duckillers Veteran 328 Posts user info edit post |
Alright guys i don't know a lot about a computer but I know a lot more than most people I know. My question is, every computer i get the longer i use it the slower it gets eventually. I just bought a HP dv8000 laptop last May and lately it is getting a little slower. I do download music (I have 1800 songs) but that is about all that I download. I defrag and cleanup my computer every now and again and that seems to help but it still doesn't run like it did when i bought it. I think i've heard you can remove your temp files (don't know exactly what that is) and other things to help my computer run faster but i don't know how to do that stuff. Is this just normal and i'm SOL or is there something I can do? Thanks in advance for any help. 10/16/2007 6:09:13 PM |
darkone (\/) (;,,,;) (\/) 11611 Posts user info edit post |
Backup anything you want to keep on a burnt CD/DVD and then reformat. It will run like new. 10/16/2007 6:17:40 PM |
fatphatboy88 All American 754 Posts user info edit post |
download CCleaner and run it, it will remove alot of junk fast and then do the registry cleaner too, that will help some 10/16/2007 6:31:05 PM |