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All American
15134 Posts
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we need a thread dedicated to God. a thread for all faiths that focuses on praising The Creator.

think about the possiblities.

10/5/2006 9:36:48 PM

11931 Posts
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Just send me a msg, praises to jazez, b

10/5/2006 9:58:28 PM

147487 Posts
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chapter 1 should be about $

10/5/2006 10:02:59 PM

4838 Posts
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how about a cocaine forum?

10/5/2006 10:38:12 PM

All American
11770 Posts
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we had a customer recently with the name Jesus Angel

10/5/2006 10:51:44 PM

37776 Posts
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So do you want a thread or a forum?

10/6/2006 6:19:54 AM

All American
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10/6/2006 11:39:11 AM

All American
5486 Posts
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So you basically want the soap box... except with EVERY thread degenerating into a flame war or intellectual clusterfuck?

10/6/2006 1:06:31 PM

26780 Posts
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praise allahhh

10/6/2006 1:12:49 PM

All American
6154 Posts
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A religion forum and a college message board would not work very well. Especially on this board. Shit, im guessing that less than 10 5 % of these ncsu fucktards are even christians.

[Edited on October 6, 2006 at 1:26 PM. Reason : adsf]

10/6/2006 1:26:01 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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hmm i could actually support a religious thread. that way we can move all the religious talk out of soap box, which is really supposed to be for politics

10/6/2006 2:26:22 PM

All American
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yeah, but if we did a * thread * all these quacks and sinners would make snide comments. it wouldn't be taken seriously as the Lounge perse.

I say - we need a RELIGIOUS FORUM with a full time moderator.

10/6/2006 2:29:25 PM

Starting Lineup
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Can we get Gary to get on tww and be moderator?

10/6/2006 2:30:44 PM

All American
6154 Posts
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^ are you gonna pay the FULL TIME MODERATOR, G?

10/6/2006 2:31:14 PM

All American
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of course with the religious forum and it having to be serious and all there would have to be a fee or a featured enabled for paid subscribers to post and share information. that way it won't be overrun by faggotry and troublemakers.

so yes the full-time moderater would get a stipend from the paid subscriptions. it's only right.

10/6/2006 2:40:01 PM

All American
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10/6/2006 2:44:37 PM

All American
6154 Posts
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^^ Dont get me wrong, I like the idea, but from my experience on tww I think that 99.9% of the posting users are going to hell.

10/6/2006 3:08:05 PM

All American
5486 Posts
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Quote :
"im guessing that less than 10 5 % of these ncsu fucktards are even christians.

And thank you for showing us just why a religion board would be a disaster.

10/6/2006 7:09:45 PM

All American
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it could work. you just have to believe.

10/7/2006 3:15:18 PM

All American
9807 Posts
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i support this thread

10/7/2006 4:18:27 PM

All American
11254 Posts
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Are you being serious? LOL

So you decide to give your life to do just the other day (I beleive) because you think that's what you need to fix all of your problems and you're already trying to add a religion section?

Not only that but you CLEARLY mean a thread dedicated to your relgion. I'm not sure you realize this but most other faiths have MANY gods not just God. also, THE Creator.. ...

man i'm no even gonna get into it...

this is not the soap box.

10/7/2006 4:50:55 PM

All American
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^ stop causing problems. the Religious Forum would only be for the "ONE GOD" concept that shares no partners. not paganism, B.

10/7/2006 5:05:40 PM

All American
11254 Posts
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I'm just saying my opinion on the topic, it's not like i insulted you or anything...

the great part is that i'm really about the only person who took you seriously and responded with a SERIOUS answer and you only point me out...

10/7/2006 5:21:13 PM

All American
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Praise God. that's all my point is. let's go out and do good deeds, man. I'd like a forum, but even this thread is a start.

Good Day, Ashes. Good Day !!!

10/7/2006 5:26:01 PM

All American
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^^ I was serious.

10/7/2006 5:35:40 PM

supple anteater
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Countless stories of the bible are used in older & newer religions. Just b/c it has some of the most popular versions the great flood (gilgamesh), or woman bringing down the fall of man (pandora), demi-god returning from the dead (achilles), and so many others & the examples I gave are just one name of lots that could be used to fill those specific voids. To limit religion discussion to monotheism, that’s in many ways a copy of older polythiesms like the greco-roman gods & zoroastrianism would be cutting out a significant part of what religion is. Cutting out the politics of religion cuts out another huge chunk. Calls for people to help other doesn’t require god(s), and calls for praise shouldn’t be limited to one religious type. The current soap box does what we need, but if we add a religious forum, the types of religion shouldn't be restricted. (I wont get into the merits of polytheism or atheism here, but they do have their own that are worth as much attention as monotheism).

