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All American
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8 pages were in 2013!

1/1/2014 1:31:29 PM

All American
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^ Looks like a good way to break your neck.

1/2/2014 9:42:47 AM

All American
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Back up to 2 sets of 8 pullups. Wanna hurry up and get to 12 then add weight.

Ive been using mostly dumbbells for chest and shoulders lately bc of lower bavk injury and shoulder tweak from wrestling

1/2/2014 9:46:28 AM

All American
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Cough cough, my EliteFTS box is for sale in Classifieds

1/2/2014 12:04:39 PM

All American
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Downed a double protein for breakfast. Moes for lunch. Hot pocket now. Double protein shake for dinner.

Now lets get fucking wasted with dollar beers.

Ive waited wasted years
For the child thats come and gone today
Say what about this wasted fear
How can I just turn and wash it away

Hint: its fucking dollar beer night! Bulking 4 lyfe RIP GIRLFRIEND!

1/2/2014 3:49:49 PM

Garage Mod
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where the dolla beers at B

1/2/2014 5:25:17 PM

warning: not serious
19578 Posts
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Quote :
"That thing looks interesting. In regards to the food there a good food tracker? I find keeping track of your food annoying and too time consuming in the first place. I rarely eat anything straight out of a package with a bar code in the first place, so I feel like these things are pretty inaccurate.

And you're in really good shape to begin with, so why do you feel you need something like the Jawbone UP? Serious question, because I've contemplated apps and things like this. This particular device looks like it makes keeping up with stuff a lot easier. I'm also interested to see about the sleep thing, because my sleep patterns are all over the place."

The food tracker for the Jawbone Up sucks. It doesn't have a lot of food and it's difficult to navigate. There's something where you can take a pic of your food, but I could never get it to work. I was able to connect it with MyFitnessPal so now I use that to track food and it sends the info to the Up app.

I was mostly interested in it for the sleep and the pedometer. My job does a few fitness challenges that all involve pedometers, but I never found one I liked - until now. With the sleep tracker, it's really helpful for finding patterns. I've had difficultly sleeping for the past few years, so hopefully this is going to help me find when I sleep the best. Also, there's an alarm you can set if you've been inactive for too long and there's an alarm clock too.

Overall I'm very pleased with the Up. Here's an example of what the sleep tracker looks like:

Quote :
"I think I might try Intermittent Fasting and skip breakfast when school starts. I'm planning to restrict eating between the hours of noon and 8. Are there any women on here who have tried it?"

I used to do it, now I kind of half-ass it. I'm not a breakfast person (all I need is coffee), and I find that when I eat breakfast, I consume more calories throughout the day. I'm like an alcoholic with food - one bite is too many and 500 isn't enough, and once I start eating, it's difficult for me to stop. When I first started and was really serious, I was able to drop my extra holiday pounds pretty easily. I go back to work Monday, so I'm going to start up again.

1/3/2014 6:12:00 PM

All American
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Between the holidays and injuries I have some serious work to do. The plus is ever since I stopped bulking I dropped 15 lbs without trying, I just didn't stuff my face anymore. The negative is I lost a lot of gains since I could hardly lift. Got a business trip to Ireland this week so I doubt I will be too healthy (how many times do I get to go to Ireland without spending a dime?) but when I get back I am going to hit it hard with lots of mobility work this time to help prevent injuries and do this whole thing all over again.

1/3/2014 6:46:44 PM

All American
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^^ I was tempted to try a fitbit

Then I realized I'm a lazy piece of shit and it'd be useless after a week

1/3/2014 8:41:01 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm like an alcoholic with food - one bite is too many and 500 isn't enough, and once I start eating, it's difficult for me to stop."

That's my problem. Pretty sure it's some deep-seated psychological shit rooted in growing up fat, or maybe I was just fat because of that tendency. I eat too fast, and once I'm full, sometimes I want to eat more.

IF for me has always been a hack to deal with that problem. I can fast for a long time, but once I start eating, all bets are off.

I'm going to try to lose some weight over the next six months or so. I'm ~230 at 6'3". I got some nice strength gains since June (DL - 415, Squat - 350, Bench - 260, OHP - 185) and I put on significant size all around by doing high volume training. At some point I have to cut and now is as good a time as any. I'm not doing any of the rapid fat loss stuff this time. I'm going to spend about two weeks trying to establish maintenance, then I'll start at a 300 calorie deficit. I really want to avoid any kind of ridiculous deficits.

