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First it was "we don't torture." Now, the next in line of laughable bold-faced lies is this garbage. I guess they think most Americans have no idea what the Downing Street Memos are. Well, to be fair, the American media did do a good job of suppressing that information. But the informed know that the Bush Administration was intent on going to war with Iraq, and then "fixed" (ie, fabricated) intelligence to fit its intention.

Quote :
"Bush adviser: Intelligence accusations 'flat wrong'

Monday, November 14, 2005

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush's national security adviser defended the administration Sunday against accusations that it misled the nation about the need for war with Iraq as Democrats stepped up their attacks on the president's candor.

Stephen Hadley told CNN's "Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer" that those claims were "flat wrong."

"We need to put this debate behind us," he said. "It's unfair to the country. It's unfair to the men and women in uniform risking their lives to make this country safe.""

Oh, right. It's "unfair" to investigate the facts and see if the government misled us to go to war. What a crock of shit. Like has been done so many times before, they are trying to suggest that it's "unpatriotic" or borderline treasonous to question the government or oppose this war. The "patriotic" and "fair" thing to do is to stop asking questions, fall in line, and support a disasterous war that was started on lies. The "patriotic" and "fair" thing to do is to support sending our men off to die needlessly and slaughter Iraqi civilians needlessly. "Supporting" our troops means supporting sending them off to die (ill-equipped and without armor no less).

How much longer will a dumb-downed and gullible public eat up these lies? Will this latest barrage of ridiculous lies from the Bush regime finally start to wake many of them up?

FLASHBACK: Downing Street Memos,,2087-1593607,00.html

11/14/2005 11:26:01 AM

31803 Posts
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FLASHBACK: salisburyboy is a douche

11/14/2005 11:48:39 AM

All American
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Flashback: He's got a point.

11/14/2005 11:52:12 AM

31803 Posts
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yeah, but he's still a douche

11/14/2005 11:53:37 AM

All American
60354 Posts
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no wonder only 4 out of 10 people still think Bush is an honest man

11/14/2005 11:56:00 AM

All American
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11/14/2005 11:57:19 AM

26647 Posts
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If you think the President and his administration did not lie, manipulate, and massage intelligence in order to invade Iraq, you're choosing ignorance over enlightenment.

11/14/2005 12:22:30 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"yeah, but he's still a douche"

Why? Because I actually care that the Bush Administration deliberately misled the country to go to war in Iraq? Because I actually think we shouldn't torture people?

11/14/2005 12:26:13 PM

All American
45549 Posts
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mark of the beast

post 6667

obviously salisburyboy is teh debil

11/14/2005 12:27:39 PM

31803 Posts
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yep, teh debil.

11/14/2005 12:29:27 PM

All American
22435 Posts
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I don't want you playin no foosball

11/14/2005 12:39:00 PM

9434 Posts
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What you people talking about? Everybody knows the devil doesn't exist. Church of Satan, Skull and Bones, politicians at Bohemian Grove worshipping Molech, Albert Pike admitting Lucifer is the god of Freemasonry and the "mystery religions." Nah. There aren't even people who openly worship Satan.

11/14/2005 12:46:17 PM

31803 Posts
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salisbury worships the anti-flying spaghetti monster

11/14/2005 12:52:44 PM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"Tenet told Congress in February 2001 that Iraq was “probably” pursuing chemical and biological weapons programs but that the CIA had no direct evidence that Iraq had actually obtained such weapons. However, such caveats as “may” and “probably” were removed from intelligence reports by key members of the Bush administration immediately after 9/11 when discussing Iraq.

“We do not have any direct evidence that Iraq has used the period since (Operation) Desert Fox to reconstitute its WMD programs,” Tenet said in an agency report to Congress Feb. 7, 2001. “Moreover, the automated video monitoring systems installed by the UN at known and suspect WMD facilities in Iraq are still not operating… Having lost this on-the-ground access, it is more difficult for the UN or the U.S. to accurately assess the current state of Iraq’s WMD programs.”

In fact, more than two dozen pieces of testimony and interviews of top officials in the Bush administration, including those given by former Secretary of State Colin Powell, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz prior to 9-11, show that the U.S. never believed Saddam Hussein was an imminent threat to anyone other than his own people.

Powell said the U.S. had successfully “contained” Iraq in the years since the first Gulf War. Further, he said that because of economic sanctions, Iraq was unable to obtain WMD.

“We have been able to keep weapons from going into Iraq,” Powell said during a Feb. 11, 2001 interview with “Face the Nation.” “We have been able to keep the sanctions in place to the extent that items that might support weapons of mass destruction development have had some controls.”

