ncWOLFsu Gottfather FTL 12586 Posts user info edit post |
anyone know where i can find the complete boxed set for a good price? most places have em for like $80 per season, but i didn't know if there might be any awesome deals floating around out there.
otherwise i may just do a netflix trial and burn em
[Edited on December 10, 2005 at 2:00 AM. Reason : ] 12/10/2005 1:58:37 AM
phishnlou All American 13446 Posts user info edit post |
if you burn them i will tell 12/10/2005 2:44:26 AM
wolfNstein All American 2353 Posts user info edit post |
i got mine over the summer for $50 a season. it would have been $35 a season if i had sent in the mail-in rebates but i wasn't about to ruin the box buy cutting the upc out.
you should have gotten in on the DDD 20% off deal a few weeks ago. 12/10/2005 10:25:30 AM
ENDContra All American 5160 Posts user info edit post | is your friend 
DVD Empire has all 5 seasons for $263.85 shipped, or $52.77/season 12/10/2005 6:07:06 PM
ncWOLFsu Gottfather FTL 12586 Posts user info edit post |
thanks for the info 12/11/2005 12:03:38 PM