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All American
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2/24/2016 8:26:28 AM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"Quote :
" Nowhere in the constitution does it assert the Senate must take any action on a SCOTUS nominee"

You can't actually believe that right?"

it's in their power for the judiciary committee to do nothing with a nomination, nothing in the constitution implies otherwise

2/24/2016 8:47:35 AM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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And when Obama taps a judge that the Senate has already overwhelmingly approved for a lower court appointment how will they look? Like the fools they are.
And seriously...even by doubling down on the hope that they get a Republican into the White House (doubtful) do you really want Donald Trump appointing SC Justices?

2/24/2016 8:50:11 AM

26632 Posts
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oh, they will look terrible, and polling shows almost everyone agrees

i was just pointing out they have no constitutional requirement to vote

2/24/2016 8:57:20 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4921 Posts
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Quote :
"Does it piss you off because we have a system of divided government and another co-equal branch is asserting its authority under the constitution advising the executive branch they won't allow a vote?"

What pisses me off is that they should vote down any nominees based on the merits of those nominees, not refuse to even consider any nominees because they don't like the person making those nominations.

2/24/2016 2:42:32 PM

All American
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Quote :
"not refuse to even consider any nominees because they don't like the person making those nominations.

No point of deviating from the Republitard playbook at this point. I don't always agree with Obama and/or his stance on viewpoint.

Republicans no matter what always make a point of disagreeing with literally EVERYTHING that Obama does. You would think the president would at least get an occasional policy right.

2/24/2016 3:11:24 PM

All American
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Quote :
" Maricopa County, the nation’s fourth most populous county, which encompasses Phoenix and the surrounding area, is also well-known for its very conservative sheriff, Joe Arpaio.

"Apple’s refusal to cooperate with a legitimate law enforcement investigation to unlock a phone used by terrorists puts Apple on the side of terrorists instead of on the side of public safety," County Attorney Bill Montgomery said in a statement. "Positioning their refusal to cooperate as having anything to do with privacy interests is a corporate PR stunt and ignores the Fourth Amendment protections afforded by our Constitution."

2/24/2016 4:19:30 PM

26632 Posts
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Ignores the... 4th amendment? Huh

2/24/2016 4:45:30 PM

All American
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They need to check Maricopa's water for lead contamination...

2/24/2016 5:18:37 PM

All American
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So if the GOP splits, with trumping taking the racists and uneducated, what's the path forward for the GOP?

Seems like this would be an opportunity for the libertarians who believe in social justice to rise up.

2/29/2016 2:29:28 AM

All American
11252 Posts
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the problem is, it's not just the uneducated voting for trump. trump also gets 49% of college educated, 51% of the suburbs, 50% of those who make $50K+, and 47% of those under 55

2/29/2016 9:50:53 AM

45908 Posts
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Trump is the embodiment of many current day conservatives. His public personality, way of speaking, thoughtless speeches and ideas, simpleton nature, etc. He is exactly what I see when I read conservative's Facebook, GOLO, etc. posts.

2/29/2016 9:56:58 AM

All American
17732 Posts
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I'll take Trump over Cruz

2/29/2016 1:43:53 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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^ racist

2/29/2016 1:49:58 PM

All American
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Seems like some establishment GOP figures are supporting the KKK?

2/29/2016 10:13:05 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18117 Posts
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Quote :
"trump also gets 49% of college educated, 51% of the suburbs, 50% of those who make $50K+, and 47% of those under 55"

But let's break this down. Think about the people you knew in college. At least half the people I knew at NCSU were idiots, but maybe your friends were smarter than mine.

Suburbs are just mediocrity at medium density. An extrovert with any brains is smart enough to know where the people are, which is to say in cities. All the smart introverts have brains enough to know where the people aren't, which is in the woods. The people who live in suburbs don't have sense enough to figure out either one.

Your plumber makes more than $50k whether he's a well-rounded individual or not. Add a few zeros to that for the more prominent Kardashians, and with them, the answer is undeniably "not."

And Jesus Christ, being "under 55" is not an indicator of anything with regards to education or, more importantly, intelligence. B.O.B. is 27, and he thinks the Earth is flat.

I'm sure that "big data" has a lot of useful applications and all, but this way of looking at "educated" vs "uneducated" is not all that productive.


Anyway, it looks like the GOP will be dead soon and we won't have to worry about whether it is credible or not. The party of Lincoln decided to immolate itself as an expression of horror that a black guy became president. I officially quit the party in Spring 2012, and my only regret is I didn't do it a few years prior. (That, and the fact that I can't change my TWW username)

The whole steaming heap of incompetence and bigotry is beyond redemption as far as I'm concerned -- as far as my ex-Republican peers are concerned, too. The leadership made this bed when they decided to become the Party of Obstinate Dickbags in 2008, the Tea Party doused it in gasoline, and now Donald Trump is laying on it, smoking a cigarette after forcibly sodomizing Liberty, which is sobbing quietly in the corner. I'm incensed, but impotent in it. The best I can do is vote for Rubio in a couple of weeks, which will probably accomplish nothing given the posse of drooling morons who have decided to debase my dear state when they would have been better off staining their mothers' tampons. Then I can throw up in my mouth a little bit and vote for Hillary in November, after which I will throw up in the parking lot a good deal more.