“It's been quite a success for ten years,” he added."

11/14/2005 1:37:48 PM

All American
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11/14/2005 3:49:01 PM

495 Posts
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an interesting article.... is from this site. makes one think... God does not sleep as atrocities continue.
we hope and pray justice is served, if not now, some day.

i really wonder.... about this

Quote :
" "President Bush said to all of us: 'I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, "George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan." And I did, and then God would tell me, "George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq …" And I did."

[Edited on November 14, 2005 at 5:00 PM. Reason : .]

11/14/2005 4:56:31 PM

All American
60354 Posts
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Quote :
"What you people talking about? Everybody knows the devil doesn't exist. Church of Satan, Skull and Bones, politicians at Bohemian Grove worshipping Molech, Albert Pike admitting Lucifer is the god of Freemasonry and the "mystery religions." Nah. There aren't even people who openly worship Satan."
see dude

this is the stuff that ham strings you

i mean, its like that game on price is right with the mountain climber in his lederhosen

you gotta get to the tip, but not go over...

11/14/2005 5:04:24 PM

All American
15000 Posts
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Mark this as the first time I've remotely agreed with salisburyboy

11/14/2005 5:09:12 PM

All American
9317 Posts
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Mayhaps hes trying to avoid a military mutiny? thats a little far-fetched, but still.

11/14/2005 5:31:55 PM

495 Posts
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Here is a little something for the psych majors. (defense mech. to avoid self blame--)

Quote :
" Note is some fashion of the other, each of these defense mechanisms are nothing but than LIES to keep from facing the truth and responsibility.
Some Defensive Expressions that we may use:

1. "Leave me alone!" (withdrawal).

2. "I don't want to talk about it!" (closed converstation)

3. "Well, it happened a long time ago." (implying it doesn't matter anymore).

4. "It wasn't all that important." (belittling the act).

5. "They made me do it." (blaming others or a personal wrong act).

6. "There was no other way out." (justification of wrong).

7. "It was just a little white lie." (putting evil on a scale).

8. "He / she does not deserve forgiveness." (trying to balance the scale).

9. "It was only a one time experiences." (rationalization)

10. "You just don't understand my situation." (situational ethics approach).

11. "I couldn't help it, I was having a bad day." (blaming situation type excuse).

12. "I just lost temporary control." (trying to balance evil with good).

13. "Everyone does it." (using comparison).

14. "I am just human." (indirectly blaming God).

15. "My opinion is just as good as the next person." (no absolute right).

16. "They deserved what I did to them." (trying to balance the scales).

17. "It all your fault." (blaming others without accepting personal responsibility).

18. "Somebody needed to put them in their place." (pride covering revenge).

19. "I don't have a problem. You are the one with the problem." (shift of blame).

20. "It was just a practical joke, O.K.?" (denial of intent to do harm).

21. "Can't you take a laugh?" (shift of blame).

22. "Well, no one is perfect." (general comparison to shift the point away from guilt).

23. "Everyone needs to let off a little steam sometimes." (excuse for anger & violence).

24. "Who is it to say that I am wrong?" (no one has authority or no absolutes).

25. "I have the right to do anything that I want." (authority unto ones' self).

26. "I just needed a pick-me-up." (excuse for using drugs).

27. "I can't help it. My parents were that way." (denial of personal responsibility).

28. "You just need to get with the times." (implies that moral absolutes change with time).

29. "I say, if it feels right, do it." (morality based upon emotions).

30. "Why should I suffer and they can do what they want?" (comparison of privileges).


new additions-- to avoid self blame

31. "we do not torture"

32. "We didn't mislead nation on.."

whats next? beleive it or not , interesting study how the mind works .. comments psych majors?

[Edited on November 14, 2005 at 6:03 PM. Reason : .]

11/14/2005 6:01:15 PM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"Bush said on Friday: "While it is perfectly legitimate to criticize my decision or the conduct of the war, it is deeply irresponsible to rewrite the history of how that war began.""

11/15/2005 12:38:39 PM

All American
8741 Posts
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obligatory THE BIG GIRL post about how we are all libbies crying over spilt milk and wetting our pants...

11/15/2005 12:44:42 PM

All American
990 Posts
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^^thats just plain awesome.... so that means that changing the official history written so far, that they werent lies should not be changed simply due to the fact that he doesnt like it....

11/15/2005 12:50:56 PM

26647 Posts
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^pretty much.

11/15/2005 12:51:33 PM

All American
3320 Posts
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Those memos came from the same media that brought us the NG memos that were so obviously not doctored in any way shape or form....

