spöokyjon ℵ 18617 Posts user info edit post |
Does anybody know of an HD upconverting player that will allow me to change the color, position, and size of the subtitles? Plenty of software players (VLC, for instance), will allow you to change these things--even the font. Does anybody know of a physical dvd player that will do this? I am looking, specifically, to have the subtitles on scope movies be flush with the bottom of the picture. Most dvd players would have them at the bottom and below the bottom of the picture. Thanks! 5/19/2006 6:44:01 PM |
darkone (\/) (;,,,;) (\/) 11611 Posts user info edit post |
Seriously, use a computer to play your DVDs. It will run at the native resolution of the HDTV and it upconverts the signal by default when you go into full screen mode. It's a great thing to do with an old computer that's 3-5 years old that you don't use anymore. Plus, you generally get superior control with computer based DVD software players. Add a surround sound soundcard and you're good to go. 5/20/2006 4:53:37 PM |