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Tom Joad
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Economical Valentine's Day Card

2/13/2009 4:41:09 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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^^^^I shouldn't have said "aha" in that post. Drunks dying in the cold are not funny.

^^^You are making up definitions for words. If that's your intention, continue.

I'm just letting you know, your definitions are wrong.

^^Maybe? Maybe y he was stubborn or proud or crazy? I went without water for almost a week when I had money because the water company was jerkin me around. Like that times a thousand for this guy.

I know some older people who go without heat because they are too proud to admit that they can no longer keep up with the wood-chopping. I guess that is stupid, but we tend to differentiate between stupid and stupid-proud.

[Edited on February 13, 2009 at 4:54 PM. Reason : ]

2/13/2009 4:46:21 PM

All American
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WTF are you talking about?

2/13/2009 4:51:29 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Do you guys remember that much publicized death of an elderly man in Michigan who froze to death b/c the power company restricted his energy use b/c he owned them $1000? Well turns out he left $600,000 to a local church or something like that. Guess he fits under the category of "not that smart""

He also had his bills sitting on his dining table with money taped to them.

It wouldn't have taken more than a technician to stop by before shutting off his power to safe his life, but the company couldn't have been bothered to even do that.

Old people are old, and there are a vast array of reasonable things that could explain why he didn't take more initiative to get his bills pays. It's pretty evil to assert he must have just been an idiot.

2/13/2009 5:01:43 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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[Edited on February 13, 2009 at 5:02 PM. Reason : ?]

2/13/2009 5:02:02 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Do you guys remember that much publicized death of an elderly man in Michigan who froze to death b/c the power company restricted his energy use b/c he owned them $1000? Well turns out he left $600,000 to a local church or something like that. Guess he fits under the category of "not that smart""

He also had his bills sitting on his dining table with money taped to them.

It wouldn't have taken more than a technician to stop by before shutting off his power to safe his life, but the company couldn't have been bothered to even do that.

Old people are old, and there are a vast array of reasonable things that could explain why he didn't take more initiative to get his bills pays. It's pretty evil to assert he must have just been an idiot.

2/13/2009 5:02:27 PM

All American
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(Conservative) Andrew Sullivan:

Quote :
"The GOP has passed what amounts to a spending and tax-cutting and borrowing stimulus package every year since George W. Bush came to office. They have added tens of trillions to future liabilities and they turned a surplus into a trillion dollar deficit - all in a time of growth. They then pick the one moment when demand is collapsing in an alarming spiral to argue that fiscal conservatism is non-negotiable. I mean: seriously.

The bad faith and refusal to be accountable for their own conduct for the last eight years is simply inescapable. There is no reason for the GOP to have done what they have done for the last eight years and to say what they are saying now except pure, cynical partisanship, and a desire to wound and damage the new presidency. The rest is transparent cant.

2/13/2009 5:03:22 PM

All American
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Quote :
"A lot of the people who die of hypothermia are often prouder than they are stupid and uninformed.

Darwin has a theory about these people......

2/13/2009 5:04:02 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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^^^So he was senile? That's horrible!

^No, he doesn't. Learn science, dumbass.

[Edited on February 13, 2009 at 5:04 PM. Reason : sss]

2/13/2009 5:04:25 PM

All American
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Natural Selection

2/13/2009 5:13:02 PM

All American
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^ I realize you're just joking at this point,

but he's already likely reproduced at that age.

Natural Selection is thus an invalid concept (assuming it was ever valid for this type of case).

2/13/2009 5:14:39 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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^^No. Relearn science.

Seriously though, what did you major in? You don't seem to ever have any expertise or even familiarity...?

2/13/2009 5:20:27 PM

All American
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^ he's an engineering major

he's just too lazy to google the things he talks about

2/13/2009 5:34:25 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I am for the individual bettering their situation through hard work. I am for government programs that train people with job skills and help them get on their feet along the way. I am not for the mindless, blind distribution of taxpayer money, with zero accountability, to the masses who are not willing to work and who are happy to sit home and shit out a kid every 9 months. "

maybe if your mom had worked two jobs and taken food stamps instead of the third job

her son would know the difference between simple homonyms like "except" and "accept"

don't act all high and mighty because your mom refused assistance

that shit is pride and pride alone

[Edited on February 13, 2009 at 6:18 PM. Reason : feel that sting? thats pride fuckin with you]

2/13/2009 6:16:46 PM

All American
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^ To be fair, you don't really know the exact circumstances his mom was in to say either way what she should have done. You'd need more information to assess its relevance to this discussion. It's a touching story, but I don't really see how DaBird's mom's actions impugns what Reagan called "anti-poverty" programs in any way.

2/13/2009 7:20:30 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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AHA, DaBird thinks he's tough because his mom worked 3 jobs.

This is like the way I think I'm smart and well educated because my mom has a PhD.

