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I want to build an interface for my work. So that when a patient calls, i can pull up their name. Then through a series of drop down menus select what supplements they need to order. For each supplement, I need there to be a new set of conditions (how many times a day, with/with out food etc...) Does anyone have experience in creating such a thing? if so, any guidance would be very appreciated.


3/28/2007 9:42:10 AM

All American
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it's for work - you could hire someone

unless you're supposed to be that guy haha

3/28/2007 9:48:00 AM

All American
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Its easier than you think.

Are you trying to create a product info database or a customer transaction history? Are the conditions for each supplement unique to each customer or is it unique to the supplement (like medication instructions)?

3/28/2007 12:52:58 PM

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its unique to the customer (and i am that guy, not in my job description, but id like to give it a shot before i tell him i cant do it)

I need him to be able to type in a clients name, or pull it up

then have multiple spaces for their individual supplements. where he can just open a drop down box and find the suplement he wants.

next to each line a supplement will be options (directions) for its use. maybe more drop down boxes or yes no buttons. 1X, 2X, 3X daily, with with/out food...

each one of our patients take about 10-25 supplements, so i need all that, on each line. and the possibility of having 1 - 100 lines. then for him to be able to make a print out for them, and save a copy on our hard drive for our records...

i may be in way over my head for a PS major turned med student... but any help would be great before i go buy 'MICROSOFT ACCESS FOR DUMMIES' and waste my time reading that.


3/28/2007 2:01:19 PM

All American
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If you don'tknow anything about MS Access or VBA, then stop what you are doing. Seriously, it'll take you weeks or months to get a polished product. An experienced person could get it done in perhaps a day or 2 (assuming the DB exists). They could certainly design the database in a matter of hours but it would take some time to fill in the data if the DB doesn't already exist.

I've got about 5 years VBA experience and about a year with Access in particular. Access has some nifty tools for creating queries, reports and forms (data entry / editing windows), but it can be difficult or impossible to get them to do what you want them to without writing code. Furthermore, you won't get ANYWHERE if you don't understand how to implement relational databases.

A 'for dummies book' is not going to get you to the point you need to be at to make a reliable product. When you're dealing with medication, inconsistent or incorrect data is actually quite serious and it's easy to make mistakes with queries when you don't know what you're doing.

[Edited on March 28, 2007 at 4:03 PM. Reason : ]

3/28/2007 3:59:22 PM

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yeah, i understand how complex it can be, ive made an experimental one right now. I havent been hired to make this for my boss. i am just trying to expedite and make the process easier. Right now he hand writes everything down, then gives it to me and i re type it up on word. after try to decipher his hand writing, and sometimes old files being lost or misplaced because they are all on a different kind of paper i thought that this would be an ok solution. i've worked with access a little in my past. but only with simple DBs, queries and macros. the databases exist in so much i just need to copy and paste them from the quickbooks files to access, not difficult at all. its just getting that form page and having the correct relationships that i am having trouble with.

3/28/2007 4:13:15 PM

All American
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Long-term, an Access database will cost you more time and money than any benefit it could churn out.

Short-term, its an OK solution. If your boss is happy with it, push to move on to something more advanced. Look into Office 2007 products (I think they have a Forms Server or something similar).

[Edited on March 28, 2007 at 7:47 PM. Reason : .]

3/28/2007 7:47:30 PM

All American
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This is very doable from a developer's perspective, but it would take someone with no experience a long time simply to figure out how to properly create the relational database. TO be honest, its hard to really say how difficult its going to be without looking at the data. Off the top of my head, I can see this being really simple and I can also see how this could be too overwhelming for you to even consider.

I hate working with Access and VBA, it can be a real pain. It will fit your needs for a small scale enterprise like this but you would definitely want to look into something web-driven in the future for enhanced features, security, and such.

3/28/2007 11:12:07 PM

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im thinking of just using excel now, but as you guys said its way over my head, ... is there a simple way to make combo boxes. I found how to embed them into the sheet.... but when it comes to filling in what you actually want in the combo box i am lost. i double clicked on it and it brought up a box full of code. I know nothing about vba and wanted to know if there is a simple way of explaining to me where i can type in the medication so they will be available in the drop down box..


3/29/2007 12:09:02 PM

209 Posts
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nevermind, i figured it out. Now i need help on something else...

anyone know what i do after i insert the check box from the control toolbox? like how to activate it? (i know no visual basic)

3/29/2007 1:09:18 PM

All American
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1) Access is a great database for what you are doing technically speaking. Don't let anyone tell you different.

2) If your idea takes off for true development, then it's a JOKE to convert stuff.

3) Access is a security hole. You can make it all one package and someone can cut and paste that to a USB drive in seconds and there goes your customer data. Do NOT keep SS#'s, or CC#'s in it. It's not you stealing it I'm worried about. It's the fact you catch the fall for it.

4) Access can easily be tied to a web interface.

5) Access has built in forms for submitted and managing data behind the scenes. It's a bit of a learning experience but once you get it down it's pretty easy to manage.

But like other people said, if this is something that will become mainstream for your group you might want to invest in a prewritten app, or have someone write it for you.

3/29/2007 1:51:46 PM

209 Posts
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nah, its nothing main stream. i work in a small autistic clinic, and i was just trying to do something extra for my boss, and maybe get a raise out of it. Plus, itll make my life easier because i wont have to try to decipher his hand writting. he likes to write on whatever he can get his hands on... very unorganized, ive had them written down on a paper towel before, then i have to type them up.... a lot of his consults are on the phone...

3/29/2007 2:04:14 PM

All American
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If you are going to take the time to develop anything then go ahead and do Access over an Excel spreadsheet.

3/30/2007 2:09:38 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » Microsoft Access Page [1]  
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