11/15/2005 1:39:47 PM

All American
9317 Posts
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11/15/2005 4:22:08 PM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"NG memos"

Bush didn't show up for his physical, and he did go missing for a year from the Nat'l Guard. The story is true.

11/15/2005 6:25:51 PM

495 Posts
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I really do think this solid proof .... worth taking a good look at.

[Edited on November 15, 2005 at 7:13 PM. Reason : .]

11/15/2005 7:13:39 PM

9434 Posts
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Documenting the lies that sold the Iraq war to the public:

Iraq WMD Lies: The Words of Mass Deception

11/16/2005 8:23:03 AM

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Quote :
"Decoding Mr. Bush's Denials

Published: November 15, 2005

To avoid having to account for his administration's misleading statements before the war with Iraq, President Bush has tried denial, saying he did not skew the intelligence. He's tried to share the blame, claiming that Congress had the same intelligence he had, as well as President Bill Clinton. He's tried to pass the buck and blame the C.I.A. Lately, he's gone on the attack, accusing Democrats in Congress of aiding the terrorists.

Yesterday in Alaska, Mr. Bush trotted out the same tedious deflection on Iraq that he usually attempts when his back is against the wall: he claims that questioning his actions three years ago is a betrayal of the troops in battle today.

It all amounts to one energetic effort at avoidance. But like the W.M.D. reports that started the whole thing, the only problem is that none of it has been true."

11/16/2005 8:32:24 AM

All American
2847 Posts
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I have a few questions for you guys. No explanation is needed, just answer with the correct number.

1) Would you rather
A. lose the war in Iraq
B. embarass Bush

2) I am aware that
A. Hillary Clinton supported the war
B. Bill Clinton said that Iraq must be delt with.
C. John Kerry voted to go to war with Iraq.
D. All of the above

11/16/2005 8:54:14 AM

9434 Posts
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Question 1 is a false choice (ie, you are restricting the options when more options are available).

I want U.S. troops removed from Iraq immediately and this war ended immediately. And that would not be "losing" the war. It is ending the INSANITY. The way to "lose" in this situation is to continue on as it has been going. The elite want this conflict to be dragged out as long as possible so that they make more and more money on arms sales, etc. and in debt to their banks.

It has nothing to do with politics. The Democrats and Republicans are both controlled by the elite, and both parties are in favor of this war. Yes, I want Bush to be "embarrassed", but not only that and not only him. Every Congressman who supported this war (republican or democrat) should be "embarrassed" and shamed. Bush should be tried and convicted of high treason (same for Clinton and all the other traitors in Congress). Following this, some type of reparations should be made to the Iraqi people for invading their country and slaughtering tens of thousands of them needlessly.

[Edited on November 16, 2005 at 9:10 AM. Reason : 3]

11/16/2005 9:04:47 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I want U.S. troops removed from Iraq immediately and this war ended immediately. And that would not be "losing" the war. It is ending the INSANITY. The way to "lose" in this situation is to continue on as it has been going. The elite want this conflict to be dragged out as long as possible so that they make more and more money on arms sales, etc. and in debt to their banks.

It has nothing to do with politics. The Democrats and Republicans are both controlled by the elite, and both parties are in favor of this war.
Yes, I want Bush to be "embarrassed", but not only that and not only him. Every Congressman who supported this war (republican or democrat) should be "embarrassed" and shamed. Bush should be tried and convicted of high treason (same for Clinton and all the other traitors in Congress). Following this, some type of reparations should be made to the Iraqi people for invading their country and slaughtering tens of thousands of them needlessly."

11/16/2005 9:24:55 AM

All American
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Holy shit... oh well... some people truly are blinded by ideology.

11/16/2005 10:22:15 AM

All American
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11/16/2005 10:27:02 AM

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Quote :
"Cheney says war critics 'dishonest, reprehensible'

Wed Nov 16, 2005

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In the sharpest White House attack yet on critics of the Iraq war, Vice President Dick Cheney said on Wednesday that accusations the Bush administration manipulated intelligence to justify the war were a "dishonest and reprehensible" political ploy.

Cheney called Democrats "opportunists" who were peddling "cynical and pernicious falsehoods" to gain political advantage while U.S. soldiers died in Iraq.

The comments were the latest salvo in an aggressive White House counterattack on war critics, launched as Democrats step up their criticism of the war and polls show declining public support for the conflict.

Cheney repeated President George W. Bush's charge that Democratic critics were rewriting history by questioning prewar intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction even though many Senate Democrats voted in October 2002 to authorize the invasion.