[Edited on January 3, 2014 at 11:09 PM. Reason : ]

1/3/2014 11:08:53 PM

All American
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I've never tried making protein pancakes before. I want to use almond flour, oat flour, or coconut flour but I am not sure what works best. Let me know if you have any experiences with any of them.

And to make them fluffy, I was thinking about whipping egg whites until they get to a merangue and them fold them into the batter.

1/4/2014 9:40:10 PM

All American
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^ just typing almond flour (or coconut flour) into google gives the pancake suggestion. i doubt anybody has tried it here. check out and start from there to get recipes and also links to other similar pages by ladies living a natural lifestyle, usually grain free.

if you want "protein pancakes", why would you even look at oat flour, and especially at coconut flour? oats have more or less the same amount of protein as whole wheat, yes, oats are healthier, but you didn't say healthier. and coconut flour barely has any protein. coconuts are all fat and fiber. and coconut flour is made from defatted coconut meat, so coconut flour is very high in fiber and nothing else pretty much.

almond flour has more protein than grain flours, but is also very high in fat, in fact, the protein:fat ratio is 1:2.5 !!! yes, it is healthy fat, but i doubt you want to add so much fat. your best bet, from a protein standpoint, don't know about taste, is to go with a bean/legume flour. bob's red mill makes pea flour, black bean flour, white bean flour, chickpea flour, and fava bean flour. the pea flour has the highest protein. or, you can mix almond/oat flour with pea flour in equal quantities... i bet that will taste nice and will have a lovely natural green color!

add whole eggs for more protein and for healthy fats and other healthful compounds in egg yolks.

for even more protein, you can mix in some protein powder, such as hemp, whey, or whatever you have.

check on FB, Paige Hathaway (fitness model) has a protein pancake recipe she keep on posting.

1/5/2014 8:14:58 PM

All American
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^^ I make protein waffles on the regular. I use 1/2 cup or so oats, 1 scoop protein powder of choice, and almond milk until it just blends in a blender. Imagine you could use same batter for protein pancakes.

Here's another recipe I found from a gal on Instagram I follow that I've tried and liked that makes pancakes (credit @Jazzythings) :

½ cup oats
¼ cup cottage cheese
1 scoop whey protein
½ tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
½ tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp nutmeg
2 tbls all-natural peanut butter
2 egg whites

1. Combine all ingredients except into a blender and blend. The batter should
be thick.
2. Pour onto a griddle. The griddle should be preheated and no
higher than medium heat.
3. Flip when under-side is golden.

I'm sure you can omit the PB.

[Edited on January 6, 2014 at 7:20 PM. Reason : instructions]

1/6/2014 7:19:30 PM

All American
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Quote :
I think I might try Intermittent Fasting and skip breakfast when school starts. I'm planning to restrict eating between the hours of noon and 8. Are there any women on here who have tried it?

I came here to reply to you and then I saw that begonias basically took the words right out of my mouth. If you're interested in more info on IF'ing/leangains as it relates specifically to women (and support) check out the group Fierce. Fit. Fearless. on Facebook. It's a closed group but it's really great (check out the info page for TONS of resources).

1/6/2014 11:04:57 PM

All American
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The eleusis dodecuplets

1/7/2014 8:07:17 PM

All American
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Did we ever determine if anyone on here has a squat rack they wouldnt mind me using somewhere?

I tried contacting PF but they wont even let me bring in my own bar to do squats on.

any ideas? might just have to nut up and buy a home rack.

1/7/2014 8:38:43 PM

All American
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Why does Tracy Anderson have such a large following?

1/7/2014 9:12:57 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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Because people want to believe her bullshit.

1/7/2014 9:17:46 PM

All American
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^^ ^we have one we'll probably be getting rid of. Works well enough.

This one,or.&bvm=bv.58187178,d.eW0,pv.xjs.s.en_US.EeLgqkzqnSg.O&biw=1024&bih=648&tch=1&ech=1&psi=ZLjMUsvwEc6gkAe4oIH4CA.1389148263055.3&ei=arjMUpS-Eoe3kQfcwICYDQ&ved=0CNgBEKYrMAU

[Edited on January 7, 2014 at 9:32 PM. Reason : ]

1/7/2014 9:31:44 PM

All American
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Is she the one that advocates not lifting?

1/7/2014 11:37:04 PM

All American
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Let me know if you do...That is exactly what Im looking.

