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In recent weeks, 4 prominent historians and "Holocaust" revisionists have been arrested or charged with "Holocaust denial" in Europe for merely speaking out against or questioning the official "Holocaust" story. It seems that a message is being sent, as well as a warning to others who would speak out and question the official "Holocaust" story. The most likely explanation for this sudden crackdown is the explosion of the internet as a forum for open debate and spread of ideas on the issue.

And before you call these men "Holocaust deniers", understand that these men are "Holocaust revisionists." They aren't saying that Jews weren't in camps or that Jews didn't die. They are merely saying that not as many Jews died as has been previously claimed, and that the stories of gas chambers are false. The Red Cross and even the official Auschwitz Museum have revised down the number that died in the camps. Should they be arrested for "Holocaust denial" too?

We should ask ourselves why such extreme laws are needed to silence and imprison people for having this particular viewpoint. What happened to freedom of speech? I thought that historical revisionism was a legitimate academic undertaking. In fact, it is one of the hallmarks of western history and academics. And why are people only prohibited from questioning this particular historical event? The truth needs no law to support it. Only lies do. If the official story on the "Holocaust" is true, what do governments have to fear from an open debate about the facts? Based on these extreme measures to silence those asking questions and wanting to have a debate, the only conclusion is that the official "Holocaust" story is full of lies, exaggerations, and secrets, and that these laws are in place to enforce an orthodoxy and keep it from being exposed as a lie.

Quote :
"Europe Seen Cracking Down on Holocaust Revisionists

November 25, 2005

In a flurry of activity on both sides of the Atlantic, several so-called revisionists have been arrested on Holocaust denial charges in recent weeks.

Three revisionists — Germar Rudolph, Ernst Zundel and Siegfried Verbeke — have been extradited to Germany. But the most visible case involves far-right British historian David Irving, who was arrested November 11 in Vienna, Austria, on 16-year-old charges that he publicly denied aspects of the Holocaust — a crime in Austria.


"As the new owner of Germar Rudolf's publishing company, I wish to express my outrage that the Holocaust, unlike any other historical event, is not subject to critical revisionist investigation," said Michael Santomauro..."Furthermore I deplore the fact that many so-called democratic states have laws that criminalize public doubting of the Holocaust. It is my position that the veracity of Holocaust assertions should be determined in the marketplace of scholarly discourse and not in our legislature's bodies and courthouses.""

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"Why the Sudden Clampdown on Revisionists?

Rixon Stewart
November 20, 2005


It’s been suggested that the Internet has panicked the Zionists, who to a large extent owe their power and influence to the Holocaust. After all, Israel was founded on its memory and if it’s proven to be a lie, or at least a gross exaggeration, the power the Zionists hold over ordinary Jews could be undermined. For the very notion of the Holocaust has been used not only to extract financial redress from other nations but also to keep ordinary Jews compliant.


Without even questioning what happened during the Holocaust, we should be asking ourselves: if it’s necessary to exact such draconian measures against those who ask questions, what exactly is being protected here? Are historical truth and the memory of dead holocaust victims being defended? Or is it one of the foundations of the New World Order, modern Zionist power?

Finally, a 1948 Red Cross report details nearly a quarter of a million Jews died in Nazi concentration camps but found no evidence of Genocide.
This is in distinct contrast to the figure touted nowadays by the mainstream media and portrayed by Hollywood. At the time the Red Cross was a neutral body with no political axe to grind, so why the difference? And we need to ask ourselves, not only why there is such a difference in the numbers but also why those who ask such questions are being silenced?

Like they say: “he who controls the past, controls the present…” and our perception of past events shapes the way we look at the world around us now. The Zionists understand this and know that the idea of the “Holocaust” is crucial to their power. Which is why such harsh measures are being exacted against those who ask too many questions."

What Is Behind The Tide Of Historians Being Arrested?

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"International Zionism has declared war on historians that question, or seek to contradict the official history of the Holocaust. The notoriety of these arrests is meant to send a message to all historians, and educators.


