/22/2007 8:00:54 AM

All American
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Quote :
"the 2-3 months after christmas are generally the worst selling months in retail"

Way to "generalize" . Consoles (in recent times, at least) are typically released around a time that would make them extremely attractive to buy during the Christmas season. The problem, however, is that they almost never have enough. So even after Christmas, people are typically still looking for the elusive console.

People are still looking for Wii's and there are still long lines at early hours in the morning. XBox 360 was hard to get at least 3-4 months after Christmas. Trust me, I worked in Walmart for that period of my life.

So let me get this straight. You believe:
1. Recently released consoles that are high in demand and short in supply have poor sales right after Christmas.
2. XBox 360 was easy to obtain right after Christmas.
3. Since the PS2 had more developer support, it MUST be easy to develop for.

Quote :
"so i guess you should learn something about retail consoles before you make yourself look like a dumbass. fair enough?"

1/22/2007 11:22:30 AM

no u
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heh someone already got the Wiimotes working for the PS3

1/22/2007 11:33:21 AM

All American
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Not sure if y'all care but there's a 60 gb PS3 right now at the Walmart in Garner.

1/29/2007 11:04:20 AM

17377 Posts
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there's quite a few at both of the eb games, circuit city, best buy, etc in rocky mount. they're not hard to find.

1/29/2007 11:36:56 AM

no u
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they need more free shit in the PS3 store

1/29/2007 2:44:44 PM

Mr E Nigma
All American
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Sonic comes out tomorrow. Might rent that.

Still waiting for some MLB 07 the Show PS3 screenshots. So far only ps2 and psp

1/29/2007 2:47:13 PM

All American
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anyone try sonic yet?

2/6/2007 8:15:46 AM

All American
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Preorder Vegas for $40

2/10/2007 5:44:05 PM

All American
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So the latest issue of PSM magazine reports a possible $100 price cut by the end of '07. Anyone else hear this rumor?

2/11/2007 1:11:38 PM

Mr E Nigma
All American
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MLB 2K7 demo coming to ps3 store next week, per Ben Brinkman, developer of the game.

2/11/2007 5:15:46 PM

All American
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Calling All Cars preview

2/11/2007 5:32:22 PM

Zinc Saucier
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Penny Arcade's rant about the SCEA prez insisting that PS3's are selling out and offering $1200 if the interviewer can find one on the shelves is pretty good:

Quote :
" It is not difficult to lie to people. It may be better (i.e., more polite) if we call it "information management." It is not difficult to manage information. But the information you are "managing" needs to conform, at least superficially, to reality. It is as though they don't realize that every gamer is attached constantly to one another in an absolutely unbroken stream of communication. In this case, it's as though he wasn't even aware of the telephone.

If there is stock, you don't say that there isn't stock. You don't say this ever. You can say there isn't as much stock "as people are saying," which isn't strong but creates doubt. You could say that the stock is primarily the 20GB model, because the response to the "consumer proposition" on the "premium model" was "stronger than they expected." I feel kind of dirty now. But the right response, the one that makes a "ding ding ding" sound, is that the stock exists not because it hasn't sold, but because they are being bought and swiftly replaced by new stock. Also, if there's more time in the interview? Say that you're "leveraging synergies." Synergies are basically awesome, and they're even better when you leverage them. "

2/13/2007 2:59:41 PM

All American
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The interview was conducted in early Jan 07 when indeed there were no PS3's to be found...I lucked upon one at a BB that the guys had set in an out of the way place intended to make it look like it was just the bx from the demo unit. Didn't see one in that BB again until a few weeks later.

BTW, total Blu-Ray sales have now overtaken total HD-DVD sales.

2/13/2007 3:13:25 PM

Zinc Saucier
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Actually the interviewer goes on to say that they called 18 stores and 9 out of eighteen had PS3's, some with as many as 20 in stock.

2/13/2007 3:38:08 PM

All American
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Last week Crossroads Best Buy had no PS3s in stock. Employee said they are still selling out of them as soon as they get them. I also went to EB Games over the weekend and they no longer had any.

[Edited on February 13, 2007 at 3:44 PM. Reason : ,]

2/13/2007 3:43:07 PM

All American
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A few weeks ago I saw no less than five ps3 sitting on the shelf at wal-mart

When getting a game for my Wii the dude at circuit-city said they had plenty of ps3's.

Since mid january I've had no problem finding a ps3

2/13/2007 4:33:56 PM

All American
8118 Posts
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there's some at target

2/13/2007 4:46:00 PM

All American
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jesus christ people we all know sony has made enough PS3's to stock stores. i'm sorry that the 360 couldn't have high enough production levels when it was introduced and thus was also sucks that except for one month, the PS2 has outsold the 360 since its launch.

nobody gave the 360 much shit for only selling 600k units in the first 2 months of launch, but the microsoft fanboys sure do like to rail on the PS3, despite the fact it's doing better than the 360 did at launch

hd-dvd is falling quickly behind blu-ray (blu-ray had a 3:1 sales advantage in Jan and has sold more in a shorter release time), so that $600 bucks to get a 360 equal to a PS3 (well, except for 1080p, HDMI, etc) isn't a great buy

and of course there is the fact that the 360 gets stomped outside of the US (3x sales of PS3's on a weekly basis in Japan for example)

call me a sony fanboy if you want, but i'd rather hitch my wagon to a PS3 than a console who can't even take down a previous generation's console

[Edited on February 13, 2007 at 10:16 PM. Reason : .]

2/13/2007 10:15:33 PM

All American
30984 Posts
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my console

like you made it


just play games and stop bitchin

[Edited on February 13, 2007 at 10:16 PM. Reason : .]

2/13/2007 10:16:30 PM

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