This rant is not approved by GrumpyGOP, who acknowledges that it does not advance the discourse at all. He is just angry and drunk.

3/1/2016 1:34:57 AM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
"Suburbs are just mediocrity at medium density. An extrovert with any brains is smart enough to know where the people are, which is to say in cities. All the smart introverts have brains enough to know where the people aren't, which is in the woods. The people who live in suburbs don't have sense enough to figure out either one"

Dude you are a genius!!! I've been thinking this for the longest time but could not quite put it into words!

I love city life but if i were going to move out or have a 2nd home, it'd be in the fucking sticks where
I have no one much less an HOA bothering me. Suburbs with their dainty cul-de-sacs, cookie cutter houses,
and 20 minute commute to the closest non-chain restaurant/coffeeshop is for boring folks who have no life,
culture, or self-respect.

The only way I would end up in a suburb would be outta convenience if somehow my spouse and I worked in such locations
that a shitty suburb development was the alternative to one of us having a crazy commute.

Quote :

yes so racist for choosing a loud mouth, flip-flopping buffoon over a potentially sociopath conniving asshole that wants
to sell out the US to Big Oil and perpetuate Jesus-Law onto the land. If that makes me racist then i'll join the KKK
as part of teh anti-Cruz resistance.

3/1/2016 1:56:52 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18117 Posts
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I guess a big part of the appeal for some people is "suburban areas have good schools." My friends who live in suburbs do so for this reason, and it is pathetic to hear them try to talk their way around what they think makes those schools so good (hint: more white people). But with the rise of magnet/charter schools this should be less of an issue than it is.

3/1/2016 9:37:21 AM

50084 Posts
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I think people confuse suburbs with exurbs.

I live where people would consider it a suburban neighborhood but it's in Durham city limits and a 3 mile drive to downtown. I wanted a yard and a quiet street. That's what I got.

Anyway, I feel that Grumpys post enpasulates my thoughts on the GOP though I was never a member of the party.

3/1/2016 9:52:51 AM

All American
11252 Posts
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the point is that trump is winning the vote outside of the demo (stupid old country bumpkins) where the GOP thought his bullshit would be contained. you can spin the shit out of what the definition of suburb is all you want or use BOB as some anecdote that blows up age buckets. doesn't change the importance of those numbers.

[Edited on March 1, 2016 at 10:53 AM. Reason : ,]

3/1/2016 10:49:50 AM

26632 Posts
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Yuuuuuuge lead

3/1/2016 11:01:43 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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It's OK, GOP. It's all Obama's fault.

From Obama to Trump

3/1/2016 11:20:37 AM

All American
33759 Posts
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^ that's complete bullshit.

3/1/2016 11:45:31 AM

All American
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3/4/2016 1:27:58 PM

All American
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Really interesting top down analysis. Basically by stoking the tea party but failing on pushing through any real tea party initiatives (because their ideas are all dumb) except a gov shutdown, it set the stage for smited tea party types to feel snubbed by their best last hope.

3/6/2016 10:05:59 AM

All American
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Barro is one of the best political analysts, he does a great job explaining how seemingly minor things over the past few years, that frustrated anyone with a brain, finally all came together to allow for trump.

Theres still threads trump could weave to get even worse too.

Quote :
"The problem is that Republicans have purposefully torn down the validating institutions. They have convinced voters that the media cannot be trusted; they have gotten them used to ignoring inconvenient facts about policy; and they have abolished standards of discourse by allowing all complaints about offensiveness to be lumped into a box called "political correctness" and ignored."

[Edited on March 7, 2016 at 1:57 PM. Reason : ]

3/7/2016 1:56:07 PM

All American
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More grist for the mill...

GOP criticizes Iraq war veteran that lost both of her legs for not "standing up" for vets.

[Edited on March 8, 2016 at 9:05 PM. Reason : ]

3/8/2016 9:04:17 PM

All American
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Most republicans embarrassed by the GOP primaries, you'd think that Congress would be doing more to save face.

3/22/2016 12:16:01 AM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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They're too busy doing absolutely nothing.

3/22/2016 8:28:33 AM

All American
24527 Posts
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Quote :
"At least half the people I knew at NCSU were idiots"

same here; most of those idiots were extremely liberal. The more intelligent friends of mine were centrists and hated both parties.

3/22/2016 9:17:18 AM

All American
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Looks like Trump is already causing the mainstream GOP to drift to the left. Seems like they're trying to mop up voters that like Sanders' and Trumps' populist message, without Trump's hateful, violent rhetoric.