American soldiers and Marines are out there every day in dangerous conditions and desert temperatures -- conducting raids, training Iraqi forces, countering attacks, seizing weapons, and capturing killers -- and back home a few opportunists are suggesting they were sent into battle for a lie," Cheney said. "

You're damn right they were sent in based on lies you son of a bitch.

And, oh, you didn't "manipulate" the intelligence? The Downing Street Memos?! So what? Only "conspiracy theorists" talk about that. If you believe them, you're "reprehensible." You are, in effect, "aiding the terrorists." No, you are "with the terrorists." We may need to pass laws to criminalize dissent of the war (by the way, they are LITERALLY trying to pass laws to do this in Australia).

Oh, and those democrats sure are against the war. Right. The same democrats who've been voting in favor of this war from day one? Kerry calling for more troops to be sent to Iraq than Bush? Hillary Clinton now calling for more troops to be sent? Sure sounds like they're against the war to me!

This is more bs political wrangling. It's fluff rhetoric...a show to make people believe that the democrats and republicans are actually opposing parties. The democrats aren't TRULY against the war. Sure, they throw around a little weak rhetoric now and then. But if they were truly against this war and were truly an opposition party to the republicans they would be making a FAR bigger deal out of this whole situation. They should have jumped all over the Downing Street Memos. They should be calling for investigations. They should be calling for troops to be taken out of Iraq. They should be voting against authorizing spending for the war. But no, they're voting in favor of the war and proposing sending even more troops to Iraq. They stood by virtually silent when the Downing Street Memos were revealed. They are in favor of the war. The republicans and the democrats are really the same party. They are controlled by the elite and implement the elite's agenda. That's why the republicans do nothing about illegal immigration (or abortion), and the democrats are in favor of this war. Ok, enough ranting for now.

[Edited on November 17, 2005 at 11:10 AM. Reason : 3]

11/17/2005 11:04:13 AM

All American
44225 Posts
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wow, i never realized that hating the war (and not being so stupid as to actually think we were there for the sake of the iraqi people) made me a bad person...

...i am shamed by my country, it's poor choices, and most of all, its president...put THAT in your pipe and smoke, old man

11/17/2005 11:11:27 AM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :
"They are controlled by the elite and implement the elite's agenda."

Proof please.

Quote :
"Ok, enough ranting for now."


11/17/2005 1:08:11 PM

9434 Posts
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Tell us, mr. joshua, how the Bush Administration DIDN'T mislead the nation on Iraq's WMD threat. Please enlighten us.

Quote :
"Proof please."

I already discussed the evidence. It is self-evident and right in your face. All you have to do is think about it. It's why the republicans do nothing about illegal immigration or abortion. It's why the republicans spend out of control and jack up the national debt. It's why the democrats go along with the war and support it. It's why the elite agenda is implemented no matter which party is in power.

[Edited on November 17, 2005 at 1:15 PM. Reason : 1]

11/17/2005 1:12:33 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Saying "It's why..." is not proof.

Just because something improbable and unlikely makes sense to you does not make it true. Rational people need proof.

11/17/2005 1:30:49 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Tell us, mr. joshua, how the Bush Administration DIDN'T mislead the nation on Iraq's WMD threat. Please enlighten us."

11/17/2005 1:33:48 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Tell me, little buddy, where exactly did I say that and why are you changing the subject? Please enlighten me.

11/17/2005 1:35:43 PM

9434 Posts
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11/17/2005 1:36:39 PM

All American
17913 Posts
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Where does Cheney get off calling anyone dishonest?

11/17/2005 1:37:06 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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^^ I'm waiting for my enlightenment, little buddy. Why can't you defend your ideas?

11/17/2005 1:40:16 PM

9434 Posts
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You're so pathetic. LOL

11/17/2005 1:41:25 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Slander?!?!?! Who would have thought that you would be capable of such a thing!?!?!

Quote :
"I'm waiting for my enlightenment, little buddy. Why can't you defend your ideas?"

11/17/2005 1:50:07 PM

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11/17/2005 1:52:40 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Ah yes, now he turns it into a playground fight, complete with name calling. I'm quite familiar with it by now.

Mr. Moron?

11/17/2005 1:55:29 PM

9434 Posts
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And you're the only one around here I call a "moron." It's because it's the truth. I don't make it a habit of using name-calling in the place of an argument. You truly are the most idiotic poster I've ever encountered. So, you can feel extra special in that respect. Maybe it's due in part to your admitted disinfo agenda against me.

[Edited on November 17, 2005 at 2:03 PM. Reason : 2]

11/17/2005 2:00:52 PM

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