Raige All American 4386 Posts user info edit post |
I have a bunch of video files and they are all quicktime. I'd much rather use mpeg, mpg, or avi. Any good convertors any of you have used that are free or inexpensive? I don't need anything complicated but the ability to add text lines would rock.
I'm looking at doom9.org atm but there's lots to choose from.
Thanks. 3/8/2006 8:27:22 PM |
Raige All American 4386 Posts user info edit post |
After thinking about it... I don't mind paying for a converter if it lets me convert between
asx, avi, mpeg, mpg, mov and other various video types you find online. 3/8/2006 8:30:30 PM |
tchenku midshipman 18590 Posts user info edit post |
total video converter http://www.softslist.com/download-8-8-24131.html
not free
[Edited on March 8, 2006 at 8:43 PM. Reason : ] 3/8/2006 8:42:59 PM |
Lowjack All American 10491 Posts user info edit post |
wtf, QT is the best format out of all of those for having text 3/8/2006 8:51:11 PM |
Raige All American 4386 Posts user info edit post |
eh, but quicktime isn't a very liked format, at least I hate it.
As far as I'm concerned and for my purposes I can just create an .srt file for the damn things.
^^ nice but it doesn't allow me to convert asx files to mpeg/avi. At least as far as I could read.
I have a shitton of quicktime movies from my digitial camera escapades over the past couple years and a plethora of asx, mpeg, avi, mpg files that I'd like to convert all to one standard for my peace of mind. Quicktime isn't an option as the players I use won't let me put them in a playlist. That's easily remidied by using another player but I'd like to make sure anyone else who views them has no issue playing them and doesn't have to download anything extra.
Word of thumb, if Windows Media Player can play it... I'm happy. Most of these videos are shorts (5 minutes or less). 3/8/2006 9:42:49 PM |
tchenku midshipman 18590 Posts user info edit post |
.asx video quality sucks anyway... just throw those away 3/8/2006 9:45:56 PM |
Raige All American 4386 Posts user info edit post |
psh i wish I could but I can't find many of these videos anymore :/ 3/8/2006 10:22:32 PM |
spöokyjon ℵ 18617 Posts user info edit post |
Is there some sort of magical difference between mpg and mpeg files? 3/8/2006 10:52:38 PM |
Raige All American 4386 Posts user info edit post |
I honestly don't know. Most of the videos I have are .mov or .mpeg but there is a slew of .avi, .asx, .asf, and err... a couple others. Some of the new formats I've been getting are .flv which is some form of flash I believe. downloaded from Wimp.com and they won't play in IE or Windows Media Player either. I'm not too concerned about those though. 3/9/2006 8:16:58 AM |