esgargs Suspended 97470 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on January 5, 2005 at 5:02 PM. Reason :] 1/5/2005 5:01:51 PM |
KRUZNBY All American 2655 Posts user info edit post |
yes, same here. 1/5/2005 5:03:53 PM |
esgargs Suspended 97470 Posts user info edit post |
pwnt 1/5/2005 5:04:20 PM |
Pyro Suspended 4836 Posts user info edit post |
I blame all these power users from TWW. 1/5/2005 5:20:18 PM |
moonman All American 8685 Posts user info edit post |
wtf are you people doing 1/5/2005 5:26:16 PM |
esgargs Suspended 97470 Posts user info edit post |
pwnt 1/5/2005 5:27:12 PM |
LeGo All American 3916 Posts user info edit post |
so just to note at the moment enable is up... 1/5/2005 5:48:15 PM |
rynop All American 829 Posts user info edit post |
great i have a demo to give to a customer tonight too
enable is only up cuz everyone switched. Progress is down cuz everyone switched. Gay as hell.
[Edited on January 5, 2005 at 5:52 PM. Reason : wtf] 1/5/2005 5:48:36 PM |
esgargs Suspended 97470 Posts user info edit post |
pwnt 1/5/2005 5:49:09 PM |
LeGo All American 3916 Posts user info edit post |
like mentioned before, a linux box in your bedroom on road runner is about as stable, or it atleast appears this way. 1/5/2005 5:50:49 PM |
Prospero All American 11662 Posts user info edit post |
why don't hosts have their domain on a different server?
i mean if you think about the logistics, this would be near #1 of things not to do... you don't put your domain on the shared domain computer, hence if something happens, no one can file a ticket or contact the host
btw, i can ping, but i get a 2-second delay
[Edited on January 5, 2005 at 5:54 PM. Reason : .] 1/5/2005 5:53:16 PM |
esgargs Suspended 97470 Posts user info edit post |
I guess I saved my money by switching to... 1/5/2005 5:54:44 PM |
rynop All American 829 Posts user info edit post |
^^yea really - or at least have a support email @gmail or something. Seriously... 1/5/2005 6:21:36 PM |
YOMAMA Suspended 6218 Posts user info edit post |
I dont get a ping back 1/5/2005 6:27:34 PM |
30thAnnZ Suspended 31803 Posts user info edit post |
i'm getting pings returned, but no page coming up
ftp's working
[Edited on January 5, 2005 at 6:44 PM. Reason : *] 1/5/2005 6:41:40 PM |
agentlion All American 13936 Posts user info edit post |
my site pings in 50ms, but no web access 1/5/2005 6:41:46 PM |
rynop All American 829 Posts user info edit post |
^^was ftp working before?
just curious if some progress is being made. Wolfmarsh isnt on aol either... this isnt cool. 1/5/2005 7:03:33 PM |
30thAnnZ Suspended 31803 Posts user info edit post |
i dunno if it was working before or not
but this isn't a good impression 1/5/2005 7:33:36 PM |
YOMAMA Suspended 6218 Posts user info edit post |
send an email to
I always get an email back right away 1/5/2005 7:36:13 PM |
qntmfred retired 40818 Posts user info edit post |
better yet, send one to 1/5/2005 7:45:10 PM |
YOMAMA Suspended 6218 Posts user info edit post |
hahha oops sorry about that spelling 1/5/2005 7:46:37 PM |
30thAnnZ Suspended 31803 Posts user info edit post |
MOTHERFUCKER 1/5/2005 7:50:05 PM |
YOMAMA Suspended 6218 Posts user info edit post |
its odd cause I can log into my Control Panel 1/5/2005 7:55:42 PM |
30thAnnZ Suspended 31803 Posts user info edit post |
i can't access anything on port 80 1/5/2005 7:56:54 PM |
rynop All American 829 Posts user info edit post |
dos attack? 1/5/2005 8:07:41 PM |
Wolfmarsh What? 5975 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah, we are experiencing a DDOS at the moment.
Someone brought some enemies with them. Ill be talking with the customer soon, sorry im not on aim, i had to sign off to actually get some work done tracking this down.''
Ive brought up a new firewall that is actively scanning for the DDOS and is shutting down IP access to the offending machines. This is effecting all of our boxes.
Im about to come on aim to answer questions and to also try and track down the owner of the site that is being attacked.
[Edited on January 5, 2005 at 8:22 PM. Reason : .] 1/5/2005 8:20:29 PM |
YOMAMA Suspended 6218 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on January 5, 2005 at 8:29 PM. Reason : nm] 1/5/2005 8:28:24 PM |
30thAnnZ Suspended 31803 Posts user info edit post |
good work
i was getting a little antsy, had that sinking feeling that had become way too familiar
thanks for nipping it in the bud [/barney fife] 1/5/2005 8:30:56 PM |
Wolfmarsh What? 5975 Posts user info edit post |
To be honest, i should have noticed it sooner. I wasnt on the wolf web all afternoon, and since my admin panel for the server was working fine (different port) i didnt notice anything was wrong.
I was busy moving some people over from enable.
