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All American
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Anyoen got any tips for hocky conditioning?

1/15/2013 10:06:36 AM

1919 Posts
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Quote :
"What's the difference between strengthening your back and overstraining your back? Is it a good rule to just never bend it during a weighted exercise?

I've read about formerly pregnant/fat people having their abdominal muscles surgically pulled back together. Is this something that should generally require surgery, or can one slowly rebuild an abdominal wall through exercise? I was remarkably sedentary for a long time, and I'm concerned about possible hernias/hip problems/whatnot as I age."

Strengthening your back (core) is important to maintaining optimal movement ability through life. What is critical is to have the mobility and stability to maintain a neutral spine through normal ranges of motion with the limbs. The better you can do this, the more athletic, stronger, and safer you will be.

Regarding the potential hernias and hip problems, you need to hire a competent trainer. Less is usually more when it comes to training, and most people over do it. However, a lot also don't nearly do enough of the right things.

Quote :
"I think I may have asked this before, but....

to MattJMM2 or anyone else who is well-versed in these areas:

What are your opinions on things like wrist-rollers, Fat Gripz, hand grippers, etc.? Do you recommend any of these? If so, how would you suggest they be implemented?"

Grip training is very useful. I am currently using fat gripz to train my fat-grip dead lift, and it is hard! They aren't required for good training, just something novel and fun for variety. They are useful to get a bigger arm pump with less weight, and great for priming the nervous system during warm ups.

Quote :
"Anyoen got any tips for hocky conditioning?"

Work on your hip mobility/stability, especially the bilateral symmetry between internal & external rotation and ab/adduction.

Working on leg and hip power/strength is a no brainer.

As far as conditiononing, I would work on the alactic power and glycolytic recovery ability. In other words, circa-maximal effort for 5-10seconds with full recovery (3-5minutes) for repeaters.

For your glycolytic base, being able to recover from your alactic power output and sustain a medium effort form 30seconds-2minutes. So 400m repeaters at a ~2min pace or medium-hard effort hits this well for running based activity, you'd need to modify the activity to skating.

1/15/2013 10:34:42 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Anyoen got any tips for hocky conditioning?


Ride a bike. That's what the pros do.

1/15/2013 10:35:38 AM

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I disagree. Rarely should anyone train like an elite level professional.

Biking isn't a bad option though, but I'd try to spend at least 50% of your conditioning as sport specific as you can get. If you want optimal results.

1/15/2013 10:55:36 AM

warning: not serious
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wtf is hocky?

1/15/2013 1:54:03 PM

TX R. Snake
10566 Posts
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So wrist rollers are more a novelty you say?

And what say you on various commercial supplements? SuperPump, NO Shotgun / Xplode, etc. HydroBuilder, etc etc etc

1/15/2013 3:11:25 PM

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Wrist rollers can be useful for training the grip and forearms. However if you aren't holding the barbell like a baby and doing real movements with weight heavy enough to build strength, your forearms and grip should develop with the rest of your body.

Nitrous oxide, aka arginine supplements, combined with stimulants are a quick way to burn out your wallet with little to no results.

Some people swear by it, but science tends to disagree. There are some findings though that it can help with some other physiological aspects.

Before you blow $50-100/month on supplements, get your training and diet right first.

1/15/2013 3:30:46 PM

TX R. Snake
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The only benefit of (pre-workout) supps I've found is that when I drink one I think "welp, now I have to workout."

I.E. - psychological.

1/15/2013 5:06:29 PM

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Got in my lifting today with some metabolic work. Stayed a little lighter than I planned because I wasn't feeling crisp.

Strength: DL, Chin Up, Press, Squat. 2x5s
MetCon: Continuous Farmers Walks + Barbell Complexes for 20minutes.

1/22/2013 3:40:13 PM

All American
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what is the barbell complex vs the bear complex?

1/22/2013 4:27:22 PM

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Barbell Complex is just a series of movements for reps strung together. The Bear Complex is a name of a specific complex workout.

Today I did Dan John's Complex A...With out setting the bar down:
-Bent Over Row
-Hang Clean
-Front Squat
-Good Morning

I usually do these very light, in the 4-8Rep range AMRAP.

