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132 Posts
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Whats with the personal attacks? Do you know the mods personally? Or pay them? Why do they not suspend you for this lack of respect to the other posters who attempt to have intelligent debates about serious subject matter? You do know chit chat is the place for shit talking and trolling? The place where you belong, right?

8/6/2007 1:49:06 PM

Forgetful Jones
147768 Posts
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Quote :
"Whats with the personal attacks?"

lol you asking that is like barry bonds saying "hey guys why are you using steroids?"

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"Why do they not suspend you for this lack of respect to the other posters who attempt to have intelligent debates about serious subject matter?"

i guess they know you're the worst of all...after all i'm not suspended yet State409c is suspended, TypeA is suspended, and Blind Hate is suspended...and I'm sure PartisanHack will be suspended soon and you will continue to troll and bitch and moan like a woman under a different screenname...probably still will post in all your old threads so that even a braindead retard will know within a day or two

8/6/2007 1:53:19 PM

All American
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These people are "crazy" because they have a belief structure supporting their craziness. The ONLY provisions for violence in the muslim faith, especialy martrydom (sp?) are with the jihad against holy lands.

You remove their cause, you remove the violence. Its MUCH more difficult to motivate religious peoples to carry out suicide attacks without a polarizing example. The polarizing example now is "look, americans in iraq". In the past it has been "look, american is funding israel" but even that was much much less clear-cut.

8/6/2007 1:59:22 PM

132 Posts
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So you really do have the inability to be the bigger man? Why are you stuck in such a childish mentality? What, with getting a rise out of the liburals, and being a general troll of this section.

Also, it looks like both State409c and TypeA asked to be suspended (simple view all posts works for this). So, I'm not sure what point you are trying to make in regards to Blind Hate, which was suspended and no one will tell me why. You're friends with Beardawg aren't you?

You can always tell what days he has to work the second shift, because he posts a little before work, then he'll start posting again a little later when he gets there. Takes a late lunch, then continues his onslaught on TSB up until like 7pm-ish when his shift apparently ends.

Definitely sounds like the role of a 75k year IT manager, huh?

[Edited on August 6, 2007 at 2:21 PM. Reason : *]

8/6/2007 2:06:20 PM

Forgetful Jones
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^who are you trying to fool? even all the people who agree with your politics know you're the same damn bald troll as 409, TypeGay, etc...and no I've never met BearDawg...but I think my roomates might be me some rims for my car bed for my birthday

8/6/2007 2:19:31 PM

All American
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Public support for the surge is growing.

Now, generally I hate using any kind of poll as support for anything. However, when the democrats use "public opinion" as an argument for pulling out, i guess this is relevant.

8/6/2007 2:21:51 PM

132 Posts
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Quote :
"even all the people who agree with your politics know you're the same damn bald troll as 409, TypeGay, etc.."

Nah, I got everyone snowed my friend. Not even close to 409.

Quote :
"In the latest USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, taken Friday through Sunday, the proportion of those who said the additional troops are "making the situation better" rose to 31% from 22% a month ago. Those who said it was "not making much difference" dropped to 41% from 51%."

This does not equal "support for the surge", Josh. Just means they think it is making the situation better. They can still be in support of a troop withdrawal.

[Edited on August 6, 2007 at 2:24 PM. Reason : *]

8/6/2007 2:22:04 PM

All American
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thats support for the iraq war policy...there ya with it

8/6/2007 2:25:56 PM

All American
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News coming out of Iraq has become like a comedy lately, albeit, a sad comedy, because the end result of the blunders is people getting killed/injured.

190,000 weapons 'missing in Iraq'

Quote :
"The US military cannot account for 190,000 AK-47 assault rifles and pistols given to the Iraqi security forces, an official US report says. "

8/6/2007 2:28:25 PM

All American
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we supplied the turrists, we'd better get ready for military action against ourselves....the president has given us numerous warnings, and we just won't listen.

8/6/2007 2:57:22 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"You can always tell what days he has to work the second shift, because he posts a little before work, then he'll start posting again a little later when he gets there. Takes a late lunch, then continues his onslaught on TSB up until like 7pm-ish when his shift apparently ends"

second shift? wtf are you talking about?

btw do you even have a job?

8/6/2007 3:17:49 PM

132 Posts
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My rents pay me to stay out of trouble. Home is boring, but I make bank doing it, so why not? Putting up with the mild nuisance that is you is a nice diversion to my boredom while I collect the checks.