To that end, im going to have to start asking people who are waiting to have thier site moved over to go ahead and FTP the files over yourself, and import the databases yourself. If you are truly having problems doing this, and really need the help, ill be glad to, but as it is, the 2 guys i have helping me are swamped as well, and now i have to turn my personal attention back to monitoring/maintaining the server. PM me if you have any questions about this. 1/5/2005 8:38:04 PM |
KRUZNBY All American 2655 Posts user info edit post |
Thanks for the info. 1/5/2005 8:42:04 PM |
agentlion All American 13936 Posts user info edit post |
^^ to that end, if you're using a program like Dreamweaver, moving your files over is a piece of cake. Make sure your local files on your computer are up to date with the files that were on the enable servers, then once the DNS change propogates, just PUT your entire website to the new server and it's all done for you. then for Databases, you can use phpMyAdmin on enable and do an "Export". It will dump out a big screen of SQL. Then go over to Progress's phpMyAdmin and recreate the database (but not the tables), then go to the "SQL" tab and paste the SQL that was exported from Enable. This will create and populate your tables for you. You'll have to update your connection strings though because your database name will probably be different.
[Edited on January 5, 2005 at 8:43 PM. Reason : .] 1/5/2005 8:42:48 PM |
Wolfmarsh What? 5975 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah, like i said, if you are really having issues, and dont understand what is going on, i can help, but i am running into people who are using the service for sheer convenience.
Please also msg me if myself or one of my techs left you in a half-state where they started to convert you, but never finished. I will gladly finish those people out myself to things can be moved on. 1/5/2005 8:48:25 PM |
30thAnnZ Suspended 31803 Posts user info edit post |
^^your database names will be different. enable had a different prefix.
also, if your db's are of any size, 10 megs+, phpmyadmin will choke on the files. at least mine did. jonn had to take care of mine from the command line.
of couse it was 230 megs in size, uncompressed lol
[Edited on January 5, 2005 at 9:11 PM. Reason : *] 1/5/2005 9:11:00 PM |
Wolfmarsh What? 5975 Posts user info edit post |
He had almost 3 million database entries. Yowzer. If you need me to do something like this, its no problem. 1/5/2005 9:22:13 PM |
Wolfmarsh What? 5975 Posts user info edit post |
Just so everyone is aware, in just a minute or two i will be performing a reboot, just to initialize a lot of the new setup i have changed in the past hour.
Shouldnt take 2-3 minutes for it to come back up. 1/5/2005 9:26:48 PM |
Wolfmarsh What? 5975 Posts user info edit post |
We are now configuring the new firewall that is in front of the machines. Services will begin to be accessible once the firewall is configured.
Brief periods of outage may occur while we continue to configure the firewall. 1/5/2005 9:41:57 PM |
rynop All American 829 Posts user info edit post |
I was in the middle of pitching to a customer and it went down.....
[Edited on January 5, 2005 at 9:43 PM. Reason : nevermind]
1/5/2005 9:42:21 PM |
Wolfmarsh What? 5975 Posts user info edit post |
Shit rynop, im sorry about the bad timing.
Blame it on me. Id even be glad to email them on your behalf. 1/5/2005 9:43:43 PM |
30thAnnZ Suspended 31803 Posts user info edit post |
still down
hasn't been back up that i can tell 1/5/2005 9:46:11 PM |
Wolfmarsh What? 5975 Posts user info edit post |
It should be fully back up now, the firewall has been completely configured and all ports are accessible. 1/5/2005 9:49:09 PM |
30thAnnZ Suspended 31803 Posts user info edit post |
now we cool 1/5/2005 9:49:26 PM |
agentlion All American 13936 Posts user info edit post |
faster now too. I think it was sluggish all day 1/5/2005 9:55:59 PM |
Lowjack All American 10491 Posts user info edit post |
news flash niggers: the home cooking ain't working. 1/5/2005 9:56:35 PM |
Wolfmarsh What? 5975 Posts user info edit post |
It should be decently faster now.
Ive optimized the new firewall, and ive optimized apache (what they were attacking).
Hopefully i can prevent this now, especially because i moved the DNS records for the domain to point to nowhere. 1/5/2005 10:00:03 PM |
Prospero All American 11662 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Someone brought some enemies with them" |
that's what i was afraid of...
thanks wolfmarsh, you are the man for resolving this so soon, and for shutting down the troublemaker, so the rest of us can use our service.
[Edited on January 5, 2005 at 10:34 PM. Reason : .]1/5/2005 10:32:55 PM |
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |
Publicly shame the person who has enemies plz. 1/5/2005 10:38:54 PM |
Woodfoot All American 60354 Posts user info edit post |
aight i'm hoping this page doesn't get bttt'd any time soon or with the frequency the enable thread was
but i'm gonna go ahead and start the ass-kissing that i always did in that thread
this john helped me for like 90 minutes tonight while we got my nameserver(or whatever) switched over, he helped me setup and test my email accounts, he made sure i knew the right stuff to do to get my blogger stuff working again, and he was willing to answer questions that most of you would consider remedial and n00bish
so, this john has a fan and supporter in this kid 1/5/2005 11:19:39 PM |
esgargs Suspended 97470 Posts user info edit post |
not hating
but this thread is already on the verge of page 2
1/6/2005 2:57:30 AM |
HaLo All American 14276 Posts user info edit post |
i hope John moves his site to a different server so we can access the support system if our sites have issues again. 1/6/2005 3:06:09 AM |
Wolfmarsh What? 5975 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah, im working right now on getting things moved to another box so support will be available when srv002 is down. 1/6/2005 6:51:04 AM |