In my MetCon today, I coupled the complex with 75lb/hand farmers walks for 50yards. Did this continuously for 30min and felt great. This was my first go, next time I do it I'll add a few reps to the complex, distance and/or weight to the farmers walk.

I've never really worked on my conditioning or work capacity. The last few workouts I've been doing about 15-30min to finish my work outs and it feels great. I'll probably start filming some of them and make a promo video out of it.

1/22/2013 5:08:45 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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Read that as 'porno video' and

1/22/2013 5:44:36 PM

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Crushed my workout today!

Squat 5/3/2 - Hit 335x2 for a new post-op personal record! It flew up and I had an easy 25-40lbs.
OH Press 5/3/2 - Hit 180 for a triple!! This is an all time record. Very proud of this because it's +5lbs over my body weight
Fat Grip DL - 5/3/2. Could barely hold on to 205x2.
Weighted Chin Ups - +100x2. This was ok, heavy weighted chins are hard to get for reps.
Yoke Walk - 340lbs for 100yards total.

MetCon: 20 minutes of:
1. Sledge Hammer Hits - 10/each arm
2. KB Swings - 10
3. Shoulder Carry w/ 50#medball - 30yards each arm (60yards each round)

That felt great and could tell my work capacity has significantly improved over the last 10days.

[Edited on January 25, 2013 at 6:54 PM. Reason : ']

1/25/2013 6:52:55 PM

All American
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Careful, someone might think you're becoming a fan of CrossFit

1/25/2013 7:43:29 PM

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haha I noticed this myself. In principle, I like some of the elements of crossfit... Like being well conditioned. I also appreciate the crossfit sects that actually strength train, focus on proper movement, and truly care about their clients health and program accordingly.

1/25/2013 7:57:38 PM

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One a new cycle of this 5/week training. Today was the second workout.

All 2x5 with medium-easy weight:
Front Squat
Chest Supported Row
Farmers Walk: 95lbs/hand. 100 yards.

MetCon: 10minutes
1. Pull sled with 50ft rope, Push Back
2. KB Swings x 12
3. Ring Push Ups x 6

This all felt great. I think I'll be able to hit 315 for a double on my front squat at the end of this cycle. And, hopefully 300 on the bench.

[Edited on January 28, 2013 at 11:31 AM. Reason : 6]

1/28/2013 11:29:13 AM

All American
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Hey I don't know if y'all are interested but I found this article on a DIY Prowler sled:

Probably a little too ghetto for Capital Strength but might be nice for the home gym folks.

1/29/2013 12:39:43 PM

1919 Posts
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That's pretty cool, but for all the time, materials, and workmanship to build that thing you can either use an old large tire and drill an eyelet through. Or just buy a prowler.

FYI, I've got 4 different sled type variations here. Probably overkill, but they just accrued overt time.

1/29/2013 1:46:22 PM

All American
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Nice I might come check it out when I'm in Raleigh.

1/30/2013 11:39:32 AM

All American
706 Posts
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I'll join Matt in piling on Crossfit. Here's a good critique of Crossfit by Robb Wolf, inventor of the paleo-style diet:

1/31/2013 1:53:57 PM

All American
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that mentality is not shared by all CrossFit gyms (in terms of only caring about "elite" athletes). I would def try to find someone that has more than a level 1 cert and has some idea on what they're doing in terms of programming.

2/1/2013 8:55:09 AM

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Did this challenging conditioning bout today:

20 minutes for rounds of:

1. Sledge hammer on tire: 30hits (15/each arm)
2. KB Swings x 20
3. 40 Yard Prowler Push (2 x 20 yards)

I got 5 rounds and gassed out at 18:45. Totals: 150 hits, 100 swings, 200 yards.

[Edited on February 2, 2013 at 1:27 PM. Reason : totals]

2/2/2013 1:24:32 PM

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Hyped up!

Just crushed 305x1 on the front squat and 470x1 on the dead lift. These are all time personal records and the bar was flying. I know I had an easy 10-20lbs on both lifts. 6 months post achilles tendon rupture surgery.

