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 Message Boards » » The OFFICIAL Obama/Biden VS Mccain/Palin thread Page 1 ... 5 6 7 8 [9] 10 11 12 13 ... 101, Prev Next  
Forgetful Jones
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^^i'm sure you were just waiting for his VP nomination before deciding who to vote were probably really on the fence

[Edited on September 2, 2008 at 5:15 PM. Reason : kainen]

9/2/2008 5:15:01 PM

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mccain prolly woulda got my vote with lieberman...shit if he woulda picked ridge i might have even been ok with that...would even considered a mccain/mormon ticket

9/2/2008 5:16:52 PM

829 Posts
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we still have the debates left.... and it is sept. more stuff will be leaked out on both sides and this will be old news soon when something bigger happens.

9/2/2008 5:23:58 PM

All American
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are all republicans as dumb and insincere as Michelle Buchmann ?

9/2/2008 5:24:42 PM

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Thisi s a good move by mccain tho, now you will have some hillary supporters coming to our side. Mccain is basically a democrat, just not a far leftie. God forbid if i have to look at michelle obama as first lady. I dont think I can watch tv if she is first lady. I couldnt handle it. But Cindy mccain, god yes. I wonder if she ever lets him fuck her? I doubt it

9/2/2008 5:25:39 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Thisi s a good move by mccain tho, now you will have some hillary supporters coming to our side."

mhum, welcome to last Friday.

and once hillary supporters realize that Palin is completely antithetical to Clinton on every single major policy issue, they will come back to Obama. At least, those who don't identify themselves, as Samantha Bee puts it, as Vagina-Americans.

9/2/2008 5:28:28 PM

Forgetful Jones
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i like how liberals think all women are pro choice lol

9/2/2008 5:29:40 PM

147487 Posts
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Quote :
"Thisi s a good move by mccain tho, now you will have some hillary supporters coming to our side. Mccain is basically a democrat"


9/2/2008 5:30:18 PM

All American
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Quote :
"What exactly will the religious right do if McCain picked Liebermann? Jump on the Obama train? That makes no sense..."

Probably because picking Palin will, ideally, get the religious right motivated and campaigning even harder for McCain. He needs the voting blocks that will vote solely based on religious conviction and the votes that those people can generate amongst previous non-voters.

That's something that's far more obtainable with a very conservative, very Christian woman than with a northern Jew.

Not to mention the fact that it's the same Jew the Republicans were trying to run down 8 years ago.

[Edited on September 2, 2008 at 5:33 PM. Reason : .]

9/2/2008 5:31:45 PM

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this will be old news soon. edwards who was fucking that skank cunt mom is old news alrdy

hell the "ideal" liberals teddy kennedy...he fucking killed some dude driving drunk. he drove over a bridge drunk as shit and his brol KIA

the other liberal "ideal" barney frank dated a gay hooker and that same gay hooker used barney frank's place to do incall...this was all while frank was in public office.

9/2/2008 5:31:52 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i like how liberals think all women are pro choice lol"

I don't think its too much of a stretch to assume that most if not all HILLARY supporters are pro choice. Which is what I think they were getting at.

9/2/2008 5:32:54 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i like how liberals think all women are pro choice lol"

did anyone say that?

listen - this is simple: If a person (man or women) was a Clinton supporter for any reason other than that she was a woman, it simply make no logical sense that they would now choose to support Palin and McCain. The two simply have nothing in common, apart from being the same gender, that would draw the same group of voters.

9/2/2008 5:33:53 PM

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I think its great, not that she's pregers at 17, but that the family practices what they preach! alot of politicians fail at this.

9/2/2008 5:34:19 PM

All American
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You mean they practice the part about not having abortions, right?
Not, of course, the part about not having premarital sex.

9/2/2008 5:35:34 PM

All American
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no the part about forcing the dad to marry the girl he knocked up.

9/2/2008 5:35:58 PM

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Quote :
"17-year-old daughter's out-of wedlock pregnancy"

got a nice ring to it

9/2/2008 5:36:25 PM

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if the age of consent in alaska is 17, hell i'd hit it

9/2/2008 5:36:35 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Summary: McCain wanted to pick Lieberman, but due to pressure from the religious right, he picked Palin, who's very far to the right.


Had McCain picked Liberman the not only would my vote be on lock but it also would most likely given him a
landslide in the election. Here's why.....

-Disaffected hillary supporting democrats would identify with Lieberman.

