HUR All American 17732 Posts user info edit post |
For some reason my Xbox while playing a game will randomly be like "There's a problem with the disc you're using it may be dirty or damaged"
I checked the game I was using and the disc looks fine. My xbox will randomly do this for several other games too. It is really getting frustrating b.c i've been playing Madden 2007 and it will pull this shit during the middle of a game. what can i do to fix this? 7/15/2007 6:10:10 PM |
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on July 15, 2007 at 6:11 PM. Reason : sorry, thought i was in chit chat.. ]
7/15/2007 6:11:26 PM |
cyrion All American 27139 Posts user info edit post |
not much really. my 360 has only ever done that on 2 games, both of which i had played for 50+ hours. switching it out with a brand new one solved the problem for a while as well. you could try resurfacing the disk, but beyond that you'll just have to live (or try twista's go to the dashboard before turnoff method) 7/15/2007 6:12:38 PM |
TJB627 All American 2110 Posts user info edit post |
Mine does that with just about every game now, they used some crappy DVD drives in those things, best thing would probably be to replace it. 7/15/2007 8:17:03 PM |
Charybdisjim All American 5486 Posts user info edit post |
Blah, I really want an xbox 360 because of some of the games coming out for it this fall... but I keep hearing so much bad shit about it. 7/15/2007 8:59:51 PM |
cyrion All American 27139 Posts user info edit post |
the newer ones have none of these problems really, just a lot of old ones and they're being fixed eh. i wouldnt hesitate to buy another and i have one that did break once. 7/15/2007 10:43:02 PM |
Charybdisjim All American 5486 Posts user info edit post |
The whole "new ones have none of the problems" is the same thing people were telling me a few months back when the power adapters were over-heating and then the whole red lights of death thing. The fact that Microsoft has to spend over a billion to replace defective Xbox 360's makes me uneasy about buying them. Sure they should have those problems worked out, but if I'm going to sink 600 bucks into a new console + games+ accessories I want it to not cause me tons of issues. I don't want to buy the Wii because I want serious games with graphics I couldn't get out of my moderately priced computers. I kind of want a ps3 because of the blue-ray player, but I'd like games to play on it too. The Xbox 360 has the games and the online support but the reliability issues are definitely making me hesitant to buy it. 7/16/2007 12:16:39 AM |
jbtilley All American 12801 Posts user info edit post |
Are you talking about the xbox or the xbox 360?
Here's a link for the xbox:
I had this same problem. It turned out that my xbox had one of the infamous thompson dvd drives and it finally gave out after 5 years. From what I understand I was lucky to get 5 years out of a thompson drive. I followed their guide for removing the dvd drive, taking it apart, and cleaning it but the problems still persisted.
I finally broke down and bought a used xbox with a manufacturing date that assured me that I wouldn't get another thompson drive. I was hoping that the 360's backwards compatibility functionality would come through for me so I could avoid getting another xbox altogether but it looks like they have abandoned the idea that every game would be backwards compatible. Plus I'm hesitant to buy a 360 because of the same reasons as mentioned ^.
Oh, one last thing - it was the DVD drive, not the disks. All the games I got frequent errors on have never given me the dirty disk error on my new xbox.
[Edited on July 16, 2007 at 3:18 PM. Reason : -] 7/16/2007 3:15:28 PM |
cyrion All American 27139 Posts user info edit post |
^^ shrug, they had to spend a lot of money because they sold a lot of consoles in 2 years. oh no, i sunk 600 bucks into a console and now ...oh wait they fix it for free now, so i dont know why im worried except that i might (though unlikely with a new one) have to send it in for free.
i understand the worry, but it isnt going to cost you anything really except some time. 7/16/2007 3:45:38 PM |
FanatiK All American 4248 Posts user info edit post |
Hardware wise, the X360 is a real piece of shit.
There, I said it. 7/16/2007 4:05:21 PM |
Drovkin All American 8438 Posts user info edit post |
i'll take a fun piece of shit over a shiny nice boring block any day 7/16/2007 4:30:03 PM |
FanatiK All American 4248 Posts user info edit post |
yes, but would you spend $400+ (likely way more) for a fun piece of shit? 7/16/2007 5:06:57 PM |
Stein All American 19842 Posts user info edit post |
Somehow it's like the Playstation 2 never happened for every PS3 fanboy bitching about the 360's reliability. 7/16/2007 6:15:22 PM |
FanatiK All American 4248 Posts user info edit post |
I'd be bitching if I'd spent $400 on a machine that constantly bricks.
I did not, therefore I am merely 'slightly amused'. 7/17/2007 1:56:46 PM |
Charybdisjim All American 5486 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i understand the worry, but it isnt going to cost you anything really except some time." |
Time and annoyance is the key. One of my friends has had to have their xbox 360 replaced 3 times now, and the third time it took him about 3 weeks to get it back. Sure it didn't cost him anything, but free shipping and repair /= no hassle. It doesn't matter how free it is if you can't play it.
^^Having never owned either a ps2 or ps3, I wouldn't really consider myself fanboy. While I would certainly buy one if it had more than 2 games that interested me, that's not the case. I find myself frustrated because I like the ps3's hardware and the xbox 360's games and want to buy one of them, but Sony and Microsoft continue to fuck things up enough that I am reluctant to shell out the cash.
[Edited on July 17, 2007 at 2:54 PM. Reason : ]7/17/2007 2:51:29 PM |
DeputyDog All American 2059 Posts user info edit post |
My launch console is still going on strong. Ive only seen the red lights a couple of times but i think its because each time I was doing some weird stuff and prolly found a few bugs. All I had to do both times was turn it off and back on again and I was golden. 7/19/2007 7:42:14 AM |
Drovkin All American 8438 Posts user info edit post |
I'm pretty surprised mine has already bricked
I just got it last December 7/19/2007 8:05:37 AM |
cyrion All American 27139 Posts user info edit post |
my first one crapped out about 9 months after i got it. second one has been fine and ive had no issues. so out of the 15 months ive owned it, i didnt have it for 2 weeks...i lived and had fun the other many weeks. 7/19/2007 1:54:26 PM |
pureplayan All American 1684 Posts user info edit post |
mine hasn't fucked up, but then again i haven't applied any patch's to it.. It's been without internet updates since I bought it, a year ago 7/19/2007 1:57:17 PM |