BDubLS1 All American 10406 Posts user info edit post |
I'm going to Silent Forest tonight...sounds pretty good 10/30/2005 3:51:33 PM
jblee All American 1275 Posts user info edit post |
went to fear farm. for $22 it wasn't worth it. It was about 1 hour total. slaughter house was the best out of 6
might go try silet forest tonight. sounds better than fear farm.
[Edited on October 30, 2005 at 7:35 PM. Reason : .] 10/30/2005 7:34:49 PM
jblee All American 1275 Posts user info edit post |
is the corn maze at sanford in the dark or lighted? It wouldn't be scary if it's bright 10/30/2005 7:56:39 PM
crpelliz All American 1432 Posts user info edit post |
^it's dark... but you have a guide leading you through so you don't have to find your own way out (i think this would have been scarier tho) 10/30/2005 8:18:36 PM
BDubLS1 All American 10406 Posts user info edit post |
Just got back from Silent Forest. It was pretty good. worth the $15 the forest part of it was really good, a little short though... the 2nd half was the best part... some of those hallways in the house were pitch black...and the different "rooms" had some nice props and action
[Edited on October 30, 2005 at 9:40 PM. Reason : ya] 10/30/2005 9:40:27 PM
badboyben All American 7631 Posts user info edit post |
^yeah. I wouldn't mind doing it again but don't have another $15  10/30/2005 9:52:14 PM