- Lieberman unlike Palin has libertarian/ moderate appeal

- For liberals who may not like Obama a ex-Democratic VP with a aisle crossing senator seems like a pretty balanced
ticket as an alternative to voting purely on party lines.

- What are your rednecks/bible thumpers/right-wing moonbats going to do if McCain picked Lieberman or another moderate GOP???
Vote Obama?? I think not............

- The femnazi's and LBGT woman who supported Hillary are no WAY going to see Palin as a Hillary alternative to spread
their "woman power" mentality.

The ONLY advantages I can see with Palin besides appeasing the Fascist Christian Right is...

- The capturing of Conservative Democrats

- Possibly also raking in some of the female "Disadvantaged" Hillary supporting democrats who are to
dumb to realize that her platform is the complete opposite of Hillary's.

Quote :
"I think its great, not that she's pregers at 17, but that the family practices what they preach! alot of politicians fail at this.


LOL funny joke. Last time I checked Palin is a staunch supporter of family Christian values/morals. I do not know about your family but when i grew up and went to church this included abstaining from sex until marriage. Having a kid out of wedlock was strict taboo. So much for practicing what she teaches! When her own family doesn't follow along.

[Edited on September 2, 2008 at 5:42 PM. Reason : a]

9/2/2008 5:38:13 PM

All American
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Csharp i worry about you man. your posts are just awful.

For the record, all the latest polls have Hillary's old supporters firming up support for Obama. Your assumption is the MSM spin machine's narrative and I can't believe you (and for that matter, McCain) buys it.

Quote :
"Obama Gains Among Former Clinton Supporters
Obama gains on other dimensions, including terrorism and leadership
by Frank Newport

PRINCETON, NJ -- The Democratic convention appears to have helped solidify support for Barack Obama among former Hillary Clinton supporters, with the percent saying they will vote for Obama in November moving from 70% pre-convention to 81% after the convention, and the percent certain to vote for Obama jumping from 47% to 65%."

Quote :
"Here's a finding from Gallup: Among Democratic women -- including those who may be disappointed that Hillary Clinton did not win the Democratic nomination -- 9% say Palin makes them more likely to support McCain, 15% LESS likely."

Granted, polls are polls. But if you want to act like you have an intellect...try forming a reasoned argument based on what's in front of you instead of an aimless speculative one...

9/2/2008 5:39:37 PM

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Just let'em here what obabam said about taking out the babies b4 we punish our kids.

that'll open up the floodgates for himi

9/2/2008 5:41:07 PM

All American
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All the Palin pick did was polarize the nation once again into the hippy douchebag liberals and the right-wing conservative asshats.

As i said earlier; I strongly supported Mccain before. Now though my vote is questionable. I have already been kind of pissy about McCain's pandering to the reactionaries conservatives lately. This Palin VP choice though i find almost intolerable.

[Edited on September 2, 2008 at 5:46 PM. Reason : a]

9/2/2008 5:44:43 PM

All American
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^ What the hell, is that english?

I responded to that retarded idea in the liberal media thread. Pertaining to what Obama said - it's not the baby that manifests the punishment, it's that her underage daughter's life is changed forever when she's not ready for the's a bad situation for both child and mother. That's the punishment for not taking responsibability...again, not the fucking baby itself. REPEAT AFTER ME. DONT BE AN IDIOT.

Yet you talking points spinners totally take the quote out of context. I'm glad that most of America's voters aren't this stupid though.

9/2/2008 5:47:49 PM

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would all the liberals in the house just settle down:

you act like it's that much harder to take care of a special needs child that she should go sit at home and watch t.v and cook dinner and do nothing. Should gene stallings have quit football because he had a down syndrome child. no he kept coaching and the being around the guys at practice was therapeutic for the child. It helped him daily. Stallings went on to being a nat'l champion at alabama in 92'.

9/2/2008 5:49:55 PM

All American
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My wife is going to the "clinic" if I find out within the first 1/2 of her pregnancy the child has down syndrome.

9/2/2008 5:52:38 PM

All American
16500 Posts
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Quote :
"Get your head out of gallup's silly tracking poll for a's worthless."



So, Gallup is only cool if you agree with their results? Dude, STFU.

First, it was Rasmussen, which is quite reliable, regardless of what you foaming moonbats say, and now Gallup? If you don't like a poll's results, it's shit, right?

[Edited on September 2, 2008 at 5:55 PM. Reason : ]

9/2/2008 5:53:31 PM

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i tell you one thing...i cant freaking wait for the debates...