1/8/2014 12:46:04 AM

All American
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anyone with any suggestions for improving hip/lower back flexibility for squats? ever since my acl reconstruction, squats are only comfortable on the smith machine and it doesn't help that i have just never been a flexible individual

1/8/2014 3:06:03 PM

All American
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^ Trainers at my gym say my flexibility issues on squats are due to tight hip flexors. They always have me doing the couch stretch, wall squats, and doing 60 sec ass-to-grass squat holds in order to improve my range of motion.

I will say that it has helped as when I first started there, I sucked on front squats and could not keep my heels on the ground. Now I am able to keep my feet flat pretty much all the time.

1/8/2014 3:11:16 PM

11149 Posts
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Thanks slappy1 I requested to join the group. IF'ing isn't as hard as I thought it would be. Hopefully I can keep it up during school.

1/8/2014 3:30:44 PM

All American
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stretching is the BEST thing you can do on your off days to get your hip area from being tight.

Just doing cornfield crappers and things like that...

do you do yoga? if not I recommend it...really has helped me with flexibility and the scenery isnt bad either.

1/8/2014 3:31:31 PM

All American
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Quote :
"do you do yoga? "

been putting it off for far too long...

1/8/2014 7:51:54 PM

All American
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I would look into foam rolling AND stretching for increasing squat ability. You're prob going to need to do some work on hamstrings, glutes, IT bands, quads, inner thigh...I'd also make sure to roll the ankles/calves.

1/8/2014 8:38:38 PM

19447 Posts
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Foam rolling was hands down the best thing you ever taught me.

And I did it for the first time in a while on Monday. Owww.

1/8/2014 9:49:43 PM

All American
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agreed foam rolling is pretty amazing especially the first time you do it.

Static stretching isn't going to do much for you in terms of flexibility, particularly for squats.

If you have a desk job I can almost guarantee you have tight IT bands, weak hams/glutes, tight hip flexors, weak abdominals, and you're quad dominant. Look into anterior pelvic tilt and see if that fits you. If it does there are lots of things that can help you correct it (mainly hamstring/glute work). Don't just do the stretches, if you want real results you need to lift to correct it. However, be careful squatting and deadlifting to correct it because if youre not capable of doing a proper range of motion you may aggravate the situation or cause related injuries.

The thing that helped me the most was practically removing the weight from the bar and working on squatting LOW and building the weight from there. Like ass to grass.

When you throw 225 on the squat rack and you aren't used to squatting past parallel your body tends to freeze up as you get closer to parallel and you abandon ship on the rep and pull up early. You just aren't comfortable with the range of motion. Once you've blasted through ass to grass for awhile it'll make parallel seem like a very natural movement even with heavier weight.

Cranked out sets of 9 pullups today. Basically adding a rep every session now so I should be at sets of 12 by next week then i can throw a chain around my neck like all those other badasses.

Still having trouble eating enough food. I just went to the grocery store and loaded up on bagels, lean pockets, and shit that I can keep at my desk.

I've gone so long without carbs its just hard for me to want to eat them anymore and it's impossible to squeeze 3,000 calories in a day on high protein/low carbs unless you want to eat straight saturated fats.

1/9/2014 4:29:17 AM

mainly potato
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So this probably isn't the place for this but some of you might have experience after injuries. I am going on modified bed rest best case scenario. What can I do for my body without actually doing anything?

1/9/2014 4:34:10 AM

All American
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What did you do??? You are pregnant, you can't afford to be injured!

Bed rest, you said? Well naturally, now you can bench press 24/7

I don't know, leg raises, leg sweepers, side leg raises?

1/9/2014 4:37:22 AM

mainly potato
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Im not injured. The baby decided he wanted out Tuesday night but he needs about 10.5 more weeks of baking. I saw a high risk pregnancy specialist and got 4D fancy ultrasounds done and I am no longer dialated and my contractions are slower and just braxton hicks. He found no underlying reason for the pre term labor and declared both of us healthy, but each time you gush blood and to in to pre term labor you increase your risk of doing it again. So...modified bed rest at the very least. If it happens again I may be admitted until he is done baking which would be no fun at all.

1/9/2014 5:15:05 AM

19447 Posts
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When I had my car accident 4 years ago it was right after I started consistently working out, and I refused to be idle the whole time. I found a lot of things I could do with those stretchy exercise bands. If that interests you I have a bunch and I can send you one. I am not sure how much you will be allowed to do, but I used them with broken pelvis and ribs so it's not super strenuous. Just helps you stay moving and using your muscles a little bit.

I also had a friend who was on bed rest for half of her first pregnancy. I could ask her if she has any tips for you if you'd like.

