evan All American 27701 Posts user info edit post |
mkay. my MCSE skillz are failing me on this one, 'cause that was like 3 years ago.
on my work laptop, i've got winxp installed and the computer is joined to the domain, blah blah blah
if i upgrade to vista business, will it break the domain membership? i don't have a domain admin account so i can't rejoin if i do unless i get corporate IT involved, and it'll take forever.
i know when you upgrade from win2k to xp pro, it retains the membership, but i dunno about vista. 6/18/2007 11:21:35 AM |
smoothcrim Universal Magnetic! 18971 Posts user info edit post |
it's standard practice to remove it from the domain and then readd it on an OS update. I'm not 100% sure but the SID may change going from xp to vista, breaking things if you don't do that.
[Edited on June 18, 2007 at 11:31 AM. Reason : you could use ghostwalk though..] 6/18/2007 11:31:06 AM |