The 2nd annual charity/scholarship fundraiser ( )that I was a cocreater of occurred yesterday, and I spent the workday helping pets get medical care. Not all good things are tied directly to Yahweh.

[Edited on October 7, 2006 at 6:47 PM. Reason : .]

10/7/2006 6:41:08 PM

All American
7620 Posts
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Quote :
"To limit religion discussion to monotheism, that’s in many ways a copy of older polythiesms like the greco-roman gods & zoroastrianism would be cutting out a significant part of what religion is"

Holy crap, a serious response! I like how the first post of this thread mentions something about "all faiths" and later mentions "ONE GOD" only.

Limit such discussion to the Soap Box. Otherwise, find another message board. I'm surprised a suggestion would come from somebody with this many posts ... should know TWW better than that.

10/7/2006 7:42:40 PM

All American
15134 Posts
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okay. point taken. i suppose it would be like a tree. the FORUM would be the RELIGIOUS FORUM, but the pagans can make their own threads about their pagan gods, etc . . . . . Christians can make threads about certain chapters of the Bible . . . . etc. and Catholicism, etc.

so again, Point taken. and God Bless you all. i think we're moving into a good direction.

10/7/2006 7:45:34 PM

supple anteater
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The reason the Vatican stores many of their pictures/representations of Apollo is that many depictions of Jesus are based on what Apollo was supposed to look like. (Apollo also spent much of his life confronting serpents & satyrs-goatman creatures... much like his later counterpart in christianity)

For example, here’s a pic of Apollo

Or Theseus, son of a god & mortal, dies, comes back to life. Hercules, son of a god & mortal, dies, comes back to life & goes on to become a full god/ascend to heaven.

Immaculate conception is also a story related to the gods since long before christianity. I mentioned the great flood as it was related to the gilgamesh story, but it was also told by the ancient greeks & a holy couple that survives to repopulate the world (but the guys name certainly wasn't noah).

I don't think you can have a complete discussion of Christianity without allowing discussion of the older pagan religions its based on, so splitting up the threads might not work so well.

In all the "pagan" religions these stories represent practical elements of life. Like the water to wine trick in the ancient greek associated with Dionysus or Athena I think religion corresponds to the technology to store fruit/juice/nutrients in the form of wine which was key to ancient populations.

The soap box has always been the location of religion threads, I don't see any reason why you can't post there to discuss whatever you want to discuss.
I said I wouldn’t go into the merits of Polytheism & Atheism in my earlier post, but I think I’ll throw a little out there… not enough to fully defend them, but just enough to show they do have arguments in their favour.

Polytheism for example doesn’t force unity & oneness so hard. For example the concept of justice (NIKE) & love (APHRODITE) seem different. Like if the cops come to your house asking for your child who committed a crime & you decide to either give him up, or keep him hidden, it seems like you are weighing multiple valuable concepts, and either decision has some merit. Also, if you view atheism is bad, then consider that polytheism is further from it than is monotheism. Also Gods & Goddess like appearing as foreigners or as old men or women or poor/hungry people to emphasize the message that people should look out for the worst off/weak/unable to defend themselves classes in society. The story of the Danaides is also one against genocide, but it’s a little long to go into here just yet. And polytheism isn’t so different than mono theism, they both tend to have a chief sky god, some demi gods, humans, lots of demons, and a chief of the underworld.

Atheism on the other hand has any good acts as purely good acts, rather than for afterlife reward. Good acts for afterlife reward seems to be about the moral equivalent of a dog sitting for a treat. I mean an afterlife concept makes practical sense in ancient times when life was harder, but less so now.

Many of Christianity’s stories are copies of older stories, it’s easy to see how the older stories were based off practical realities rather than supernatural gods, so it would follow that the copied stories in Christianity problem don’t represent literal god human interactions either.

10/7/2006 10:30:58 PM

All American
7194 Posts
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If a forum like were to exist, then surely WW3 will break out on this site

10/8/2006 2:23:29 PM

All American
11177 Posts
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Quote :
"Let’s back up even fucking further, shall we? Can anyone tell me how old Christmas is? Anyone? Two thousand years, give or take, right? Gee, who’s been reading their No Child Left Behind History Textbooks? Try fucking four thousand years. Huh. Twice as fucking long as your little baby king has been around. How could that possibly be, unless. . . waitaminute. . .

Christmas isn’t fucking Christian. Ok, now we’re talking.