I assume they're going to try and pull in more independent and democratic voters and hope this is enough to cancel out Trump's nutty base and win elections... hopefully.

Quote :
""I’m certainly not going to stand here and tell you I have always met this standard. There was a time when I would talk about a difference between “makers” and “takers” in our country, referring to people who accepted government benefits. But as I spent more time listening, and really learning the root causes of poverty, I realized I was wrong. “Takers” wasn’t how to refer to a single mom stuck in a poverty trap, just trying to take care of her family. Most people don't want to be dependent. And to label a whole group of Americans that way was wrong. I shouldn’t castigate a large group of Americans to make a point.

"So I stopped thinking about it that way—and talking about it that way. But I didn’t come out and say all this to be politically correct. I was just wrong. And of course, there are still going to be times when I say things I wish I hadn’t. There are still going to be times when I follow the wrong impulse...

- See more at:"

3/23/2016 11:59:51 AM

All American
6570 Posts
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You have got to be kidding me:

Proposed bill from child-man Chaffetz in Utah ending all federal policing on BLM and National Forest lands and instead turning that jurisdiction over to "the local sheriff."

Directly pandering to the Bundys of the world, blatantly. Trump sucks, but he is hardly the only credibility suck in the GOP.

3/24/2016 2:20:17 PM

All American
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I don't see how that would even be possible, legally. If the the public owns the land, how can the public not have rights to police the land? Makes no sense...

[Edited on March 24, 2016 at 2:23 PM. Reason : ]

3/24/2016 2:23:01 PM

All American
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Republicans would be screwed without racist voters

But at least they're starting not to relish this demo, largely thanks to Trump.

3/31/2016 12:05:54 PM

All American
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I'm not necessarily against the concept of voter ID, but i'm against almost all implementations so far, that have too many cases where it fails the voters themselves, or have non-id related things tacked on.

4/13/2016 5:56:10 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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the longest serving Speaker of the House in US history was a serial child molester

but Clinton got a blow job, tho

4/27/2016 12:45:23 PM

8379 Posts
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Clinton got a BJ from a subordinate, which some consider sexual misconduct on its own

then his wife and staff proceeded to disparage her publically to the point where she is now an anti-bullying activist

[Edited on April 27, 2016 at 1:13 PM. Reason : obviously not as bad as child molestation, but let's be real here]

4/27/2016 1:08:02 PM

All American
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if you weren't trying to equate the two, you wouldn't have brought it up

a sexual act between two consenting adults isn't in the same universe as raping children

let's be real here

4/27/2016 2:52:22 PM

8379 Posts
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No, you initiated the comparison by trying to downplay what Clinton did.

Replace "Clinton" with "Bush" and think about it. Don't let your political loyalty override your morals.

I love how you try to paint me as Matt Drudge because I'm willing to criticize Democrats along with Republicans.

[Edited on April 27, 2016 at 3:10 PM. Reason : .]

4/27/2016 3:07:50 PM

All American
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because the Speaker of the House during the impeachment trial was a serial child molestor

kind of important to note the awful irony

4/27/2016 3:31:34 PM

8379 Posts
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It wasn't clear in your post but yeah, agreed

4/27/2016 3:45:53 PM

All American
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not my fault you weren't able to pick up on a pretty obvious thing

and then brought up my political loyalties as if that matters at all

4/27/2016 4:04:14 PM

8379 Posts
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well I was trying to apologize there but ok

it was relevant because you're not even willing to acknowledge that the Clintons did a horrible thing.

but what do I expect from someone peddling the Bernie Bro insult created by David Brock, known piece of shit.

4/27/2016 4:09:07 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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John McCain came out and said publicly that he will support Trump. The man who insulted him for being a POW.

McCain used to be a good bipartisan legislator. He's worked closely with Hillary. What the fuck happened to you man.

5/6/2016 10:06:52 AM

All American
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I suspect there is a movement behind the scenes, outside of Ryan, to unite the party.

5/6/2016 11:36:42 AM

All American
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a suicide pact

5/6/2016 11:46:37 AM

All American
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outside of ryan? he's already said he's gonna meet with trump next Thursday. so he basically had the stones to go a whole week before he comes out of the meeting with some bullshit story about how trump is gonna change and backs him.

5/6/2016 4:03:47 PM

All American
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A good reminding that GOP ideologies have always been divisive and xenophobic long before Donald T.

6/14/2016 10:49:33 PM

Forgetful Jones
147735 Posts
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mediamatters? more like angelfire with that shitty looking site.

6/14/2016 10:59:50 PM

All American
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Pretty much what collapse looks like.

Also worth pointing out that Trump's campaign is notoriously NOT raising money for down ticket races. Not sure why he think this lie makes sense... supporters don't care about fund raising, and any GOP politician is going to instantly know hie's bullshitting.

6/18/2016 10:54:31 PM

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