2/4/2013 1:27:48 PM

32337 Posts
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I always see the thread bumped and think "i'll post in here today" and then realize its right after you post matt, and then my accomplishments feel so much smaller and end up not posting

2/4/2013 1:29:15 PM

All American
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I wore flat-soled shoes for my lower body workout last week doing squats and that helped my stability greatly. Is this usually recommended? Before this I just wore the same shoes I run in, which I understand is probably not the best thing to do (but I like to warm up on the treadmill sometimes). I felt much more stable doing squats and lounges.

2/4/2013 2:51:59 PM

All American
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Flat shoes > running shoes for most squats and deadlifts

2/4/2013 3:18:49 PM

1919 Posts
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Quote :
"I always see the thread bumped and think "i'll post in here today" and then realize its right after you post matt, and then my accomplishments feel so much smaller and end up not posting


No way, Your accomplishments are just as important! PR's are special for everyone

Quote :
"I wore flat-soled shoes for my lower body workout last week doing squats and that helped my stability greatly. Is this usually recommended? Before this I just wore the same shoes I run in, which I understand is probably not the best thing to do (but I like to warm up on the treadmill sometimes). I felt much more stable doing squats and lounges."

The squishier the shoe, the lest stability and force transfer you'll have for your lifts. Plus many running shoes promote heel strike and forward foot roll. Which is the last thing you want in the bottom of a deep squat.

I recommend: adidas sambas, inov8 f195s, new balance mx20s, chuck tailors, or any other flat sole shoes. If you want to get serious get some oly lifting shoes for squatting and o lifts.

2/4/2013 3:34:16 PM

All American
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Yeah, I have Chuck Taylors so I'll just stick to those for now. Thanks!

2/4/2013 3:53:16 PM

All American
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Matt Chan, finished 2nd at the 2012 CrossFit Games has bilateral minuscis tear. He believes Oly lifting shoes attributed to the breakdown of his knees. Thoughts on this, MattJMM2 or PackMan92?

2/5/2013 9:54:31 PM

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Overuse without optimal mechanics will lead to injury.

He probably has some mobility issues in his ankle and hip that prevent optimal knee tracking, couple that with the inflammation and overuse of a typical crossfit regimen, it will lead to tissue degeneration.

[Edited on February 6, 2013 at 5:55 AM. Reason : ;]

2/6/2013 5:55:37 AM

All American
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Pretty sure Matt Chan used to do A TON of long distance running prior to CrossFitting. I think it was a long time coming. Did squatting with less than optimal positioning add to it? Maybe. He even states that the long run at the games finally did him in. High impact shit done repeatedly over time is worse on the joints (and in this case meniscus) IMO. Shoes? No.

2/6/2013 5:59:24 AM

All American
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Sounds like he is doing whatever it takes to avoid surgery and make it to the Games this year. Stem cell therapy and acupuncture. None of these alternative treatments is going to fix the structural damage.

Too much hype, very little science to back him stem cell therapy for sports injuries. And acupuncture...I won't even go there.

2/6/2013 11:49:24 AM

All American
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maybe he should add some of that deer antler velvet spray for good measure

2/6/2013 12:09:31 PM

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2/7/2013 1:02:32 PM

All American
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I think it depends on your goals. Anything I'd be competing in wouldn't allow the use of straps, so I don't use them.

2/7/2013 3:20:44 PM

1919 Posts
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IMO, just depends on what you are focusing on in the training session.

Oly lifters use straps, especially for snatches, because grip may be their first link to go. If you want to hammer high rep chin ups, and you are only failing due to grip, straps can be useful. This applies to all other lifts where the grip may be a hindrance.

Just don't be a pussy and use straps as a replacement for getting your grip stronger.

I personally don't use them much, unless I am doing heavy high rep RDLs or snatch grip work.

2/7/2013 3:34:47 PM

All American
23144 Posts
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tell me your thought on Suma Root...or Brazilian root.

2/7/2013 6:10:59 PM

1919 Posts
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Never heard of it.

2/7/2013 6:43:23 PM

1919 Posts
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Great training day today! I hit 2 big milestone PRs. 315x1 on the Front Squat and 495x1 on the DL

I would have hit another PR on the bench at 290x1, but my girlfriend didn't understand the different between "I GOT IT!" and "Help" when spotting me; she grabbed the bar before I locked out and it was moving up.