That’s right, that Yuletide cheer you’re spreading? What exactly do you think Yule is? It's the fucking Pagan celebration of solstice. And those “Christmas” traditions? They’re not just like Pagan rituals, they fucking are Pagan rituals. Way before your Jesus got all magical with the bread and fishes, the Romans were celebrating the birth of Mithra on . . . guess? Go on – guess. December fucking twenty fifth. What a weird coincidence. Practically the whole thing is ripped off from the fucking Druids and the Romans. Twelve days? Check. Exchanging gifts? Check. Mistletoe? Check. And you’d better fucking believe that those decorated trees that Gibson and Co. are so bent out of shape over are as Pagan as the Rune and Crystal Shack at Pentagramfest 2005. You might as well be building miniature fucking Stonehenges in your den.

And don’t you read your own goddamn Bibles? Jesus was born when? In the middle of winter? Lot of Shepherds out watching their flocks around that time of year in Bethlehem? No, because they’d be freezing their fucking asses off. Tell you what – y’all go figure out which one of the different Bible stories about the birth of Baby Jesus® you want to believe, and then we’ll argue about whether it fucking happened like that or not.

Christians just stole a bunch of traditions from other cultures, slapped them together, stuck a fucking tinfoil star on top and called it the Most Important Holiday of the Year. Modern American Christmas makes Michael Jackson look positively organic."

10/8/2006 10:08:30 PM

All American
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I'm sure that would like their credit for that last quote.

10/9/2006 1:34:30 AM

All American
15134 Posts
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the RELIGIOUS FORUM needs to be created. LETS DO IT !!!!

10/9/2006 10:46:42 AM

All American
2384 Posts
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i know you're getting a kick out of this bit, but its not going anywhere.

10/9/2006 12:25:55 PM

All American
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what do you know ??? ! i think it's possible. it should be. students at STATE would definitely support this . . . (like for sure).

10/9/2006 5:49:49 PM

All American
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seriously. how did we make change to tdub. this is important to me.

10/11/2006 3:54:27 PM

All American
11177 Posts
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1- ask for one or several things repeatedly
2- watch as something completely unrelated to all of them pops up

you asking for a religion forum just means we'll end up with storage space for five more pictures.

10/11/2006 7:53:17 PM

All American
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why are you guys afraid of this. lets make it happen.

11/7/2006 2:35:09 PM

All American
11811 Posts
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Quote :
"^ stop causing problems. the Religious Forum would only be for the "ONE GOD" concept that shares no partners. not paganism, B."

Well that's pretty shitty. What's the point of having a place where only one veiwpoint can be discussed? This isn't T-dub Church Edition. I think it would be very enlightening for Hindu's and Buddhists to be able to share their thoughts on the world and as a follower of Shinto I would love to be able to discuss ideas without the zealots flaming my paganism as if it's some kind of pajorative.

11/8/2006 2:59:07 AM

All American
30652 Posts
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Bad idea.

[Edited on November 8, 2006 at 3:25 AM. Reason : /]

11/8/2006 3:25:02 AM

All American
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awesome idea.

11/9/2006 1:38:02 PM

50084 Posts
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God approves of banging out pregnant chicks.

11/9/2006 1:39:43 PM

All American
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who's got the guts to start the FORUM.

11/11/2006 2:45:14 PM

All American
11811 Posts
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If it's just for Jesus/Allah/Yaweh people then no thanks.

11/12/2006 12:05:36 AM

10517 Posts
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Your reasoning for discluding all religions that are not monotheistic is pretty much retarded.

I'll stick to relgion forums that aren't populated by people who use "WHADDUP, B?" as a greeting and refuse to address paganism as a true beleif system (not saying I am pagan, but I'm definately a fan of mysticism).

[Edited on November 12, 2006 at 1:41 AM. Reason : .]

11/12/2006 1:38:00 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I'll stick to relgion forums that aren't populated by people who use "WHADDUP, B?" as a greeting and refuse to address paganism as a true beleif system (not saying I am pagan, but I'm definately a fan of mysticism)."

you're wrong. I've never used the term WHADDUP, B? and also I do think Sufi Mysticism is a valid Religion. stop being a VAG spread.

11/12/2006 10:21:49 AM

All American
48079 Posts
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^ And yet,

Quote :
"the Religious Forum would only be for the "ONE GOD" concept that shares no partners."

11/12/2006 5:12:14 PM

2019 Egg Champ
46681 Posts
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If TWW gets a board dedicated to praising God, I'm quitting.

11/12/2006 6:52:26 PM

All American
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then QUIT you little fornicating whorebag. i saw your most recent post. a religious forum would be too good for your kind.

11/13/2006 12:22:18 AM

10517 Posts
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Quote :
"I do think Sufi Mysticism is a valid Religion. stop being a VAG spread."

And yet you don't think paganism should be discussed in a "religion" forum?

11/13/2006 12:46:43 AM

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