2/13/2009 8:01:08 PM

All American
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to be fair
when you say something like

Quote :
"she didnt need a handout. most people dont. they except them because its the easy thing to do. "

i'm not going to care about your "story"

i'm going to care about your jackassery

2/13/2009 8:02:55 PM

All American
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Quote :
"He also had his bills sitting on his dining table with money taped to them.

It wouldn't have taken more than a technician to stop by before shutting off his power to safe his life, but the company couldn't have been bothered to even do that.

Old people are old, and there are a vast array of reasonable things that could explain why he didn't take more initiative to get his bills pays. It's pretty evil to assert he must have just been an idiot."

yeah i actually agree with you, wasn't sure how to put it in my post. He was probably a little senile or forgetful or something that unfortunately comes along when you get old. If I sounded insensitive I wasn't trying to say i didn't care.

2/13/2009 8:37:28 PM

All American
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Quote :
"AHA, DaBird thinks he's tough because his mom worked 3 jobs.

This is like the way I think I'm smart and well educated because my mom has a PhD.


you are a fucking joke. I grew up dirt fucking poor and I know what its like to go without. I also know what its like to take care of myself and build myself a nice life through my own fucking sweat. I have very little sympathy for whining bitches who blame everyone else for their life's problems.

why are you posting in this thread anyway? its not like you have an opinion other than your own bleeding heart to contribute.

Woodfoot I dont give a fuck if you care, so I guess that makes us even.

[Edited on February 13, 2009 at 9:25 PM. Reason : .]

2/13/2009 9:22:38 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I have very little sympathy for whining bitches who blame everyone else for their life's problems. "

who's doing this?

2/13/2009 9:31:45 PM

All American
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haha "whining bitches" in the general term.

I was ranting

2/13/2009 9:39:56 PM

Tom Joad
72767 Posts
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Christ in a sidecar people... I could relate or share many anectotal stories growing up that would singe a brow or two... Hell I know some personal things about a couple of you... But let's at least keep it marx


2/13/2009 10:37:30 PM

All American
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2/14/2009 12:01:01 AM

All American
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Yeah he sucks, so what? He's been grandstanding this whole time to raise his profile.

2/14/2009 2:01:54 AM

127 Posts
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How much money do you think would be put back into the economy if the stimulus bill was, Giving a 3.5% mortgage rate to the responsible home owners with the government subsidizing the remaining percent before the new rate was in place, that could save the responsible people who know how to handle money at least $200 a month.

2/14/2009 9:44:33 AM

All American
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From Peter Schiff- who was predicting the economic melt-down as other "experts" laughed at him...
Quote :
"To restore prosperity, credit (derived from savings rather than a printing press) must flow to producers. Greater liquidity for business will lead to legitimate job creation, increased production, and rising living standards.

By further encumbering the economy with burdensome regulation, and by transferring business decisions to vote-seeking politicians who will bail out the irresponsible, reward failure and punish success, the government will create a society destined for misery.

In an interview following his announcement, Geithner stated that government should replace the demand lost by the private sector. However, those with even a marginal grasp of economics know that demand is unlimited. It is the ability to spend that is not.

While Americans still want all the things they wanted years ago, they have made the rational choice that they can no longer afford to buy at the same levels they once did. Using a printing press to replace this lost ‘demand’ will simply cause consumer prices to rise. Printed money does not create new purchasing power, but merely redistributes it from savers to borrowers. And since the plan will severely undermine the real productive capacity of our economy, there will not be much purchasing power left to redistribute!"

2/14/2009 10:58:40 AM

All American
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pretty much

2/14/2009 1:32:27 PM

All American
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i think we've already pretty well covered that Schiff was dead-on about certain things that have happened, a long time before most others saw it coming, but has missed the mark wildly on other important predictions. As such, we can't just treat everything that comes out of this guys mouth as gold because he was right about 1 thing.

2/14/2009 2:39:27 PM

All American
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2/14/2009 3:44:46 PM

All American
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so its a pretty safe bet we are on our way to substantial inflation?

2/14/2009 4:46:55 PM

All American
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maybe. maybe not. the previous great depression had a deflationary spiral

2/14/2009 4:54:27 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Obama Scores Early Victory of Historic Proportions

Twenty-four days into his presidency, Barack Obama recorded last night a legislative achievement of the sort that few of his predecessors achieved at any point in their tenure"

Jeeze, glad we have an unbiased media... Yes, Obama is a God, pushing through a massive spending bill with a Democratic majority in both the House and Senate, loaded with spending unrelated to stimulating the economy, what a victory for our savior! This type of article is why those on the "right" complain about most mainstream media outlets. It's not like Obama had any meaningful opposition to his plan. Instead of questioning the plan and Obama, as the media should have, most outlets have just felated Obama even more.

2/14/2009 5:33:42 PM

All American
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^that's almost a direct quote from Pelosi, good lord.