8/6/2007 3:19:14 PM

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8/6/2007 3:20:44 PM

Forgetful Jones
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^^wow so not only are you a loser troll, but you're a spoiled brat who has mommy and daddy do everything for him...what a piece of shit

8/6/2007 3:25:13 PM

132 Posts
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Well, you're the one who fires off the ad hominems, strawmen, and mis-characterizations of positions more than substance while trolling this sections under the guise of "bringing balance", so I suppose you can spot a piece of shit when you see it.

8/6/2007 3:28:35 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"you're the one who fires off the ad hominems, strawmen, and mis-characterizations of positions more than substance while trolling this sections "

so do you State409c, so do you

8/6/2007 3:29:56 PM

132 Posts
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I only post on your level when posting to you. You, on the other hand troll any and every person in this section not named TreeTwista or hooksaw.

8/6/2007 3:31:20 PM

Forgetful Jones
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TWW has been trolling you for being a bald piece of shit who thought his shit didnt stink long before I got in on the action...before i even recognized your old screennames all types of people were trolling you because you were such a worthless piece of shit and still are

why do you keep playing dumb? i guess its not playing

8/6/2007 3:32:18 PM

132 Posts
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I'm only what you say I am. Tell me some more about State409c, and I'll troll you like he did. It gets tedious searching through all his posts.

8/6/2007 3:34:02 PM

Forgetful Jones
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why do you keep playing dumb? i guess its not playing

Quote :
"even all the people who agree with your politics know you're the same damn bald troll as 409, TypeGay, etc"

8/6/2007 3:34:51 PM

All American
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this shit is getting ridiculous, why don't you guys make your own little love/hate makeout thread?

8/6/2007 3:35:32 PM

132 Posts
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I'm playing dumb because it amuses me that you latched onto the idea that I am someone else and haven't even considered the possibility that you are wrong. Speaking of "shit didn't stink".

That's pretty arrogant, and also mildly neurotic. You have lied to yourself for so long, and got other people to believe it, that now even you believe it.

I'm not State409c/TypeA, and there should be enough clues in all my other posts to figure out who I am if you are as clever as you think you are.

I might just switch the style and clone another users posts though, so say on your toes.

[Edited on August 6, 2007 at 3:37 PM. Reason : ^ ]

8/6/2007 3:37:18 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"even all the people who agree with your politics know you're the same damn bald troll as 409, TypeGay, etc"

8/6/2007 3:38:30 PM

All American
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Guest #2 - TreeTwista10
Guest #3 - Me

Shoulda let sleeping dogs lie, but then I found this video...

8/20/2007 12:42:54 AM

Prawn Star
All American
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Yes, the surge is working.

Now the Iraqis just need to replace Al-Maliki.

8/22/2007 3:32:17 AM

387 Posts
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we really need to get that guy out of there....I mean he is visiting all our enemies saying "we will find other's who will help us" he that fucking stupid...we could pick up and leave and him and his entire family would be murdered, or we can just oust him ourselves....why wait for the citizens to vote him out

and if we do have to wait, make sure the vote is rigged

8/22/2007 9:12:04 AM

All American
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Democrats Refocus Message on Iraq After Military Gains
Criticism Shifts to Factional Unrest

Quote :
"Democratic leaders in Congress had planned to use August recess to raise the heat on Republicans to break with President Bush on the Iraq war. Instead, Democrats have been forced to recalibrate their own message in the face of recent positive signs on the security front, increasingly focusing their criticisms on what those military gains have not achieved: reconciliation among Iraq's diverse political factions."

"Pssst! Accentuate the negative--pass it on."

8/22/2007 12:16:17 PM

All American
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lol just found this

8/22/2007 3:11:25 PM

387 Posts
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I have something to ask you liberals out there....what does it mean for your party when the Whip says that the surge is working and it's bad for us, as in democratic leaders? You fucking coward pussy ass faggots want the god damn surge to FAIL. Are you kidding me, you want the US to lose the fucking war?

8/23/2007 10:50:28 AM

All American
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^^ ahahahahahahahahahaha. I laughed loud enough for people to look at me funny.

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"we really need to get that guy out of there....I mean he is visiting all our enemies saying "we will find other's who will help us" he that fucking stupid...we could pick up and leave and him and his entire family would be murdered, or we can just oust him ourselves....why wait for the citizens to vote him out"
I thought the point of invading Iraq was to find WMD, rid the world of Saddam Hussein, establish a free and democratic Iraq? So, shouldn't the Iraqis who voted him in be allowed to vote him out? Or do you want to further perpetuate the image in the Iraqi mind that any national government is just a puppet of the United States? (Not that they need any help) How dare an Iraqi president criticize the United States? Doesn't he know that freedom of speech is only for Uh-mericans who agree with the President? Gah!