9/2/2008 6:17:24 PM

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Quote :
" Let's remember: Alaska is the closest part of our continent to Russia. So, it's not as if she doesn't understand what's at stake here "

Cindy McCain say what?

9/2/2008 6:20:12 PM

All American
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dnl, how did you think the saddleback "debate" went?

9/2/2008 6:29:31 PM

All American
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i missed the saddleback debate myself. sorry, got better things to do than watch evangelicals party down.

Quote :
"If you don't like a poll's results, it's shit, right? "

I said in my post 'granted, polls are polls'. I never masked the fact that they could be a rude measure...but I'd like someone to offer up a better barometer of this huge 'sudden shift of hillary voters to palin' bullshit I have to hear daily. At least such a 'huge drive' should be seen somewhere right?

9/2/2008 6:34:24 PM

All American
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Everyone responding to csharp_live: Just ignore him and he'll go away. He's a troll.

9/2/2008 6:58:29 PM

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^i'll translate:

Everybody with a heart feel free to chime in, and agree politically with the liberties and independence of the individual.

9/2/2008 6:59:38 PM

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whats the "saddleback" debate?

9/2/2008 7:01:18 PM

All American
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Quote :
"^i'll translate:

Everybody with a heart feel free to chime in, and agree politically with the liberties and independence of the individual."

(--[ .]-[ .]  /

[Edited on September 2, 2008 at 7:13 PM. Reason : ]

9/2/2008 7:13:03 PM

All American
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^^ it was the "forum on faith" christian circle jerk a couple weeks ago. wasn't really a debate, shouldn't be called that

9/2/2008 8:50:16 PM

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ohh...nah i didnt see it...only thing i heard about it was that obama said 250k or above is rich and mccain said 5million and above is rich

9/2/2008 8:51:58 PM

supple anteater
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^^it was amusing to hear McCain come close to talking about his adultery in front of a christian forum (especially since it was around the time that everyone was demonizing Edwards for his adultery), but in the end I think he said it was something like "marriage failure."

9/2/2008 9:03:22 PM

All American
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hey, hooksaw, it's about time for you to sign off for a month, isn't it?

[Edited on September 2, 2008 at 10:24 PM. Reason : ]

9/2/2008 10:20:27 PM

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didnt mccain once call his current wife a "tripe cunt" or something similar?

9/2/2008 10:22:10 PM

All American
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9/2/2008 10:27:32 PM

All American
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it was at an early-1990's campaign press conference, some reporter or other mentioned something about hair styles.

Quote :
Cindy McCain: (teasing) John, you're getting a bit thin up there.

John McCain: (turning red) At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt.

The rest of the room: .... .....


[Edited on September 2, 2008 at 10:31 PM. Reason : ]

9/2/2008 10:28:06 PM

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9/2/2008 10:30:39 PM

All American
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See, that's fucking awesome though. If only he had stayed this way, but like HUR said, he has pandered to the Christian/Reactionary Right in order to get nominated.

9/2/2008 10:38:10 PM

All American
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Palin Slashed Funding for Teen Moms

9/2/2008 10:43:40 PM

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did she do her velociraptor hiss after she crossed out those lines too??

I bet she's a real fearmonger.

i'm guess the amount of money saved into the pockets of the rest of the christian families up there in alaska more than paid for the shortcomings.

oh but we have to eradicate christianity first. no more salvation army.

[Edited on September 2, 2008 at 10:47 PM. Reason : o well]

9/2/2008 10:46:35 PM

All American
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it's just kind of funny

you can calm down, man

9/2/2008 10:49:09 PM

829 Posts
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so does all this built up aggression that you guys are taking out on Palins daughter have to do with something personal?

9/2/2008 10:52:19 PM

147487 Posts
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edit post must so suck to be a republican this year

[Edited on September 2, 2008 at 10:53 PM. Reason : just a general statement, not directed to anyone here]

9/2/2008 10:52:48 PM

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capital gains tax!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i pay out the asses in taxes and I vote with my wallet

9/2/2008 11:19:52 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Palin Slashed Funding for Teen Moms"

wow, she's a winner

9/2/2008 11:54:00 PM

Scuba Steve
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Quote :
"Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was not subjected to a lengthy in-person background interview with the head of Sen. John McCain's vice presidential vetting team until last Wednesday in Arizona, the day before McCain asked her to be his running mate, and she did not disclose the fact that her 17-year-old daughter was pregnant until that meeting, two knowledgeable McCain officials acknowledged Tuesday. "

[Edited on September 3, 2008 at 12:56 AM. Reason : /]

9/3/2008 12:55:08 AM

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