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 Message Boards » » HOW-TO: wireless network with range extenders? Page [1]  
All American
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wireless is easy to set up...but is there anything special i'd have to do to set up an extended wireless network? i'd like to push wireless from the house out to a pool and then again out to a workshop/outbuilding...i'm assuming (a mistake, i know) that all i'd need are two range extenders (i know there's no wireless out by the pool, and because the workshop is over a small hill, i'm assuming it won't reach there, either...i have power available in each location, and in between

is this feasible? what equipment would people recommend? i don't mind buying a new wireless router if there is a brand/model that will support this setup better than others


7/4/2006 10:13:40 AM

All American
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you need to put a repeater between the shop and house, which should cover the pool.

those range extenders are prety worthless except for line of sight

7/4/2006 10:57:39 AM

1513 Posts
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will a proper wrt54g boosted cover that distance without needing an extender? what about a power bump plus a shaped antenna?

[Edited on July 4, 2006 at 11:32 AM. Reason : asdasd]

7/4/2006 11:31:55 AM

All American
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my line of sight is in, there is none

okay, so would ^ be a better option? i realize there's no way to know for sure what will work until you try, but would a boosted wrt54g be a better option if there is too much physical interference?

7/4/2006 11:47:53 AM

All American
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if you dont have real line-of-sight (aka a hill or a serious lump of trees in between), it doesnt really matter how powerful it is.

if you only wanted to connect the workshop to the house, id say just put a cantenna on a pole at the workshop and that should work fine, but since you want pool access too, the best best is to get a router and two repeaters, sit one in between the shop/pool/house and the other at the shop, making sure the one in the middle has decent line of sight to the other two. It's fine if a few trees are in the way, or the corner of a building or something.

7/4/2006 11:56:59 AM

All American
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Not to hi-jack quagmire's thread or anything but I have a very similar question. I use a WRT54G as my primary router but the wireless doesn't cover my entire house, only about half of it. I also have a WRT54GC that I'm not using right now. Is there someway to hard-wire the WRT54GC into the other router and use it as another access point for the same network I have set up?

7/4/2006 1:06:04 PM

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7/4/2006 1:26:24 PM

147487 Posts
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i wish someone could help me with these things

yeah yeah yeah, i know i'd get flamed for trying to get one just to not have to pay internet, but who gives a fuck

7/4/2006 1:59:02 PM

All American
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instead of repeaters, do any of these seem feasible? does anyone have any experience with them or anything like them?

TrendNet TEW-OA14DK 14dBi Outdoor Directional Antenna (~$80)

Hawking Technology HSB2 Hi-Gain WiFi Signal Booster up to 500mW (~$85)

Wireless Garden SCB10 Super Cantenna Wireless Network Booster 12dBi Antenna (~$50)

these are just a couple i found at compusa...i'm not set on them or anything, but i'd rather just hook up an additional antenna (directional is fine as the pool and workshop are in line with the router)...i've just never used anything like this...feel free to opine

7/4/2006 3:04:24 PM

All American
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Quote :
"those range extenders are prety worthless except for line of sight"

Your question was already answered.

If it ain't powered, it's worthless. Ask any sales associate, "range extender" antennae's are one of the highest returned items, because they never work for crap.

And for what any of those cost, you can just buy a powered repeater that will give you a MASSIVE range boost.

Quote :
"Not to hi-jack quagmire's thread or anything but I have a very similar question. I use a WRT54G as my primary router but the wireless doesn't cover my entire house, only about half of it. I also have a WRT54GC that I'm not using right now. Is there someway to hard-wire the WRT54GC into the other router and use it as another access point for the same network I have set up?"

Use the WRT54GC as the primary router, flash the WRT54G with Freeman (google it for a download, its legal and free), and set up the WRT54G as a bridge. It will do exactly what you are asking.

7/4/2006 4:15:17 PM

All American
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nm answered my own question

[Edited on July 4, 2006 at 4:20 PM. Reason : eh]

7/4/2006 4:19:09 PM

All American
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I bought some antennas from these guys for my nursery, I have an omni antenna at the office and I'll point the directional one towards it for special events so we have credit card authorizing and stuff. But with just the omni and my 12" Al powerbook I was able to go around 150yds away through a wall and still have 802.11g With the directional one I so far have shot it 1/4 mile but haven't tired anywhere else yet.



7/4/2006 7:37:58 PM

374 Posts
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we're all college educated, let's talk dbs

this antenna has a better beam width, much better than near pencil width cantennas.

7/4/2006 7:52:13 PM

All American
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You guys must have missed this in his original post so I'll reiterate it to hopefully save him some time and money

Quote :
"because the workshop is over a small hill,"

None of that stuff is going to work. He has got to either put up towers with an antenna to reach over the hill, or put a repeater at the high point.

7/5/2006 12:04:23 AM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » HOW-TO: wireless network with range extenders? Page [1]  
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