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"You fucking coward pussy ass faggots want the god damn surge to FAIL."
Speaking of "coward pussy ass faggots": message_topic.aspx?topic=489641&page=1#10629320

[Edited on August 23, 2007 at 5:23 PM. Reason : ()]

8/23/2007 5:23:05 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I have something to ask you liberals out there....what does it mean for your party when the Whip says that the surge is working and it's bad for us, as in democratic leaders? You fucking coward pussy ass faggots want the god damn surge to FAIL. Are you kidding me, you want the US to lose the fucking war?"

1) Liberals =/= Democrats. Just because I'm a liberal thinker does not mean I am a Democrat, or that I blindly support the Democrats' positions on the war. Blindly following the leaders of your party is what got the GOP into an ill-conceived war with an inept commander in chief.

2) Winning/losing are meaningless terms at this point. The US is currently just trying to make the best, most honorable withdrawal possible from Iraq in order to get the government back in the hands of the people. The Democrats believe that beginning the withdrawal NOW will accomplish that the best, while the GOP obviously diagrees. "Winning" lost all relevance when we realized just big of a clusterfuck Iraq was...

3) Anyone who want us to fail in Iraq deserves a swift kick in the testicles. I will deliver this same kick in the balls to anyone who insinuates that liberals, including myself, want this to happen.

Btw, that was a promise, not a threat...

8/24/2007 12:30:57 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Liberals =/= Democrats. Just because I'm a liberal thinker does not mean I am a Democrat, or that I blindly support the Democrats' positions on the war. Blindly following the leaders of your party is what got the GOP into an ill-conceived war with an inept commander in chief.

I'm glad someone else realizes this too.

8/24/2007 12:36:16 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"3) Anyone who want us to fail in Iraq deserves a swift kick in the testicles. I will deliver this same kick in the balls to anyone who insinuates that liberals, including myself, want this to happen. "

plenty of liberals DO want us to fail (not all of them obviously)

so insinuating that many liberals want it to happen is simply a fact

8/24/2007 12:47:41 PM

All American
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^^^ "NOW" is also a relative term. It would take ~ 2 years to effectively extricate ourselves from Iraq (assuming you don't want to leave billions of dollars of military hardware in Iraq). So starting any reduction really needs to go hand-in-hand with a plan to make the best of the mess we've made.

I'm not disagreeing, just making an observation.

[Edited on August 24, 2007 at 12:50 PM. Reason : ^]

8/24/2007 12:50:26 PM

387 Posts
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republicans made mistakes into the lead up and post war, no doubt, put anytime a party leader wants us to lose a war for their political gain is absolutely a testiment to the poor leadership and thought process of you bastards. He didn't get into a position of that power by just walking through the door...he got into that position because people believe in his visions and views. THIS IS YOUR PARTY DEMOCRATS....clean this shit up

8/24/2007 1:20:39 PM

All American
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Ok, how about we clean up your syntax some.

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"republicans made mistakes into the lead up and post war, no doubt, put anytime a party leader wants us to lose a war for their political gain is absolutely a testiment to the poor leadership and thought process of you bastards."
I knocked out the bastards because it adds nothing to your argument. The war itself was not a mistake, it was a deliberate push by the neo-conservative element of the Republican Party to engage in a war on false pretext. Period.

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"He didn't get into a position of that power by just walking through the door...he got into that position because people believe in his visions and views."
In your anger you failed to identify who your pronoun refers to, but I'm going to assume you mean the President. He ascended to power partly because of his name and his connections. Lets face it, if his last name was Smith, he wouldn't have stood a chance. But that aside, the driving monetary forces behind any President are those who feel they will profit most off of his time in office. If you're referring to "people" as the American people then, no, on the whole they did not believe in his vision and views. Bush was elected president the first time, despite having a minority of the votes, by a quirk in the electoral college and questionable dealings in the State of Florida.

Quote :
"THIS IS YOUR PARTY DEMOCRATS....clean this shit up"
What exactly are you referring to that needs to be cleaned up? Iraq?

[Edited on August 24, 2007 at 3:41 PM. Reason : .]

8/24/2007 3:33:19 PM

All American
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Quote :
"plenty of liberals DO want us to fail (not all of them obviously)"

Name them. I dare you.

