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All American
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I'm an anxious, almost-graduatee and have to know.

Which do you prefer: being in college, or having a full-time job?

7/20/2005 10:27:59 AM

All American
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7/20/2005 10:28:59 AM

All American
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7/20/2005 10:29:11 AM

All American
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Oh no.

This is not very encouraging at all.

7/20/2005 10:29:47 AM

All American
9344 Posts
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College. I would go back in a heartbeat.

I loved it.

7/20/2005 10:33:24 AM

All American
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If I didn't hate my job, then I'd definetly say my full time job.

College = tests, homework, finals, going to boring fucking classes which I don't miss

I miss the interesting classes which were few and far between.

7/20/2005 10:34:02 AM

All American
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eh, i think its a toss up.

i love having money, having a house, having nice things. i like having friends that arent broke so we can actually go out and do stuff. i like not having to deal with homework...and once i leave work, i dont have to worry about it until i come back the next day.

however, i miss being able to skip out on stuff on a whim...being able to sleep late, living in a college atmosphere. doing whatever i want, whenever i want (for the most part)...not as much riding on the consequences of my actions. less responsibility.

i definately miss college, but i dont miss everything. luckily, i work at a place with alot of young we still go out and have a good time.

7/20/2005 10:34:53 AM

All American
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COLLEGE... why i'm going back for my masters

7/20/2005 10:34:58 AM

All American
14028 Posts
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I work full time at college so I get the atmosphere without the sorry broke friends.

7/20/2005 10:37:27 AM

2088 Posts
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School....dont leave. I work for a large corporation and it has its moments but in school we all all entrprenuers, now i am one of 180,000 squirrels trying to get a nut.

7/20/2005 10:37:44 AM

All American
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Quote :
"why i'm going back for my masters"

That's really why I ask. I'm a semester short of a BS in Business w/a Marketing Concentration, and I guess it never occurred to me that the entry level jobs for that kinda background are all sales jobs--which I've been shunning for my entire life.

So, now I'm giving very serious thought to going to graduate school later, for something completely un-business related.

7/20/2005 10:38:09 AM

All American
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i guess it helps that i really like my job too.

7/20/2005 10:38:10 AM

All American
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I'm glad I started working after my undergrad. Its allowed me to realize I really don't like engineering so I'm going to try to get into a field I enjoyed in school. You mature a lot after you get your first professional job and have to start budgeting and planning for retirement, buying a house, car, etc.

7/20/2005 10:39:51 AM

All American
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^ I've already got a professional job, so adjusting to life in the corporate world isn't really the issue. It's probably got more to do with me pouting about having to enslave myself to the man...

^^ Yeah. That's a plus.

I mean, it may turn out that I end up liking my job somewhere--especially if I can manage to squeeze my way into a publishing company or something like that.

But so far, I've just received 3 offers for sales jobs at insurance companies.

[Edited on July 20, 2005 at 10:42 AM. Reason : ...]

7/20/2005 10:40:45 AM

All American
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^^^I'm with him. I LOVED college, but I also like not being broke, having a house, having a nice car, being able to buy things that I want, ect.

college was great because you just do whatever the hell you want and live like a slob and love every second of it. want to start drinking at 10 am? go for it. nice day? fuck class, let's hit the pool and drink. can't really do that anymore.

I'm enjoying my time now just as much as I enjoyed my college time. it's just different.

[Edited on July 20, 2005 at 10:42 AM. Reason : .]

7/20/2005 10:42:26 AM

All American
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I preferred being a baby, playing with blocks and shittin on myself.

7/20/2005 10:44:07 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I'm enjoying my time now just as much as I enjoyed my college time. it's just different.


..i would say that college was full of more new, crazy experiences, so thats what was so great about it. it was the first time living away from my parents. i turned 21 during college. i got my first apt in college. all those little first time things make the whole experience exciting.

7/20/2005 10:45:41 AM

All American
32719 Posts
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i prefer the working world

7/20/2005 10:45:44 AM

All American
17913 Posts
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Any particular reason?

7/20/2005 10:54:35 AM

All American
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While I miss College I prefer the working world. Although I am the youngest at my job i work with mostly 30 year olds and a few scientist in their 50-60s. They are all cool people and I love what I do. I also love having money and being able to do the things I want to do without having to be extremely poor any more. I get to still experience the college scene by living in an apartment with most college kids so I don't mind having to be the one of the few that gets up early to work and late back home.

7/20/2005 11:03:22 AM

All American
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i love having money flowing in with the job, but i do miss all the time off i had in college

7/20/2005 11:09:24 AM

All American
787 Posts
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Depending on your job you might be able to keep some of the college lifestyle...just get a good job. By good I don't necessarily mean high paying.

I would love to go back to college, you have the rest of you life to grow up...your not going to be able to go on a 3 week alcohol binge and pick up random girls when your 40.

7/20/2005 11:27:27 AM

All American
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stay in school another four years

7/20/2005 11:32:38 AM

All American
9014 Posts
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college is way better, so i decided to stay in school. i couldn't imagine having a full time job!

7/20/2005 11:34:14 AM

All American
32719 Posts
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Quote :
"Any particular reason?"

i feel more empowered in the workplace than i do at school

i enjoy the "grown up" (if you will) atmosphere that doesnt really tend to exist in college.

its fun to hang out with college friends and go crazy every once in a while, but i like being able to remove myself from the "scene" too when i want

7/20/2005 11:37:29 AM

All American
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I liked my last job better before coming back. Both b/c of the income & it was a very nice place to work. Sometimes I wish I stayed. College can be more stressful, but it has it's own advantage, so I'll probably still be school another 2 years.

7/20/2005 11:38:59 AM

All American
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Quote :
"college is way better, so i decided to stay in school. i couldn't imagine having a full time job!


if you cant imagine having a full time job, how do you know how it compares to being in school? i would think that unless youve had a full time job, you really wouldnt be able to compare the two.

7/20/2005 11:40:43 AM

All American
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Wow, you sound like I did when I was about to graduate in 2003. I'm now getting two unrelated degrees to the original plan and have no interest in my original grad school. It's also hard to get in with no real background. I've done exceptional in my current course of study, so going on to a Ph.D. or M.D. will be a lot easier than if I just tried it outright.

Make sure you have a goal and know why you are in school--even if it's lame and you want to change the world or something

7/20/2005 12:33:33 PM

All American
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ok let me rephrase then- i actually did work full time and go to school full time my senior year... i just really enjoyed the school part of it and would miss that. i agree that there is no way for me to truly know what its like to just have a full time job in my given field. i just know i did not like working 40 hrs a week and I can't imagine doing it right NOW.

[Edited on July 20, 2005 at 12:55 PM. Reason : .]

7/20/2005 12:42:30 PM

Duh, Winning
62578 Posts
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Well, revisiting this after all these years....

being in college was fun, you could pretty much do anything with not consequences, but i was always broke

now i have lots of responsibilities, and never caught up with stuff to do, and while im in no way rich or anything, i dont worry about how im going to pay the bills next month

i guess enjoy everything while it lasts

3/29/2023 11:08:06 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Job is better. Get paid. No homework. No exams. No essays.

4/2/2023 4:44:03 PM

114721 Posts
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Quote :



4/9/2023 11:10:13 AM

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