happymeal Veteran 357 Posts user info edit post |
I'm looking to buy a 46" LCD tv and I can't seem to find one that works properly. I've looked at the Sony XBR models and the Sharp Aquos, two name brands you'd expect to be top of the line. Well, after reading issues of clouding and banding I don't see how paying $3000 for a tv that doesn't work propery is a good deal. I've noticed that's it's only been with the tv's with 1080i resolution. I've looked at the Sony KDL-46S2010. It seems to not have the problems. Although it's lower resolution, I'm considering it if the higher end models suck. Does anyone have an experience in the area? Greatly appreciated. 1/15/2007 7:25:43 PM
moron All American 34495 Posts user info edit post |
The s2010 is going to be worse than the XBR in every way.
Any LCD is going to have issues with banding to some extent, because many LCDs can't reproduce the full color gamut, and they have to compress the range of colors, which is what causes this. You can compensate for this by adjusting the brightness and contrast (and other settings) to significantly reduce the effect.
If you have the $$$, get the XBR. 1/15/2007 7:41:20 PM
Charybdisjim All American 5486 Posts user info edit post |
Unless you're going nuts over something on blue-ray, then a "1,365x768" (720p) LCD screen should be fine. There aren't really any 1080i LCD screens though. I hate it when they list something with ~720 vertical resolution as "1080i capable."
That being said, if you want to spend a lot of money on a home theatre system and tv right now, you're buying at the worst time. Wait for end-of-fiscal year clearence sales OR pre-christmas sales whenever possible. You can save between 30-40% on your entire purchase. A while back I would have said "wait for SED TV or OLED" so you'd get the best color reproduction and awesome blacks, but with the whole SED partnership falling apart and OLED displays just finally appearing at CES in earnest... meh.
Also, if the issues with LCD's you mentioned bug you that much, you may want to consider something like DLP or LCoS instead. For around 3000 you can get a Mitsubishi WD-65831. My uncle just put one of those in and it's amazing. A little large mind you but still.
Anyways, don't settle on an insanely expensive choice like that by reviews alone. Depending on your eyesight, attention span, and a dozen other personal things you may:
1) Not notice things that the reviewer made a big stink about 2) See and be bothered by things the reviewer either dismissed or didn't see 3) Not be able to tell the difference between a $2000 and $3000 display.
Try to take a look at the models in a store first. Reviews online can point out defect rates and major deficiencies, but don't trust them very far.
[Edited on January 15, 2007 at 7:53 PM. Reason : ] 1/15/2007 7:43:12 PM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
i think i've decided to get a cheaper tv until hdmi 1.3 comes out.
i want 1080p so i can use it for a monitor in my room @ a later date.
i'm thinking westy 37 or 42 but bestbuy's website doesn't have the 42 right now i would order it from crutchfield but they're out of stock till after my birthday.
btw... if you buy the tv in person and it clouds... take it back.. its not that hard. 1/15/2007 9:48:22 PM
FenderFreek All American 2805 Posts user info edit post |
If you know anyone w/ a Sam's or Costco membership, there's a line called "Visio" that they only sell in those warehouse type of stores, but is actually a really good value. One of my roomates just bought a 42" from there for just over a grand, and it's amazing. It's a 1080p capable LCD, and also has VGA for a computer, which also looks great. Playing Gears of war looks insane on there, and everything is just as bright, crisp, and clear as you would ever want. I'd never heard of it before, but seeing is believing - you don't have to spend an assload of cash to get a nice TV, you just have to know where to go. 1/16/2007 12:24:03 AM
daman04 Veteran 241 Posts user info edit post |
Costco has the 47" Vizio 1080p LCD screen for $1650 through this week. From reading the thread at avsforum, seems like its a great deal. 1/16/2007 8:37:51 PM
happymeal Veteran 357 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah, I've looked at the Vizio at BJ's and Sam's. But when you compare it to the Sony, there's no competition. I thought it was ok, you're getting what you pay for there. The angle viewing wasn't that good. But I guess once I got something like that in my home and don't have anything to compare it to, i'm sure it would look great. I'm just a picky person and like to get good stuff. I think I'm going to hold off on the LCD for now and see what comes out this year. 1/16/2007 10:18:34 PM