8/27/2007 12:46:29 AM

All American
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Quote :
"He didn't get into a position of that power by just walking through the door...he got into that position because people believe in his visions and views."

He got into that position in part because the stated "visions and views" of the Texas Governor were that he believed in a "humble foreign policy" and that we shouldn't use our troops for "nation-building".

Remember this?

8/27/2007 4:49:58 AM

Forgetful Jones
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^^how about all of the politicians who have already admitted/claimed that the US has been defeated??

Quote :
"Results 1 - 10 of about 2,530,000 for the united states has lost the war in iraq."

i'd say plenty of those people want us to fail if they claim we have already failed, even though we're still over there and progress is being made...sounds like a ton of people want us to fail...unless that concept is too deep for you

8/27/2007 11:47:11 AM

All American
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^ youre not so stupid that you don't understand the basics of search engines, are you???

is the concept of google searching "just too deep for you"? or are you just being your normal troll self?

because the phrase returns only 4500 hits. not 2.5 million.

Results 1 - 10 of about 4,510 for "the united states has lost the war in iraq".

anyhow, theres a HUGE difference between "wanting" and "recognizing". but if you cant understand basic logic concepts of Identity, I don't know how to help you

[Edited on August 27, 2007 at 12:10 PM. Reason : ]

8/27/2007 12:03:55 PM

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8/27/2007 12:09:32 PM

Forgetful Jones
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troll idiot

Quote :
"theres a HUGE difference between "wanting" and "recognizing""

wow, big too "recognize" that we have failed? we havent failed you damn communist faggot, we're making progress

hey Erios, theres one liberal who wants us to fail, to answer your question

[Edited on August 27, 2007 at 12:13 PM. Reason : .]

8/27/2007 12:11:52 PM

All American
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Any Wolfpack fan that says we were a 3-9 team last year isn't a real Wolfpack fan. Those people want us to have a losing football program.

8/27/2007 12:37:09 PM

Forgetful Jones
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worst analogy ever

8/27/2007 1:53:15 PM

387 Posts
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there is just something fundamentally wrong with a portion of a country wanting to lose a war to help empower a party in an upcoming liberals can spin it all you want but it is a tragedy what democrats are wanting to happen

8/27/2007 2:17:24 PM

Art Vandelay
45166 Posts
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^ disturbing

8/27/2007 2:34:27 PM

All American
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There is something fundamentally wrong with a portion of a country willing to needlessly sacrifice thousands of more troops rather than admit the strategy isn't conservatives can spin it all you want but it is a tragedy what Bush and his congressional supporters are continuing to let happen.

Quote :
"Half the soldiers whose names are on the Vietnam Memorial Wall died after the politicians knew our strategy would not work."

-John Kerry, in response to GW Bush's comments last week suddenly likening Iraq to Vietnam as rationale to stay the course

8/27/2007 2:34:45 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Any Wolfpack fan that says we were a 3-9 team last year isn't a real Wolfpack fan. Those people want us to have a losing football program."

No matter what you think about the war, accusing anyone who is critical of the war of being unpatriotic or wanting to lose the war; a) does a disservice to the Soldiers you're asking to risk their lives, b) eventually discredits your side. By the end of Vietnam, no one believed any good news coming out of the country because they'd been fed so much pre-packaged claptrap. The American people may be generally ignorant of world politics, they may buy crappy products because of bad advertising, but they've generally got a pretty good bullshit detector when it comes to their politicians.

8/27/2007 3:17:29 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"accusing anyone who is critical of the war of being unpatriotic or wanting to lose the war"

way to completely miss the point...nobody is saying that...i'm talking about the politicians who YEARS ago already declared the war a failure and declared the US as having been defeated...I'm talking about the members of the media and regular citizens who think its a lost cause and say we've lost the war...its basically the textbook definition of "defeatist"...seems to me like if you wanted to win the war you wouldnt admit defeat when we are making progress

and the reason the Wolfpack football argument is utterly retarded is because 3-9 is easily the hell do you quantify rebuilding a country? You don't hence the absurdity of the football analogy

a better football analogy would be watching a few plays from one game on sportscenter without ever seeing the scoreboard and trying to say if the season is a success or cant do it

[Edited on August 27, 2007 at 4:10 PM. Reason : .]

8/27/2007 4:04:26 PM

387 Posts
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no mark, the difference is republicans want the United States to win the war, can the same be said for democrats?

8/27/2007 4:07:27 PM

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