Crazywade All American 4918 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | " Fans Urged to Bring Back Towels Courtesy: NC State Release: 10/11/2006 Send this article to a friend Print
Following the success of the white Blue Cross Blue Shield "Howl Towels" that were given away at the Thursday night Florida State game, fans are encouraged to bring their towels back to the remaining home games this season.
In his weekly press conference Coach Amato made reference to the tremendous crowd support. "It was loud," Amato said. "I had some people I talked with on Friday that were at a couple of Southeastern Conference big games the last couple of weeks, and they thought the stadiums they were at were just off the wall. And they were here, and they said they didn't compare to this on that particular night."
"I went to all those hockey matches, and as you walked into the arena they handed you either a towel or a pompom," he said, "And what it does, when you stand up and you do this (wave) with a towel, something comes out of here (mouth), too. It does. I mean, if I didn't have a towel, I wouldn't have stood up. And if I didn't stand up, I wouldn't have made any noise. But everyone else stood up and shook their shaker and noise came out of their mouth."
" |
10/13/2006 11:22:16 AM
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit post |
lol looks like chuck has taken a course in psychology or something 10/13/2006 11:26:36 AM
Nashattack All American 7022 Posts user info edit post |
it did look awsome...
only thing is ... I washed my 21 towels (stfu) and they all turned pink!
not bringin mine back 10/13/2006 11:30:58 AM
ENDContra All American 5160 Posts user info edit post |
I never got one in the first place...oh well. Those things must be fairly cheap to make, they just need to get someone to put their name on it and pay for it and give them out at every game....oh, and make them RED. 10/13/2006 11:37:41 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148893 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | ""I went to all those hockey matches, and as you walked into the arena they handed you either a towel or a pompom," he said, "And what it does, when you stand up and you do this (wave) with a towel, something comes out of here (mouth), too. It does. I mean, if I didn't have a towel, I wouldn't have stood up. And if I didn't stand up, I wouldn't have made any noise. But everyone else stood up and shook their shaker and noise came out of their mouth."" |
haha...what? 10/13/2006 11:47:06 AM
ncWOLFsu Gottfather FTL 12586 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Those things must be fairly cheap to make, they just need to get someone to put their name on it and pay for it and give them out at every game....oh, and make them RED." |
agree with everything but the red. everyone should be wearing red. white stands out and is more visible. looked really good in the student sections. 10/13/2006 11:47:48 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148893 Posts user info edit post |
^i definitely agree about the colors and what stands out, etc
but would be pretty wild if our team came out in the red tops and red pants, everyone in the crowd was wearing red and all had red towels 10/13/2006 11:50:33 AM
jmpack15 All American 4470 Posts user info edit post |
i cant find my red one, who has my shit?
red/white, bring one or the other. a mix would look pretty cool.... but all white definitely works the best.
[Edited on October 13, 2006 at 11:56 AM. Reason : go to hell wake] 10/13/2006 11:55:13 AM
markgoal All American 15996 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "“It’s the loudest that I can remember in my seven years back here,” said NC State head coach Chuck Amato. “Coach [Bobby] Bowden called me and he got to talking about the crowd. He said ‘Chuck, we’ve been to Gainesville, we’ve been to the University of Miami at the Orange Bowl, we’ve been down to LSU, we’ve been to Auburn and Nebraska, but our people said it was the loudest stadium we’ve ever been in.’”" |
10/13/2006 12:06:23 PM
ncWOLFsu Gottfather FTL 12586 Posts user info edit post |
^that's awesome, got a link for that? 10/13/2006 12:08:21 PM
slackerb All American 5093 Posts user info edit post |
That's awesome guys. Let's keep it loud for Wake! 10/13/2006 12:09:55 PM
Rat Suspended 5724 Posts user info edit post |
more noise during defense means more screw ups for WAKE offense 10/13/2006 12:14:15 PM
Nashattack All American 7022 Posts user info edit post |
the crowd was really the reason we won that game...
without the crowd being so loud, they dont burn timeouts early in the 2nd half... then they can stop the clock when we are taking knees at the end..
do it again for wake!!! 10/13/2006 12:17:57 PM
packboozie All American 17452 Posts user info edit post |
 10/13/2006 12:19:10 PM
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "and make them RED" |
they gave out red ones last year 10/13/2006 1:42:10 PM
Lutz All American 1102 Posts user info edit post |
ive got like 3-4 red ones  10/13/2006 1:45:13 PM
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit post |
it'd be nice if that Bowden quote could be shown on the jumbotron every game 10/13/2006 1:45:58 PM
Lutz All American 1102 Posts user info edit post |
i debated making a new thread but i know ill be hated for it. so bring towels but more importantly WEAR RED SHIRTS. i see people wearing grey, white, black, etc. WEAR RED!!! 10/13/2006 1:47:14 PM
hcnguyen Suspended 4297 Posts user info edit post |
maybe we'll be able to fill up the noise meter in ncaa 08 10/13/2006 1:48:32 PM
State409c Suspended 19558 Posts user info edit post |
Send a comment to the media department, you never know, they might do something smart for a change.
[Edited on October 13, 2006 at 1:48 PM. Reason : ^^^] 10/13/2006 1:48:43 PM
golfpack All American 2278 Posts user info edit post |
it wont be as red on sat. b/c its suppose to be cold and not everyone has red jackets  10/13/2006 1:50:20 PM
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
red sweatshirts maybe / i have like 10 10/13/2006 1:53:06 PM
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit post |
a good idea to contact the media dept about it...but i doubt my email will do anything
anyone on here have any connections with those that run the jumbotron? 10/13/2006 2:02:07 PM
SouthPaW12 All American 10141 Posts user info edit post |
I'll be rockin' my RED NC STATE HOODIE
Every State fan should own at least one, c'mon 10/13/2006 2:10:46 PM
rosschilen All American 1025 Posts user info edit post |
During freshman orientation there should be a dedicated presentation towards cheering at football/basketball games.
Too many people are screaming their heads of when we are on offense and starting organized cheers.
I try to say something to them, but they think they dont have an effect even though Brown and Evans are doing the quiet down motion I do appreciate their enthusiasm though. 10/13/2006 2:34:38 PM
jnpaul All American 9807 Posts user info edit post |
i think weve been doing alot better job of being quiet when weve been on offense
atleast in my opinion 10/13/2006 2:53:57 PM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
They should also teach everyone how to clap in rhythm during the fight song. 10/13/2006 3:03:43 PM
Lutz All American 1102 Posts user info edit post |
^i agree percy 10/13/2006 3:10:36 PM
PackGuitar All American 6059 Posts user info edit post |
remember when herbstreit said trestman looked like a big geek computer nerd 10/13/2006 3:13:18 PM
Nothing2U Veteran 115 Posts user info edit post |
they should also teach them how to go, "NNNN... CCCC... STAAAATE... NC STATE!" like in the good old days, when the students knew how to cheer, instead of "N C STATE! N C STATE! N C STATE!" as fast as possible, until no one knows what we are saying.
[Edited on October 13, 2006 at 3:13 PM. Reason : sssssss] 10/13/2006 3:13:36 PM
ncsuftw1 BEAP BEAP 15126 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Send a comment to the media department, you never know, they might do something smart for a change." |
it needs to go here: ADDRESS • 1400 Edwards Mill Road Raleigh NC 27607 PHONE - FAX • 919.861.5446 - 919.861.2310 EMAIL •
(i don't think that email works though.. call them) 10/13/2006 4:00:44 PM
hcnguyen Suspended 4297 Posts user info edit post |
i dont like the band playing right after the other team just made a big play or touchdown 10/13/2006 4:03:15 PM