1/9/2014 7:31:27 AM

mainly potato
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Please talk to your friend! I may have stretchy bands, I need to look. I will keep the offer in mind if I cant find them and ask my doctor.

1/9/2014 7:51:05 AM

All American
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I second the band stuff....boring, but effective if you do high reps for at least maintaining strength

hamstring curls (you can sit in a chair, band around ankles and anchored to something, then pull heels to putt), band pull apaarts, tricep pushdowns, lat rows....really anything you could do with a cable at a regular gym.

1/10/2014 9:19:16 AM

mainly potato
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I have basically no activity allowed for a week, but I have an appointment on the 17th and I will find o8t what I can do. Doctor mentioned slowly adding activity.

1/10/2014 12:48:22 PM

All American
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Killed my legs today

Squats, 6 sets
Leg press, 3 sets
Calves on leg press, 3 sets
Deadlifts, 5 sets
Standing leg curl, 3 sets
Lunges, 3 sets

And also did

Military press, 6 sets
Upright row, 3 sets
Lateral raises, 2 sets
Shrugs, 4 sets

(All free weights, except for leg press of course)

Just want to go home and crash

1/12/2014 12:31:28 PM

All American
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^ That is a ridiculous amount of leg work in one day and then to follow it up with a bunch of upper body work makes it even crazier.

Either you are doing really light weight or you were in the gym for like 2+ hours.

1/13/2014 1:40:20 PM

All American
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Just go to and get a template.

1/13/2014 7:01:23 PM

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After a strenuous workout, my eye twitches. It's pretty annoying.

1/13/2014 7:39:18 PM

1919 Posts
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I am experimenting with a new strength training programming protocol I've developed over the past couple months. So far I really like it, and it's very flexible. I am curious to see how others do with it.

If you are an intermediate lifter (e.g. double body weight dead lift) and want to test it out shoot me a PM!

1/13/2014 8:36:52 PM

All American
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Hey Matt, what city are you in?

1/13/2014 8:55:21 PM

1919 Posts
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Raleigh. Why?

1/13/2014 9:08:41 PM

All American
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Dropped my PF account today...

going to a much nicer and equally as cheap gym now.

hello leg day!!! finally.

excited about all the possibilities I have opened myself up to now.

1/14/2014 2:51:18 PM

All American
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If anyone is looking for padded floor for your home gym, there is a sale going on below:

1/14/2014 3:07:34 PM

All American
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got my bo staff today can't wait to get the spinning down.

1/15/2014 11:03:12 PM

All American
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Man, literally for the past 7 days I've been shedding about 1lb per day. The first two days I thought it was just a weird water weight fluctuation or something. Then after a few days i started getting scared i wasnt eating enough and increased my intake and monitored my calories a little closer.

I haven't been able to lift legs the past few weeks due to immense lower and mid back pain so I thought i might be dropping muscle from my legs so i raised my protein to 1.5g/lb.

Still i woke up from a nap today at 163 lbs, down from about 170 at the start of the year. I was freaking out. I know sometimes alcoholics don't digest as many calories but this was getting ridiculous I've been eating burritos, bagels, pretzels, crackers, burgers, chips, and protein powder what the fuck.

Went to the gym tonight and weighed in at 172 with light clothes on. Came home and realized my scale was either resting on the wall or found a soft spot on the floor or something. Still not sure what, but i moved it and now Im 172 at home (after some post workout loading).

My point is it's a good time to revisit your nutrition plan and make sure you're doing things correctly. Most of us should be eating 3,000 - 3,500 calories right now if we're trying to finish bulking before the Spring cut.

If you're over 15-20% bodyfat as a male still, you may want to look into cutting a little first though so you don't accidently be a fat ass again this summer...

1/16/2014 3:43:16 AM

All American
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How much if you've made the transition to female?

1/16/2014 8:48:52 AM

All American
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Americans would do well to changing to these basics:

1/16/2014 11:52:38 AM

All American
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Results from lifting are starting to pay off. Ive started boning this stripper and its going well so far, trying to slowly transition to threesomes with her co-workers without offending her and blowing the whole thing up. It's always delicate with strippers because we as men tend to forget they are sorta people sometimes too. Also, she's a squirter. I hate doing laundry so that's kinda a downside for me as a single guy.

Anyway, i can do ten pullups now. Pretty sweet, i think i might switch to lat pulldowns for like two weeks then start trying to do weighted pullups. I've had some back pain the last few weeks so i dont want awkward movements right now.

1/18/2014 2:28:06 PM

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