2/8/2013 4:02:24 PM

All American
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^front squat seemed to go up pretty easy. Don't think that PR will stand for long

2/8/2013 7:13:38 PM

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You are right. It looks like I have another 10-15lbs on it. My back position on both lifts wasn't optimal but that's to be expected on PR attempts.

On Monday I am starting a modified conjugate method that I put together. Hopefully I'll be breaking 400 on my back squat and 500 on the DL within the next month or two. Ideally, I'll be leaning out while this happens.

Should be fairly interesting, as I will be doing more conditioning than I normal have done in the past. The conditioning will be more anaerobic based, targeting higher intensity work capacity.

[Edited on February 9, 2013 at 8:58 AM. Reason : words]

2/9/2013 8:57:40 AM

All American
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Matt, have you looked into Carb Back Loading at all? I've been doing it for the past 3 weeks and so far I'm enjoying it.

2/9/2013 12:17:48 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The conditioning will be more anaerobic based, targeting higher intensity work capacity."

what do you have in mind for that? Im looking into this aspect of my training for some upcoming competitions beginning in august. my lifts and bodyweight are pretty much the same as yours.

2/9/2013 12:22:32 PM

1919 Posts
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Quote :
"Matt, have you looked into Carb Back Loading at all? I've been doing it for the past 3 weeks and so far I'm enjoying it."

A little, I pretty much do something similar with my routine, unless I am mistaken. I usually fast or go very low carb until lunch at 2ish. Then for dinner I'll have something based around meats, veges, and a starch like rice or potatoe and then my gf will ruin everything with freshly baked brownies or cookies.

I can tell I am getting leaner, since I've added more conditioning and have removed most dairy besides whey protein.

Quote :
"what do you have in mind for that? Im looking into this aspect of my training for some upcoming competitions beginning in august. my lifts and bodyweight are pretty much the same as yours."

Usually it is a full body circuit that is sustained for time. For example: 30yard sled push, 8 push ups, 8 TRX Inverted Rows, 8 Glute Ham raises for 15 minutes straight.

Another I did was 10 sledge hammer hits each arm, 10 KB swings, 5 ring push ups, 10 KB Goblet Squats.

Loaded carries, body weight stuff, really anything you can do. My advice: take a movement you can do for about 3x10 and it be a challenge, then do it for 4-6 reps in the circuit. Keep the work outs under 20 minutes, ideally in the 15-10 minute range.

I recommend not going balls to the wall. Just go at a continuous, challenge pace and keep your form strict. Try to improve your times, or add weight when repeating the work outs. Don't try to kill yourself.

[Edited on February 9, 2013 at 12:58 PM. Reason : more words]

2/9/2013 12:55:42 PM

32337 Posts
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Alrighty, I'll post in here today.

315x1 sumo deadlift

previous PR had been 280x4x2

2/10/2013 3:36:11 PM

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Very nice! That is a big milestone.

I think adding in, or even focusing on, glute ham raises and trap bar DLs, should help a lot. Simply strengthening the whole glute-hamstring-low back will do wonders for total body strength.

2/10/2013 4:36:22 PM

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Back on conjugate method style program that I designed with a Max Effort Squat Session today. It went pretty well!

A. Squat 355 x 3. Felt strong, but moved slow.
B1. Trap Bar DL - 225 3x8
B2. 1Leg Landmine RDLs - 45 3x6
C1. GHR +10lbs - 3x8
C2. X-band walk - 3x8
D1. GHD Crunches +10lbs 2x10
D2. GHD Back Extensions +10lbs 2x10

2/11/2013 3:54:50 PM

All American
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Matt (or anyone else)

we're hosting Rick Scarpulla next month if you're interested. Hands are tied on the cost, but it's totally worth it.

2/12/2013 7:15:10 AM

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^ Thanks for the heads up. I haven't heard of much from that guy. Any good articles you can point me to?


This is what I did today on my journey towards summer shred:

Fat Loss Conditioning: (Sled Push Max Effort 10 seconds / 50 second recovery) x 5 then 20 minutes medium effort steady state on the rower.

2/12/2013 4:24:37 PM

All American
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Cf boards



Way more than that, but its a start. I have his contact info if you want to call/email him. He loves talking to coaches/athletes about their training.

2/12/2013 10:37:28 PM

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