The explosion of the internet, as a research tool, has World Zionism panicked. Until the net, the Zundels, Irvings, Germars, Luetchers, Farrisons, Tobens, were a local phenomena, without a great deal of impact. With the advent of the net, this odd clique of historians has become a potent force."

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"The interesting thing about the "crime" of holocaust denial is that the truth is no defense at all. You can be telling the absolute truth and even be able to prove it ... and still go to jail for several years.

Meanwhile, if Zundel, Irving, Rudolph and Verbeke are being sent to jail for challenging the orthodox story, then why hasn't the International Red Cross been arrested? after all, they had access to the German camps, both POW and labor, and their official reports do not support the orthodox accounts popularized in novels, TV shows, and films.

And, if Zundel, Irving, Rudolph and Verbeke are being sent to jail for challenging the orthodox story, then so too should the curators of the Auschwitz museum, for daring to revise downward the total number of dead at the camps from 4 million to1 1/2 million in 1990.

Nobody locks up people who claim to see Bigfoot, or who think Elvis is alive. People with such loony notions are simply allowed their freedom of speech, then ridiculed, then ignored. If Zundel, Irving, Rudolph and Verbeke are totally crazy, why the intense pressure to steal them from their homes and ship them to Germany for the crime of simply not agreeing with a particular spin of the history of WW2?

Truth needs no laws to support it. Throughout history, from Galileo to Zundel, only lies and liars have resorted to the courts to enforce adherence to dogma. More than anything else, it is the extreme tactics employed by the defenders of the orthodoxy that calls into doubt the accuracy of the history they proclaim to the world."

An ADL-backed "anti-hate speech" law was recently defeated in Congress that would criminalize speech that is "biased" and critical of certain groups, including Jews and homosexuals. They are clearly trying to pass laws here in the U.S. similar to ones already in place in Europe. Regulation and censorship of the internet is not far behind.

[Edited on November 28, 2005 at 10:39 AM. Reason : `]

11/28/2005 10:26:23 AM

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11/28/2005 10:58:58 AM

All American
16575 Posts
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yeah it didnt happen, those death camps were really actually happy fun camps to make people lose weight. fuck off salsbury boy, no one takes you seriously dont you get it

11/28/2005 11:09:42 AM

9434 Posts
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No. You don't get it. As I stated in the first post, these revisionists are NOT saying that Jews didn't go to camps and that Jews didn't die. They are questioning the number that died, the gas chamber stories, and other details of the official "Holocaust" account. The Red Cross and even the Auschwitz Museum have revised down the number that died at the camps.

These revisionists acknowledge that camps existed. They argue that the camps were not death camps, but were slave labor camps. By the way, you do know that the U.S. put Japanese Americans in camps during WWII?

And remember, it wasn't only Jews at the camps. Approximately half (or more) of those in the camps were non-Jewish Germans, Poles, and others. But the MSM and Hollywood would have us believe that only Jews were in the camps and only Jews died. That doesn't make you the least bit suspicious of an agenda here?

And lets not forget that Stalin and the Communists killed FAR more people than they even allege Hitler did. Stalin is thought to have murdered 20 million alone, and the Communists are believed to have killed around 70 million people over the course of their bloody reign. Hitler got his idea for camps from the Communists. The Communists had a vast network of slave labor and death camps in Siberia and throughout Russia long before the Nazis came to power. This is hardly taught in public schools and virtually ignored by the MSM. They would have you believe Hitler is the greatest mass murderer in history, when that is false.

[Edited on November 28, 2005 at 11:24 AM. Reason : `]

11/28/2005 11:14:52 AM

All American
16575 Posts
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oh really, duh i forgot that...germans too. i know more about WW2 then you could learn in a lifetime

[Edited on November 28, 2005 at 11:21 AM. Reason : . ]

11/28/2005 11:21:08 AM

All American
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11/28/2005 12:23:22 PM

All American
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Quote :
"have been arrested or charged with "Holocaust denial""

you can be arrested for crazy ideas? I don't understand what these people are being arrested for, if they don't want to believe it, so be it. If I choose not to believe thatwe are at war with Iraq right now, is someone going to come arrest me?

