With Bhattarai, do we have a test Wednesday or Friday? Last week he said Wednesday and today would be a review, but he didn't review today. That class annoys the crap outta me. Then he rambled on at the end of class today about something on Friday??!
9/11/2006 6:27:43 PM
review - wednesdaytest - fridayhe said this in class last friday (i think)that dude seriously needs to speak up, i sit near the front and have a hard time hearing him sometimes.
9/11/2006 10:39:54 PM
Thank you! You just made my night tonight slightly less stressful, haha.According to his "syllabus" we should have had a test Monday already. It bothers me when I can't plan ahead based on stuff like that.
9/12/2006 12:19:54 PM