2/14/2009 7:39:13 PM

All American
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^^ I've seen tons of questioning of Obama's plan, but the media doesn't really have the proper background to meaningfully question it. It boils down to what you view as the difference between stimulus and pork, which no one is going to agree on, and how much of it should be tax cuts vs. spending, which people also aren't going to agree on. And the media can't really discuss the differences between the Monetarists and the Keynesians without losing their audience's attention.

2/14/2009 11:38:13 PM

All American
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Seriously though, how can anyone think spending $2 trillion we don't have is a GOOD thing?

2/15/2009 2:11:49 AM

All American
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You know, in its simplest most logical terms, this is the question people need to ask. I dont know how the answer can be yes when looked at rationally

2/15/2009 6:19:53 AM

All American
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All rationality has disappeared. It's amazing to me that even people with no real reason to panic about the economy are panicking.

No one is willing to accept any short term pain, they'd rather just pass the pain along to the future and put off the inevitable.

2/15/2009 7:54:24 AM

All American
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This thread needs to take a fucking chill pill and stop politicizing everything. The Recovery Act is going to be signed Monday and it will be a stretch investment to stop the spiral. That is that. It's over and done with, and something needed to be done.

The conservative wailing on this board as of late are so prototypical. Government can’t create jobs without spending and that all you Bush-era Republicans have absolutely ZERO moral authority to lecture about deficits.

2/15/2009 8:59:57 AM

All American
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So why is doing a more extreme version of what Bush did a solution for the problem?

Geez, if spending borrowed money on bullshit is stimulative, we've already had 8 years of constant stimulus bills.

2/15/2009 10:13:00 AM

All American
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2/15/2009 10:23:23 AM

All American
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i was looking forward to all banks collapsing

it was going to be like the end of fight club

but now i guess i'm going to have to keep paying back my credit card debt

2/15/2009 11:08:02 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Seriously though, how can anyone think spending $2 trillion we don't have is a GOOD thing?


Because we've been doing this for decades?

That's not what the core of this issue is though, it's a bit sad that you think it is.

2/15/2009 11:43:59 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Here is the true economic miracle of the 80’s and 90’s: Not Reagan’s tax cuts or Clinton’s economic plan or Alan Greenspan in the Fed. It was the fact that the government, with the American economy sweating under some very difficult conditions (worse than they are today, but you would never know it in the press) and under strong threats from Japan and Europe, basically did … nothing. There was all kinds of pressure to create an American MITI (seriously, it seems like a joke today, but the push was strong). We did not. The American economy was allowed to restructure itself.

This is why our recessions tend to be shorter than those in Japan and Europe. These other economies are generally more of a corporate state, with a major goal of the government to maintain the incumbents in the corporate world. I would argue that the key determinants to recovering from a recession quickly are asset, capital, and labor mobility. Japan has many structural limitations on these, and it dragged their recession out for years. In the name of trying to avoid the problems Japan has faced, we are repeating the exact same mistakes. Every step we have taken so far to deal with the “crisis” have reduced the asset, capital, and labor mobility the economy needs to right itself."

2/15/2009 11:47:05 AM

All American
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Quote :

LOL, amazing isnt it. However, the people crying this line really mean, someone else needs to do something.... dont expect me to do anything.

I think its a great idea to dump a truckload of money into the volcano.. it will no doubt satisfy the volcano gods.

2/15/2009 11:49:52 AM

All American
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Quote :
"The conservative wailing on this board as of late are so prototypical. Government can’t create jobs without spending and that all you Bush-era Republicans have absolutely ZERO moral authority to lecture about deficits.


I dont understand why government creating jobs is what we want. they are inefficient in all that they do.

what exactly does being a republican during the Bush era have to do with what is going on now? Bush shunned many conservative values, fiscal responsibility being one them.

2/15/2009 12:00:22 PM

All American
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^^i know right

fuck the volcano gods

we need to line people up against the wall

some people need to die for this shit

[Edited on February 15, 2009 at 12:01 PM. Reason : `]

2/15/2009 12:00:31 PM

All American
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^ That's what would happen in China.

2/15/2009 12:05:00 PM

All American
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need to die? No, just face the consequences of thier actions and let the market readjust.

2/15/2009 12:05:27 PM

All American
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Quote :
"what exactly does being a republican during the Bush era have to do with what is going on now? Bush shunned many conservative values, fiscal responsibility being one them."

Because they went along lockstep with him during such an awful fucking 8 years during his presidency. They decided a culture war was more important than sustaining and improving the country. Now they're shit out of luck and got swept in the elections. Their dissent now is just political survival, what else are they going to run on? My point was that the lectures now about what we need to do have no potency or legitimacy given what happened during their turn at the wheel.

2/15/2009 12:32:23 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Social Conservatives are the Washington Generals of history"

too bad you fiscal conservatives got taken down with them...

[Edited on February 15, 2009 at 12:44 PM. Reason : `]

2/15/2009 12:42:53 PM

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