11/28/2005 12:25:25 PM

9434 Posts
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These men aren't even "Holocaust deniers." They are merely calling into question details of the event, such as the actual number killed (as the Red Cross and the Auschwitz Museum have done). They are being charged with an offense by that title, which is intentionally deceptive. The title of this offense makes casual observers believe that these people are saying that the ENTIRE "Holocaust event" didn't happen and that no camps existed and no one died. THIS IS NOT WHAT THEY ARE ARGUING.

Nevertheless, the offense of "Holocaust denial" includes even questioning the details of the official "Holocaust" account. So, if you argue that 5.5 million died, not 6 million, then you are a "Holocaust denier" under these laws and can go to prison for up to 20 years.

11/28/2005 12:38:22 PM

All American
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11/28/2005 12:42:22 PM

All American
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Another thing that goes to show who controls the strings in the world.

Seriously, why does the Western world suck on the Zionist teat?

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"Last week, in a European country, Muslims were outraged at the offensive cartoons and comments about Islam that appeared in a leading newspaper. Muslims, including ambassadors of Muslim countries, protested and reminded the government that it could undermine its relationship with the Muslim World. They were told categorically that their country was a “democracy” where every person had the “freedom to express” whatever they liked.

A few days later, in another European country, David Irving, a historian, was arrested for doubting the historical facts surrounding the Holocaust. Irving had not directed profanities at Prophet Moses or poked fun at Judaism. He merely voiced his understanding and assessment of a historical incident. For this crime of exercising his “freedom to express” Irving will face the iron hand of a “democracy.”

Is this another glaring example of double standards applied by Western liberal democracies? Are concepts such as freedom, truth and justice simply tools to be manipulated by states or individuals to preserve their vested interests?"

11/28/2005 1:52:30 PM

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it doesn't taste so much like falafel

11/28/2005 2:05:57 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Seriously, why does the Western world suck on the Zionist teat?"

Book of Revelation

11/28/2005 2:10:15 PM

All American
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Scary--I actually somewhat agree with salisburyboy. At least in the US (I think a lot of the arrests are in other countries where they may not have free speech), I see it as free speech (which isn't always correct). There's so many other wacky conspiracy theorists out there and we don't go arresting them.

I put it on the same line as all the craziness about the 9-11 planes not being hijacked, the Pentagon being a bomb, etc. Hell, there are people out there who think the whole moon landing was an elaborate hoax. It's insulting to the memory of the people who died and the ones who made it through the camps, but the Klu Klux Klan is insulting and they are allowed free speech.

I can say the sky is purple. I can write a book about how it didn't actually rain today. Most people will ignore me because they know better--they have more reliable sources (pictures of the rain, multiple testimonies that it did rain today, etc), but it's my Constitutional right.

11/28/2005 2:12:41 PM

All American
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^ it seems you agree with him completely on this matter, as any human being eho believes in freedom of speech should.

anyway, the arrests are in europe, where jews where at the bottom just half a century ago, but where they rule now through their influence.

and europe has free speech. at least thats what they say.

11/28/2005 2:19:17 PM

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Quote :
"Free Speech Is For Everyone - Even David Irving

By Charles Glass
The Independent - UK

Will it be illegal one day to say that the US committed war crimes in Iraq?

David Irving has stated that Hitler knew nothing of the genocide of Europe's Jews. It is a crank outburst here, but a crime in Austria, Germany, Poland and France.

The United Nations General Assembly passed by unanimous consent a resolution on 1 November that "Rejects any denial of the Holocaust as a historic event, either in full or in part". If a historian says - as the leading Holocaust historian of our time, Raul Hilberg, does say - that the number of Jews murdered by the Nazis was 5.2 million rather than the six million, will he be tried before an international tribunal for denying the orthodox version "in part"? Should historic inquiry cease, because the UN and the courts of Austria and Germany have stated their position on the Holocaust? That is no way to suppress fascism. It is fascism.

"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations General Assembly Resolution, 10 December 1948.

One of my first stories as a reporter for The Observer was a student strike in 1977 at the London School of Economics. Whenever a fellow student spoke against the strikers, they chanted, "No free speech for fascists". It had never occurred to me that free speech should be denied to anyone - fascist, communist or vegetarian. That was 1977, and I have since witnessed free speech denied to both those with whom I agree and those whose views repel me. But my belief in freedom of expression requires me to defend the right of both to speak. Otherwise, what is this free speech I believe in? The freedom to agree? "

11/30/2005 12:33:27 PM

All American
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Quote :
"These men aren't even "Holocaust deniers." They are merely calling into question details of the event, such as the actual number killed (as the Red Cross and the Auschwitz Museum have done). They are being charged with an offense by that title, which is intentionally deceptive. The title of this offense makes casual observers believe that these people are saying that the ENTIRE "Holocaust event" didn't happen and that no camps existed and no one died. THIS IS NOT WHAT THEY ARE ARGUING.

Nevertheless, the offense of "Holocaust denial" includes even questioning the details of the official "Holocaust" account. So, if you argue that 5.5 million died, not 6 million, then you are a "Holocaust denier" under these laws and can go to prison for up to 20 years."

This is all true.

11/30/2005 1:17:27 PM

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Quote :
"'Holocaust Denial' Laws are Disgraceful

By Mark Weber - November 27, 2005


“Holocaust denial” laws violate ancient and universal standards of justice. They criminalize even factual or truthful statements that “play down” or “whitewash” the Holocaust. They are selective and one-sided. In countries where they are on the books, the Holocaust is the only chapter of history that cannot be freely discussed. They inhibit historical inquiry and restrict free speech. They are a disgrace, and should be repealed. "

12/1/2005 1:52:27 PM

All American
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I don't think it should be illegal to spout retarded bullshit.

12/1/2005 2:06:04 PM

9434 Posts
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Was it "retarded" for the Auschwitz Museum to revise down the number that died at Auschwitz to 1.5 million? Because that's the type of things these revisionists are talking about. They're NOT saying that no camps existed and no one died. They're questioning things like the actual number of people that died, and under what circumstances they died.

12/1/2005 2:11:13 PM

All American
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"My grandfather DIED in an Allied prison camp."
-Dwight Schrute

12/1/2005 2:18:22 PM

3 of 11
All American
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12/1/2005 6:23:14 PM

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Quote :
"Holocaust Fundamentalism: You WILL Believe

by Mark Green

You've seen the films. You've read the books. You've taken the courses. You've heard the news. Soon, your children will be visiting the museums. Everybody knows it's true.

The era of mandatory belief in The Holocaust has arrived. Articles central to The Faith include unwavering commitment to Jewish casualty numbers with a full and complete understanding of the manner in which innocent Jews were gassed, murdered and executed in Nazi Germany. Recalcitrant non-believers are now being rounded up. The typical rhetoric goes: "these bigots deny the facts and lessons garnered from humankind's experience during WWII. Their unique kind of poison will not be tolerated. This is a democracy. You are under arrest."

Only this is not a movie. This is real.

In Europe and North America, Holocaust skeptics are being apprehended, arrested and are now facing lengthy prison terms. Few people have noticed. Nobody's supposed to care. Big media certainly doesn't. Nor the politicians. These Holocaust-denying apostates include British author and historian David Irving, Holocaust revisionist Ernst Zundel, German chemist Gemar Rudolf, and others. Their crimes involve disbelief: they dispute the official version of events involving Jews during WWII.

In an era where nearly anything goes, why does the truth need special laws to protect it? Curious, that.

Beginning Jan. 27, 2006, and continuing every year thereafter, the United Nations will inaugurate its first annual Holocaust Remembrance Day. This Israeli-sponsored resolution not only institutionalizes and broadens global sensitivity to The Holocaust, but it will surely aid in prosecuting individuals who reject official Holocaust dogma. The State Church has arrived. It's creed: Holocaust fundamentalism."

12/5/2005 12:04:55 PM

 Message Boards » The Soap Box » Why the Sudden Clampdown on Holocaust Revisionists Page [1]  
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